Conferred Gods: Reborn Yang Jian, racing all the way

Chapter 301 The strange depths of chaos

Chapter 301 The strange depths of chaos

"Chaos mutation? What does this mean?"

Yang Jian said to himself with some doubts, because in his impression, isn't chaos a piece of nothingness?

There doesn't seem to be any powerful existence there. How could there be any changes?
And Yang Jian is not just making random remarks. He has reached the depths of chaos, although there are some strange creatures in the lawless land.

But the strength of those guys is very limited, just at the level of Daluo, and they are not a big threat.

Now that the Chaos Bead suddenly reminded him, or that he subconsciously conveyed this news to his surroundings, Yang Jian felt a little strange.

After Yang Jian thought for a moment, he thought it would be better to go and see it in person.

If something unexpected happens, he can make preparations and find a way to deal with it.

So Yang Jian also took one step and appeared in the chaos instantly.

In a short time, he walked out of the explored chaos and headed to the depths of chaos.

Hongjun also noticed Yang Jian's behavior, so he took a curious look.

But Hongjun soon lost interest. After all, what Yang Jian did had nothing to do with him.

In addition, Yang Jian was going to an unknown place like the depths of chaos, and Hongjun was even less interested.

Because no matter what Yang Jian was doing there, Hongjun was too lazy to care, because he had never thought about going to those places, and naturally he was too lazy to care if he wasn't interested.

It would take a thousand years for Yang Jian to leave. Deep in the chaos, the avenues were incomplete and he could not break through the space and rush on his way.

And with Yang Jian's current speed, even if he is simply rushing, it is extremely fast that outsiders cannot imagine.

In the past thousand years, the distance and scope Yang Jian has advanced in the depths of chaos have exceeded the last time he came to retrieve the chaos beads.

It can be said that Yang Jian has truly come to the depths of chaos now, rather than some vague concept.

And the further into the depths of chaos, Yang Jian found that the surroundings became darker. This darkness was different from ordinary people's understanding.

The depths of chaos are originally darkness and nothingness, and nothing can be seen. Yang Jian sees things here only through his soul.

The deeper into the chaos, Yang Jian felt that his perception was severely blinded.

You must know that he is now a dual-path saint, and his soul is completely released, which is no weaker than the laws of heaven in the vast world.

But despite this, Yang Jian's perception was also severely clouded.

The darkness around me seems to be the original darkness, the darkness that can blind everything.

Its intensity has even reached the level of the dark avenue among the three thousand avenues, but this is by no means a dark avenue.

It's the darkness caused by some kind of peculiar geographical environment.

Even if a saint comes in, he will become blind and his eyes will go dark. Yang Jian feels a little like this now.

"It's so strange. Is this what the deeper parts of chaos are like? It seems that there are big problems here. I underestimated this place before."

Yang Jian has now completely raised his vigilance and attention. He feels that there is a problem in the depths of chaos, a big problem!
Yang Jian's curiosity was completely aroused now, but he was not reckless.

And now in this situation, it’s time to invite the almighty Tinkerbell, bah, it’s the almighty system mall.

To be honest, Yang Jian wasn't sure if there was such a one in the system mall.

Can see through all illusions and ignore all obstacles.

However, he didn't hesitate to ask the system when something happened, so Yang Jian directly explained his situation in the system mall.

The system also happily gave its own solution.

The Dharma Eye of the Great Dao can see through all illusions, as long as they are not above the Great Dao. Price: 100 billion quotation points. "Hey, it's really a bit expensive, but I still need this thing now."

After Yang Jian saw this price, he also felt a little sad, even though he now has 10 trillion quotation points.

Buying this thing is as easy as taking out 10 yuan from 100 yuan.

But I don’t want to think about how many years Yang Jian has accumulated for these quotation points.

That's tens of millions of years of accumulation, all of which were polished by time.

He was used to saving money, but spending it lavishly really made Yang Jian feel a little sad.

However, for the sake of safety, Yang Jian still reluctantly exchanged this thing.

When Yang Jian exchanged the Dharma Eyes for the Great Dao, his surrounding vision suddenly became wider.

Now Yang Jian doesn't even need to use his soul to perceive. He can see the surrounding environment clearly with his own eyes alone.


And when Yang Jian saw his surroundings clearly, he realized how happy he was that he couldn't see anything before.

The surrounding environment was so bizarre and twisted that even the well-informed Yang Jian felt a little lost.

What appeared in front of Yang Jian at this time was a twisted void. There were many indescribable tentacles squirming randomly with silky mucus.

If it were just these things, they would still be trivial, but these things are just the background.

Because if you zoom in carefully, you will find that the large chaotic void in front of Yang Jian looks like the big mouth of an unknown creature.

And this big mouth swallowed up almost all the chaotic void within Yang Jian's visual range.

Those wriggling tentacles, like maggots one after another, wriggling wantonly in the middle of the rotting mouth.

The place where Yang Jian is located seems to be the teeth of this big mouth.

The so-called teeth are the thirty-odd supercontinents in the shape of a crescent moon in the void below Yang Jian.

And it's only on the bottom, not on the top. There are those weird tentacles on the top.

"Tsk, I feel disgusting for no reason."

After taking a clear look at the surrounding environment, Yang Jian suddenly felt quite unhappy.

However, there seems to be something moving on the "Teeth" continent below Yang Jian.

Yang Jian resisted the unpleasant feeling and decided to take a look.

Because each of these continents is quite huge, almost as big as half of the prehistoric era.

These things together are larger than the entire prehistoric continent.

If there is something strange above, or something similar to civilization is derived, Yang Jian will not be too surprised.

After all, no matter how harsh the environment is, nothing can be born.

What's more, there are indeed traces of living creatures moving here, so Yang Jian felt that there should be something unexpected for him on the continent below.

Then Yang Jian suppressed the nausea in his heart and headed towards the mainland below.

After Yang Jian flew for about a day, he finally arrived on one of the continents.

This continent looks small, but it is actually very big. Yang Jian looked small before because he was overlooking it from a high altitude.

(End of this chapter)

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