Chapter 228 coma
"Tch, it's really boring." Seeing that brat facing him in a preachy manner, Shi Yi stopped acting.

"I agree to participate in the competition." Shi Ye Xing said seriously, with a very standard attitude.

"Yes." Shi Yi quickly returned to his original cold attitude and began to deal with things seriously.
Magic City Pearl Academy, inner hospital infirmary.

Ding Yumian, who had been unconscious for a long time, slowly opened her eyes. The aura on her body was very calm.

"Xiaomian, how do you feel?"

Dean Xiao, who was originally handling school affairs in his office, heard from a teacher in the healing department that Ding Yumian had woken up and rushed over immediately.

"Grandpa Xiao, how is Bai Qiu's current situation?" As soon as he sorted out his memory, Ding Yumian asked Dean Xiao about Ye Baiqiu.

She was really worried that Ye Baiqiu would have an accident in the ancient capital. After all, it was said on the Internet that many people would die once the undead disaster occurred there.

"Xiao Mian, calm down, that brat Ye Baiqiu is fine." Dean Xiao said softly to the agitated Ding Yumian.

At the same time, he cast the water barrier, because spiritual power appeared in Xiao Mian's body.

After hearing this, Ding Yumian's uneasiness decreased a little, and he slowly regained his mental strength.

"Really?" Ding Yumian asked.

"Well, that kid should be meditating in Huashan now. Xiaomian, you can also go and see him."

Dean Xiao directly told her all the news he could tell her at once.

"Okay, I'll leave now!" After hearing this, Ding Yumian immediately got up and prepared to go to the ancient capital Huashan to visit Ye Baiqiu, mainly to confirm the situation.

"Wait a minute, Xiaomian, can you tell me the reason why you suddenly fell into coma before?"

Dean Xiao suddenly remembered this matter, and he felt that something might have happened again.

"Grandpa Xiao, it's like this. The coma was because I couldn't control my emotions at that time, and then the ice lotus energy in my body became abnormal..." Ding Yumian explained.

"Is that so? I understand, Xiaomian, you can go ahead." Dean Xiao nodded.


Before the disaster in the ancient capital, inside the library of Pearl Academy.

Ding Yumian was browsing books in the reading area as usual, but for some reason she felt very uneasy today, as if she was somewhere.

After she read the book for a while, Huang Xingli came here, looking very panicked.

"Xingli, what's wrong with you?" Ding Yumian asked with some confusion after seeing his best friend's current appearance.

At this time, she didn't know about the disaster in the ancient capital, but she only knew that Ye Baiqiu went to save his childhood playmate.

"Yumian, Yumian, it's not good, something happened in the ancient capital!" Huang Xingli said in a panic.

She likes to read things on the Internet, but when she was surfing today, she suddenly discovered that the entire ancient capital was closed down. She heard that there seemed to be a disaster that destroyed the city, so she said this sentence.

"What's wrong?" Ding Yumian was still a little confused, but it was normal. After all, she had never paid attention to things on the Internet.

"There was an undead disaster in the ancient capital where Ye Baiqiu went!!" Huang Xingli said anxiously.

After she got the news, she immediately came here to inform Ding Yumian because she knew very well that her best friend would never understand.

"Bai Qiu's ancient capital!!" Ding Yumian came back to his senses at this moment and said in shock.

At the same time, I understood why I felt uneasy. Was it the same as before, when my loved one left?
Ding Yumian immediately put down the book, stood up and walked outside, his breath very unstable.

"Yumian, what are you going to do?"

Huang Xingli, who was stunned on the spot, asked with some confusion after seeing her best friend's actions. "I'm going to the ancient capital to find Bai Qiu and bring him back with me!!" Ding Yumian said calmly.

Her tone was very calm, but her breath was full of instability, and her mental power was escaping crazily.

"Ah?!" Huang Xingli was dumbfounded.

No way, Yu Mian actually wants to go to the ancient capital to save Ye Baiqiu, what a weird development is this.

Without waiting for his best friend's question, Ding Yumian turned around and walked towards the library door.

As her spiritual power became increasingly unstable, her magic skills skyrocketed crazily.

Just when the spiritual system was about to break through the limit of the intermediate peak, another ice lotus power in her body emerged and directly caused a conflict.

This conflict of forces directly caused Ding Yumian to lose consciousness instantly and his body went limp.

Huang Xingli also noticed Ding Yumian's abnormality and quickly stepped forward to hug her who fainted.
That's about it.

In the imperial capital academy.

Today is the time to gather. Shi Yexing rushed over after returning to the western theater.

There is the most magnificent magic duel arena in the center of Imperial Capital Academy. The entire venue is star-shaped, covered by a black four-arc dome, which can be closed or opened. There is a vast seating area around it that can accommodate 5 people. It is magnificent!
This duel ground is rarely open, and magic duels that do not reach a certain level are not qualified to be held in this place.

Today, this place is still not open to the public, but this is where the national team members gather.

When Shi Ye

Oh, by the way, there is another one, the daughter of the leader of the Forbidden Army, who is also among the losers.

"Huh? Why are you here too?"

When Ai Jiangtu saw Ye Xing approaching with a sword on his back, he stepped forward and said hello.

He is the 'Prince' of the Northern Xinjiang War Zone, so he naturally knows about this crazy cultivator in the Western War Zone.

But he didn't receive the information that Shi Ye Xing would join the national first team to participate in the competition.

The rest of the people were shocked when they saw this scene.

After all, no matter which second-generation ancestor came forward to say hello, Ai Jiangtu's attitude was very cold as long as he was just an intermediate mage.

But Ai Jiangtu had a different attitude towards this young man who came last.

"Brother Shi!" Nan Jue only then noticed that this person was Shi Ye Xing and greeted him immediately.

"Well, I just got here." Shi Ye Xing nodded and responded.

As for the other people, they were ignored by Shi Ye Xing without even saying hello.

Several people were also very angry, but they didn't dare to speak and could only sulk.

Of course, Jiang Shaoxu would not bear this breath and cursed angrily.

"Shi Ye Xing, what are you pretending to be? These people who didn't win are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid!"

Hearing this, Shi Ye Xing frowned, then raised his head and glanced directly at him.

The ice-cold power immediately froze this mean-mouthed woman in place, and then she slowly withdrew her eyes, as if looking at ants.


(End of this chapter)

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