Chapter 65 Technical School

The eunuch selected an auspicious day, and one month later it was the 15th most auspicious day.

Yang Jian ordered the eunuch to supervise the election date. They did not dare to neglect it. After observing the celestial phenomena for two days, they calculated it. Yang Jian then began to ask Queen Dugu to prepare everything.

But he didn't expect that Yang Guang would give him a formal proposal at this time, and he would sell residential buildings in Yanfu, Yong'an, Yonglong and Xihui, and build schools in these four lanes.

This caused Yang Jian trouble.

You must know that a square area that was sold before was all bought by dignitaries, so even if there is a school, there is not much opposition. However, these four squares are ordinary residential buildings. The establishment of a school here means that common people can enroll in school. .

Yang Jian wanted to promote the imperial examination system and promote class reforms to fight against the wealthy gentry. This was exactly what he wanted, but it was precisely because he was also promoting it that he understood how difficult it was.

The privileged class will never give up their rights easily. It was extremely difficult for Yang Jian to push forward under huge pressure.

Naturally, the family members will not come up and tell you not to do it, but secretly sabotage it by not cooperating in various ways. The policy cannot be implemented, and he feels that he is more than capable.

Now that Yang Guang has issued such a memorial, he wants to put the matter on the bright side. What does this mean?
But after seeing the specific information behind the memorial, Yang Jian was enlightened and understood what Yang Guang meant, and brought Yang Guang's memorial to the morning court with a smile.

After the customary affairs and military affairs report, Yang Jian took out Yang Guang's memorial and said it in front of the civil and military officials of the court.

"The King of Jin has a memorial to establish schools and medical clinics in the four buildings of Yanfu, Yong'an, Yonglong and Xihui. What do you think?"

For a moment, the hall was silent. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They had many thoughts in their minds, but no one came out to answer, no one responded, and no one objected.

The ministers did not know the cause and effect, and they all speculated that the emperor himself wanted to take this opportunity to mention the imperial examination system again and use Yang Guang's name to stand out.

No one responded, because no one wanted to, and no one objected, because things above the court would be recorded by historians. Could it be that they directly opposed it and said that civilians were not allowed to study?Let them farm the land for a lifetime?Let them work as laborers for the rest of their lives?
I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say it. It would not be good for their reputation if their names and surnames were written down.

And who knows what kind of medicine the emperor sells in his gourd, it is safest not to answer.

Everyone finally looked at Yang Guang, and the emperor also called King Jin: "Prince Jin comes out."

"My son is here."


"My son is here."

After calling his two sons out, Yang Jian called Gao Jun again: "Gao Jun, what do you think about this matter? Setting up schools in residential buildings can push up the housing prices in Daxing City. What do you think?"

Gao Jiong naturally did not get involved in such things: "Your Majesty, as long as it is beneficial to Daxing City, as long as it is beneficial to Daxing City, it is good for Daxing City."

No objection or support.

Yang Jian then asked Yang Yong: "Prince, what do you think?"

Yang Yong calmed down: "The school thing is a good thing."

It was inconvenient for the prince to talk about things, so the officials of the prince's faction had to speak up. At this time, Yuan Xiaoju, the most staunch princeling party member, had already gone to Luoyang. The person who stood up at this time surprised Yang Guang and was the famous general He Ruobi.

Guarding the southern front with General Han Qinhu, He Ruobi became the general manager of Wuzhou (today's Yangzhou area). As soon as Han Qinhu returned to the southern front, he returned to the capital to report that the two could not leave the southern front at the same time.

"Weichen thinks this is not good."

"General He Ruo, why is it bad?"

He Ruobi's voice was rough: "Your Majesty, I have seen many people on the front line, especially the literati in Nanchen. You may not have seen many in the court, but I know a lot. The practice of writing is very popular near Jiankang City. , thus forming an extremely bad disadvantage." "What disadvantage?"

"The appearance of clear conversation."

He Ruobi said to the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty: "Learning from the past, the literati in the Southern Dynasties talked a lot. They would gather to talk on three or five days and the day would pass. If they were not satisfied, they would talk tomorrow. What were they talking about? Talking about mountains, water, women, etc. We talk about the sun and the moon, in short, elegant things, and some mysterious gods, immortals, Buddhas and demons. This has become a trend."

"This trend has increased. These educated literati have not become officials, but no one goes to farm or fight. They just talk every day and it is useless."

After hearing this, the ministers began to discuss and whisper among themselves.

He Ruobi continued: "I don't look down on these people. After reading books, I feel superior to others. After learning the words of saints, I feel it is embarrassing to hoe the ground with a hoe, and to lead an ox loses my grace."

"Your Majesty, the court is only as big as the court, and there are only so many officials. What's the use of so many scholars? It's just spending more food to feed idle people. If the scholar-bureaucrats in our dynasty were like those in the Southern Dynasty, they would talk every day and ruin the country. , This is a big problem. Your Highness has established a school among the common people, and the children of farmers and craftsmen have come to study, so who will farm the fields and who will work in the workshops?"

Yang Guang looked at He Ruobi and was not angry because of his words. Instead, he admired him. He was a military commander, but he spoke slowly and retorted from a reasonable angle.

"Sir, second."

"Sir, second."

Many ministers stood up and agreed with He Ruobi's statement.

"Prince Jin, what do you think?"

Yang Guang looked at He Ruobi and smiled slightly: "General He Ruobi is right."

The ministers looked at him in surprise, what are you doing?You proposed the establishment of a school. He Ruobi talked about the disadvantages of establishing a school, and then you said here that he was right?Is there something wrong with my brain or I just didn't understand what others said.

"What General He Ruo is worried about is that idle talk will harm the country. Too many people are studying, and there are new students every year. The court cannot provide so many positions for these people, and other jobs don't seem to require so many books, so... My suggestion to my father is to establish a school in these four residential areas called [Blue Sky Soaring Technical College] or [Lanxiang Technical School]. The main thing is to teach not the principles of saints, but technology."

Everyone was surprised, a school teaching technology was unheard of.

"Why do I have this idea? Because I supervised the construction of Daxing City and saw many civilian laborers coming with signs. Do you know how big the difference is between an unskilled civilian laborer and a skilled technical worker doing the same job?"

"Obviously everyone doesn't know this. I've seen it with my own eyes on the construction site. A skilled worker can be as fast as three civilians in his profession, and the quality of the work is even better. Building walls and building houses all have their own skills. This school mainly teaches these things.”

Yang Guang continued: "In Daxing City, I have the deepest feeling. There are too few skilled workers of this kind, and there is a saying that the apprentices will starve to death, so the relationship between father and son basically hides the skills. This also leads to the desire of skilled workers." It is very difficult to grow. Not to mention Daxing City, if you want to hire a famous house builder in Chang'an City now, you have to queue up. I believe you all feel the same."

"Not to mention craftsmen, even farmers have good and bad farming techniques. If everyone learns the farming techniques summed up by the best farmers, wouldn't the food output of Sui Dynasty be more?"

They didn't know how to object to what Yang Guang said now, and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with it.

As dignitaries, they must want the best service, but the number of craftsmen is insufficient. Even if you kill them, you can't change them. So you often have to wait, or you can only lower the quality and settle for nothing. Secondly.

Now Yang Guang wants to increase the number of skilled craftsmen, which is also a good thing for them. Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with this school.

Yang Guang, who had anticipated the resistance to establishing a school in Pingminfang District, also thought about it for a long time before he came up with this equity plan. Although it is a technical school, for skilled workers, they should be taught to read and write, some principles should be taught, and skills should be taught. Also teaching culture can improve the level of education as quickly as possible.

Yang Jian smiled with satisfaction. In terms of both justice and practical application, the technical school Yang Guang wanted to establish was correct. As long as the nobles could not find a reason, it could even be rolled out on a large scale.

Gou must proceed step by step to push forward the torrent of history.

(End of this chapter)

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