Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 53 Strange Commission

Chapter 53 Strange Commission


Didi Didi~~~
The phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"What's the matter, Lingling?"

Ye Baiqiu, who was feeling the situation on his body, was called out of consciousness by the ringing of the bell.

Didn't he just take half a month's leave because of his injury? Why did he call again?

"Ye Baiqiu, something's coming!!" Lingling said in a clear voice.

"What's wrong? Who is it about?" Ye Baiqiu asked quickly.

"Grandpa asked you to come to the hunting station to take a look at this commission in person." Lingling said in a strange tone.

so serious!Ye Baiqiu was a little frightened, knowing that he had been working here for more than a year, and only those few high-level tasks required Old Man Bao to give information in person.

Forget it, the injury is healed anyway, let’s go and see what’s going on.

With this in mind, Ye Baiqiu left school and took a taxi to the Qingtian Hunting Center.

This hunting lodge is still the same, there are not many people there all day long, and it looks like it is about to close down.

Ye Baiqiu pushed the door open and saw Old Man Bao sitting at the bar smoking as usual.

The little girl Lingling was sitting on the stool in front of the stage, shaking her calves, very leisurely...

"What's wrong?" Ye Baiqiu walked up to Old Man Bao and asked.

"Read the commission for yourself." Old Man Bao pushed the power of attorney forward.

Ye Baiqiu was a little surprised, picked up the power of attorney and began to read it quickly.

(Due to special reasons, I am troubled by some troubles, so I need Qingtian Hunting Center...)
Ye Baiqiu read it silently and found nothing wrong with the content, so he looked up at Old Man Bao and wondered, "What's wrong with this commission?"

Old Man Bao took a puff of cigarette and said slowly: "Look at the protector."

"Hmm - Mo Fan!!" Ye Baiqiu was shocked as he looked at it.

What are you doing? What big thing has Mo Fan done and is he wanted? !

"what happened?"

"We don't know, but this protector can be confirmed to be Mo Fan." Old Man Bao said.

"Grandpa, what do you think?" Lingling sat aside and asked.

"Call Dasheng back. He should also be back from the demon capital." Old Man Bao said.

"Entrust me to do this." Ye Baiqiu said upon seeing this.

That's all, I'm going to find out who's behind this.

"Are you coming? Is your injury healed?" Old Man Bao asked seriously.

"Okay." Ye Baiqiu nodded.

From the surface, it seems that they are members of the Black Church hiding in the Magic City. If this is the case, then I will accept your bounty.

Looking at it this way, I have entered the high-level Galaxy Veins.

"Does Mo Fan know?" Ye Baiqiu suddenly remembered the protagonist's situation.

"He knows." Old Man Bao said.

Lingling explained what she knew.

"Okay." Ye Baiqiu nodded.

It turns out that Mo Fan must have realized the seriousness of this commission, so he went to the Three-Step Tower to improve his strength.


After leaving Qingtian Hunting House, Ye Baiqiu laughed.

It's really interesting. It seems that you still don't give up on the Holy Earth Spring, so let me completely dispel your last hope.

Ye Baiqiu became furious when he thought that these guys had destroyed his hometown where he had lived for more than ten years.

Blood debt must be paid with blood, I will definitely take off the heads of you bed bugs! ! ! !
......... Arriving at the top floor of the tallest building in the Magic City, he patted the dust on the ground and used ice to create a stool.

Ye Baiqiu sat on the stool and began to use the authority of the Hunter Master to start looking for problematic people from the cameras installed throughout the city.

There are also clues about where Mo Fan appeared recently and where he fought.

There was a battle in the school yesterday, and at the end, intermediate magic was used.

Rumor has it that Mo Fan fought with Fu Tianming, but the latter was admitted to the hospital.

Judging from the information, Jia Wenqing asked Fu Tianming to deal with Mo Fan, and then he led two people to sneak attack Mo Fan.

As a result, he was killed by Mo Fan.

There is something fishy. According to my information, the conflict between Jia Wenqing and Mo Fan is because of women. He does have a motive.

But he has not gone to find Fu Tianming, so there is definitely something wrong with the latter. This person is very likely to be a chess piece of the Black Church hidden in the Magic City.

Ye Baiqiu looked at the video displayed by the badge system and fell into deep thought.

Forget it, let’s take a look at the images taken by the camera when Fu Tianming was injured and hospitalized.

in the video.

In a nursing home, Fu Tianming was covered with steel plates and plaster.

The next moment, a man in black appeared in front of the door not far away.

"Fu Tianming, let me ask you, have you been exposed!!" The man in black said coldly.

"No, I swear on my life that I have never exposed my identity..." Fu Tianming stood up regardless of his injuries.

"Okay, I will believe you once. Your next task is to confuse the public and create opportunities for me." The man in black said in a cold tone.

"I understand, I understand, and..." Fu Tianming had already prepared something.

"Don't fail this time!!!" The man in black's tone was filled with murderous intent.

After saying that, his figure disappeared, and at the same time some black liquid was left on the ground.

click - click -

The biting cold air spread all over the top floor in an instant.

"Hehehe, it is true that the nature of a country is easy to change, and the rats of the Black Vatican are indeed good at hiding." Ye Baiqiu sneered.

This group of guys is really powerful, and they are buried in the aristocratic families and clans. Those guys who stand in the latrine and don't shit are really useless. They really can't do anything and are holding back No. 1.


"Do we need to explain this matter to Ye Baiqiu, Dean Xiao?" Teacher Gu Han asked.

"Don't underestimate him, he should know about this and have already started taking action." Xiao Yuan said slowly.

This student who often listens to his teachings is not simple. His abilities and talents are top-notch.

"But the Tribunal is also planning to take this opportunity to deal with Salang. Do we really not need to give Mo Fan a guarantee?" Teacher Gu Han said.

"There is no other way. We can only believe that this young man can create miracles." Dean Xiao said helplessly.

They have not found out the chess pieces hidden by the Black Vatican in the school, so they can only ask Mo Fan to help them deal with these people, which is very passive.


"Lingling, there is a bounty on the members of the Black Vatican at the trial, right?" Ye Baiqiu said calmly to the phone.

"Yes, why do you want to attack the people of the Black Vatican?!" Lingling asked excitedly.

"This matter is very dangerous. Little girl, you are not qualified to get involved." Ye Baiqiu dispelled her idea and told her bluntly that it was not possible.

"Boy, be more careful. If necessary, contact your senior sister directly. She happens to be from the Tribunal." Old Man Bao took the phone and said solemnly.

"Understood." Although Ye Baiqiu was hit some time ago, he still has absolute confidence in his own strength.

I just don’t know if Mo Fan can withstand it, don’t die!

 If you have any questions, ask them so I can find out.

(End of this chapter)

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