Conferred Gods: Reborn Yang Jian, racing all the way

Chapter 224 Playing with the Demon Race Quasi-Saint

Chapter 224 Playing with the Demon Race Quasi-Saint
The ultimate purpose of cultivating the Tao is to use the power of the Tao. The higher the level of enlightenment, the more power can be used.

Therefore, Yang Jian himself has realized the way of power, and Yang Jian's clone can also do it.

Directly borrow these insights to invoke the power of the Great Way of Power.

Although the level of mobilization is not as good as mine, it is still enough to beat these guys.

Because now Yang Jian's clone is equivalent to possessing the power of both humanity and strength.

Who wouldn't be confused? The Golden Lion Guard King was slapped by Yang Jian, and he started to go berserk.

"Human! I'm going to eat you alive!"

The Golden Lion Guard King let out a terrifying roar, and then rushed directly towards Yang Jian.

There's no way around it. Attacks like slaps in the face are not just physical.

This slap also knocked away the face and dignity of the Golden Lion Guard King.

It comes with a very powerful spiritual attack, in a battle of this level.

Yang Jian's use of this move is no different from a fight between mortals. It's the same thing as soaking a mop in shit. Hitting doesn't hurt, it's disgusting.

"It's not a big deal, and it's not a small tone."

Yang Jian was not used to the Golden Lion Guard King. After he said something lightly, he appeared in front of the latter in an instant, raised his hand and slapped him again!

Yang Jian's speed was so fast that the Golden Lion Guard King couldn't react at all, and when it did, it reacted.

Yang Jian's big slap had already hit its face, and he had already flown out.

In the process of flying out upside down, the Golden Lion Guard King was a little doubtful about his life.

Why is this frail scholar-looking guy so shameless when fighting?

As for how much psychological shadow a big fight can leave on the quasi-sage of the demon clan, it all depends on the poor performance of the stone man.

At this time, the stone man Buzhou didn't dare to step forward because he was afraid that Yang Jian would also slap him.

It's not that this slap hurts, it's that it can't afford to humiliate this person.

You know, Shiren Buzhou is the oldest among the five quasi-sages of the demon clan.

If he was to be treated like a child by Yang Jian, he would be educated with a big ear scraper.

So who can withstand this?After this battle, he will be ruined even if he doesn't die.

This is the unique fighting method of Yang Jian's incarnation. After all, he is a quasi-sage of humanity.

He is a well-deserved great sage of the human race. Faced with these barbaric monsters, he naturally needs to be educated.

As for what kind of education method?That's not simple yet.

What should I do if my child is disobedient and wants to rebel?Either a spanking, or a big pussy.

"Come here, don't be afraid, I won't slap you in the face."

Yang Jian put his hands behind his back and said with a kind smile to Shiren Buzhou.

To be honest, the situation at the scene was basically that Yang Jian unilaterally crushed these two demon clan quasi-sages.

After all, he has two avenues at his disposal to deal with these poor monsters who do not have powerful innate spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures.

If he still can't crush him, then Yang Jian has indeed regressed and changed his mind.

That's right, these five demon clan quasi-sages all have one thing in common, that is, they don't have any powerful magic weapons.

There is not even a decent spiritual treasure, because they have been concentrating on understanding their own path.

He has been in seclusion for countless years and has basically never come out, so he has simply ignored the importance of weapons and magic weapons.

Because they had not done much before this, they did not rely very much on magic weapons.

And when they actually face a battle, they will understand how painful it is not to have a weapon at hand.

The current stone men are not careful, and the Golden Lion Guard King is deeply touched. If they have a powerful magic weapon.

You can still fight Yang Jian, but if you rely solely on the level of Dao Dao's understanding.

Yang Jian, who mastered both strength and humanity, beat them like a father beating his son.Let alone two people, it's not a problem to hit five people. Hitting two is just Yang Jian's modest way of saying it.

Yang Jian just said that he could only fight two, and he also wanted Wang Jian and Meng Tian to stretch their muscles and practice.

After all, what the two lack most is actual combat experience. Now that they have met the quasi-sage of the demon clan, they can engage in actual combat without mercy.

It is indeed a precious opportunity, so Yang Jian will now deal with these two guys in a playful manner.

Instead of choosing a quick fight and helping Meng Tian and Wang Jian.

"Is this true?"

Shiren Buzhou was a little doubtful, but Yang Jian answered it with actions.

Yang Jian disappeared instantly. The stone man didn't see this and covered his face as quickly as possible.


The next second, Shiren Buzhou felt the burning pain in his butt.

Then it flew forward uncontrollably. That's right, he was kicked on the buttocks by Yang Jian and was kicked straight away.


During the flight, Shiren Buzhou shouted something in his dull and angry voice.

"If a child disobeys, he should be spanked."

Yang Jian replied with a nonchalant smile. At this time, the Golden Lion Guard King also flew back from a distance.

Then, without any nonsense, it directly burst out its golden avenue with all its strength.

The terrifying aura instantly filled the entire world, dyeing the earth and sky with a layer of gold.

"You bastard human being, even if I risk half my life today, I will kill you!"

The Golden Lion Guard King was obviously extremely angry, and he directly activated the innate magical power of the Golden Lion clan.

I saw countless golden weapons condensed in the entire sky and earth, including swords, guns, clubs, axes, axes, hooks and forks, everything.

These weapons were all aimed at Yang Jian, covering almost all the surrounding space.

This is the strongest innate magical power of the Golden Lion clan, which combines the golden path with the weaponry.

Let the two merge into one, condensing a weapon with the ultimate killing atmosphere.

These weapons are both tangible and spiritual, and their power is no weaker than ordinary top-grade immortal weapons, and the sky is full of such weapons.

Yang Jian didn't panic at all when he saw this, he said with a faint smile on his lips.

"Since you want to fight with weapons, then I will fulfill your wish."

As soon as Yang Jian finished speaking, a simple bronze sword condensed in his hand.

Although this thing may seem ordinary, it is actually a genuine sword of humanity.

This was temporarily condensed by Yang Jian with the great luck of humanity and the power of humanity.

Because Yang Jian doesn't have any weapons at his disposal now, and his magic weapons are too recognizable.

Yang Jian only has a few magic weapons in total. If he uses them, he will be recognized by others at a glance.

Now Yang Jian doesn't want to be exposed, so he can only get a temporary weapon for fun.

Yang Jian held the Sword of Humanity, pointed at the Golden Lion Guard King and said with a smile.

"Come on, let me see what you are capable of, and see which one is better, your weapon or my sword of humanity."

"I hope you won't disappoint me, otherwise I won't be too lazy to play with weapons with you."

Yang Jian's words also contained a threatening meaning.

The meaning of his words is that if the Golden Lion defends Wang Taicai, Yang Jian will continue to choose to use Dabi Dou to educate him, and the other party is not worthy of letting him use the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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