Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 5 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 5 Memories
"It seems that three years in the killing city have not turned your brain into the shape of a reckless man." Guang's voice was a little cheerful. Bibi Dong, who was sitting cross-legged in the carriage and meditating, looked at the scenery outside the window in silence.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were on a carriage behind them. Their total number was no more than seven or eight people, bearing the title of Bishop of Wuhun Hall.

Bibi Dong's meditation method comes from light, and Guang is very clear about his work. This meditation method doesn't even have a name, and the third layer only records some of his conjectures.

As for the most obvious effect, it is the second level, because the eight meridians on the first level are penetrated by Bibi Dong. Not only is she born with full soul power, but also the eight meridians are innately penetrated. He naturally customized the eight meridians for Bibi Dong based on the eight meridians. It's basic.

Bibi Dong gave this meditation method with great care. Guang, as the author, clearly told Bibi Dong that the key to the second level of meditation method is mental strength. The prerequisites for the so-called eight meridians can be slightly adjusted. eliminate.

But Bibi Dong didn't mention it at all, which severely restricted the circulation of this meditation method. Yue Guan and Gui Mei could only use it with a limited number of pulse-opening pills.

The most important thing is that the strangeness of Bibi Dong's soul ring cannot be hidden. As a saint of the Wuhun Palace, she has been trained by the Wuhun Palace. If she has a secret in her hand, it is not impossible to keep it secret, but it is taboo.

Teaching the meditation method to his two titled Douluo can not only bring them together, but also calm their hearts.

Moreover, Bibi Dong also hid a trick, which could not only prevent the widespread spread of meditation methods, but also test the thoughts of Yueguan and ghosts.

If Qian Daoliu or others asked about the meditation method, then in Bibi Dong's heart, it would be almost as good as not saying that these two people would be sentenced to life.

"It's just a little cleverness, nothing worth mentioning." Bibi Dong looked at the huge city in the distance. When she was young, she mostly worked in the Star Luo Empire. Now looking at the Tiandou Empire, she feels that it is more prosperous, and the number and level of soul masters are slightly exceeded. .

If you think about it carefully, it is mainly because the last three sects are all in the Tiandou Empire, and the frozen forest also attracts ice attribute soul masters.

"By the way, Guang, don't you want to use the soul beast and the ritual to condense your body? Isn't it just right in the Star Dou Forest?"

"Ha, are you in such a hurry to drive me away? Don't worry, because of the limitation of soul power, the body I created is very weak, and the soul beast flesh and blood required is not much. We will wait until the trip is coming to an end. I will still have to ask for it then. Please take good care of me."

"Child?" Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were slightly bright and curious. She had never seen the appearance of light. From her perspective, the appearance of light was just a hazy golden mist.

"More or less, I'm just a loser. The road to failure is no longer accessible. It's more suitable for me to start over." Guang's voice was a little lonely.

"Who is not a loser? Fortunately, we still have a chance to come back, right?"

"I didn't expect you to open your mouth to comfort people."

"You think everyone is just like you, stabbing people's hearts with every sentence." Bibi Dong recalled the three years in the Killing City, and her uncontrollable anger emerged again.

Thinking back to the initial running-in period, Guang, a person who had a dead heart, was so angry that she was furious. The person who was originally huddled in the corner didn't know when she had the strength to jump up and talk to Guang, who was logical and articulate. A formal war of words began.

It was during that time that she discovered that the emotional honey had been washed away, and the actual relationship between Xiaogang and her revealed reality at every turn.

Although Guang's sharp mouth made the three corpse gods jump, his logic was very clear. He grabbed a certain point that she subconsciously ignored and asked repeatedly. The most important thing was that Guang didn't know her past. All the arguments came from The information she provided was like another unemotional self on the opposite side, reviewing her failures bit by bit.

Her relationship with Xiaogang, she helped Xiaogang obtain the advanced information inquiry authority of Wuhun Palace and some resources that belonged to her, helped him obtain the honorary elder token, and fell out with his teacher Qianxunji. . .

What did Xiaogang do?Guang's words were very realistic, "You said your lover is good at this or that, then tell me about the specific things he has done."

"He made me feel the beauty in life. Compared with the boring days before, it was the happiest time for me. He comforted me when I was lonely and chose to endure even when I suffered humiliation..."

"Yeah, so he just took you to experience the pleasure of being lazy. You don't have to focus on soul power cultivation. You can eat, drink and have fun in Wuhun City. Occasionally, he will say a few nonsense words that can only deceive a little girl like you."


"Then why don't you talk about what you did specifically? Forget those words, let's mainly talk about what you did?"

. . . . . .

"By the way, the main thing you did when you were in love was who paid for it. Don't use round-ups. With your mental strength, it shouldn't be troublesome even if you don't pay attention and think about it."

. . . . . .

"When you were planning to elope, what did your lover do? He just described a bright future? Didn't he give you any help? For example, two powerful titled Douluo from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect took over."

. . . . . .

"You said you like boys who are knowledgeable and pursue the truth. What kind of knowledge does your lover display that Wuhun Palace has not collected?"

. . . . . .

"I didn't expect you to be such a silly girl when you were young. No one else did anything. It was up to you to figure it out yourself." Guang sighed, why didn't he meet such a top-notch beautiful girl? At least the one in his belly There is definitely more ink than that Yu Xiaogang.

Besides, the little white flower won't turn black if he exerts so much force. Now that her lover is gone, he won't be the unlucky one. Oh, he is in an invulnerable state, so that's okay.

"I don't believe that my feelings can be so useless, so wasn't what I did before a complete joke?"

"That's not surprising. It's not surprising that a young girl who has lived in the ivory tower for a long time was deceived. After all, according to you, Yu Xiaogang has entered society early and is a genuine old man."

"But you are such a beast as a teacher. Isn't this a proper example of a disciple who is a rebel against his master? Um, no, it is a disciple who is a rebel against his master."

"He is just a bastard, a beast, a beast." Bibi Dong cried louder in her heart than in reality, and Guang Guang, a half-music person, secretly complained, "He is really a fresh and refined little white flower, and he has no tricks to curse others. "

"Um, are you okay? After all, I have never met Yu Xiaogang. He is less than level 30 and has no strength and status. He can't do anything. It's not incomprehensible." Feeling Bibi Dong's increasingly agitated heart, Guang's tone became more and more complicated. So gentle, after all, this is his landlord.

"As for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, you also said that he doesn't receive enough attention because of his cultivation issues, so there's nothing you can do about elopement alone." Damn it, is that human bird encouraging elopements? I can't make it up anymore.

. . . . . .

"By the way, what happened to you before?" Bibi Dong felt her anger getting stronger as she recalled the past. Now that she had a clear mind, she did not hesitate to change the topic to Guang.

"It literally means a half-baked job with incomplete promotion. It didn't succeed but it didn't completely fail either."

"Demigod?" Bibi Dong recalled Guang's methods, especially the time when he annihilated Rakshasa's divine thoughts. Even a peak soul master like Qian Daoliu was beyond his power. "My spiritual sublimation was not the path of belief in gods, but from your point of view, the difference is not big. By the way, the death crystal has been purified, so you can slowly absorb it."

Throwing the death crystal into Bibi Dong's arms, Guang just chose to pretend to be dead. This little white flower was really gone forever. She knew that instead of passively defending, it was better to take the initiative and stab him.

Touching the crystal clear black crystal, feeling the pure death that has the same origin but is more pure, Bibi Dong felt her heart warm.

After calling the light a few more times symbolically, Bibi Dong chose to place the crystal on her firm belly with distinct textures and slowly absorb it. Her plump and red lips curved into a beautiful arc.


The Wuhun Temple is the largest soul master organization across the continent, starting from the Wuhun branch temple in an ordinary small town, the Wuhun sub-hall in the hub city, the main Wuhun temple in the big city, to the Wuhun temple in the capitals of the two empires. Clear hierarchy.

Located in Tiandou City is one of the two Wuhun Temples, second only to the Wuhun Temple Headquarters in Wuhun City.

The person in charge is Salas, one of the four platinum bishops of Wuhun Palace. He is a senior Soul Douluo cultivator and the boss of all the branches in the Tiandou Empire.

Such a powerful man was sitting upright, carefully entertaining the three people in front of him, and his lustful nature was completely restrained.

Even though the beauty headed opposite has an exquisite temperament, impeccable figure and appearance, and the right mature age, she can be said to be fresh and juicy.

Salas, however, looks at his nose with his eyes, his nose with his mouth, and his mouth with his heart. As a platinum bishop, he knows the identities of the three people very well, Her Royal Highness the Saint and the two Elders of the Elder Hall.

In terms of status, they are incomparable, and in terms of strength, he knows the news about Her Majesty the Saint's breakthrough to the Soul Douluo. The elders of the Elder Hall all started out as Titled Douluo.

To put it bluntly, even if these three people wanted to cause trouble in Tiandou City, he would have to lead the charge into the battle with his men. As for whether this order was reasonable or not, that was a matter later.

Fortunately, Her Royal Highness the Saint and the elders were reasonable, and their request was very simple. As for the news about Dugu Bo, Salas looked strange. He knew very well without sending anyone to investigate that high-level soul masters were the focus of Wuhun Palace. Observation object.

"Dugu Bo's daughter-in-law is dead!" Bibi Dong opened her mouth slightly when she heard the news. She originally planned to come to congratulate her, but instead she went to attend a funeral instead.

"Yes, it is said that the confinement period was not done well. Originally, the whole Tiandou City was quite lively when Dugu Bo had a queen. The Tiandou Royal Family, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Sect all came to join in the fun, and they were probably watching. Dugu Bo is not far behind Titled Douluo, so I want to win over him in advance."

Seeing that Her Majesty the Saint seemed to have the same thoughts, Salas kindly reminded: "Your Highness the Saint, Dugu Bo is withdrawn by nature and has a weird temperament, otherwise it would not be that Contra's strength has not been determined yet."

"The Tiandou royal family, the Shangsan Sect, and our Wuhun Palace all interacted with him before. It's a pity that the old guy only has an only son, and he doesn't take soft or hard advice."

"Then he doesn't have any special needs?" Bibi Dong was very curious, how could someone who could practice hard to a high level of Contra have no desires or desires.

Yue Guan on the side rolled his eyes. The old poisonous man killed decisively as he pleased, and he was not a person who wanted nothing but desires.

Speaking of demands, Salas rarely spread his hands and felt helpless. "Dugu Bo has a weird temperament, and his demands are also the same. He actually tentatively asked us if we could solve the problem of toxin backlash in his offspring."

"I'm just kidding. What can we do to solve the problem that even the great masters of poisonology can't solve? By the way, when it comes to this, Her Majesty the Saint, my subordinates have some guesses."

Salas controls the entire Tiandou Empire's Wuhun Palace power, and is second only to the Tiandou royal family in terms of intelligence. Although Dugu Bo is lonely, he is not without intelligence to dig out.

"His daughter-in-law was probably poisoned to death."

"Poisoned, then why did Dugu Bo poison his daughter-in-law?" Bibi Dong said unswervingly.

"It's not that Dugu Bo poisoned her." Salas shook his head, "Dugu Bo and his first wife are said to have a very good relationship. After his wife died, Dugu Bo did not renew their relationship, and he even refused all the darling servants and beauties offered to him by others. "

"So his character is indeed worthy of recognition." Bibi Dong nodded lightly, not hiding the satisfaction on his face.

Salas' expression remained unchanged, but his heart was pounding. It seemed that it was better for him to be a monk while Her Royal Highness was in Tiandou City, and then continued to explain.

"But his first wife also died while giving birth to the child, but earlier. The external reason was that she died in childbirth."

"Based on our investigation and Dugu Bo's appeal, we believe that Dugu Bo's poisonous skills are too cruel. Although he can avoid it with his cultivation and martial arts, his family members cannot resist it."

"His only son and granddaughter still have the ability to resist because they inherited his Jade Phosphorus Snake martial spirit, but his first wife and daughter-in-law have no resistance at all. They were contaminated with the poison of the baby's bloodline when they were giving birth to offspring. Only then did they leading to tragedy.”

"The situation of his only son and granddaughter should not be good either, because last time Dugu Bo took the initiative to ask me and other people if they had any solutions to the poison's backlash."

"Well, that makes sense. Your Highness the Saint, Salas's guess should be close to ten." Yue Guan, who has had a lot of dealings with Dugu Bo, nodded. The old poisonous man was very aloof, but there were a few It was rare that he put down his body and asked him about the detoxification of jelly grass.

However, he thought that the old poisoner wanted to use the beautiful fairy grass to make poison at the expense of natural resources, so he ignored it, and even became more aggressive later.

"It seems that this trip is a sure thing." Bibi Dong looked at Salas without any intention of explaining, "Salas, is it convenient for the three of us to visit Dugu Bo these days?"

"Um." Salas looked embarrassed. Dugu Bo's daughter-in-law had just died, and he was in a bad mood. What idiot would touch this bad luck, "Your Highness, the Dugu Bo family should be very quiet these days."

"Then let's go directly tomorrow." Bibi Dong turned her head and looked at Salas, "Salas, tomorrow you arrange for people to hide the whereabouts of the three of us."

"Understood, Your Highness the Saint."

"In addition, I don't want the fifth person to know about our conversation today." Bibi Dong's voice was calm, but the will within it was extremely hard.

Eight soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black appeared behind her head, and the strong soul power pressure came over with a pure aura of death.

Salas, who felt an inexplicable tightness in his chest, felt a chill in his heart. Her Royal Highness was indeed a genius. She could reach the Contra realm in less than thirty years of age. It was probably not impossible to inherit the throne of the Pope.

As for what Bibi Dong wanted to do to Dugu Bo, Salas didn't care, since it wouldn't affect his interests anyway.

"I have always been careful in my words and deeds. Please rest assured, Her Royal Highness the Saint and the two elders."

(End of this chapter)

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