Chapter 41 End
"It's interesting." Ye Baiqiu said to himself, holding an ice spear in his left hand and shooting out like a ghost.

Realizing that something was wrong, Bai Zangfeng quickly took a dozen steps back. He had just felt a great threat from the ice gun.

"Ice Lock·Bone Grinding"

He quickly connected to the ice star, released several ice chains from the ground, and quickly locked them towards Ye Baiqiu.

Ye Baiqiu waved the frost spear and simply shattered the ice chain. Three spears directly destroyed his intermediate magic.

Two seconds later, Ye Baiqiu pointed his spear directly at Bai Zangfeng's head.

"You lost, go down."

The moment the mid-level magic was broken, Bai Zangfeng knew that he had lost.

Because the armor and magic equipment on his body could not block the mid-level magic attack, but Ye Baiqiu could easily break through the mid-level magic with his physical skills. This was a crushing strength.

"I lost." Bai Zangfeng said with a helpless face. He admitted that his skills were inferior to others.

"Damn it, this guy is also a mid-level guy!"

"This is outrageous!!"

Looking at the young man still standing proudly in the iron cage of the fighting beast, the figure of one man and one gun gradually came into the minds of all the students in the school.


Kicked off challengers one after another.

Ye Baiqiu gradually felt bored.

Soon the number came to 397.

"There are three more!"

Dean Xiao on the high platform told all the freshmen in the school in a loud voice that they still had a chance as a group.

"Let me start by saying that the people in this last group must reach the intermediate level, and must be able to cast intermediate magic, otherwise they should not go up. It is good to have courage and backbone, but it would be a bit stupid to go up knowing that they are defeated. Yes." said the department head.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

After a while, some people in the spectator seats began to stand up.

Obviously there are more than just a few mid-level mages in Pearl Academy. At first, they just thought that the people here were just clowns, but now they have no choice but to join.

"Someone's on board!"

The voice coming from nowhere made all the freshmen in the room turn their attention to the person standing up.

What came into view was a blond young man with a somewhat feminine face, which made many girls exclaim.

"handsome guy!!"


On the other side was a woman with a stunningly beautiful face, a graceful and seductive figure, and a peerless and independent temperament about her.

"It's Mu Nujiao!!"

Someone said her name.

Another red-haired young man walked out of the seat.

"From the Oriental family."

on the duel arena.

Ye Baiqiu looked at the people who came up, and then asked.

"Mo Fan, have you had a rest?"

"Sixty percent," Mo Fan said.

"Okay, there are three mid-level ones here, I'll take care of two of them, and you take care of one."

"Okay, which two are you going to deal with?"

Ye Baiqiu looked at the three people coming up from the opposite side and said with interest.

"Two mid-level two-series, and one mid-level one-series, both of which can release magic, not bad!"

There was a special loudspeaker device on the Colosseum, so Ye Baiqiu's words were all heard by the people in the seats.

"Damn it, two-series mid-level!"

"This battle is interesting!!"

"No, he can sense the levels of other people on the field. Doesn't that mean Ye Baiqiu's cultivation level is higher?"

Above the Colosseum.

"He is the third level of the ice system." Dongfang Yan from the Dongfang family said bluntly.

There is a sensory magic weapon on him, which was detected from the breath just now.

"Isn't it?" Zhao Manyan was very panicked. Who would have thought that there was a Level [-] person here?
"Oh, Zhao Manyan, that's good, he's an intermediate level of two elements." Mo Fan said with a smile.

"Zhao Manyan, you and I stop him, Dongfang Yan, you go and deal with Mo Fan." Mu Nujiao commanded. "Okay!" X2
"Be careful." Ye Baiqiu raised the spear in his hand and looked at them casually.

Solving them is not a big problem, just spending some magic energy and time should be enough.

The whole school's freshmen were attentive. Not long after the school started, they were able to witness a duel between five mid-level mages. This was something that had never happened before.

Ye Baiqiu didn't wait long and rushed forward with a spear in hand.


Although both of them were mid-level mages, their physiques were simply not comparable to Ye Baiqiu's.

"Blessed Holy Shield"

Zhao Manyan stood there, seven star tracks, and a golden star map.
A burst of light burst out from the star road, and the holy light gradually turned into a shield to block the body.

boom! ! !
This attack failed, and Ye Baiqiu was a little surprised. His full attack did not break the defense.

"Wind Disk·Tianluo!"

Mu Nujiao's voice sounded, and an eye of wind appeared from Ye Baiqiu's feet.

It was as if the wind from the entire duel field was taken away by her, and a tornado formed under his feet in the blink of an eye.

The strong wind swept across, and Ye Baiqiu's white clothes were lifted up and gusts of wind scratched his skin.

Ye Baiqiu remained expressionless, and then a transparent star map appeared on his body, and a wave of power appeared around him.

"Killing Music String!"

A transparent piano appeared in front of him, and he gently flicked the strings on it.

The power of sound waves gradually calmed down the violent wind and neutralized its attack.

"You are very strong!" Mu Nujiao said seriously.

The original level of the beast fighting competition was too boring for a middle-level magician like her, and there was no need for her to take action.

But now that there was such a strong opponent, she naturally had to fight hard.

"Sound String Kill!"

Ye Baiqiu no longer held back his hands, and his fingertips quickly traced the musical notes on the strings and gradually emerged on the duel field.

The characteristics of the sound system are fatal to magicians of any level, because this kind of sound wave can interfere with other people's mental concentration.

The harsh sound vibrated in the air, making it impossible for those present to quickly draw a star map.

Mu Nujiao was a little annoyed because her star map was disconnected at the last step every time.

Because of the rarity of the phonology system, she didn't know much about the effects of phonology magic.

"Water Control·Guardian!"

In order to protect Mu Nujiao who was in a daze in front of him, Zhao Manyan quickly used elementary water magic to help her resist.


In just two seconds, Shui Yu automatically resolved it.

"Damn it, this is the music system?!" Zhao Manyan scolded her directly on the side. The intermediate magic could not be connected, and the elementary magic could not be blocked.

This meow's dimensionality reduction attack, can I be shaken away by water defense? ? ! !
"It's over!" Ye Baiqiu's face still showed no expression, and the coldness on his body became stronger and stronger.

bang~ bang~ bang~
The ground gradually cracked, and then six chains of ice emerged from the ground and tied the two people tightly.

The battle on the duel field has shocked all the freshmen in the audience.

Especially Ye Baiqiu's music system and ice system. You must know that this guy has already used two systems of intermediate magic.

"Is there any mistake? One of the music and ice systems, and all of them are proficient in magic. Where can we, the freshmen, put their face?!"

"I'm really convinced. I'm also 18 years old. Why are you so showy and me so cool?"

There was a discussion among the freshmen in the spectator seats.

This battle alone has already ranked 7th.

Mo Fan on the other side has already dealt with Dongfang Yan in front.

"It's so dangerous. Big brother is here, otherwise I will be in trouble." Seeing the three mid-level players on the field, Mo Fan also felt weak.

It's so troublesome for me to deal with a series of mid-level ones. If I had to deal with those two, I might have been left behind.

He is not as strong in physical skills as his elder brother. He is just a fort mage. He will definitely be the first to die without protection.

"Old Zhao, you are not kind. You actually came to stop us from getting resources." Mo Fan looked at the tied up Zhao Manyan and chuckled.

"You can't blame me. Who asked you to cause public outrage?" Zhao Manyan shrugged. If you lose, you lose. He doesn't care.


(End of this chapter)

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