Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 56 Threatening life, Titan?

Chapter 56 Threatening life, Titan?
"who are you?"

Taitan's face was solemn, and he was waiting attentively. The powerful gorilla was possessed by the martial soul, and eight yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black soul rings emerged from the soles of his feet, waiting for him.

If he hadn't found some metal fragments and searched them carefully, he would have probably missed the woman who was hiding in front of him.

Bibi Dong, who was half leaning on the rock, was covered in dried black and red blood stains and gray dust. Her originally decent long-sleeved attire turned into a short-sleeved vest. Her somewhat deformed right arm was hanging weakly, and she was holding a stick in her left hand. Blue bone rod.

Her boots were long gone, and her trousers were long on one side and short on the other. She looked like a tramp, but her relatively clean face was now like a lotus growing out of the mud, and she was still so beautiful that it moved people's hearts.

Bibi Dong also had a headache. She had already confirmed the identity of the strong old man from the previous shout. He was Tang Hao's loyal subordinate. There was no need to think about it further.

"I said I was passing by and unfortunately I was affected. Do you believe me?"

"I believe."

Tai Tan spoke without any hint of trust in his tone or actions. He kept his steps at what he thought was a safe distance. A beautiful woman who was obviously seriously injured emerging from a place like this was the biggest anomaly in itself.

However, Tai Tan had no intention of taking action directly. His first goal was to find his master Tang Hao. Regardless of life or death, there was a high probability that the woman in front of him knew about this matter.

"Then can you leave? Tang Hao is not here."

Feeling her physical condition, Bibi Dong took a long breath, her weak voice without any emotion, and words emerged in her heart one after another.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Longyou Shoal was attacked by shrimps.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

The phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken when it lands.

Calm down, you must be calm. This old guy looks thick-skinned and thick-skinned. He can't be beaten in one or two blows. There is no need to go all out. At this time, you must learn from Guang. If you are thick-skinned, you won't suffer.

"You said that my lord has already left?" Tai Tan said, but his eyes became sharp, and the fists in his hands clenched subconsciously.

"Yes, you saw the huge blood sword before, right? He was the one who set it off. It was so powerful, so he naturally stayed away."

Bibi Dong subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. She must have been sincere enough. The guy in front of her should leave quickly. She promised not to hold grudges in the future.

"You fart!"

Titan's face flushed, and he grabbed the boulder next to him with his huge beast-like palm. With huge force, he pushed the boulder and shot it towards Bibi Dong like a cannonball.

Bibi Dong's face suddenly froze. This old guy must be sick. Not only did he not believe the truth, but he also cursed. With barely any strength, his legs passed by the boulder.

"How dare you hide? How long do you think you can hide?"

Titan's eyes were red, and the yellow and purple soul rings on his body appeared one after another. The strength of his body increased significantly, and he grabbed the boulder faster.

"Damn old man, what did I lie to you? Tang Hao did everything here."

Bibi Dong's pupils shrank when she saw the larger boulder in Titan's hand. This shrewd bastard didn't even get close.

She didn't have much extra soul power to mobilize. At most, she could barely activate one soul skill. There was still a slight chance at close range, but zero chance at long range.

If she mobilized more soul power and couldn't suppress the killing energy in her body, she would probably be dead.

"Hmph! My lord's martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer. He doesn't even need a sword. He can tell a lie just like that."

Titan's gaze was sharp, and the boulder in his hand exploded faster than the previous one under the impetus of greater force.

"He used the secret technique descended from the gods and asked the gods to possess him to fight him!" Gritting her teeth, Bibi Dong resisted the stinging pain in her body and dodged again.

"What kind of bullshit gods are you making up? I've never heard of the name Shura God. Why didn't you say he's the angel god of your Spirit Hall?"

"Then who do you think was responsible for that move? If I had used that move, I would still be injured like this." Bibi Dong's snow-white teeth clicked, her eyes were sharp, and dangerous thoughts emerged in her mind.

Why don't you just kill the dead old man in front of you and then take the risk to solve your own problem?

As soon as he finished speaking, Tai Lung's tense posture did not disappear, but he put down the stone in his hand because he felt a little cold on his back.

"So you admit that you are my lord's opponent."

"Opponent, hey, just say so." Bibi Dong's voice was full of disdain. He was worthy of the simple Tang Hao. She completely let go of the bone club in her hand and swallowed the life.

She already roughly knew what this soul bone was. She had restrained herself before, but now that there were almost no people left, it didn't matter if she just destroyed this soul bone.

"Which direction did the lord leave from?"

"He left across space, how do I know?" Bibi Dong's eyes became more and more dangerous. She was already calculating how to kill this old man with the minimum consumption. Even this so-called minimum cost is very likely to be unbearable for her now.

"I believe what you said for the time being." Tai Tan said, subconsciously stepping back. If the lord has been determined to be safe, then he has to consider for himself and the clan, and forget about such stupid things as committing suicide.

But Bibi Dong's eyes showed murderous intent. She had already tasted it. After Tang Hao left the Haotian Sect, it was said that he had a close relationship with the four single-attribute clans that left the Haotian Sect at the same time. The patriarchs of the four clans seemed to be Contras.

The eight-ringed birdman she injured before was probably the leader of the Min clan, and the old orangutan in front of her was the leader of the Power clan.

They were all in the same group, so there was no reason why they didn't know their identities. In other words, the dead old man in front of her was just acting to trick her!
Okay, she has recorded this grudge. Old man, just wait. She, Bibi Dong, is not a gentleman who repays grudges with kindness.

The sixth soul skill, Qingluan Fire Feathers!

Before Bibi Dong could write down her grudge in her notebook, a pure blue feather nearly one meter long pierced the space, and the flames dancing on it silently burned out the surrounding air.

Ling Yu had almost no resistance and no sound or breath leaked out.

Tai Tan, who was slowly retreating, didn't notice at all. He didn't notice it until the sharp feathers touched his left back heart. The feathers penetrated his heart, and green fire exploded. In the blink of an eye, a shocking thing appeared on the heart of the old man who made Bibi Dong grit his teeth. flame hollow.

In mid-air behind Titan, a man and a woman fell from the sky, with cyan and white wings of light flapping behind them respectively.


The visitors were naturally Qingyuan and Guang. Qingyuan used soul bone skills and ten thousand year soul skills to launch a sneak attack, and combined with Guang's aura to cover it up, it can only be said that Titan died without any regrets.

Of course, it seemed more cost-effective to capture Titan alive, but from a distance, Bibi Dong looked like a candle in the wind, Guang didn't have the slightest idea of ​​taking risks.

As for the white light wings on Guang's body, light element mimicry can indeed be realized, but he will not do such stupid things that require effort. These wings come from the five-page magic book Sharp-tailed Swift.

"Huh, luckily I came in time."

Guang, who wasted no time after landing, came directly to Bibi Dong and grabbed her left wrist regardless of the dirt on Bibi Dong's body.Bibi Dong breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her body habitually. A golden shimmer lit up from Bibi Dong's wrist and spread quickly, making it look like there were fine golden tattoos on Bibi Dong's body.

"The skin, muscles, bones, meridians, internal organs and even deeper parts are all intact. The right arm bone was broken into six pieces, and there are also god-like energy and law lock marks."

Guang's face became colder and colder. Seeing the exhaustion on Bibi Dong's face, he quickly put his head under her left arm to help her sit down, "You unlucky guy, this is the jackpot."

"Jackpot, you are right." Bibi Dong, who was completely relaxed, leaned her soft body against Guang and smiled, "I thought I was really going to die in the end. Who would have thought that this thing could save my life? It's funny."

Bibi Dong raised her right arm and placed the dull bone rod on Guang's knees, "Now that you are here, there is no need to continue to waste this. This is a 10-year-old soul bone."

10-year-old soul bone?Guang was stunned for a moment, then glanced at it and threw it into the storage soul guide. "I don't have time now. Please wake up and sit up straight. How can I treat your injuries when you are pressing me like this?"
"Um, do you need help?" Qingyuan pursed her lips. Although the occasion was a bit inappropriate, seeing Guang being suppressed by Bibi Dong, who was slightly larger than him, why did she want to laugh so much.

"Yes, Qing Yuan, help me support the teacher." Guang, who handed Bibi Dong over to Qing Yuan for support, breathed a sigh of relief. Although the environment of the ruins couldn't be worse, the sooner Bibi Dong's injury is dealt with, the better.

You can ignore other injuries. The killing energy in Bibi Dong's body must be cleaned first, as well as the law lock mark. Only by dealing with these two things can you ensure that Bibi Dong's injuries will not worsen.

"First, hold this Yutian Pill in your mouth to recover a little bit, teacher. Next, I need your cooperation."

Guang stood up and turned around. The killing energy and the law-locking mark complemented each other. They were born and destroyed at the same time. They had to be eliminated at the same time, otherwise it would be very troublesome to do it over and over again.

Because Bibi Dong's condition was too bad, violent treatment was not possible.

He still had to use rituals to assist himself and use his previous power, because the status of the Holy Light was high enough and it was simple, efficient and convenient to handle.

He had all the auxiliary materials in his storage soul guidance device. As for the main material fuel, he saw that the Titan, which was still fresh in the distance, was very suitable. After all, it was an 8-ring Soul Douluo. It was almost enough to collect the spilled energy and recycle it. enough.

Qingyuan watched Guang Guang quickly assemble an unknown soul guide next to Tai Tan's body, and then neatly took out a bright silver knife and easily divided it into pieces and threw them into the soul guide. Her skillful movements made the back of her neck shiver. .

"It's almost done, Sister Yuan, bring the teacher over and sit down." Guang nodded as he watched the pointer on the instrument panel reach the target mark.

"What are you?" Qingyuan looked at the soul guide and swallowed, her eyes full of complexity.

"What are you thinking about?" Guang understood as soon as he saw Qingyuan's eyes, "The function of this vitality furnace is to return all things to their origin into the purest vitality of heaven and earth."

Waving his hand to signal Qingyuan to go up to the sky to be alert, Guang took a long breath. The holy light had not been used for a long time.

Seeing Qing Yuan signaling that there was no problem in the sky, Guang asked with a serious voice, "Bibi Dong, you must guard your mind. Your soul power is mainly used to protect yourself. Never use your spirit to contact the Holy Light."

"Why?" Bibi Dong was a little confused. Isn't the Holy Light a power controlled by Guang himself? Why should Guang himself be so careful?

"Oh, Holy Light is indeed very useful, but the premise is that it is your own Holy Light, rather than being infiltrated by other people's Holy Light." Guang rolled his eyes, "You don't want to transform into the selfless and dedicated Holy Mother."

"Our Lady?" Bibi Dong was a little confused. The word sounded fine, but Guang's tone was full of mockery, "Selfless dedication?"

"It means that there is no self at all in the heart, only the source of the Holy Light, and you become the purest fanatical believer. If you really succeed, you will not be far from self-destruction, and it is very troublesome to reverse this transformation."

Guang's expression was serious. The starting point for his choice of Holy Light was indeed the most normal Holy Light, but at the end he couldn't tell what this terrifying thing would be.It doesn't do any harm to you anyway.

And he remembered that the Holy Light was not that perverted in the middle and later stages. It was normal for its attributes to be pure and domineering, but in the end he seemed to have done something that he couldn't remember much. . .


"That holy light of yours is indeed very dangerous." Bibi Dong, who drooped her arms, felt the clarity in her body and breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat relieved that the holy light had completely receded.

"It seems that your gains are indeed not small, and you can actually detect the danger of the Holy Light."

"After all, the inner demon has been broken, and I have gained an opportunity to get infinitely close to death and understand the true meaning of death."

Looking at the dirty sweat on Bibi Dong's head, he shook his head. Bibi Dong deserved the harvest, but it was better to take less of this opportunity.

"Let's go, we have to hurry up, find a place to take a quick shower first, and then Qingyuan will take us back directly. I will treat your other injuries on the way, and let's discuss the next plan."

In the glow of the setting sun, a cloud eagle with restrained flames flew across the sky with the setting sun on its back. Qingyuan sat at the front and yawned in a daze. The amount of information today was a bit heavy and her head was a little down.

She was happy just to trust her, but these things were really blowing up one after another, and she didn't have the guts to ask for specific details.

Bibi Dong sat cross-legged a little further back, occasionally baring her teeth. She no longer had the expressionless aloofness of the past, and the words leisure and happiness were written on her entire face.

The light was on Bibi Dong's right side, and her hands were covered with hot red lines. She carefully observed Bibi Dong's limp right arm. He first dipped his hands into the potion bowl next to her, and then combed her hard from fingers to elbows. context.

The simple splint next to it has been prepared. It will be tied to Bibi Dong later. With the application of medicine, the splint can be removed in a day. As long as there is no fighting, there will be no flaws on the surface.

But it would take at least 7 days for Bibi Dong's arm to be intact, which is already the fastest.

"In this way, Qingyuan will take you to Haotian Sect first. I can clean up your injuries in one day. I have also specially made the potions tasteless. You only need to wait for seven days to return to Wuhun City. By then, Qiandao Liuya can't detect anything strange."

"Qingyuan and I have less than three days to go back, and the schedule was not exposed in the meantime. Qingyuan's speed is far less than normal, so there is no suspicion."

After taking stock of the omissions from beginning to end, Bibi Dong looked at Guang's serious expression and stretched out her hand to tug Guang's earlobe with a smile on her face.

Guang, who felt no pain at all, felt a bit of smooth hardness on the soft fingertips, and turned his head and rolled his eyes at Bibi Dong.

"Hey, teacher, I'm trying to mend the mess you made. Could you please give me some snacks?"

"It's okay. Tang Hao will take the blame for me. After all, that scene has nothing to do with me. My body of death does not match that of the Shura God. Tang Hao's temperament is somewhat similar to that of the same origin."

"Moreover, the angel god over there in the enshrinement hall should also be real, because except for the real god, no counterfeit can withstand the service of Sendaoliu."

"what do you mean?"

"The core database of Wuhun Palace contains a lot of gossip about gods. I originally thought it was useless ancient history, but now I think Qian Daoliu should know the information about gods far better than I do."

"So this scapegoat has basically been welded to Tang Hao. We just need to wait for the three elders to wake up tomorrow and go back to report to Qian Daoliu."

Bibi Dong waved her left hand. She was very cautious in what she did. The silk threads that packed the three titled Douluo deliberately concealed the characteristics of death and spider silk.

"And I can confirm that there are no marks on you." Guang nodded, "Tang Hao has been labeled a prisoner, and what he said has no credibility at all."

"By the way, I'll give this to you just to be on the safe side." Bibi Dong took out a gold and silver storage ring from a full and hidden place.

"You actually used it." Guang took the warm ring and his pupils shrank slightly. He made this thing by himself according to Bibi Dong's request.

"You really can't bring this thing with you if you want to see Qian Daoliu. By the way, if things don't work out, Plan B is also possible. After all, some things don't require evidence."

Guang and Bibi Dong looked at each other. They knew the specific reason. The injury could be healed, but the cooling of the super-limited Yagami could not keep up. Facing Qiandaoliu, this biggest confidence had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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