Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 262 Demon Spirit

Chapter 262 Demon Spirit
Soon someone found a strange tiled house in the back hill.

Ai Jiangtu first cleared away the surrounding weeds, and then entered the house with others.

"Why is there a wooden fish here?" Mo Fan directly touched it with his hand, but this wooden fish was really weird. It actually released a bright yellow thread. These threads were quickly transferred to Mo Fan's fingers. Mo Fan subconsciously Just shrink back?
"Restriction?" Jiang Shaoxu also looked at this wooden fish like a discarded object in amazement, his face full of doubts.

Mo Fan could feel numbness in his fingers, and his eyes were fixed on Leisi on the thing.

"It seems to be a magical tool. It's strange. How could it be placed here like this?" Nan Jue said.

Nanjue is very proficient in magic equipment, she walked to the side of the wooden fish by herself, and examined it carefully.

Mo Fan was even more puzzled. He had never heard of the wooden fish magic tool. What is the purpose of the wooden fish magic tool? Could it be possible to use this to make the enemy put down the butcher knife?

Nan Jue hovered her palm over the wooden fish, but didn't touch it directly.

She closed her eyes and used her mind to perceive the wooden fish. The yellow lightning wire did not appear again, but gradually softened.

"This should be a magic shield, but its function is not just as a simple defensive shield, it also contains other powers." Nan Jue said.

"I just want to know if this thing has anything to do with them being seduced," Mo Fan said.

Ye Baiqiu looked at the wooden fish with his chest crossed. He was also curious about why this kind of thing appeared here.

"I don't know about this either. Give me some time and I might be able to decipher the words on it. This thing is very ancient and I have only seen it in Hangzhou." Nan Jue's expression became serious.

I'm afraid there is no way ahead, and there is no point in exploring further. Since Nan Jue has said so, they can only sit aside and wait.

"This restriction is still very strong, can she break it?" Jiang Shaoxu is also a knowledgeable person, and said to Ai Jiangtu next to him.

Ai Jiangtu knew Nan Jue very well. He looked at Nan Jue with a focused face, and said, "She has a lot of research on formation diagrams, restrictions, and ancient spells. I think there are very few restrictions that she can't solve. .”

Inhibition is actually a kind of magic that restricts others from touching, approaching, and suppressing the strength of others. Similar to a magic circle, it needs some other things as assistance.

Utensils are often the best carriers of bans, so don't look at this wooden fish as it just has a lot of strange ancient magic patterns written on it. In fact, it may be an extremely tiny magic circle. Once someone touches it, it will release a lot of magic. Strong force to resist.

The yellow lightning wire just now is quite powerful, and Mo Fan is a mine repairer himself, so he dare not touch it any more.

The most important thing is that if a magic tool is not unlocked, it is basically unusable.

The girl Miyata and the others don't know where she is now, and now they can only see if Nanjue can find something valuable from this strange wooden fish.

After an unknown amount of time, Nan Jue uttered a snort. It could be seen that she was concentrating on it, and would frown her eyebrows from time to time, obviously encountering a problem.

Jiang Shaoxu got a little impatient and was about to speak when Nan Jue finally stopped investigating the wooden fish.

"How?" Mo Fan asked.

Mo Fan doesn't care about this wooden fish. What he cares about is whether this wooden fish has anything related to the girl Miyata. "I think the girl you saw is probably a weapon demon spirit." Nan Jue said.

"Qi Yaoling, what is this stuff??" Mo Fan heard it for the first time, and his eyes widened a bit.

"This is really a very old and ancient creature, because it takes a long time for things like weapon demon spirits to be brewed... You should know that the magic tools and magic tools we usually use are classified according to their level. The points are, mortal level, spirit level, soul level... the spirit level is called spirituality, and the soul level actually means that this item has a soul." Nan Jue said.

Mo Fan understands this classification, it is the same as elemental species, mortal species, spiritual species, soul species...

"A soul-level vessel has its own nature, which is also said to have its own soul. When this vessel has been settling for too long, the soul in this vessel has received unique conditions, and it is possible to cultivate itself and transform. Being a demon spirit... Demon spirits are very similar to those elemental elves. Demon spirits are nothing more than born from powerful vessels. The birth of a demon spirit is very rare, and often only the owner of the vessel can see the demon spirit. ..." Nan Jue said.

"That's strange. Why can you see it, Mo Fan? This wooden fish just released a forbidden power on you, obviously rejecting you. Since you can only see it if you are the owner of the vessel, how could you see that girl?" Jiang Shao? Xu said.

"I don't know, since I know that little bitch is a weapon demon spirit, it's easy to deal with. If we smash this wooden fish, she will probably be wiped out!" Mo Fan immediately came up with a violent temper.

"That's not possible!" Nan Jue immediately objected: "In order for Zhao Manyan to wake up, he must go through the girl demon spirit you mentioned, and once she dies, Zhao Manyan will probably never wake up."

"Then how are we going to deal with this wooden fish demon?" Ai Jiangtu asked.

"The demon spirit is attached to the vessel. To get rid of the demon spirit is to destroy the vessel. Otherwise, even a powerful magician may not be able to deal with the soulless and shadowless demon spirit..." Nan Jue said.

"You said to destroy the vessel again, the two of them will not be able to wake up."

"Wait until I finish. There is another way. This method is a little risky, but it is the most effective way to deal with this kind of vessel demon spirit." Nan Jue said.

Everyone looked at her, waiting for the method she said?
"I don't know if you understand, but as far as I know, some powerful soul-level vessels have an independent world inside them. You can understand that there is an independent space in this vessel... " Nan Jue paused here because she was afraid they wouldn't understand.

"What do you mean?" Shi Ye Xing asked.

"To deal with this container demon spirit, you have to enter the inner world. Inside the container, this demon spirit becomes visible and attackable." Nan Jue said.

"We living beings have entered this vessel??" Jiang Shaoxu had never heard of such strange talk before and looked at Nan Jue in disbelief.

"Yes, in fact, it's not you who entered it, but your thoughts... how to explain it, in fact, it's your souls entering it, a bit like conscious fugue." Nan Jue said.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to break the restriction of this wooden fish, but I can help your thoughts enter it..." Nan Jue continued.

"I...I still won't go in." Jiang Shaoxu shook his head hurriedly.

"Brother Shi, you and them are protecting us outside, while Mo Fan and I go in." Ai Jiangtu is also a very brave man.

"Okay!" Mo Fan nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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