Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 152 Goodbye Mother

Chapter 152 Goodbye Mother

The ancient capital was under martial law, and even high walls could be seen erected throughout the outer city.

The ancient capital of Xi'an has an ancient city wall. The area inside the ancient city wall is the city center. Outside the ancient city wall are other urban areas such as the Forest of Wild Goose Pagodas and Steles. The inner city wall is mostly used for sightseeing.

Today, an even larger outer city wall has been built outside the inner city wall. The diameter of this outer city wall is about five times wider than that of the inner city wall. People who were originally distributed in different urban areas, including the suburbs, have all requested to move to this outer city wall. .

The outer city wall was so vast that from their point of view it felt like there were two sections facing the sky, and the edge of one side of the outer city wall could not be seen at a glance.

I remember that the perimeter of the inner city wall of the ancient capital was only close to fourteen kilometers, but the outer city wall that encompassed most of the city stretched for countless kilometers, completely protecting the great city of Xi'an inside.

There are people from the Magic Association guarding the city gate, and Mage Wei is responsible for the investigation.

During the day, the entry and exit of living people is not very strict, but when it is close to evening, the military does not allow people to leave the city very much, because everyone knows that ordinary people will directly become the rations of the undead after walking out of the protective outer city wall.

After passing through the heavily guarded outer city wall, the situation inside the city wall was not bad, no different from other cities, but because people from different suburbs gathered in these urban areas, the streets looked extremely bustling.

There is a huge newly cast city wall, which is like the long body of a giant dragon protecting the city inside.

The citizens don't need to worry about the bloody storm outside. In other words, they are already used to seeing those things and can live their lives as they please!
The group of people came to the Bell Tower Magicians Association in the ancient capital. This place and the Drum Tower Hunters Alliance can be said to be the center point of the ancient capital.

The mages in the Magician Association looked solemn. For them, such an undead disaster only happened a long time ago.

Ye Baiqiu was slightly startled by the familiar aura he suddenly sensed, and actually froze on the spot.

"What's wrong?" Mo Fan looked back, a little at a loss as to what the elder brother was doing when he stopped where he was.

"You go check the news first. I sensed something happened to an acquaintance." Ye Baiqiu said coldly.

The tone was very cold, as if a thousand years of cold air had entered the body.

"Okay." Mo Fan nodded without asking too much.

The group split into two routes.

Arriving on the third floor of the Magician Association, I walked directly in front of a woman.

"Are you still hiding? Mother."

Ye Baiqiu's cold voice echoed around the woman without any leakage.

Yes, this woman is his mother, who has disappeared for more than ten years!
Over the years, he never gave up looking for her, but there was no news at all.

"Little brother, I don't have a son. Have you admitted your mistake?" The woman denied with a slight smile.

"Hehehe, I can never sense this aura wrong in my life. You are her!" Ye Baiqiu said coldly.

The woman narrowed her eyes, as if she was about to take action, but she quickly relaxed her expression and reached out to tear off the human skin mask on her face.

The beautiful face under the mask was revealed, and this face was somewhat similar to Ye Baiqiu.

"As expected of my son, he is so sensitive to breath." She said with a smile.

"You are not qualified to call me that now." Ye Baiqiu said coldly.

He was full of complaints and even resentment towards this nominal mother.

"My dear son, are you here to stop me?" Ye Chang asked with interest.

"Why?" Ye Baiqiu asked in a cold tone.

The current situation is very obvious, she is a member of the Black Church.

"Hahahaha, why?" Ye Chang laughed like crazy as if she heard a big joke.

"You ask me, why, just because I want to destroy all his ideals and hopes and make him regret it!!"

Ye Baiqiu looked at the crazy mother in front of him and couldn't help but fell silent.

He was also aware of these things, but because he had to take care of his little sister, he did not act impulsively and chose to remain silent. "Stop it, mother. I will handle the blood feud. Don't get deeper into it." Ye Baiqiu said seriously.

"Go away, I can't go back."

Ye Chang also calmed down, took out a chair from the space ring, sat down, and folded her legs together.

"After all these years, have you ever thought about my little sister for those things?" Ye Baiqiu asked.

"I am indeed not a qualified mother, and besides, I am Salang!!" Ye Chang said extremely crazily.

"You are really crazy, why did you do that!" Ye Baiqiu's face gradually turned ugly.

Although he was a little suspicious, he did not expect that his mother turned out to be Salan, one of the seven cardinals of the Black Vatican.

And he was also the culprit that caused the demons to attack the city and destroy Bo City.

"Why, of course it's to get enough power!!" Ye Chang said with a smile.

After hearing the answer, the last trace of hope in Ye Baiqiu's heart disappeared completely, leaving only the murderous intention.

"What, you want to kill me?" Ye Chang said still smiling.

Ye Baiqiu slowly stretched out a palm, the aura on his body was also rising continuously, and the killing intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

"Come on!" Ye Chang laughed.

She was still sitting on the chair without making any movement, as if waiting for death to come.

"You go." Ye Baiqiu finally relented.

In the end, he was unable to kill his mother because he only had two blood-connected relatives left in the world.

"Haha, your biggest weakness is your love of emotions." Ye Chang said sarcastically.

"You are my mother after all, and I don't want to kill you." Ye Baiqiu said with an indifferent expression.


There was a burst of crazy laughter, and Ye Chang disappeared from the spot.

"Maybe I'm wrong, but I really don't want to stain my hands with the blood of my relatives." Ye Baiqiu murmured.

Afterwards, Ye Baiqiu left here in despair.

The senior officials of the ancient capital probably never dreamed that Salan would appear in the Magicians Association.
Mo Fan first went to find Zhang Xiaohou’s boss, Fei Jiao, and got the news that Zhang Xiaohou was going on a mission.

Then he went to the Hunter Alliance to find experienced people to lead the way. After all, he himself was not familiar with the road conditions at all.

I found a tour guide in the Hunter Alliance who was willing to lead the way, so I went to the hotel and booked three rooms.

"It's so dark. It's so dark. It costs 1000 million to lead the way. No wonder he's a three-inch boy."

Ye Baiqiu followed Mo Fan's scent into the inner city, came to one of the hotels, and followed Mo Fan's information to a room.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Mo Fan scolding me.

Ye Baiqiu ignored Mo Fan and walked in with a gloomy expression.

When Mo Fan saw his eldest brother's expression was so bad, he immediately shut up his trash talk.

He didn't want to be beaten again.


 If you like it, you can chase it.

(End of this chapter)

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