Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 14 The Demon Hunter

Chapter 14 The Demon Hunter
After returning to school, Ye Baiqiu came to the principal's office to apply for suspension of study.

"Classmate Ye, are you sure?" Principal Zhu said.

"Sure, I need to go outside to practice my actual combat skills. I may not have time to come to class..." Ye Baiqiu explained.

Principal Zhu thought for a while and finally agreed to Ye Baiqiu's application for suspension of study.

The teachers had told him about the training, so he allowed Ye Baiqiu to drop out of school.

"Thank you." Ye Baiqiu nodded in thanks.

Ye Baiqiu bought a mask near the school gate.

The Hunter Hall, with people coming and going, was as lively as a New Year's temple fair.

This made Ye Baiqiu, who didn't like crowds of people, a little irritated.

There was a huge LCD screen hanging in the hunter's hall, which announced the latest bounties. The bounties kept scrolling, and Ye Baiqiu even saw a million-dollar bounty from it.

"Ice mage! We are in urgent need of a second-level ice mage. Those with more than three years of combat experience. Those with a sense of teamwork will be given priority. The bounty has been accepted. The reward will be divided according to merit. Welcome to join the team!"

"The Flame Team sincerely recruits fire magicians to ensure completion efficiency. Just sit down and collect the money!"

"Scout! Our team is in urgent need of a scout! It is best to be a wind mage with experience in attracting demons!"

When Ye Baiqiu heard the shouts one after another, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed. It was very similar to the scene where the sect recruited apprentices in his previous life.

Ye Baiqiu walked to the service desk. He needed to register for a hunter's license first.

"Hello, are you here to entrust a task or to accept an entrustment?" the receptionist at the front desk said with a smile.

"Registered hunter's license." Ye Baiqiu's cold voice came from under the white mask.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The receptionist brought up the page for registering a hunter license on the computer.


"Baimian." Ye Baiqiu pondered for a moment and decided to call him by anyone he wanted. Anyway, the Hunter Alliance has no strict requirement that it must be his real name.

"Basically, cultivation level?"

"Basic level three."

"Isn't it convenient to reveal your gender?"

Ye Baiqiu nodded.

"Please wait a moment, your hunter license is being generated. It is valid for the National Hunter Alliance. Since you have just registered, your hunter level is a junior hunter. Completing bounties and commissions will be converted into contribution points. If the contribution points are enough, you will be automatically upgraded. I hope your hunter level will go smoothly."

The receptionist smiled and handed over a hunter's license.

Ye Baiqiu took the hunter's license, turned around and walked towards the hall. He wanted to take on some tasks.

"Commission: Complete corpse of a slave-level one-eyed demon wolf, unit price: 20 yuan, no limit to quantity."

Ye Baiqiu became excited after just one glance. This level was not too difficult, and the number was unlimited.

Arriving at the reception desk, Ye Baiqiu accepted the commission.

"Do you really want to accept this commission? If the commission fails, it will be recorded in your hunter file and affect your commission completion rate." The staff asked.


"Do you need to form a team? This task is difficult to complete alone." The staff confirmed again.

"No need." Ye Baiqiu didn't want to be a burden.

"Okay, please hand over the body to the military at Xuefeng Mountain Station within the specified time."

The commission on the LCD screen has been accepted.

I don't know which hunter saw the word "accepted" on the LCD screen and said in surprise:

"I'll go! You really risk your life to accept this commission. That's the body of the one-eyed demon wolf!"

"It's probably some young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky. It seems like this man is going to die!"

Ye Baiqiu heard the hunters' discussion and didn't take what they said to heart at all.

Just kidding, as long as you don't encounter warrior-level people, even if there are a bunch of them, so what, they will all die.

I bought some incense powder to attract demons as well as food and water in the street outside, and got these things.

Ye Baiqiu took a small backpack to store and got into a taxi heading to the inn.

Outside the inn, several military mages were guarding the entrance and exit of the inn.

Ye Baiqiu walked up and showed his hunter's license.

A military mage stepped forward to check and nodded.Several other military mages nodded and opened the door to let them through.

After walking out of the military station, Ye Baiqiu kept walking towards the east.

He walked toward the Demon Hunting Forest at a moderate pace. After about 30 minutes, Ye Baiqiu arrived at a dilapidated town.

In a higher area, Ye Baiqiu looked into the distance.

This dilapidated town covers an area of ​​about ten kilometers, with ruins, as well as clumps of grass and trees everywhere.

From time to time, you can still see some trees shaking violently. Apparently there are demons fighting each other among them or there are other hunter teams hunting demons.

But normally, in this small town, which is only more than 30 kilometers away from the inn, there will not be any powerful demons. Most of them are slaves, and there are probably very few peak slaves.

Take a closer look.

Ye Baiqiu walked another 20 kilometers eastward.

Arriving at a sloping jungle, I observed some more and then took out the scented powder from my backpack.

Light the incense powder on a flat ground.

The aroma rises and smells strange. When the wind blows, these smells disperse.

Ye Baiqiu stood in the grass behind, waiting for the prey to come to the door.

This kind of fragrant powder can attract monsters below the warrior level. It is usually used by the military to clean up monsters, and is rarely used by hunter hunters.

After all, this thing can attract all the monsters within a radius of 10 kilometers, and if you are not careful, the entire team may be defeated.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, there was a rustling sound and light footsteps in the bushes in the distance.

After a while, three one-eyed demon wolves emerged from the bushes.

"Looks like I'm lucky!"

Ye Baiqiu felt happy.

Bo City is a small city in the south, but its location is near the wolf tribe. It can be said that most monsters in the wild are wolf creatures.

Although I can kill a little warrior with all my strength, I still have to be more steady and not reckless. To describe it in one sentence, I don't want to waste my growth.

Ye Baiqiu stopped his thoughts and gradually transformed an ice spear into his hand.

The one-eyed demon wolf sprang out of the bushes, sniffed, and looked a little confused.

Where is my food?There is obviously the smell of food here, how could it not be there?

The one-eyed demon wolves searched around and found only a stick of incense but no food. When they were about to leave, they saw a human in the distance.


A trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed demon wolf, he sniffed, and then led his companions to charge together.


Ye Baiqiu immediately rushed out, holding an ice gun and rushing towards the three one-eyed demon wolves.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between one person and three wolves was less than three meters.

The leading one-eyed demon wolf pounced first.

Ye Baiqiu turned sideways, raised his leg and kicked him. With a pop, the leading one-eyed demon wolf was kicked several dozen meters away.

With his hands free, he raised the ice spear and directly chopped off the head of another one-eyed demon wolf.

Seeing the miserable state of his companions, the one-eyed demon wolf in the lead couldn't help but take a few steps back.

They never expected that this man would think so and kill his companions so easily.

Smelling the smell of blood in the air, Ye Baiqiu became increasingly excited and rushed out with a spear.

In just 10 moves, the head of the leader, the one-eyed demon wolf, had been taken down.

The other one was directly stabbed to death by an icicle that suddenly appeared.

Ye Baiqiu first took out the heart of the one-eyed demon wolf alone, and kept the blood in the ice.



 No more today, maybe a little later tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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