Chapter 124

The sky is shrouded in darkness, night is falling.

The temperature difference between day and night in the Gobi is huge. When the last trace of warmth on this yellow land fades, the cold will come quietly.

The girls all went into the tent to sleep, and the four grown men took turns taking charge of the night watch.

Ye Baiqiu was not in the mood to rest, so he was keeping vigil tonight.

Although the other three people were a little confused, they did not refuse.

Ye Baiqiu sat cross-legged on a rock beside the campfire. The heat coming from under his body made him feel upset.

In this yellow sand, ice energy is extremely rare. It would take a lot of time to restore the magic energy without the help of elemental crystals.

Concentrate, absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and begin to slowly restore the magic energy in your body in this hot place.

In this situation of thin energy, I obviously feel a completely different feeling from the past.

Thinking about the places we have traveled in the past few years, whether it is Dongting Lake or the Black Pool Mountains, the ice element energy is extremely abundant.

Suddenly coming to this land of burning fields, there will naturally be a little hesitation when using the ice element with all your strength.

The energy from the nearby world slowly entered the body, was tempered in the ice soul, and then entered the galaxy.

Suddenly, there was movement in the distance.

Ye Baiqiu immediately opened his white eyes, entered the tent to wake up Mo Fan, and asked him to wake up the others, while he went to the place where the incident occurred to check the situation.

The sound coming from the distance was the sound of running. The sounds were overlapping. There should be many creatures running wildly on the Gobi.

Ye Baiqiu walked forward on foot and soon arrived near the place where the movement occurred.

Under the moonlight, you can clearly see a small group of Sand Howl Tigers running wildly on the ground not far away.

Their roars were deafening, and the movement caused by their wild running made the ground tremble continuously.

Looking forward, a group of hunting mages were escaping in a panic.

There are six or seven Sand Howling Tigers in total. Such a number can swallow up the whole hunting team.

The direction they fled was actually the Shawang River, which was simply the stupidest choice.

Ye Baiqiu was prepared to stand by and watch, these people were not worth saving anyway.

It didn't take long for them to enter the white sand of the Shawang River. They didn't dare to stop and ran straight in for about 500 meters.

However, the group of Sand Howling Tigers behind them stopped by the river.

Ye Baiqiu was thoughtful. It seemed that being able to become a local overlord with quick hands was not without brains.

Sure enough, white sand surged up in the Shawang River, and they condensed into sand-turned swords and slashed toward the group of magicians one after another.

The group of people let out shrill screams, which instantly turned into drops of blood all over the sky.

"Oh my God!!" At this time, Zhao Manyan's exclamation came from Ye Baiqiu.

He looked back and noticed that everyone had woken up from the tent.

The three women all covered their mouths, their watery eyes widened to the extreme. It was obvious that they had also seen the brutal scene just now.

The horror of the Shawang River was far beyond their imagination. It felt like an ordinary person jumping into a river full of ferocious sharks and being torn to pieces in an instant.

"Why don't we just treat it as a trip to Dunhuang this time, and go back and forth from wherever we go?" Zhao Manyan said, feeling his scalp numb and his limbs weak.

From the scroll, Zhao Manyan learned that the Shawang River was the most dangerous forbidden area in Dunhuang. Countless hunters had lost their lives here. Zhao Manyan didn't take it seriously at first, but after seeing it with his own eyes today, he completely felt the trembling from his soul.

"Don't we have mind mages? We shouldn't be as miserable as them, right?" Zhang Xiaohou's tone was no longer so tough.

Several girls didn't speak for a long time. They all needed to slow down. It took a while. "The blood-stained white sand demon soldiers are extremely angry. It is difficult for me to guarantee that they will not attack us." Ding Yumian said first.

"If we go to areas that are not stained with blood, we can ensure that they will not attack." Ye Xinxia added.

"But I still feel very panicked. If something unexpected happens, we will all be in trouble." Zhao Manyan said with a cowardly look on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm here to ensure that you pass through the Shawang River with no problem." Ye Baiqiu said expressionlessly.

He was extremely disdainful of Zhao Manyan's cowardice. If he was so afraid of death, why would he still want to become a strong person?Just ridiculous.

As soon as Ye Baiqiu said these words, Zhao Manyan, who originally wanted to quit, calmed down.

It's not that they don't believe in the two women, but they believe in Ye Baiqiu's strength more than the psychic system.

After all, the opponent's ability to defeat the commander-level demon is definitely the biggest guarantee for this trip to Dunhuang.

"Brother, are you planning to kill him directly?" Mo Fan subconsciously started to guess.

Ye Baiqiu shook his head and said: "It would be too much for me to take action directly. It's best to go through it with spiritual comfort. If it doesn't work, I will open the way."

Everyone also understood.

With this shock, everyone returned to the tent and slept restlessly all night.

After all, the terrifying shadow left by the White Sand Demon Soldier is still echoing in their hearts.

But all this had nothing to do with Ye Baiqiu, he still sat cross-legged by the campfire to recover his magic energy.

After several hours of recovery, the ice magic energy has almost been restored.

Soon, the red sun in the east shone with a bright red brilliance on the Shawang River, and the blood in the river had been dried.

But it was still so clear when illuminated by the rising sun, reminding them that this river was definitely not as simple as it seemed, and that it was a place of narrow escape.

"Is it okay?" Ye Baiqiu asked seriously.

"Okay, they have all been appeased. There will be no white sand demon soldiers when we pass by." Ding Yumian said.

She had calmed down all the white sand demon soldiers 10 meters away.

"Okay, let's cross the river!" Ye Baiqiu took the lead and entered the river, leading the way for everyone.

After taking a few steps, no accident occurred, and the others followed with confidence.

Ye Xinxia also got off the Swift Star Wolf and used the wings of light to float in the air.

Everyone stepped on the white sand, and after walking for more than ten meters, no white sand demon soldiers appeared.

"Can you hold on?" Ye Baiqiu stood side by side with Ding Yumian, always paying attention to her situation.

"Okay." Ding Yumian said softly, keeping calm in his heart and conveying his calm emotions to the Baisha Demon Soldier.

"Lingyi - appease!"

Wave after wave of ripple furnaces, magic extending outward like waves, swept over the surrounding white sand demon soldiers.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the journey on the river was very smooth.

With the comfort of psychic magic, these white sand demon soldiers will almost never appear.

The road was smooth and smooth. Ding Yumian had a high amount of magic energy, so he didn't use up much of it for most of the journey.

The power that spread out seemed to be within her control.


(End of this chapter)

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