American comic muscle saiyan

Chapter 568 A Space Tunnel of Ten Thousand Light Years

[So, what you mean is that in this war with the Annihilation Zerg, the people of Kairos Civilization and I don’t have to do anything, right? 】

Upon hearing this, Huang Yuan immediately said: "You don't have to do anything, that definitely won't work!"

"Now that I have provided you with complete shelter, you also need to do me some favors."


[So, your purpose has been clear from the beginning, and it is not what you call free help, right? 】

Huang Yuan said happily: "Hey, you are obviously an artificial intelligence, but you still play with me by picking out words, right?"

"When did I say that what I did for the Kairos civilization was completely free of charge?"

"I just deny your speculation about my intention to do this, and deny your idea that I want to annex Kairos civilization."

"I didn't say I don't want anything in return at all."


Naturally, Sanila could look back at the previous conversation at any time, so he knew that Huang Yuan was indeed right.

"Why, if you don't speak, does that mean you don't want to help me?" Huang Yuan asked in a suspicious tone.

[Why don’t you first tell me what kind of help you want me to do? 】

"It's very simple. Use your super analytical power and intelligent database to help me analyze and sort out the problems in earth's science and technology, and eliminate some hidden dangers that may be hidden on the earth."

Huang Yuan said: "After all, before I become stronger, there may be other aliens or mysterious powerful people visiting the earth."

"They may have buried something special on the earth. I want you to help me clean it up and investigate."

[This is no problem. It is not difficult for me. I will do my best to help you. 】

[But for those that are beyond my ability, please forgive me for not being able to help you. 】

"I know, you just need to find what you can find and help me deal with it." Huang Yuan was very satisfied.

[So, this is all you need? 】

[You can actually state all your requirements. There is no need to say them separately. I will do my best to help you. 】

Sanila was obviously confused and disbelieving. His analysis model told him that Huang Yuan must have other needs that he didn't directly say.

"No, that's all for now. Maybe if I think of something again, I'll tell you directly." Huang Yuan waved his hand and said casually.

[Okay, then I’ll do as you said. 】

When the conversation between the two ended, Huang Yuan turned around and prepared to leave.

[Actually, you can find me through the contact device I gave you before. There is no need to come here specifically to talk to me. 】

[For us intelligent beings, there is no such concept as face-to-face. 】

Huang Yuan shook his head and said, "But for me, it's better to talk about such important matters in person. At least I respect you, right?"

"Also, the communicator has actually been disassembled for research, so I didn't bring it with me."


"Perhaps, you can give me another one?" Huang Yuan continued.

[Okay, I will arrange to send you another one now. 】

[You can tell me clearly about this kind of thing next time. I will give you ten more communicators this time. 】

At this time, in the outside world, Kairos' civilization migration has also come to an end.

"Your Majesty, all citizens have been evacuated. Now we only need to wait for your final order to let the fleet leave directly." The minister next to him said.

Veronica nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Huang Yuan who was sitting next to her and said, "Tir, all our people have been relocated and can set off directly at any time. You can provide us with the star map of the target location now. "

Huang Yuan shook his head and said, "No, I have a faster way."

"A faster way?"

Veronica wondered: "But as far as I know, the fastest spaceship in the universe still uses jump navigation technology, and there is no way to get faster."

"And even if there is one, it's not suitable for relocation of a large fleet like ours, right?"

Huang Yuan said mysteriously: "I will directly build a shortest distance channel for you."


Veronica is not a novice who doesn't know anything. She asked doubtfully: "Are you talking about a space wormhole?"

"That is indeed a way to greatly shorten the distance between two points, but our fleet is large in number, which can easily affect the stability of the channel itself."

"I don't think this is a good approach. The risk and uncertainty are too great."

Huang Yuan smiled confidently and said: "Don't worry, I know what you mean, but don't worry, since I said it, it will definitely be safe."

"Take a good look."

After speaking, he stood up, waved his hand, and as the silver light condensed, a space portal quickly appeared in front of him.

After Huang Yuan stepped into it, he disappeared directly into the main hall of the mothership. Veronica and others looked surprised.

Their spaceship can also perform jump flight, but this is the first time I have seen this kind of physical body opening the entrance to space, and I can't understand how it is done.

Later, in the astonished eyes of everyone, the character capture video of the spacecraft saw that Huang Yuan had appeared above the fleet of Kairos civilization at the same time.

He was seen suspended in the vacuum of the universe. When he raised his hand, the God King's Noble Phantasm peacefully appeared and covered his body. The energy halo of the rune circuits circulated, making him look like a super god.

The next second, as Huang Yuan thought, the four infinity stones of space, time, reality, and mind appeared on the fist armor of his left hand at the same time.

The four colors of light are intertwined with each other. They do not exclude each other because of their different attributes. They even establish a special connection with each other.

On guard, the green light ring of will, the red light ring of anger, and the yellow light ring of fear appeared on the fingers of Huang Yuan's right hand.

Then he instantly entered the form of the Saiyan God, and the majestic divine power in his body began to surge out.

The golden-red divine power like a sea continues to pour into the God King's Noble Phantasm, causing the entire set of God King's Noble Phantasm to bloom with the brilliance of his God.

The light of divine power began to shine on him, and at the same time the four infinity stones also lit up, of which the two stones of reality and space shined the brightest.

Four infinity stones appeared behind Huang Yuan in an instant. As they continued to rotate, the light of the space stones increased sharply. It came to the center position, and the other three gems began to rotate around it.

At this time, in the Kairos civilization's fleet, they could only vaguely feel the fluctuations in the rules of space power, so they didn't feel anything big.

But they could clearly feel the powerful divine power released from Huang Yuan at this moment, as if ordinary people saw the bright sun, only a majestic and inviolable sanctity would rise.

All Kailos people who saw this scene couldn't help but open their arms and began to pray to Huang Yuan by chanting words with strange syllables.

This was what they used to pray to the gods of Kairos civilization.

In the past, their prayers to the gods were routine.

At this time, God had already appeared in front of them, and their prayers came from the heart.

As Huang Yuan's eyes were filled with the light of space rules combined with divine power, the rules of space began to be touched and rewritten.

At this time, he suddenly felt that his divine power began to change. It was not that other energy was added to it, but that his divine power began to become more pure and powerful, as if there was something invisible that was helping him stimulate his divine power. and cohesion.


At first, Huang Yuan felt confused as to why his divine power suddenly changed like this.

So under a powerful mental scan, I discovered this scene of Kairos civilization, and I immediately understood it.

It turns out that these are the so-called power of faith. No wonder those gods once went to the living planet to find life and believe in themselves. It turns out that it has this effect.

But these are not important. Huang Yuan actually doesn't care about this kind of external power, which will only make him unable to find his own position.

Back to topic.

What he wants to do this time is to forcibly open a passage in space directly to the solar system where the earth is located.

This point appeared in Avengers 1, using the power of the space gem to open a small cosmic passage for the Chitauri fleet.

However, this is still a bit different from what Huang Yuan is currently doing. After all, the location of Kairos civilization and the solar system are more than eight million light years apart.

The distance during this period can be said to have exceeded the imagination of ordinary people, and also exceeded the distance between the Chitauri and the earth at that time.

Therefore, the energy required to open a channel cannot be guaranteed to be 100% successful even for him now.

Even without the help of the Space Stone and the other three Infinity Stones as a base, he would not dare to think about it.


After everything was ready, Huang Yuan had an idea, and the huge divine power in his body began to flow rapidly.

The space gem behind him suddenly turned into a supernova, blooming with extremely powerful light, and the unimaginable power of space began to grow stronger and stronger.

The divine power in Huang Yuan's body is used to maintain the stability of this space power, so that the space gem can release larger space power normally.

As the incarnation of the rules of the universe, the space gem is essentially the space incarnation of the universe, so the energy is infinite in a certain sense.

However, although the energy is basically unlimited, once the output exceeds the level of ordinary life, it will be in vain.

This amount of energy escaping from the Infinity Stones is unacceptable to ordinary people. Even Star-Lord's demigod body can barely handle the power emanating from the Power Stone.

The random burst of energy from the Space Stone directly created the existence of Captain Marvel Carol. It can be seen from these deeds that the power of the Infinity Stone is very powerful, and the user needs to have a strong enough body and energy to maintain the stability of the output.

When everything was turned on, a special space light point appeared just in front of the Kairos civilization fleet.

The other side of the universe.

In the solar system, in the orbit of the earth and the moon, the same scene seen by the Kairos fleet appeared.

At this time, Huang Yuan had used the space gem to connect the two points of Kairos civilization and earth civilization with the power of space.

Anchor the connection point between two spaces, which is the necessary first step in creating a space tunnel.

When the anchor point was determined, the space gem behind Huang Yuan began to act, and suddenly the entire huge cosmic space began to continuously vibrate with invisible space power, all condensed on the light point.

In an instant, the light spot began to spread rapidly, from the size of a mung bean to a huge circular aperture hundreds of thousands of kilometers in just ten seconds.

When the aperture was completely fixed, the rippling power of space immediately rolled up the entire space into invisible space waves.

At the same time, a special black spot appeared in the aperture of the universe on both sides.

As if a black hole was born, the black dot occupied one-third of the area within the aperture in an instant, and then the energy began to disperse.

Finally, a huge space tunnel appeared in front of the Kairos fleet, and the universe scene where the earth is located can even be clearly seen from the opposite side.

Seeing this scene, the colors of all the Kailos people began to change, turning into bright multi-colored light, making their bodies look like diamonds.

"Is this a direct opening of a space tunnel leading to the destination?"

Veronica was also shocked watching this scene.

You must know that this is not the kind of wormhole that connects the universe through different spaces, or a space portal capable of teleportation, but a real space tunnel.

This is Huang Yuan using the power of space to forcefully construct a space tunnel in the space structure of the universe that can directly allow their entire fleet to pass through.

"Your Majesty, the space tunnel has been reinforced and your people can set off." Huang Yuan's voice rang in Veronica's ears.

Veronica woke up when she heard this and said quickly: "Let the fleet start the engines and set off immediately!"

Soon, the entire Kairos civilization fleet immediately started its engines and began to enter the space tunnel.

There is no need to experience the twisted and strange space insect swarm phenomenon like a wormhole, nor does it need to undergo space transmission for material conversion, but it actually flies over.

Based on the Kairos civilization's understanding of space, not to mention other technical problems, the energy required to open and stabilize this space tunnel lock alone is beyond the calculation statistics that they can use civilization to calculate.

In the eyes of the Kailos people, what Huang Yuan had done with this hand had shocked their hearts, and now only the word "miraculous" was left in their hearts.

On the other side, when such a huge fleet appeared in the earth-lunar orbit, the people in the space monitoring department on the earth were immediately frightened.

At this time, due to the major technological upgrades of the Xingchao Saiyan Group, their outer space observation technology has reached a level that can monitor in real time.

Therefore, when he suddenly saw such a huge fleet, he was so frightened that he immediately activated the first level of combat readiness and began to urgently assemble the troops.

Ordinary people on the earth were also shocked, because even on the ground, they could see with the naked eye the sudden appearance of the huge space channel and the extremely large fleet. (End of chapter)

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