American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 500 Gene Accelerator

Chapter 500 - Gene Accelerator
Soon, Huang Yuan was placed on a platform five meters long and nearly two meters wide by Supreme Evolution.

The densely packed robotic arms and various instruments around him were immediately activated, and then quickly came to the periphery of the operating table.

"Now, I want to see how different your genes are from ordinary people on earth, and what kind of secrets there are."

"Hope you don't let me down."

The Supreme Evolution looked down at Huang Yuan and said, "If you disappoint me, I will make you live forever and never die!"

As the words fell, the light in the supremely evolved eyes dimmed, revealing a pair of special light blue aperture pupils.

A bunch of strange signals appeared in the center of the pupil, and the surrounding robots seemed to have opened the link and started to operate.

However, when these robotic arms stretched out their mechanical tools and approached Huang Yuan's body, ready to strike, they found that no matter what they did, they could not cause damage to his body.

It was not like the Supreme Evolution had never seen a creature with a very powerful body defense, so he immediately began to mobilize sharper mechanical tools.

However, using various tools, and finally even using high-energy lasers, they were unable to cause even a millimeter wound to appear on Huang Yuan's body.

This is because when his body encounters a dangerous situation, it automatically uses Qi to strengthen its physical defense capabilities.


The Supreme Evolution was suddenly speechless. I didn't expect this guy's physical strength to be so high.

But soon, his face was full of curiosity, and he even said with a little fanaticism: "You are making me more and more interested in you now. The stronger you are, it proves that your genes contain The secret is more powerful."

After saying that, his eyes lit up again, and the same subspace channel as before appeared behind him.

"Even if the life force of this clone is exhausted, it is completely worth it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible force poured into his body.

Then when the Supreme Evolution raised his palm, an energy that distorted the surrounding space began to appear and condensed on his palm.

If you just look at it with ordinary eyes, you can't see anything at all.

But Huang Yuan could see that the power of stance condensed into a sharp edge on the palm of the supreme evolution.

"This is a stance knife. It can cut even the material of a white dwarf star. Your body's defense can't be stronger than that of a white dwarf star, right?"

After saying that, the hand blade cut directly on the skin of Huang Yuan's arm. A small wound suddenly appeared, and drops of blood began to seep out.

The Supreme Evolution burst into laughter, and said with joy on his face: "Finally, I can see the strongest gene I have ever seen."

Huang Yuan, who was lying on the operating table, sighed in his heart. If he hadn't taken the initiative to create a "wound", the Supreme Evolution would have gone crazy later.

Soon, he obtained the supreme evolution of the biological sample and immediately turned around and walked towards the test bench beside him.

He is now filled with great expectations and extremely curious about the secrets of Huang Yuan's genes.

Huang Yuan lay quietly on the stage and waited, because he knew that no matter how hard the other party studied, he would not be able to get any useful information.

Because from the very beginning, his biological organization was no different from that of ordinary people, but what the other party wanted was completely different.

In fact, Huang Yuan also wants to know the specific status of the genes in his body now.

Sure enough, as time went by, the expression on the Supreme Evolution's face began to become increasingly ugly.

He turned back to the operating table and began planning to harvest it from different parts.So in desperation, Huang Yuan cooperated with him and started to create other wounds, allowing this guy to collect a lot of blood and tissue.

But no matter how much he researched, he didn't get any useful information.

Many methods were used, even biological techniques from different civilizations, but even so, there was no way to see through the problems.

This made Supreme Evolution suddenly feel angry in his aggrieved heart. He smashed the test bench in front of him with one punch, then turned around and came to Huang Yuan's side.

"What exactly did you do to your body, and why can't I get any useful information from your samples?"

Listening to the roar of the supreme evolution, Huang Yuan, who was loosened from his restraints, said calmly: "I am trained by ordinary people. Do you think there is any difference between my genes and ordinary people?"

These neither salty nor bland words immediately made the Supreme Evolution completely annoyed.

"Very well, since you deliberately concealed the truth, don't blame me for being rude to you next!"

After saying that, with the thought of supreme evolution, Huang Yuan floated directly from the operating table.

Immediately, they passed through a hidden door and came to an empty room next door.

When Huang Yuan arrived at the center of the room, the originally smooth walls and floors around him immediately began to emit a faint pink light.

"Since your genes are so ordinary, but you have such a powerful body and energy, there is obviously something wrong with it."

The Supreme Evolution looked at Huang Yuan and said, "There must be some special secret hidden in you."

"In that case, then come and try it, the highest masterpiece of knowledge and technology I have learned throughout my life!"

"This genetic accelerator will keep your genes in a state of constant rapid evolution."

"In this case, there is absolutely no way you can hide the secret of your genes."

"After all, if you don't interfere, your genes will completely change your body!"

"Come on, let me see!"

After saying that, a hollow transparent cylinder suddenly appeared on the ground that was originally as smooth as a mirror, and Huang Yuan was trapped inside.

Then, circular black holes began to appear on the surrounding ground and ceiling, with pipes extending from them and connecting to the cylinder.

"What kind of shocking secret does your gene hide?"

The transparent cylinder suddenly lit up with a light red light, and then Huang Yuan felt that the cells in his body began to change.

"finally come!"

Huang Yuan began to look forward to it. After all, he had been planning this since he saw the Supreme Evolution.

In the MW universe, apart from the Celestials, there are only a few people who have strong enough abilities in life genes.

The Supreme Evolution happened to be one of them, and he also designed a machine that could allow genes to evolve rapidly.

Huang Yuan's goal is this machine!
As the enemies he faced became stronger and stronger, he began to feel that the progress in improving his strength was not keeping up.

The gene accelerator is currently the best tool to break the situation!
(End of this chapter)

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