Conferred Gods: Reborn Yang Jian, racing all the way

Chapter 55 The tour is completed, return to Chapter Chao Ge

Chapter 55: Tour completed, return to Chaoge

In this way, this bizarre student meeting lasted from morning to evening.

When the show ended, these literati were still unfinished, because after chatting with Lin Bufan for a whole day, they had only one feeling, that is, there seemed to be nothing that Lin Bufan did not understand.

No matter what question they asked, there was no question that Lin Bufan couldn't answer.

And Lin Bufan only had one feeling today, and that was that he was so damn tired!
When facing these ancients who were good at different fields, he had to use various knowledge to answer.

If the knowledge is not enough, I have to go to the system mall to exchange books for exchange.

After working on it for a day, Lin Bufan felt that he was a backgammon learning machine and couldn't click on anything.

One thing to say is that he really doesn’t want to be the Imperial Advisor of the Great Shang. He is not an Imperial Advisor at all. He is just an emotionless knowledge relay machine.

However, Lin Bufan was also feeling pain and happiness. He had been pretending to be sexy all day long.

These literati were shocked over and over again. Lin Bufan actually earned more than 400 million quotation points.

You know, this is an effect that can only be achieved by showing off to 400 million civilians.

However, it is enough to hold a meeting like this once, and the effect will be very weak the second time. Lin Bufan has long understood this.

So he will not answer any more questions from these scholars. Tomorrow he will ask King Guzhu to summon the people in the city, and he will educate all the people.

As for why Lin Bufan was so sure that King Lone Bamboo would cooperate.

That's because King Lone Bamboo has been in a state of stunned silence all day today.

King Lone Bamboo watched Lin Bufan talk endlessly about all kinds of knowledge.

It shocked those literati who were usually extremely arrogant over and over again.

In fact, he realized a little bit in his heart that no matter how hard he made things for Lin Bufan, he was still having trouble with himself.

Because what is Lin Bufan going to do?Lin Bufan wanted to educate all the people, make the people of his Guzhu country rich and powerful, and enhance his national power.

He tried every possible means to obstruct it, but in the end he would only be hurt.

So King Lone Bamboo also figured it out, why should he stop Lin Bufan?
They are here to help you enhance your national strength. I hated you before, but now you have benefits, so why not join in?

Wouldn't it be nice to think that Lin Bufan gave them some compensation from Lone Bamboo Country?

If Tou Tie and Lin Bufan had to fight against each other, there would be no good outcome.

Therefore, none of the princes and kings of the Great Shang Dynasty are stupid, they are all smart people.

Knowing that Lin Bufan's purpose this time would not harm him, he calmly accepted the outcome.

And when the meeting was over, King Lone Bamboo found Lin Bufan alone and chatted for a long time.

In the end, the two reached a consensus, and King Guzhu sent monks to inform the people in the city overnight.

He also promised to send the people in the city to the designated location before dawn so that Lin Bufan could impart various knowledge.

Because everything Lin Bufan did was entirely for the good of Lone Bamboo Country and to help Lone Bamboo Country increase its national power.

King Lone Bamboo thought about it for a long time. Although he was unwilling to do so, he really couldn't refuse.

So early the next morning, when Lin Bufan was taken to the largest square in Guzhu Kingdom by the guards of King Guzhu.

We also saw a large, dark mass of people, numbering at least 2000 million, which was more than the population of the capital of Zhou Dynasty.

It can be seen from this that the title of the number one vassal state in the world is really not wasted.

After the people came together, Lin Bufan started to talk about agricultural knowledge with some familiarity.The reactions of the people below were similar to those in the Zhou Dynasty. First they were disdainful, dignified, and finally shocked, and then listened very seriously.

The process is similar to that of Zhou Guo. After the first day of teaching, take a day off to digest, and then continue to talk about construction tool manufacturing and other knowledge on the second day.

Three days passed by in a flash, and Lin Bufan successfully completed his mission.

No more, no less. During his trip to Lone Bamboo Country, he earned a total of just over 2500 million quotation points.

Counting Lin Bufan's own savings and the quotation points he got from Zhou Guo last time.

Lin Bufan now has more than 5400 million quotation points and has completed half of his small goal.

In addition to the benefits of quotation points, Lin Bufan also received some unexpected benefits.

That was the halo of merit hidden by him, which was getting shinier and more solid.

It was as if it was gradually turning from an illusory thing into an entity. Lin Bufan didn't expect it at this time.

Because his cultivation level is limited, he cannot feel the details of each meritorious achievement.

And if you don't make a big contribution at once, there won't be a miracle from the sky, and there will be a pillar of merit directly.

So Lin Bufan usually didn't pay attention at all. It wasn't until recently that he accidentally discovered this matter.

With this subtle increase, Lin Bufan's aura of merit has increased by at least 1/3 compared to when he originally developed papermaking technology.

It seems that this kind of teaching and being a teacher to all people can also be rewarded by heaven.

This was indeed an unexpected surprise for Lin Bufan, because he had never thought of specifically cultivating merit.

This thing was completely an incidental output when he earned quotation points, and Lin Bufan himself didn't care much about it.

If other prehistoric bosses knew about Lin Bufan's thoughts, they would probably want to kill him.

Because they work so hard and want to make some meritorious deeds, it is more difficult than reaching the sky. They are not innovative and do not have advanced academic knowledge.

How can you get so much merit from just practicing cultivation, and only a trivial amount from doing a few good deeds.

Only beings like Lin Bufan who have made great contributions to the human race can gain valuable merit.

Moreover, this race is limited to the human race, and foreign races such as the demon race are not counted, because the human race is now the protagonist of the prehistoric era.

Only by making such a level of contribution to the protagonist group in the prehistoric times can we obtain merit that is extremely valuable in the eyes of outsiders.

After completing the quotation points in Lone Bamboo Country, Lin Bufan did not stop and continued his journey around various countries.

There is actually nothing to talk about in the rest of the journey, because Lin Bufan has already made a name for himself in Lone Bamboo Country.

The other princely states did not make things difficult for him. They knew that this was a welfare gift and they all cooperated quite well.

Lin Bufan was just like a vassal state, and he started to walk down the path of a vassal state. This journey lasted for a full year.

A year later, Lin Bufan finally visited all the higher-level vassal states.

And his gains are also extremely terrifying. Now Lin Bufan has a full 2 million quotation points, and Lin Bufan is too lazy to say a few million points.

And this was the quotation point he got when he only visited the royal capitals of these vassal states and did not visit other cities.

After all, Lin Bufan adheres to the principle of efficiency first.

After achieving his goal, Lin Bufan didn't have any nostalgia and directly opened the teleportation array with the two generals and returned to Chaoge City.

(End of this chapter)

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