Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 107 Eagle Red Grass

Chapter 107 Eagle Red Grass


All the presiding judges and members of parliament left one after another and went to their respective territories.

"Didn't you say you didn't find it? Why haven't I seen so much information?" Leng Qing looked at Ye Baiqiu and asked.

You must know that after half a month of investigation, Lingling and I only found a few clues.

It turns out that this kid said he had no interest in this matter the day before, but today he obtained so much information that Luo Mian was immediately dismissed.

"I didn't want to take care of He in the first place, but demons are attacking the city. If something happens to Hangzhou City, it will inevitably affect other areas of Hangzhou, so I have to take care of it. After all, my little sister is still studying in Hangzhou University, and I don't want the demons to disturb her. ." Ye Baiqiu said expressionlessly.

If he hadn't seen that these people couldn't defeat the monarch-level demon, he wouldn't have spent the whole night searching for evidence to stop the congressman from killing the big snake.

"So, Lingling and Mo Fan have already gone to find the antidote for the plague?" Leng Qing asked.

"Yes, do you have any way to restore the Totem Black Snake's fighting strength immediately?" After Ye Baiqiu answered Leng Qing, he looked at Tang Zhong and Tang Yue.

"A god needs a lot of energy to regain his fighting strength in a short period of time during the molting period." Tang Zhong was silent for a moment before saying.

"Is it okay to have different blood?" Ye Baiqiu grasped this important point and continued to ask.

"...It should be possible." Tang Zhong thought for a while and said.

Ye Baiqiu nodded and said to Tang Yue:

"In this case, then you go to the warehouse in Bai Zhen and bring all the blood agents inside to Xuan She. After all, they won't be able to resist for long."

"Okay." Tang Yue responded and set off.

"It's time for us to go to the front line." Tang Zhong said.

"Yes." Leng Qing naturally shouldered the responsibility and spread his wings to prepare for departure.

Ye Baiqiu didn't move. He was still sitting on the chair, as if he didn't hear it.

However, this matter really has nothing to do with him.

Tang Zhong has left the conference room.

When Leng Qing saw this, she immediately understood what he meant. She turned around and walked outside without saying anything.


West Fort.

Many teenagers were carrying mops and buckets to clean up the blood on the road.

"I want to go to the battlefield, and I don't want to be a cleaner." A young man swung the broom and said angrily.

"Bodies must be disposed of in time. Accumulation can easily cause diseases..." Wang Xiaoyun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a scream suddenly came from the military building.

Several teenagers were frightened and could not recover for a long time.

Wang Xiaojun hurriedly ran into the dormitory, and as soon as he reached the door, he saw a group of Master Wei running out from inside.

"What's wrong?" Wang Xiaoyun asked.

"Epidemic, Da Li's body is covered with ulcers!" one of the Master Wei shouted.

Wang Xiaoyun squeezed inside and found a young man squatting in the corner of the room with his upper body naked, scratching the wounds on his body with his hands. The smelly blood overflowed from it, which looked quite scary.

The entire military building was in a state of panic and everyone ran outside.

"Brother Li, are you okay?" Wang Xiaoyun stepped forward timidly and asked.

"What are you doing here? Get away from me!" the young Master Wei yelled.

"I just want to help you go to the infirmary. This may not be an epidemic. It may just be scratched by a poisonous rat. I smell the smell of your blood." Wang Xiaoyun said. "Wang Xiaoyun, you have nothing to do here. Get out of here. The medical team will be here soon." An officer walked in and kicked the boy away.

The officer stood guard next to the sick young man, but did not dare to approach rashly.

Wang Xiaojun rubbed his sore buttocks and muttered as he walked: "It's obviously rat poison, so what kind of disease is it?"

Just as he was muttering, a girl wearing a black and red plum blossom cheongsam walked over quickly.

"Hey, what did you just say?" Little Loli walked over.

"It's rude to call you brother!" Wang Xiaoyun said.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly why you said it was not an epidemic." Lingling asked.

"It's not a disease in the first place. I've had it before when I went to catch poisonous rats. As long as I rub the eagle red grass on my hands, I'll be fine." Wang Xiaoyun said truthfully.

"Are you telling the truth?" Lingling asked again to confirm.

Lingling has been in the fortress investigating the whereabouts of this batch of blood agents.

Every time someone gets sick, she will check it out immediately.

It turned out that there was also a problem with the military medicine, and several people who used the medicine immediately fell ill.

This time was no exception, and this young man's bold statement just caught her attention.

"Why am I lying to you? I raise a gray eagle with impure blood. It is often rejected by the trainer and doesn't have enough to eat, so I sometimes go to the forest over there and catch some rabbits and mice for it to eat... ..." Wang Xiaoyun said seriously.

"Do you still have that kind of Eagle Red Grass?" Lingling asked anxiously.

“No, Eagle Red Grass can only grow on the Xiling side, we don’t have it here at all.

It was possible to get it done usually, but now that group of white magic eagles are going crazy, it's simply impossible. "Wang Xiaoyun shook his head.

"Follow me." Lingling was not polite and directly pulled Wang Xiaoyun to the observation deck.

At the observation deck, Mo Fan sat on the edge, staring at the western ridge in the distance that had changed from dense blue to white.

The number of White Magic Eagles is increasing. They are just like humans hoarding troops. Their companions have long been spread across the endless mountains.

There was no telling when the attack would be launched, nor was it known how much casualties such a huge White Demon Eagle Legion would bring to the city.

"Mo Fan, I discovered something!!" Lingling dragged Wang Xiaoyun over.

Wang Xiaojun saw Mo Fan wearing a military uniform and quickly stepped forward to salute.

Lingling told Mo Fan everything she found out.

After hearing this, Mo Fan was doubtful and asked some key questions.

"Eagle Red Grass grows in Xiling, and all the monsters in this large area are gathered here. It is impossible for us to get it." Mo Fan shook his head.

Lingling saw Mo Fan's dejected look and immediately stretched out her fingers to count him down:
"You're stupid. We can't get close to Xiling. We can dissect a poisonous mouse first and experiment. If confirmed, we can find a way."

Mo Fan's eyes lit up when he heard this. After asking a few questions, he summoned the Swift Star Wolf and ran to the forest.

Then a mouse was caught and the experiment started.

Lingling had a better understanding of demons and could identify the race of the rat at a glance, and then compared the information to find out the problem.

After a while, the results came out. Yes, the source of the disease came from here.

But Mo Fan and the others were unable to enter the West Ridge to obtain Eagle Red Grass to make the antidote.


(End of this chapter)

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