Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 31 Phonology

Chapter 31 Phonology

Time flies, and two months have passed. Ye Baiqiu has already fixed six stars. The first six are easier to communicate with, and they are obedient after just a discussion.

The last seventh star was very disobedient and often hid. Ye Baiqiu had a headache. No matter how much we discussed, it just refused to listen.

Every time when the connection is about to be successful, it comes out to cause trouble, causing the star track to break and directly fail.

The so-called rupture means that when controlling a star, there is a lack of external or mental power, which affects other stars on the star path. They all fall down like dominoes and start all over again.

"Come again!"

One, two, and three stars quickly lined up on a star track, and four, five, and six stars followed the team one after another, leaving only the last one.

"Give me up!!!"

Ye Baiqiu stared at the star, mentally not daring to relax at all.

He really didn't expect that the initial star track would be so difficult to control, but the ice element could release magic as soon as it was awakened.

In fact, with a certain level of mental power, one can easily control the stars to form star paths, star maps, constellations, star palaces, etc.

Ye Baiqiu came to the seventh one the day before yesterday, and failed countless times...

"Okay, okay, hold on."

The transparent star was gradually suppressed by mental power, and finally arrived at the designated location honestly.

A transparent star trail is completed.

In the following days, Ye Baiqiu practiced new magic every day in order to speed up the time of releasing magic.

When the ice system has not reached the intermediate level, Ye Baiqiu can reach it in a single thought by releasing magic, but the newly awakened magic system is much worse.

Although the music system can now release magic, it takes three to four seconds to connect. This speed is still too long. After all, the demon itself is very fast. It should be able to move about 60 meters in two seconds. Four seconds is enough for the demon to kill the magician himself. .

Precisely because he knew this, he stayed at home and concentrated on practicing, and at least increased the speed of the sound system to release magic to two seconds, so that he could effectively assist the attack.


Two weeks later, Ye Baiqiu felt that he was almost done practicing and was ready to make money.

After all, all the money he has is almost spent. Intermediate mages are no better than junior mages, and the resources they use are quite expensive, not to mention the less expensive ones, which cost tens of millions. The profession of magic is extremely expensive.

What is the quickest way for a magician to make money?

There is no doubt about hunting monsters! !
For him, a mage who can easily release mid-level magic, ordinary warrior levels are easy to fight.

As long as there is a suitable task, Ye Baiqiu is willing to take it. Now he is very short of money. As long as the bounty is enough, a top warrior will dare to give it a try.

Thinking of this, he immediately exited the spiritual world and prepared to go to the Hunter Alliance headquarters in the Demon City to take a look.


When he walked out of the room, he saw Xinxia and Mo Fan practicing hard, and he had no intention of disturbing them.

He walked out of the house and rushed directly towards the Hunter Alliance.

The Hunter Alliance is in the Lujiazui area. Several major forces basically occupy a huge building in the skyscraper area of ​​Shanghai.

Arriving at the Hunter Alliance Building, Ye Baiqiu took the elevator to the first floor.

The Hall of the Hunters Alliance almost occupies the entire floor. There are fifteen elevators leading here alone, and the traffic is quite huge.

The hall of the Hunter Alliance is covered with LCD screens, where scrolling subtitles are displayed, showing different rewards from all over the country to the mage hunters in the entire hall.

It can be said that the information collected by the Hunters Alliance Building in the Magic City is the most complete and widest in the country, and even many bounties from abroad will be posted in this Hunters Building in the Magic City. Hunters can find the most suitable ones according to their needs. Appropriate rewards and commissions.


The Hunter Alliance in Magic City is extremely large and is divided into two sections.

One is an urban demon hunter who guards the safety of the city and eliminates hidden dangers in the city.

The other is a wild hunting mage who accepts a bounty to hunt monsters in the wild in exchange for rewards.Ye Baiqiu planned to stay in his old profession and become a wild hunting mage, so that he could make money quickly.

Although it is relatively safe in the city, relatively speaking, the money given is still too little. Simpler tasks are only a few thousand dollars, and more difficult tasks are only tens of thousands.

The field hunter is different. Even ordinary tasks start at 10,000+, and even some commander-level monsters are paid tens of millions.

In the wild, relying on his own strength and being careful, there will be basically no problems. Even if he encounters a commander-level monster, he can escape unscathed.

"Sir, to be a hunter in the magic city in the wild requires you to at least achieve the title of one-star hunter master. The reward based on the commission you completed in Bo City is not enough to become a hunter in our magic city." The hunter Ye Baiqiu paid to find The assistant said with an apologetic look.

"How do you get the title of One-Star Hunter Master?" Ye Baiqiu asked.

"If you complete enough bounties and commissions, our specialized department will convert the bounties and commissions you have completed into hunter contribution points. If the contribution points are enough, you will be automatically upgraded to the title of hunter.

The data you submitted in Bo City shows that your title is only one step away from the elite hunter, with a contribution value of 9300 points, but you are still 10700 points away from the one-star hunter master. "The female assistant said.

There is such a big difference. It seems that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Magic City!
"What is the title of an urban demon hunter in the Demon City?" Ye Baiqiu was a little curious.

"Sir, the city monster hunter needs the title of elite hunter, and you only have seven hundred points left." The hunter's assistant replied.

"Can these 700 points be waived directly? I think my strength is enough to handle it. Even some more difficult tasks can be completed." Ye Baiqiu thought for a while and said.

"Sir, no. Our Hunter Alliance needs to be responsible to the employer. This kind of title must meet the standards before you can receive the reward. Recently, the task has not been completed. It will not only delay the employer's time, but also make some people who could have completed the task The hunting mages caused unnecessary losses." The hunter assistant explained.

"Okay." Ye Baiqiu nodded.

The rules here are very strict, and it seems that the Magic City is indeed known as the first city in the south.

However, there should be other ways to deal with this situation.

"Is there any other way?" Considering this, Ye Baiqiu asked.

"Yes, in this case you can consider joining some private hunting houses." The hunter assistant said.

This should be the same as the escort agency in the previous life.

"Can you explain?"

“The so-called private hunting lodge means that our Hunter Alliance allows some already famous hunter teams and hunter masters to establish their own private hunting lodges.

They use their good reputation to directly attract employers to come to them and appoint their people to complete the work.

Private hunting establishments tend to charge higher rates of completion and efficiency which are also quite reliable. "The hunter assistant explained slowly.

It turns out that this is equivalent to a high-end escort agency. Rich people will come to their door if they need it.

"Okay, please recommend a private hunting place for me." Ye Baiqiu said.

Now there is only one option. I can only work in this kind of hunting house for a few months. When I have enough hunter title, I can become a hunting mage myself.

"There is a private hunting house called Qingtian Hunting House. It is a long-established brand in the Magic City and has a very good reputation. I just don't know why it always recruits people every now and then. And many hunting mages don't like to go to Qingtian Hunting House for some unknown reason." The female assistant said to Ye Baiqiu said.

"Just this one." Ye Baiqiu nodded.

He naturally knows that this hunting house is not simple, but it is precisely because it is not simple that he wants to join. This kind of recruitment every now and then, it is very likely that the mission is dangerous and leads to the death of the hunting mage.

But precisely because of this, the rewards for this kind of entrustment are often extremely generous, and someone like me who cares about money rather than life is the most suitable for this kind of task.

"Okay, the information about the private hunting institute is not completely open to the public. If you are interested in joining, we will give you their contact information and address. You can just go there for an interview." said the female assistant.

"Okay." Ye Baiqiu nodded.

After paying the agency fee, Ye Baiqiu began to look for the address given by the female assistant.

What surprised Ye Baiqiu was that the location of Qingtian Hunting Center was not far from the location of the Enchanted Pearl Academy.


(End of this chapter)

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