Chapter 242 Demon Buddha Wutian
After all, one is a spy and the other is the spy's contact person. How could the two parties meet inside the enemy?
But Sun Wukong didn't pay attention to this. He was just a little excited now because he was finally going to see his master after an absence of many years.

After a while, Sun Wukong arrived at the foot of Huaguo Mountain, and then he was a little stunned.

He was even a little confused and helpless, because in his eyes, he was a powerful and omnipotent master.

At this time, he was covered in blood, and he even needed the help of the little monkey demon on the side to barely stand up.

He looked like his time was running out and he was seriously injured.

"Master, Master?! You, how do you..."

At this time, Sun Wukong was also unusually nervous and at a loss, as if he had never experienced anything like this before.

The Bull Demon King who followed him also looked at this scene with some surprise, because in the impression of the Bull Demon King.

Sun Wukong is not afraid of anything, and he is invincible to everyone. I never thought that he would have such a side.

This actually made the Bull Demon King more and more curious, and then he began to look at the person in front of him, who seemed to be a loose immortal from the human race.

"Ahem, cough, Wukong, you're here..."

After Yang Jian saw Sun Wukong coming over, he kept coughing up blood, but he still had a gentle smile on his face.

There was no tragedy at all after being seriously injured, but the more Yang Jian behaved like this, the more uncomfortable Sun Wukong felt.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Wukong asked with great concern, but he soon realized what he was doing, and he quickly said to the little demon next to him.

"Let's go back to Water Curtain Cave first. This is not the place to talk."

In this way, the group returned to the Water Curtain Cave, and Yang Jian was helped to sit on the chair.

Sun Wukong looked at the Bull Demon King next to him, and then at Yang Jian, as if he wanted to avoid suspicion.

But the Bull Demon King had no intention of leaving. He was extremely curious as to how he could leave.

Yang Jian calmly nodded to Sun Wukong, meaning that there was no need to hide this.

That's why Sun Wukong didn't tact directly, or asked the Bull Demon King to leave first.

"Wukong, it won't be long before you become your master."

After everyone sat down, Yang Jian's words almost made Sun Wukong jump up anxiously.

"Master, what happened? Who made you like this? Who did you fight?"

Now Sun Wukong's mind is full of questions. He has a lot to know, especially about the person who injured Yang Jian.

Yang Jian smiled bitterly, and then said with a relieved look.

"The matter has to start with Hezhou, Xiniu. Recently, a traitor appeared in Lingshan..."

Yang Jian began to slowly tell a story about the Demon Buddha.

Something went wrong while Tathagata was practicing Buddhism and Taoism, and he accidentally chopped out his own evil corpse.

This caused quite a mess. The evil corpse of Tathagata was the evil side of Tathagata.

He claimed to be Wutian Buddha, and sooner or later he would unify the three realms and six realms, act lawlessly, and harm people everywhere.

Killing creatures of all races and establishing their own evil forces, the last few powerful immortals couldn't stand it anymore, so they took action against them.

Wutian Buddha, with his vast magic power, is the best among the pinnacle quasi-sages, except that he does not have a magic weapon that is suitable for him.

He can be regarded as the top among quasi-sages, but he is defeated because he only has a 24th-grade black lotus as a magic weapon.

Therefore, he was besieged by many strong men and finally escaped with serious injuries.

But this battle also caused irreversible injuries to many top experts.

In Yang Jian's description, he is one of these top strong men, a quasi-sage of loose immortals.

Of course, Sun Wukong knew that Yang Jian's words were meant for the Bull Demon King and the people of the demon clan.Although Yang Jian told lies with his eyes open, Sun Wukong could hear the deeper meaning of his words, so he would not be misled.

The identity information is basically made up, but other situations are probably true.

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, this master is right. There is indeed a bit of chaos in Hezhou, Xiniu, recently."

"There is a demon Buddha who is causing trouble and killing many of our demon brothers. The first time he appeared was probably 1 years ago."

After getting the evidence from the Bull Demon King, Sun Wukong was convinced of Yang Jian's words, and Yang Jian was indeed telling the truth.

This was a situation that Yang Jian had set up a long time ago, and he had planned a wave of Tathagata.

He had previously designed to make Tathagata believe that Buddhism and Taoism could lead to a different path, and he even lied about the fact that Buddha is originally the Tao.

Then Tathagata deceived the three corpses using Buddhist methods, and chopped out an evil corpse that he could not control.

Normally killing three corpses, whether they are good corpses or evil corpses, are all controlled by the main body.

It's just equivalent to having two more clones of equal strength, and there will be no loss of control.

And Tathagata used the Buddhist method to kill three corpses, which was enough to deceive him, and he killed a Wutian Buddha.

Tathagata's troubles are enough, and this is also Yang Jianbu's game.

Of course, Yang Jian would definitely not use a large number to set up this situation as Emperor Ziwei. That would be too obvious.

The yin people must be plotting secretly. A, who is upright and upright, is not called a yin person anymore, but is called bullying.

All in all, what Yang Jian said are the true results of his own layout, and anyone can check it out.

The most brilliant layout is to use existing facts to achieve your own goals.

It's like the most beautiful lie, every word is the truth.

You can't find out, and you can't escape if you see through it. What's higher than conspiracy is conspiracy.

"Wutian...I will kill you!"

After hearing the whole story, Sun Wukong suddenly burst out with strong murderous aura, which was exactly what Yang Jian wanted.

"Cough cough cough..."

Just when Sun Wukong was angry, Yang Jian coughed up several more mouthfuls of blood, and there was a strange demonic energy in Yang Jian's blood.

When Sun Wukong saw this, he immediately asked with more concern.

"Master, what kind of injury did you suffer? Can it be relieved?"

"It's useless. I just dragged my last breath to see you. I was attacked by Wutian's demonic energy and was already dead."

"Unless the Buddhist Tathagata is willing to take out the 24-grade golden lotus of merit and virtue to expel the evil energy of the 24-grade black lotus for me, it will be difficult for the saint to save me."

Yang Jian also showed a wry smile, and it seemed that he had given up on treatment.

After all, the 24-grade golden lotus of Buddhist virtues is considered half of their religious treasure, and it is impossible to access it from the outside world under normal circumstances.

Because the 24-grade Golden Lotus of Merit has always been nourished in the Lotus Pond of Merit, it is related to the true spiritual resurrection of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

In the past, Yang Jian was able to come in and out freely only because of his status as Emperor Ziwei.

And Yang Jian's current identity is just a loose immortal, even if it is the true identity that Sun Wukong thinks.

He is a powerful person in Xian Qin who is worthy of the heaven, but this status is not enough for Buddhism to betray his face.

Lend him something related to the fate of Buddhism to heal his wounds.

(End of this chapter)

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