Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 34 Commission

Chapter 34 Commission
The weather is getting cooler and a quarter of time has passed. Ye Baiqiu has been working as a demon hunter at Qingtian Hunting Center for four months.

However, receiving orders is all about luck. If you are lucky, you can receive two orders a week. When you are not lucky, you will be idle for a week or two.

Although he didn't receive many orders, Ye Baiqiu still made a lot of money, about 900 to [-] million.

After all, ordinary orders start at 30, and missions that require going to the demon area start at [-].

When he didn't have any missions, he practiced at the hunting station.

After this period of getting along, Ye Baiqiu and Lingling's relationship has become much more harmonious, at least they can cooperate when making commissions.

However, Mo Fan has become a lot stronger recently. When he returned home a while ago, he felt two magical auras from him. It seems that he must have benefited from Tang Yue some time ago.
My little sister is very diligent in her cultivation. Some time ago she even wanted to work in a hospital, hoping to make some money in the hospital using the therapy department.

After all, healing mages are very popular in major hospitals, and it is no exaggeration to call them the medical pets of major hospitals.

However, Ye Baiqiu disagreed. He didn't want his little sister to enter society so quickly, especially since her legs and feet were inconvenient.

After chatting for a while, Ye Baiqiu also told them about his situation.


"Get up!!" The little girl Lingling put her hands on her waist and looked angry.

Ye Baiqiu rubbed his handsome face and looked helplessly at the angry Lingling in front of him.

"What's the matter, girl?" he asked.

"There is a commission." Lingling said.

"Then why do you look angry?" Ye Baiqiu was suddenly curious.

"This commission is for going to the wild, so I don't have any part in it. I still have to go to school!!" Lingling looked pained.

"Oh." Ye Baiqiu understood.

Obviously the task was too difficult and he couldn't take the little girl with him, so Old Man Bao asked her to go to school.

Go into the bathroom and wash up.

After a while, he came down from the third floor.

Old Bao still sat at the coffee table and smoked a cigar as usual.

"What is the commission? Tell me." Ye Baiqiu asked curiously.

"This commission is a bit difficult. Go to Nanling to capture a warrior-level white magic eagle alive." Old Man Bao said.

"Capture alive? It's not very difficult to capture. The key is that the area is very dangerous. The White Magic Eagle clan is quite violent. Once they feel that their kind has been captured, I'm afraid all the generals and even commanders will have to flee, not to mention that there is a monarch there. A top-notch guy..." Ye Baiqiu still knows something about Hangzhou Nanling.

"I called you here just to ask if you want to accept this commission? The reward this time should be tens of millions. If you don't accept it, I will ask your senior brother to come back and complete this commission." Old Man Bao said.

"Tens of millions! Take it, how can you not take it? It's impossible for that monarch to directly attack Hangzhou City for a white magic eagle, and even the commander may not send out." Ye Baiqiu said seriously.

"By the way, the client will ask someone to meet him in Hangzhou City." Old Man Bao said.

"Okay." Ye Baiqiu nodded.

"Okay, you have to be more careful." Bao old man urged.

Just as he said, Ye Baiqiu took a plane to Nanling, HZ City that night.

First, he came to the Magicians Association and checked out a series of potions.

Treatment potion: 30.

Violent Potion: 10.

Anesthetic agent: 10.

And so on a series.

"These are the three useful ones. The anesthetic should be able to make the White Devil Eagle unconscious." Ye Baiqiu murmured.

In the end, he took two bottles of treatment and one bottle of anesthesia.Nanling is still very cold in this season, the wind keeps howling, and the surrounding jungle is withered.

After climbing over mountains one after another, Ye Baiqiu relied on his breath to reach the front of the cave.

The wind in the sky was getting stronger and stronger, and it started to affect his hearing.

"It's troublesome." Ye Baiqiu said to himself.

Originally, his hearing was enough to hear all sounds within 3 kilometers, and he could also hear sounds further away when it was quiet.

But now, affected by the strong wind, the range has been extremely reduced, and it is difficult to reach even 1 kilometer around.

"This end won't work." Ye Baiqiu controlled the ice prison with his left hand and did not open it.

He did not bring a bait this time, because there were all white magic eagles nearby. Once too many were attracted, it would be impossible to do anything, and he might even be exposed.

So I just set up a trap in front, an ice prison made of ice elements.

Ye Baiqiu held his breath and waited quietly.

After a while, another one came. This one was just a little warrior. It was flying slowly this way.

"Come, come, come." Ye Baiqiu murmured.

Seeing that it was about to enter the range of the ice prison, a "呓!" suddenly came from the cave!

The white magic eagle seemed to have received the order, turned around and flew towards the cave.

Ye Baiqiu was not impatient, but quietly hid in the dark and waited.

After all, this commission is life-threatening. Although the target is just a white magic eagle, the key is that there is a monarch in this group. You must know that this is an existence that requires several super-level monarchs to resist.

The cold wind was howling, and after waiting in the wind for an unknown number of hours, Ye Baiqiu stayed in place quietly like a sculpture.

As an ice mage, his ability to withstand the cold is naturally unmatched by other mage.

Puff puff puff puff~~~~
"It's the sound of flapping wings." Ye Baiqiu didn't move, he knew it clearly just by listening.

The eagle's vision is extremely sharp, and if it moves, it may be discovered.

There were several sound waves not far away, one from the ground and one from the air.

He opened his eyes to check the situation.

I saw a clawed plague rat being chased by a white magic eagle, and the direction in which the rat escaped happened to be this way.

Sure enough, the mouse ran closer and closer, and the White Magic Eagle chased after it and came to the vicinity of the trap. Suddenly, the little mouse seemed to feel the danger and made a sudden stop in front of the trap.

Seeing this, Ye Baiqiu snapped his fingers.

A square ice prison appeared on the ground, trapping the White Demon Eagle inside. The direction of the ice prison turned and pressed it directly to the ground.

The White Magic Eagle was immediately frightened. It had no idea that there was someone following the oriole here. It was chasing the food too fast, otherwise it would have noticed it.

It barked quickly, wanting to call its companions.

"Music String Disturbance" Ye Baiqiu used the music magic to interfere at the same time.

To be honest, the range of sound magic is generally relatively large, and it is difficult to effectively block other sounds. Generally speaking, it interferes with other people's magic, but now he can only resign himself to his fate.

He walked up to it and pricked it with the paralysis needle, and then it fell asleep.

Ye Baiqiu ran away quickly with it.

After a while, white magic eagles appeared in the sky. Apparently they were summoned by their cries.


(End of this chapter)

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