Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 51 Serious Injury

Chapter 51 Serious Injury

The Ruijinclaw Bear seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly uprooted the big tree on the ground and threw it to the hillside not far away.

Qiang Qiang——

The gun shadow swept past, and the trees that flew over broke into countless pieces. Ye Baiqiu couldn't help but take a few steps back.

This bear is so powerful. Just attaching his waist to the trees gives him a posture that can defeat all means with one force.

"Then let's try it!!" Ye Baiqiu said as he looked at the incoming sharp golden claw Xiong Nannan, and the ice armor attached to his body directly.

The big golden-haired bear immediately stretched out a ferocious giant claw, and then patted it directly.


The claws directly tore through the frost armor and reassembled his body.

"So strong! It seems that I overestimated myself." Ye Baiqiu murmured.

But he had to retreat quickly. Judging from this claw, even if he used his strongest move, he might not be able to block its ten claws, and he would be temporarily invincible.

"Absolutely frozen!!" Ye Baiqiu released all the magic energy in his body and instantly froze everything within a radius, including the demons surrounding him.

Taking this opportunity, he quickly ran out of the mountain forest.

Three seconds later, the golden bear broke through the ice, but it did not pursue him.

Obviously, the blow just now was just to teach his subordinates a lesson. As a leader, how could he personally chase an enemy?

However, the monsters rioted and seemed to want to sacrifice the human to the boss.


In the lush dense forest, Ye Baiqiu's figure walked on the leaves like a ghost.

There were constant roars of monsters under the woods, and it was obvious that these guys were chasing after them.

He was well aware of his physical condition. After receiving that guy's claw, his physical strength dropped drastically and there wasn't much magic energy left.

A white-armored demon wolf has already caught up.

"Damn it, let's try it!" Ye Baiqiu suppressed the injury on his chest with his left hand, and pointed the ice gun at the demon with his other hand.

After understanding Ye Baiqiu's provocation, it opened its mouth wide and exposed its fangs, let out a howl of "ouch", stamped its limbs, and pounced on him again.


The tip of the spear was blocked by the wolf's claws, and it stretched out its other claw to slap Ye Baiqiu.

Ye Baiqiu leaned back to avoid the attack of the white-armored demon wolf. He knocked it back with a kick and fell into the forest below.

"Cough cough cough~~" Ye Baiqiu coughed continuously through the mask and spit out blood.

His body was already very weak, and his face was even more pale at this time. The wound was opened for the second time, he was sweating profusely, and his chest was severely injured. Now, every time he took a breath, he felt burning pain in his lungs.

The white-armored demon wolf under the woods did not have any injuries, it was just knocked unconscious. After a while, it shook its head and stood up.

The conditions on both sides are completely incomparable.

Ye Baiqiu's body already had extremely serious injuries, plus the secondary rupture wound that had just been caused.

Ye Baiqiu didn't have much strength left, otherwise the white-armored demon wolf, which was just an ordinary warrior level, wouldn't be qualified to injure Ye Baiqiu.

The white-armored demon wolf has plenty of physical strength and can continue to attack without interruption.

He no longer hesitated and directly concentrated the magic energy to suppress the injury on the tip of the spear, and rushed directly towards the white-armored demon wolf.

There is no chance, we can only try our best!
It wasn't afraid of the blow when it saw it. It didn't even believe its own instinct anymore and swatted it directly.

"Kill!!!" Ye Baiqiu had no way out now.

Clang! ! !
The ice spear pierced the wolf's claw directly, and the tip of the spear penetrated its throat hard, making a hole directly.

The white-armored demon wolf let out a shrill scream and began to twist its body crazily in an attempt to deliver the final blow.

Ye Baiqiu's demon energy was exhausted and the wounds on his body became more and more painful. Seeing this, he used his remaining strength to try to pull out the ice gun and kill the white-armored demon wolf.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of penetration, the ice gun froze with the neck of the white-armored demon wolf. When it was thrown away, the gun barrel also flew out at the same time.

It hit a big tree and fell into the bushes.

"The smell of blood..." Ye Baiqiu dragged his body slowly towards the inn outside.

Ye Baiqiu now had no choice but to place his last hope on the people inside the inn, hoping that they would notice him, otherwise he would be dead.

At the military post station not far away, the military mage at the observation deck saw someone coming out and immediately asked a wind military mage to go in and respond.

"How are you?" the military mage asked Ye Baiqiu. "It's okay." Ye Baiqiu said.

"I'll take you to stop the bleeding first."

"Thank you."

The two quickly entered the inn.

Ye Baiqiu was a little surprised. These military mages were not weak in physique. He weighed over a hundred pounds at least. Carrying over a hundred pounds on his back, he could still enter the post station a hundred meters away so quickly.

After a while, a large group of demons came out and chased after them smelling the smell of blood.

"All attack!" Master Tianying commanded the military mage below.

"Fierce Fist, Booming Sky!!"

"Wind Disk Tornado!!"

The military mages of the second team used fire and wind combination magic to directly bombard the monsters that were rushing towards them.

After simply bandaging the wound, Ye Baiqiu came inside to look for the leader here.

"How are you doing?" an officer asked, seeing blood dripping from his body.

"I can't die." Ye Baiqiu didn't pay much attention to his injuries.

"Is the situation inside critical?" The officer was a little confused.

This hunter's strength is at the peak of the mid-level, so logically speaking, he shouldn't be in such a mess.

"Your information is wrong. There are not only warrior-level monsters inside. When I was cleaning out the monsters, I accidentally found a commander-level monster. I was seriously injured by its claws and then escaped with a magic tool." Ye Baiqiu, who was wearing a mask, explained.

"What, are you sure it's true?!" The officer was a little shocked.

How could it be possible that it was not discovered during the investigation some time ago?
"It's absolutely true. It's a bear with sharp golden claws. Its bloodline is extremely high and its strength has reached the commander level. It has already conquered other warrior-level demons in the lakeside." Ye Baiqiu said.

"Okay, I understand. The reward and bounty will be doubled to you. It's all thanks to you." The officer thanked Ye Baiqiu repeatedly.

If this hunter hadn't discovered it early, our military mages would have definitely sacrificed many brothers.

"There should be a healing mage in your military department to help me deal with my injuries." Ye Baiqiu said.

"No problem." The officer asked his subordinates to find a healing mage.

After a while, a female mage from the mid-level healing department came to Ye Baiqiu's side.

A holy milky white light continuously poured out from her hands.

The scars on Ye Baiqiu's chest gradually decreased, the bleeding slowly stopped, and the wounds also slowly healed.

Ten minutes later, his injuries had almost recovered.

Ye Baiqiu stood up, stretched his muscles and felt his physical condition. He was almost recovering from the trauma, but there was a force of gold in his body that was rioting crazily.

Trouble, it will take a long time to clear.

"I have treated your external injuries, but there is a violent airflow in your body. You need to deal with it yourself. I can't help you." The female mage explained.

After thanking the female mage, Ye Baiqiu left the inn.

"Boss, I need manpower here. There is a commander-level guy in the lake." An officer said into the phone.

"Okay, I can dispatch two high-level mages and a Skyhawk team to you, but you must get rid of the commanders inside." A serious voice came from the phone.

"Swore to the death to complete the mission!!" the officer said seriously.

Back in the Magic City, Ye Baiqiu first submitted this task and got the reward first.

Then return to the house where you live and rest for a few days before completing the mission.

Ye Baiqiu was too tired, and this trip really felt like death.

If the monster catches up, he will really die there.

I simply washed the stains on my body and then fell asleep tiredly.

He hadn't slept for a long time and had spent the night meditating and practicing.

Now because of the power of Jin Ge, Ye Baiqiu is unable to practice, so he just needs to rest for a while at night.


(End of this chapter)

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