Chapter 107 Defeat Zhao Gongming

"Is that all you can do!"

Yang Jian roared angrily, slashed Huashan with one move, and slashed diagonally towards Zhao Gongming's chest!

Zhao Gongming transformed the golden dragon shears into two single-blade knives on the left and right, and protected his chest in preparation for blocking.

The so-called scissors are actually two large knives with a single edge, combined together.

So if you split it into two parts, it is actually a large double sword.

Previously, Zhao Gongming cut the golden dragon into a dragon to attack, but it had no effect.

So he was a little anxious at this time, so Zhao Gongming simply turned this magic weapon into a set of two-handed knives for use.

Directly engage in the most intense close combat with Yang Jian, and Yang Jian's blow has actually exploded with real full force.

His sword was even wrapped with the power of divine punishment.

You know, the last time Yang Jian dealt with Zhao Gongming, he did not use this kind of mixed damage attack.

But this time, Yang Jian was indeed quite serious, so just like before, Zhao Gongming thought he could completely block the sword.

But suddenly he felt numb all over, and an extremely terrifying electric current ran through his body.

Every part of his body was temporarily paralyzed and stiff. This was the effect brought about by the power of heaven's punishment.

If it were a weaker opponent, he would not feel his body go numb, but would be directly chopped into ashes by a sword.

And it was precisely because of this short-term paralysis effect that Zhao Gongming failed to block Yang Jian's sword at all.

Zhao Gongming's body was directly chopped away by Yang Jian, and his whole body set off a terrifying wave of air in mid-air.

Even the space began to distort, making some unusual sounds.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can clearly see Zhao Gongming's body breaking through the air.

It turned into a stream of white light and flew towards the distance, without any obstacles on the way.

Whether it was a large mountain or a high-altitude plain, they were all shattered by Zhao Gongming's body and turned into a sky full of dirt and gravel.

By the time Zhao Gongming recovered from his paralysis, he had already flown millions of miles away.

The moment Zhao Gongming recovered, he also directly controlled his body and made a sudden stop.

The price for Zhao Gongming's actions was that because he had to hold on to these forces, his whole body suffered a huge internal injury, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out on the spot.

At this time, Yang Jian was also implementing the fine tradition of taking advantage of people's illnesses and killing them.

The whole person leaned forward in an instant and launched a continuous close combat attack against Zhao Gongming, like a violent storm.

The next second, an extremely terrifying explosion sounded in the field like a prelude to destruction.

Even weak monks who came over would be killed by the shock wave and sound.

The place where the two of them are at this moment is an endless stretch of barren mountains, and if you look at it from a distance.

You will find some strange, even scalp-numbing scenes.

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of miles in the center of the battlefield were all scorched black by the terrifying thunder.

And in the center of the battlefield, some will appear from time to time, very neatly, like semicircles or oval gaps that have been swallowed by space.

That's because of the circular shock wave that erupted when Yang Jian and Zhao Gongming fought.

Forcibly, everything in that area, including the soil, was shaken into nothingness and completely dissipated.This is a manifestation of terrifying strength. Every sword of Yang Jian is now covered with extremely terrifying power of divine punishment.

The supreme blood in his body boiled, and the spine on his back even glowed.

That's because Yang Jian is crazily using the talent of the Supreme Bone. The power of these heavenly punishments has been amplified by more than ten times with the addition of the three-eye double-pupil ability.

Therefore, the ability of three eyes with double pupils is really a good thing, and it works perfectly with the Supreme Bone. The two really should be one thing.

At this time, a mysterious heavenly eye appeared on Yang Jian's forehead, and the three pupils were blooming with the bright golden light that belongs to double pupils.

To give an inappropriate example, Yang Jian seems to have three golden reincarnation eyes.

Because after the double pupil releases its power, it really looks like a reincarnation eye, almost like a golden reincarnation eye.

Although the two are in the same heaven and earth, from the appearance, they do have that taste.

Yang Jian's back also released a golden glow from time to time. In the glow, there were faint scenes of gods and demons screaming and being punished.

This is the physical abnormality brought about by Double Eyes and Supreme Bones to Yang Jian, and the combat power bonus brought by this improvement is quite terrifying.

At first, Zhao Gongming was able to fight Yang Jian twice, but now he was being beaten one-sidedly.

Because Yang Jian's attack was accompanied by the power of heavenly punishment, Zhao Gongming would be paralyzed for a while even if he encountered him casually.

Under Yang Jian's continuous powerful chops, Zhao Gongming also showed signs of decline.

The whole person was becoming increasingly unable to resist, and his body was scorched black by the electricity.

The power of Heaven's Punishment combined with the combat power bonus of Double Eyes can basically be equal to: the sword delivers a critical hit, and it also comes with a paralysis ring.

Let alone Zhao Gongming, even Zha Zhahui can't bear it.

It is hard to imagine that this is a top-notch big player being beaten by Yang Jian, a junior who only has the late Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level.

Although there are various factors, no one can change this fact.

At this time, Zhao Gongming had reached the last moment, and Yang Jian's combat power bonus time expired in 20 seconds.

Immediately, Yang Jian also jumped up, and his body erupted with extremely bright power of punishment.

Then, with the greatest strength he could unleash, he slashed down Zhao Gongming with his sword!
As a crisp sound of gold and iron mingled, an extremely terrifying thunderous explosion resounded for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Large amounts of smoke and dust were thrown up in the field, blocking everyone's view.

At this time, many people were very curious and watched the battle on site through various methods.

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated. After seeing the scene clearly, many people opened their mouths.

At the center of the battlefield at this time, Yang Jian was holding the Evil Killing Sword in both hands, and its sword body was completely submerged into Zhao Gongming's torso.

But no blood flowed out of Zhao Gongming's wound, because the wound had been electrocuted by the power of divine punishment.

At this time, Zhao Gongming's eyes were empty, his hands hung down feebly, and there was only the last trace of breath left in his body.

If the power of heaven's punishment enters the body, even the Great Luo Jinxian will die.

Previously, the power of heavenly punishment only circulated on Zhao Gongming's body surface, so it did not show much power.

Because Zhao Gongming's physical body is also very strong and can completely withstand it, but the power of heaven's punishment entering his body is a fatal blow to Zhao Gongming.

Seven of the three souls and seven souls have been eliminated. The seven souls have been completely electrocuted, leaving only Zhao Gongming with three souls. His intelligence is not as good as that of a three-year-old child.

(End of this chapter)

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