Chapter 285
The wind super-level mage did not sit still and wait for the strong wind to sweep over him. The next moment, the bright light of the cyan magic star palace burst out.

"Thousand Wind Blades - Thousand Leaf Wind Blades!" The man shouted angrily, and then controlled the strong wind to attack it.

The strong wind swept towards the Hundred-Eyed Demon King in mid-air, and at the same time, a wind wall was partially formed around him to form an effective defense.

The wind blade formed by condensing most of the force of the wind collided with the tentacles of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord in the air. A wind blade bypassed the tentacles and hit the thick blue-black skin of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, leaving traces on his body. There were wide wounds, but strangely there was no blood flowing out of its surface, only black powder flying around.

The super-level magic of the wind-type super-level mage instantly dealt full damage. Except for a few wind blades that missed, the others all hit the huge body of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord. Judging from the combat experience, this person It's just greed, not stupidity.

The power of this ultra-level wind-based magic can be said to be far superior to the high-level magic group just now. It directly cut off the extremely disgusting tentacles completely, and still had the remaining power to attack the body of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

What was shocking was that the powder formed by the scattered black tentacles began to gather together to form black balls. Then the black balls were embedded in the wound, and the red flesh exposed at the wound was filled up.


The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was naturally not a vegetarian. He roared angrily and spit out black-blue energy from his mouth to shoot at the ant that dared to hurt him. At the same time, his endless eyes stared at the super-level wind mage without any warning.

A humanized expression of ridicule appeared on that ugly face.

And at this moment, the super wind mage was killed by the energy without any resistance.

In just an instant, the wind super-level mage's chest was completely pierced by energy rays, and he was also knocked into a tree, and his body was breathless.

His team members were completely killed before they could rescue him, which was simply outrageous.

"Something's wrong. This demon's ability should have spiritual attributes. Please be careful not to be controlled by its eyes. The guy just now probably didn't even use magic or magic equipment because he was accidentally attacked."

An experienced hunter master explained to all the hunters and mercenaries.

Of course he is not a bad person. The main reason is that the demon is too powerful. He does not think it is possible to defeat the opponent with just one or two hunter teams.

That's why he said such things when the personnel were still very intact. Of course, he must have his own selfish motives.

"In this case, let's all take action together. I believe you must have felt that this monster cannot be taken down by one family alone, so we will take action together. After the success, we will divide more money based on the degree of attack. "At this time, a more experienced master hunter spoke.

This person is known for his good moral character in the hunter circle, and most hunting mages are willing to give him a little courtesy and face.

Others did not respond immediately, but one team agreed immediately, that is, the team led by the super wind mage. Each of them wanted to avenge their boss.

After a while, all the hunters and mercenary teams agreed to the master hunter's proposal.

"Then let me fire the first blow!" The master hunter chuckled, and immediately gathered lightning energy to form a bright purple star palace behind him.

"Punishment of the Thunder Ring—Thunder Trial!!"

Large dark clouds appeared in the sky, and violent thunder immediately fell from the dark clouds. The terrifying thunder and lightning gathered together crazily to form an even more powerful thunder and lightning.Suddenly, twelve huge thunder halberds fell from the dark clouds. They fell around the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, sealing off the space where it could move with an absolute encirclement. The thunder-filled halberds began to branch out. A violent burst of thunder electrocuted the hundred-eyed demon king among them until his skin and flesh were torn apart, and he let out bursts of wailing.

"Qiu, let's go, their fighting power is getting stronger and stronger." Ding Yumian stretched out his hand to block the burst of light from the thunder and lightning halberd, and used his mental power to transmit the message.

"Girl, that Ice Lotus Soul Fire is very suitable for your situation. If you give up this time, there may not be a better soul seed to offset the mutual repulsion next time."

Ye Baiqiu shook his head and at the same time used sound waves to convey his thoughts to Amian.

"Is that so? Let's try it."

Ding Yumian also knows that with Qiu's character, he will never do anything halfway...

Just as the two were discussing their plan, the hunters and mercenaries below also used their full strength.

"Holy Judgment—God's Blessed Sword!!"

A huge holy sword fell from the extremely bright golden star palace, and its blade was full of burning sensation.

Because the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was blocked in place by the twelve lightning halberds and unable to escape, it was penetrated directly from top to bottom. The painful cry of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord instantly resounded through the sky, the iceberg shook, and its body began to There were strange changes, and the countless eyeballs on his body seemed to explode.

It was transformed from a ball of flesh with countless eyes into a monster, a giant monster with four limbs and a tail. It withstood the attack of the power of holy light and the power of thunder and lightning, and stood up from the ground again. Climbed up.

“Flowers blooming—wooden punishment and piercing!!”

Although most of the super mages on the field major in the elemental system, after all, the elemental system is the first magic system they awakened from. If there are no major problems or a particularly powerful new system appears, the magic system they major in will be It has always been elements, which also makes most hunters have ultra-level elemental systems. Other special magic systems are only high-level or mid-level. Of course, it is not absolute. The ones who are taking action now are master hunters who major in the plant system.

The sea of ​​trees suddenly came here, and in an instant, endless ancient trees and giant flowers appeared out of thin air, and thick vines directly tied the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord who had just stood up.

Immediately afterwards, countless huge wooden spikes suddenly appeared in the air, and then they shot towards the seemingly immobile Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!" The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord made a hoarse and dull voice, and suddenly a turbid aura spurted out, and black energy instantly enveloped it.

At the same time, the giant ancient trees that suddenly appeared around were completely corroded, leaving only some wood residue.

"What on earth is going on!!?" The hunter who cast super-level plant magic was shocked.

You must know that the light-type ultra-order magic just now can pierce it, but why can it easily resist the plant-type ultra-order magic that I released.

"No, I'm afraid this is its true appearance, and we have been deceived." The experienced old hunter reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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