Conferred Gods: Reborn Yang Jian, racing all the way

Chapter 113 Queen Mother, take your life!

Chapter 113 Queen Mother, take your life!

Without the people from Heaven to help the Queen Mother fight the disaster, the Queen Mother would probably have enough to drink a pot.

The current Jade Emperor is actually very angry, but for the sake of the overall situation, he cannot show it.

Think about it for a moment, if it was your sister who was killed by your colleague.

Most people would have the heart to cut the Queen Mother alive, let alone do such a small thing to help.

Therefore, it is false that Yang Jian wants to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, but it is true that the Jade Emperor and him cooperate internally and externally, and that he kills the Queen Mother.

So what appeared in front of Yang Jian at this time was a very strange scene.

Yang Jian walked forward with the murder weapon in his hand. The immortal officials he passed by all retreated, either because they were upset or because they wanted to go home and make soup.

At this time, the Queen Mother also realized that something was wrong, because Yang Jian was moving too fast, so she looked at the Jade Emperor questioningly and said.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"Well, this Yang Jian is truly unparalleled in battle. No one can defeat him wherever he goes. He is truly a hero."

The Jade Emperor didn't take the Queen Mother's words at all, and kept talking here and there, pretending to be stupid.

Anyway, all the military departments in this heaven are basically under the control of the Jade Emperor. The Queen Mother's advantage lies in another area.

Therefore, as long as the Jade Emperor pretends to be stupid, those immortals and gods with various combat powers will not stop Yang Jian.

They would even let Yang Jian fight all the way to the Lingxiao Palace. With Yang Jian's current speed, it would probably take less than a few minutes to reach the Lingxiao Palace.

"Okay, okay, you are all helping outsiders to bully me, right?"

No matter how stupid the Queen Mother is at this time, she can still see what's going on. She is being isolated and targeted.

Therefore, the Queen Mother knew that the Lingxiao Palace was not a place to stay for a long time. It was the Jade Emperor's home court.

She had to return to Yaochi as soon as possible, which was her home ground, because Yaochi had some formations that could help the Queen Mother fight.

The reason why she wanted to go back was that the Queen Mother was not very good at fighting. After all, she had never fought more than 10 times since she was a child.

The Queen Mother also knew that Yang Jian was powerful. She knew that this guy was a ruthless man who could kill enemies beyond his ranks.

He is also an absolute genius in training and fighting. To confront him head on is simply asking for trouble.

Returning to Yaochi and using formations to deal with Yang Jian is the best strategy, and you can even counterattack.

When all the civil and military officials present heard the Queen Mother's words, they all lowered their heads in unison and kept silent, doing as they pleased.

Anyway, they were actually a little shameless about the Queen Mother's behavior.

Everyone has set the rules of the game. It’s up to you to show your ability by breaking the unspoken rules of the game and using dirty tricks.

And isn’t it normal for people who break the rules to suffer some punishment?
"Queen Mother, take your life!"

Just as the Queen Mother left, a murderous shout rang out outside the Lingxiao Palace.

Then the immortals and gods saw Yang Jian rushing in with the Evil Executing Sword and 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls hovering around him.

After Yang Jian rushed in, he was obviously stunned for a moment because he didn't expect the people inside to be so calm.


Just when the atmosphere was a little strange and awkward, Marshal Tianpeng suddenly raised his head and whistled.

His fingers kept pointing in one direction, but the expression on his face seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Yang Jian understood it instantly. At this time, he probably figured out what was going on.

The fact that he can travel unimpeded in heaven is absolutely inseparable from the Jade Emperor.

It can be seen that the Jade Emperor was very tired of the Queen Mother's behavior, so he did this.

Moreover, among the many causes and effects that Yang Jian saw on the cause and effect stone, none of them matched up with the Jade Emperor.This can only mean one thing, that is, this matter really has nothing to do with the Jade Emperor.

It can even be said that the Jade Emperor was a victim and was severely tricked by the Queen Mother.

After all, the Jade Emperor wasn't crazy and suddenly killed his sister.

Yang Jian almost understood now that the Jade Emperor wanted to use his hand to beat the Queen Mother.

So everyone is basically tacitly understanding the current situation on the court.

Yang Jian didn't say much. He just bowed his hands to the officials in heaven and the Jade Emperor.

Then Yang Jian carried the evil-killing sword towards Yaochi and killed him. After Yang Jian left, the Jade Emperor also waved his hand.

The images projected directly from the Haotian Mirror were all focused on Yang Jian, and the live broadcast mode was activated.

After Yang Jian left, most of the officials in heaven had gloating smiles on their faces.

Only a small number of immortals showed worried expressions, and these people were followers of the Queen Mother.

They probably all know that even if nothing happens to the Queen Mother today, she has already lost her face and her prestige.

Being driven back to Yaochi by a junior and staying behind closed doors, it was a good thing that Yang Jian didn't do anything to the Queen Mother today.

If Yang Jian injured or even killed the Queen Mother, her true spirit would be immortal and could be resurrected at any time.

But the Queen Mother completely lost all her prestige in the future, and the gods in heaven would choose to seek refuge with the Jade Emperor.

There is no other reason, because Yang Jian is the nephew of the Jade Emperor, and Yang Jian's victory is equal to the Jade Emperor's victory.

It’s time to bring this boring power struggle to an end.

Don't think that the Jade Emperor is stupid, he is actually using Yang Jian, but the two of them have the same interests now, so it's hard to say who is using the other.

At this time, Yang Jian had already arrived outside Yaochi. He looked at the Queen Mother who was pretending to be calm and sitting inside, as well as the five Golden Crows including the Big Golden Crow.

Yang Jian's anger suddenly rose up. He directly raised the Evil Killing Sword, pointed at the Queen Mother and the others and cursed.

"Queen Mother, bitch! Take your life!"

Yang Jian's shout made the five golden crows tremble with fear, and they all hid behind the Queen Mother's throne.


After hearing Yang Jian's words, the Queen Mother suddenly raised her eyebrows, and an aura of majesty mixed with anger burst out.

The aura of the quasi-sage instantly swept through the entire heaven, and everyone turned their attention to it.

The Queen Mother's sudden outburst of momentum was indeed quite bluffing, but her move was enough to scare a child.

How could Yang Jian be frightened?Immediately, Yang Jian also burst out with his own momentum.

The three double pupils on his forehead opened instantly, and the Supreme blood in his body began to boil.

At this time, Yang Jian's body was exuding golden light, and there was a sense of divine power permeating the air. This was the aura of the power of divine punishment.

"Bitch! Today is the day you die!"

Yang Jian shouted fiercely, and his aura was at full strength. He was no weaker than the Queen Mother, a quasi-sage!

At this time, Yang Jian's body was emitting golden divine light, and the 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls around him also emitted bright golden light.

Then Yang Jian used the 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls as a strength blessing, raised the Evil-Destroying Sword in his hand, and slashed at the Queen Mother from the air!


(End of this chapter)

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