Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 24 Blood Disaster

Chapter 24 Blood Disaster


On the ground floor of Yinmao Building, in the hall.

Mo Fan slowly opened his eyes, and a deep starry sky flashed through his pupils, and his whole person seemed to be completely transformed.

He is already at the intermediate level, and if he goes out now, he will definitely be very surprised.

After stretching his body, Mo Fan vaguely heard shouts of death outside.

Not for a moment, a woman opened the door to the basement, closed it and locked it with her backhand.

Even though it only took less than 3 seconds for the woman in the milky white uniform to open and close the door, Mo Fan still saw a scene that made him stunned.

Corpses, many corpses!

The guard lay there in a mess, his body torn into several pieces, and blood clots and internal organs were mixed in the pool of blood.

What only made Mo Fan's scalp numb was the sight of a huge creature standing not far away.

Blood-striped troll rat! "If you don't want to die, leave quickly!" Lin Yuxin quickly walked to the altar and pressed a button.

I saw that the Holy Spring that was originally circulating flowed into a small hole.

In a few seconds, all the holy springs disappeared into the small stone ditch.

Mo Fan was stunned for a moment.

Lin Yuxin quickly walked to the futon where Mo Fan was sitting before, lifted it up, and opened the partition below.

There is a blue bottle inside, which contains the extremely clear Holy Spring.

"There is another passage in the secret room that leads to the back of Tianlan Magic High School. Follow me." Lin Yuxin carefully picked up the bottle and said to Mo Fan.

Although he didn't know what happened, Mo Fan decided to listen to the girl first.

Lin Yuxin walked to the wall and pressed her fingers on the indistinguishable wall as if entering a password.


A voice sounded, and the wall next to it suddenly parted from the middle, revealing a large dark hole.

"Let's go!" Lin Yuxin grabbed Mo Fan's hand and led him to run inside.

After walking a few steps, Lin Yuxin seemed to have remembered something and looked at Mo Fan with somewhat sharp eyes.

"It's not safe for me to leave the Earthly Holy Spring here. There may not be people from the Black Vatican among the guards. They should know that I carry the Earthly Holy Spring with me. This Earthly Holy Spring is still at your place. Please keep it safe!" Lin Yuxin solemnly said He handed the Earth Holy Spring to Mo Fan, and then the two of them continued running inside.


After passing through the secret passage and having learned the general situation on the way, Mo Fan and Lin Yuxin, who were still a little unsure, appeared on the mountain behind Tianlan Magic High School in the north of the city.

The heavy rain, the dark sky, the screams and fears of people in the distance, the roar of demons, etc., plunged Bo City into a depressing atmosphere.

Mo Fan looked at the place where the sound came from, and suddenly his eyes were filled with blood and devastation!

That blood is definitely not the blood of poultry, it is the blood of living people!The blood flowing on the ground gathered into small streams, which continued to flow to low-lying areas and sewers under the heavy rain.

This foggy and rainy city of Bo is like an ink painting, and the painting is full of blood stains!

A roar shook Bo City, and Mo Fan suddenly turned around to look, and a picture he would never forget came into view!

The gray sky shrouded the sky above, and the Bank Trade Building almost touched the gray sky. And right at the top of the standing building, a huge thing lay there!
Its tail hung down along the building, almost halfway down!
Its fleshy wings stretched out, half of it was hidden in the gray rain curtain, and the other half covered the dozens of floors of the building!

It raised its head high, and that roar that could shake the city of Bo came out of its bloody mouth!

"Then...what exactly is it?" Mo Fan swallowed hard and asked.

"Commander-level demon, Yi Canglang..." Lin Yuxin replied in a stiff tone.

"Commander-level creature." Mo Fan was stunned.

After putting on the hood, Lin Yuxin ran towards the distance and said: "The Holy Spring is entrusted to you. I will lead all the people from the Black Church away. The next step is up to you. I hope you are alive."

"I will try my best." Mo Fan said.

After Lin Yuxin heard Mo Fan's promise, she left without looking back. Her back looked so determined.

Mo Fan looked at the other person's back and remained silent.

Must be alive!

World Trade Center, underground warehouse.

"What should I do? There are monsters outside!"

"It's over, everything is over!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Magician! Where is our magician? It would be great if there was a magician!"

Although they were temporarily out of danger hiding in the underground warehouse, the situation was definitely not optimistic and people let out waves of desperate wails.

Ye Xinxia sat quietly at the end. She was not panicked. Everything seemed so peaceful.

Next to her squatted a cute girl, who seemed to be from Mingwen Girls' Middle School. She was still wearing a school uniform, and her cheeks that looked like buns were raised from time to time, looking at Ye Xinxia next to her.

"That... aren't you afraid?"


Ye Xinxia turned her head, looked at the girl squatting next to her, and smiled lightly.

"I'm not afraid, because I know my brother is definitely on his way and will save me."

"elder brother?"

The little girl repeated in surprise. "Well, he has never let me down." Ye Xinxia said with firm eyes.


Ye Baiqiu held the ice gun and moved quickly towards the Inscription Girls' Middle School.

"Girl, everything must be fine!" Ye Baiqiu prayed secretly.

He turned into a ray of white light, ignored the one-eyed demon wolves or giant-eyed rats roaming the streets, and rushed towards the Inscription Girls' Middle School!

Soon he arrived near the school, where he suddenly remembered something.

"According to memory, there seems to be an underground warehouse here, and my little sister may be hiding here." Ye Baiqiu didn't want to let go of any clues.

Ye Baiqiu was really afraid of accidentally missing her, so his speed reached the limit and turned into a white light.

What you see when you enter the mall are demons, including giant-eyed rats or one-eyed demonic wolves.

Many survivors were screaming, and from time to time someone fell into the mouth of the demon, and strange flowers of life bloomed on the wall.

Seeing this hell-like scene, Ye Baiqiu strengthened his heart again.

He only has less than [-]% of the magic energy left in his body and still needs to suppress his severely injured body, so he will not be a burden.

He shook his head and ignored the people attacked by the demon, and began to check them one by one.

After a while, only the underground warehouse that I knew was left to check.

After turning left and right for a while, he came to a downward staircase. Ye Baiqiu did not hesitate and rushed down with a spear in hand.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw several one-eyed demon wolves. Ye Baiqiu held a spear and quickly swung out several ice blasts.

Immediately pinning these one-eyed demon wolves to the ground, he turned around, kicked open the warehouse door and rushed in.

The huge impact caused the entire underground warehouse to tremble, and the crowd screamed in panic again.

"Oh my God, the monster is coming!"

"It found us! Help! Who will save us?!"

Everyone in the warehouse was ready to run as soon as the door opened, until a human walked in.

The moment the door opened, Ye Baiqiu's heavy heart finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw a girl in a wheelchair sitting calmly behind the warehouse. The girl's black waterfall-like long hair was spread on her shoulders, and her glass-like eyes were extremely calm, like a green lotus emerging from the dust, forming a distinct contrast with the panic and chaotic crowd. contrast.

"Brother~" Xinxia's eyes immediately turned red when she saw Ye Baiqiu covered in blood.

"Little sister, it's okay, brother is here." Ye Baiqiu rushed to Ye Xinxia and hugged her.

He tied Ye Xinxia to his body with a rope and prepared to leave directly.

"Girl, believe me, just hold my little sister, and I will take you out of here together." Ye Baiqiu said to the little girl next to him.

Originally, he didn't want to be a burden, but when he saw this girl willing to take care of his little sister, he softened his heart.

"Ah~" The little girl was a little flattered. After hesitating for a moment, she hugged Ye Xinxia.

"Hey, take us with you!" other survivors shouted quickly.

"I don't have much magic energy in my body, and I'm not sure I can lead so many people, so you should wait for others to rescue you." Ye Baiqiu's cold words spread throughout the underground warehouse.

He didn't have much confidence with the two girls he had with him, let alone this group of burdens.

After saying that, Ye Baiqiu carried the two girls on his back and set off towards the safety barrier.

"Little sister, please help me recover from my injuries." Ye Baiqiu said softly to Xinxia on his back.

First he came to an abandoned house outside, where he sat on the ground and prepared to take a rest.

There are many wounds on the body, which were directly sealed with frost before. As long as they can recover some physical strength, it should not be a problem for them to bring them to Anjie at least.

Ye Xinxia closed her eyes and let the stars connect into star trails.

A strange energy rose up in her body, and a holy milky white light appeared on the tips of her white and slender fingers, as gentle as light and as soft as water.

The holy milky white light slowly flowed towards Ye Baiqiu's injuries, making up for the scars sealed by the frost.

A layer of blood film grew on Ye Baiqiu's injury, quickly stopping the bleeding, and then began to restore his muscle tissue, skin, and nerve fibers and reconnect them.

The scars on Ye Baiqiu's body are getting shallower and shallower.

Xinxia's forehead was already covered with sweat. Obviously, this level of treatment was still difficult for her now.

"Sister, you turn out to be from the therapy department." The little girl with a bun face said in surprise.

"Yes." Ye Xinxia nodded.

"Little sister, hold her tight, I'm going to speed up." Ye Baiqiu felt that the burden on his body had been reduced a lot, so he carried her on his back again.

When I entered the city before, I directly used magic energy to accelerate. My body suffered too many injuries and it was already very difficult. However, I have recovered a lot now and there is no problem in fighting back to the safe barrier.

Ye Xinxia stretched out her hands to hug the little girl in front of her, and then felt a breeze.

Next, Ye Baiqiu took the two girls to the safety barrier at full speed and walked a long way.

He encountered a lot of monsters along the way, but fortunately they were all at the slave level. He couldn't remember how many he had killed.

"Kill!" Ye Baiqiu exuded murderous intent.

Waving the ice gun in his hand, he dealt with the giant-eyed rat and the one-eyed demon wolf that were rushing to die.


(End of this chapter)

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