Rebirth of Hong Kong Island, I, the rice class leader

Chapter 239: Instant noodles seem to be okay?

Chapter 239: Instant noodles seem to be okay?
Not to mention, after Li Guowei joined, Gao Yao's work became a lot more free invisibly. His main energy now is doing charity and accompanying people to play golf.

This usually involves John.

As the saying goes, people flock together and birds of a feather flock together. John may not be able to show off his prestige in front of high officials, but in front of other Westerners, he, a white-necked man who pretends to be from Georgia, is an absolute elite!
There's a lot I'd love to say to this guy.

For example, Wheelock's old Madden is trying to raise money to buy a fleet of ships, and Kadoorie has recently been calling out that the power supply is saturated...

Gao Yao couldn't help but smile. He called John to play: "You are well-informed."

John said proudly: "Boss, they just want to get benefits from me."

"It's a pity that there is no benefit to them for the time being."

Currently, the registered industry of Shi Haiyang is Western medicine. According to the contract, the Western medicine will be shipped to Tokyo for sale.

As for the deal with that alliance, it was conducted in secret.

As a result, there is indeed no benefit to them from the seemingly universal travel.

The golf ball arced and landed not far from the hole. Gao Yao applauded, "There is progress."

That's right, John, a poor guy who had never even hit sheep dung eggs before, was able to play chicken-feather golf because he was trained by someone named Gao.

"What about the government?"

John was about to continue his efforts, but he quickly stopped when he heard this: "Financial Secretary, Public Works Department, Police Department, Shipping Department... basically I have visited them all."

"Yan Wang is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with."

Gao Yao said slowly: "We must get the people in key positions."

Many high-ranking official positions in the Hong Kong government are reserved for gilded people. These people may come to Hong Kong Island to stay for a few years and then be promoted to other places. It is the affairs officers below who really do the work.

For example, the Shipping Administration generally stipulates that old ships should be inspected once a year, mainly at the end of the year. Nine out of ten ship inspectors are British nationals, and they are all very official.

If they create difficulties in every possible way and say that the ship is scrap metal, they will not be able to get the documents and the ship will not be able to go to sea. This is what John needs to step in to solve.

Money can be spent, but it must be done quickly and steadily.

Another example is the tenement building that Gao Yao is currently building in Tsim Sha Tsui. Can it be sold?Sorry, I have to pay for the key first!

This money is given to the officials who inspect the houses. You don't have to pay it, but it would be ignorant and the officials would be unhappy.

This also needs to be done by John.

Again, money can be paid, but it must be done quickly and steadily.

Ever since Westerners governed Hong Kong Island, corruption has become ubiquitous.

In later generations, it was wrong for the world to attribute corruption only to Inspector Hua of the police force.

Because if we really talk about it, it is actually the Westerners who delegated the power of corruption to Inspector Hua, and then they only collect the filial piety from below and do nothing...

ICAC is actually trying to pick on the weak, because according to the job title, the detective is just a low-class policeman, easy to handle, and it will not affect the real privileged Westerners!
"Yes, boss."

John hesitated and said: "But in this case, you may need a little more friendship fund."

"no problem."

The vast majority of Westerners work as part-time workers. They don’t have any tedious jobs. Their main job is to play.

For example, go to Paramount to dance, go to see a horse race, or open a salon.

However, it costs money to play this thing.

John felt relieved, as long as the boss was willing to pay him, he immediately said happily: "Then I'll have no problem."

"Oh, yes, boss."

John suddenly said: "There is an extreme shortage of food over there in the East. If we transport food there, we can make a lot of money."

Of course, this was accidentally revealed to John by a Westerner. After all, John's business was said to be in Tokyo.

Gao Yao laughed, which place in Asia-Pacific is not short of food?
At present, our army is not short of food because it attaches great importance to farmers to stimulate food production.

That's right, if our army's food was converted into money at that time, the annual income would be almost 11 billion U.S. dollars. Chang Kaishen's eyes would be red.

John saw that Gao Yao didn't seem to be interested in this, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself that it was impossible to say that the boss didn't love money.

At that time, the boss loved money, but he didn’t seem to make any money.

What a rarity!
According to John's understanding, capitalists should not miss any opportunity to make copper coins.

So he is a poor guy!

John shrugged: "Well, they said American has started organizing the transportation of wheat to the East Ocean and the Peninsula."

"Oh, the wheat that has been fully dried by the sun, the smell of wheat..."

John was drooling a little. To be honest, he was actually a little bit unaccustomed to the food in Hong Kong.

Because he always feels that the pasta here is different from that in his hometown.

If you want to eat some hamburger steak or something, it’s limited...

Gao Yao was stunned, as if a sharp sword had been pierced through his mind. He boasted, and his eyes suddenly became clear: "Wheat?"

John nodded: "Yes, wheat."

He explained: "But there is also rice."

John thinks the East is a bit strange, they love rice so much...

What is the best way to conquer a nation?Change their thoughts, beliefs, traditions, diet...

Gao Yao remembered that after World War II, almost the entire human world was being reshaped.

The stubborn Americans are taking advantage of various opportunities to export their free ideas and thoughts, including changes in diet!

For example, take the wheat that John was talking about just now!
Before that, wheat could not be served on the dining tables of the little devils from the East and the sticks from the Peninsula. The most important thing was to use it as a condiment!

Gao Yao stretched out his right hand, his face was stern, and in his mind, Zhengtian and the people were fighting, and he vaguely thought of something.

Many things are actually hidden deep in the mind. When there is any stimulation, these memory fragments will be activated.

This is the situation in Gaoyao now!
After World War II, due to industrialization and urbanization, population mobility and structure changed!A large number of laborers have moved from rural to urban areas. This new population urgently needs some low-priced diet that can supply sufficient calories.

Unfortunately, the situation at that time was that most countries in the Asia-Pacific region were suffering from economic recession and poor rice harvests, thus falling into a serious food crisis.

The opportunity for Western Wheat Group is here!
Asia-Pacific is an important part of the world, with the largest population and the greatest potential. However, people in this place actually like to eat rice...

For Western wheat groups, this is simply fighting against money!

Because food aid helps shape America’s humanitarian legacy.

In addition, food is the most important thing for the people. If you control the food of a country, you also control the lifeblood of the country.

Due to various factors, the opportunity to transform the eating habits of the Asia-Pacific was born, and wheat began to enter various countries in the Asia-Pacific with aid.

In order to achieve their goals, the Western food groups not only encouraged the Americian government to control the allies to re-introduce laws, but even carried out large-scale propaganda!For example, it is propagated that eating white rice alone will cause vision loss, and even lead to reduced IQ and brain retardation...

Yes, that’s how it’s advertised!And it’s publicity at the national level!
Driven by a variety of factors, coupled with the fact that everyone was short of food at the time, people in Asia and the Pacific had to change their tastes and start eating pasta.

Unfortunately, they did not eat any bread as the Western food groups wanted, but instead made dumplings and ramen noodles from the flour...

However, this thing was still too troublesome, so some thoughtful people came up with a thing that affected the whole world - instant noodles! ! !
instant noodles?Gao Yao muttered to himself, in later generations, this thing was really everywhere in the streets and alleys. It was the most common and the most inconspicuous. Why couldn't he remember it?

It’s simple to make, rich in nutrients, and can provide enough calories…

That's right!For a long time after instant noodles were invented, the publicity at the national level was that they were rich in nutrients and could replace rice.

Somehow, later on, this stuff was called junk food again...

Gao Yao clasped his hands behind his back and thought, now is 47 years, it seems a bit early to do this thing.

When was the little devil invented?

Everything that affects the world is due to the times and trends. Although Amerikan has begun to assist the East, the scale is not large, so there is no dietary plan.

It seems to be the late 50s?
Gao Yao smiled slightly, and there was no need for him to do it so late. He thought about it, why not put it in 49 years?
John on the side looked frightened. The boss seemed to be thinking about something important. At first, his aura was as sharp as a sword, as if it could cut through everything.

But it's much better now. John wondered what the boss had planned?
"What did you just say?"

John quickly said: "Now that Xiangjiang will reopen, boss, do you think it is necessary to go public?"

Listed for what?Making money.

During the Japanese occupation, all exchanges on Hong Kong Island were closed, and only the black market was trading.

After the re-emergence, in March of this year, the Hong Kong government reorganized and sorted out the exchanges, shut down and closed them, and finally merged the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Brokers Association into the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which is the Hong Kong Association!
The exchange is located at the junction of 10 Des Voeux Road Central and 8 Ice House Street and has reopened on March 3 this year.

Then on May 5, in order to stimulate stock trading, the authorities relaxed the "Suspension Act" and allowed stock transfers including CLP, Hong Kong Electric, Grand Hotel, Whampoa Dockyard and Kwong Sang Bank.

The popular stocks at that time included banking stocks such as HSBC, Standard Chartered, Yili and BEA, utility stocks such as CLP, Hong Kong Electric and Tramways, and other popular stocks such as Land and Humphreys...

The essence of reopening the exchange is actually to help these foreign banks raise funds...

Unfortunately, trading was very cold at the time...

He was even so cold that Gao didn't even bother to pay attention when he was watching the news.

Nothing else. All the chief executives of the Xiangjiang Association are Westerners, and their focus is only on recruiting foreign banks. It is extremely difficult for Chinese banks to be listed here!

And history has proven that in the East, if a business does not involve Chinese participation, it will never be possible to become big.

"Looking for you to go public?"

Although John's Four Seas Company has the right to represent foreign medicines, it is actually an empty shell for Hong Kong Island...


John grinned: "Lao Shi said that we are also a multinational enterprise after all, and we are a good asset."

There are companies registered in Tokyo and Wall Street, so don’t we count multinational companies?

So, who says the ghost guy is heartless?They are really sneaky!

Gao Yao laughed: "Watch it first."

At this time, the liquidity of the stock market is very ugly. What is there to list?If you really want to do it, you might as well set up an exchange yourself.

That's right, the so-called exchange on Hong Kong Island is actually a private company...

It is nothing more than providing stock trading services. This is what the merged Xiangjiang Club is like. A brokerage seat sells for 6...

To be honest, that kind of money makes you much happier than most people.


It didn't matter to John. Anyway, he was just giving an opinion. As for whether it would be adopted, that was a very important matter.

"But you can keep an eye on it."

If given the opportunity, Gaoyao is still willing to choose to list certain industries under certain circumstances.

After all, after a company goes public, financing will be much easier.

John immediately smiled brightly: "No problem, Lao Shi will take care of everything by then."

Lao Shi is a well-known foreign broker on Hong Kong Island. He has handled many listings of foreign companies.

As for the Chinese, the more famous one is Yang You Stock Brokerage.

"Okay, let's play ball."

Gao wanted to find John out, on the one hand to practice playing ball, and on the other hand to understand the situation he encountered.

From the current point of view, John, the ghost guy, is doing pretty well.

"Your good friend Jack is a man of affairs."

Lei Guantai has already met Jack. He thinks that although Jack has Western arrogance, he is also flexible and can do things reasonably well, so he officially admitted this guy.

As soon as John put the golf ball into the hole, he said: "BOSS, Jack can definitely help your career."

Gao Yao smiled slightly. What could help him, Gao, was the trend of this era and the memories he brought from later generations.

Other than that, everything else is just decoration.

But as the old saying goes, a good man has three assistants. He is too high-ranking and cannot do everything himself. He still needs someone under him to do things, otherwise he will not be able to be busy.

"very good."

"I hope you two good friends can surprise me."

The friendship between John and Jack is commendable, and it allows Gao Yao to fully realize how different the Western understanding of friendship is from the Eastern one...

After all, John was the guy who once denied the reward to Jack in front of him.

"That is required."

John was full of arrogance: "Boss, I will definitely help you manage the relationship between the Hong Kong government and everyone."

"When the time comes, you can do things here without any restrictions!"

Although this guy has only been in Hong Kong Island for a short time, he has learned and applied it very well and is very proficient in Eastern human relations. He is indeed a clever guy.

Gao Yao couldn't help but smile: "I'm ready to open a bank, please contact me and see which powerful people are willing to invest in it."

"The bank will release 20% of its shares to the public. It depends on your ability."

"By the way, go and make some connections over at the Hong Kong Garrison. I'll be useful."

(End of this chapter)

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