Chapter 245
But what Yang Jian didn't expect was that Sun Wukong's talent was so abnormal that he actually broke through two small realms out of thin air.

Directly reaching the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, this made Yang Jian's remaining resources seem a bit too much.

But this is a good thing, and Yang Jian will not be heartbroken, because this means that if Sun Wukong continues to practice, the probability of breaking through to a quasi-sage is extremely high.

Now the reason why Sun Wukong's talent is so good is purely because the methods taught to him by Yang Jian are all authentic Xuanmen.

It's not a Buddhist pirated or castrated version, so it doesn't suppress Sun Wukong's talent.

Instead, it maximizes Sun Wukong's talent, which is why Sun Wukong's breakthrough speed is so fast.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice well and avenge you!"

Sun Wukong looked at the rich supplies inside, and while he was moved, his hatred and anger also grew stronger.

Sun Wukong knows the consequences of his origin being eroded, which is a death that is more complete than reincarnation.

It is the death second only to the extinction of the true spirit, which is why Sun Wukong hates and is so angry.

Because if his master could be reincarnated, Sun Wukong would even be willing to wait for him to be reborn before repaying his kindness.

But now everything is meaningless, there is only one thing left for Sun Wukong to do for his master.

That is revenge!Let his old man not die in vain.

Then, for the next period of time, Sun Wukong stopped going out to cause trouble.

He lived in seclusion in the Water Curtain Cave, cultivating vigorously, and comprehending the avenue of power day and night.

This attitude towards cultivation is much stronger than before. The Sun Wukong who was fearless seemed to have disappeared.

Now there is only one Sun Wukong who is desperate for revenge and thirsts for power.

And Sun Wukong's character has also grown enough, and this is the price that needs to be paid for growth.

In this way, time passed year after year, and it was almost time for the first act of the catastrophe to officially begin.

Then the Buddhist people were a little confused because they didn't know how to play.

According to the script, Sun Wukong should be allowed to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, but now Sun Wukong is extremely honest.

He hides and practices every day and doesn't do anything at all. Even if Buddhism wants Sun Wukong to poke trouble, he can't do it.

There is no way to start, because Sun Wukong is too quiet, so silent that it feels scary.

The cause and effect of the riot in the Heavenly Palace was actually caused by Sun Wukong being deceived and humiliated by the Heavenly Court because of his ignorance.

But now Sun Wukong is not ignorant at all, and his temper has changed a lot, truly embodying the word monkey spirit.

Therefore, Buddhism couldn't figure out how to calculate Sun Wukong for a while, but they had to calculate.

This gave Tathagata quite a headache, and even more headaches were yet to come.

Yang Jian's plan has just begun from this moment. He doesn't need to wait for Tathagata to think about how to plot against Sun Wukong, Yang Jian has already started to make plans.

One day, when Sun Wukong was still practicing in the Water Curtain Cave, a little demon hurried over and shouted.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The whereabouts of Wutian that you asked us to keep an eye on have been found! He appears in Xiniu Hezhou again!"

The little monster said in a very excited tone, although Sun Wukong felt that he could not defeat Wutian.

But people have always been paying attention to Wutian's movements. After all, Wutian has not officially appeared for a long time.

If Sun Wukong wants to take revenge, it's one thing whether he can beat him or not. He has to find the other party first.

So after hearing what this little demon said, Sun Wukong stood up directly and said excitedly.

"Okay! You finally showed up, I want to see what you are!"

Sun Wukong had a cold look on his face, a fierce look in his eyes, and muttered to himself viciously.Then Sun Wukong flew out with a somersault, and he also directly broke through the space while flying in mid-air.

When Sun Wukong's somersault landed, he had already arrived in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Now Sun Wukong has the strength of Daluo Jinxianji, so he can break through space and travel.

So his somersault cloud is not just a simple somersault that travels hundreds of thousands of miles.

It was a somersault that could go all over the place. There was no way I could break through the air and rush. It was so powerful.

Otherwise, the prehistoric times are so big, and if we fly honestly, we have to fly to any month and year, and the day lilies will be cold.

The purpose of Sun Wukong coming here is very simple. He does not necessarily have to seek revenge from Wutian first.

He just wanted to test Wutian's strength so that he could understand how much he weighed now.

Whether he can defeat the opponent depends on the resources Yang Jian left to Sun Wukong.

There are also several jade talismans that can instantly increase combat power by 10 times. Don’t underestimate these things.

This 10 times increase in combat power on one person at the same time is not as simple as 1+10=11.

Instead, it explodes in geometric multiples, to use a simpler metaphor.

If a person suddenly has 10 times the strength of an ordinary person, can 10 normal people really beat this person under the same conditions?

It should be possible to calculate by adding up. If not, eleven or twelve people will be enough.

But reality is not a math problem, and it cannot be a simple addition, because it has gained 10 times the power of ordinary people.

This person is already equivalent to a superman, a Captain America-level figure.

A punch with all your strength has a force of one to two tons, and ordinary people may not be able to beat 100 of them.

So this thing really cannot be calculated as addition, it is a multiplication of geometric multiples.

Don't look at the 10 times increase in combat power. It doesn't sound like much, but it's actually an exaggerated increase.

But when Sun Wukong came to Xiniu Hezhou, he found no trace of Wutian.

Sun Wukong used some of his magical powers to explore almost all of Xiniu Hezhou, but he didn't find the strange evil energy.

"It's strange. The information shouldn't be wrong. So what's the problem?"

Sun Wukong was a little confused now, but suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and his whole face suddenly changed.

"No! There's something wrong with that little demon!"

Sun Wukong's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he almost immediately thought that something was wrong.

Because after hearing the explosive news just now, Sun Wukong was a little concerned but confused.

So I didn't think about some details at that time, but Sun Wukong suddenly discovered it when he thought about it now.

The little monster who reported to him just now was very unimpressive!Because I can enter his cave and deliver the message directly to him.

Basically, they are all the core members of Huaguoshan, all monkey demons. No matter how bad they are, there must be one, several demon king generals under Sun Wukong.

Apart from this, it is impossible for anyone else to come in, and an unknown and strange little monster suddenly appears to report the news.

Logically speaking, Sun Wukong should have noticed it immediately, but the information from the other party made him too concerned.

So Sun Wukong's attention was successfully diverted, so Sun Wukong didn't react at the time, and now it's a bit late...

(End of this chapter)

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