Chapter 57 Siege

South Road District, abandoned processing factory.

A group of people in black robes were standing solemnly on the ground with their heads lowered, as if waiting for something.

Behind these people are a group of black, deformed and ugly monsters. These monsters are lying on the ground and shivering. From time to time, painful roars come from their mouths. It seems that they are afraid of these humans wearing strange robes.

Weird, scary.
At this moment, a figure with a face wrapped in a blue robe appeared in front of the group of people.

With the appearance of this figure in blue, the people in robes standing around became more respectful.

"Everyone, everyone is here!" The man in blue first glanced around with an indifferent look, and then said.

A man in black robes spoke with great respect after hearing this.

"Reporting to the deacon, according to your order, the black-clothed and gray-clothed men hiding in the Demon City have taken action."

The man in black robe hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"Master Deacon, is it necessary for us all to surround and kill a white-faced man? After all, he is just a mid-level mage. Isn't this a bit of a fuss?"

"Making a fuss out of a molehill? No, no, no, this is to be sure! During this period we have attracted the attention of the Magic City military and the Pearl Academy. If we cannot successfully deal with him this time, the chances will be even slimmer in the future! So we must work together Kill him, this plan must not fail, otherwise this will be the consequences for you."

After the man in blue finished speaking, he pointed at the black beasts lying on the ground.

Everyone else also subconsciously glanced at the black beast behind them, and there was a chill all over their bodies. It is no exaggeration to describe this kind of punishment as worse than life!
Following the promulgation of the order from the man in blue, these gray and black clothes also began to move outside.

Some figures in gray clothes dispersed around one after another, and behind these figures were crawling black deformed black beasts.

For some slow-moving black beasts, these men in gray treated them like beasts, waving their whips and starting to beat them!
The whipped black beasts could only let out painful wails, then sped up and hid around the factory.
Gradually, the entire dilapidated factory was surrounded by the Black Church, and these people were like hunters hiding in the night, quietly waiting for their prey to take the bait!


Outside the dilapidated factory, a man and a woman also approached quietly.

The man's purple hair was particularly eye-catching, and his sharp eyes were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"Zhao Ting, who are these people? And what is that disgusting black monster?" The girl couldn't help but whisper to Xu Zhaoting next to her.

It can be seen that the girl is still confused at this moment and does not know why.

Although Zhang Lulu was Xu Zhaoting's girlfriend, she rarely heard about Xu Zhaoting's past. She was also confused about the student they were following today.

Listening to his girlfriend's questions, Xu Zhaoting also fell into silence. This kind of ghost thing and the unpleasant smell exuded by this ghost thing.
It can be said that Xu Zhaoting will never be forgotten in his life!

Originally, Xu Zhaoting and Zhang Lulu planned to form a team to search for the Shadow Monster, but when they were looking for their companions in the playground, Xu Zhaoting smelled a smell on a student that he could not forget!

Xu Zhaoting will never forget this smell for the rest of his life.Because this smell was exactly what the dark and ugly monster emitted during the disaster in Bo City!
At the time of the disaster in Bo City, it was not just the evil rat demons that were killed on the streets, but also these black beasts that exuded an unpleasant odor.

Xu Zhaoting initially hoped that he was delusional, but unfortunately when he secretly followed the student, he actually discovered the Black Beast, and the student seemed to be from the Black Holy See.

"Lulu, you go back first! Remember, if I don't come out again within 5 minutes, then you must leave here quickly to inform the Tribunal and tell them that there is a hidden stronghold of the Black Holy See here."

Xu Zhaoting put away his thoughts, and then said to Zhang Lulu very seriously.

He didn't want his girlfriend to be involved in the Black Church. He just wanted to solve such an extremely dangerous matter by himself!

I tracked here just to make sure if this is the Black Vatican’s home base!If he can be sure, then he will notify the Magic City Trial Council to encircle and suppress this place.

Regarding those bastards from the Black Church, Xu Zhaoting once swore that if he encountered them, he would not let them run away even if he risked his life.

"Zhao Ting, I don't want it!! Those guys in black robes are scary, can you please stop going?"

Zhang Lulu seemed to know that Xu Zhaoting's next move would be extremely dangerous, and she hurriedly pulled Xu Zhaoting to stop him!Looking at the girl pulling him in front of him, Xu Zhaoting was caught in a dilemma for a moment.

He doesn't want to let go of the Black Church, but he doesn't want to put his girlfriend in crisis!
Looking at his pleading girlfriend, Xu Zhaoting gritted his teeth and said:
"No, if these guys from the Black Church gather again, something bad will happen. I must follow them and take a look."

Thinking of the names of relatives on the white list during the Bo City disaster, Xu Zhaoting almost collapsed.

"Zhao Ting, then...then be careful."

This was the first time Zhang Lulu saw Xu Zhaoting like this. After struggling for a while, she still didn't stop him.

After the two said goodbye, Xu Zhaoting slipped in directly along the factory door.

Xu Zhaoting is also a middle-level mage, and the second element is the wind element.

For him, this is a good system. He needs the ability to move quickly, and the wind system just fills this gap for him. Otherwise, with the destructive thunder system, he doesn't have much protection ability.


A violent thunder came from inside the factory, and the ear-piercing sound made people cover their ears.

Zhang Lulu hid outside, looking pale at the flash of lightning in the factory.

The lightning came from the windows and the gate, illuminating the surroundings, and there were screams, and at the same time, some disgusting shadows were printed in the lightning, the number of which was unknown.

"Zhaoting..." Zhang Lulu didn't know what to do at the moment.

Biting her lip, she ran towards the factory, she couldn't let Xu Zhaoting face those dangers alone.

As soon as Zhang Lulu arrived at the gate of the factory, she saw four deformed creatures moving slowly on the ground. Their faces were like ghost monkeys, and their skin was completely black...

Looking further into the factory, a man in black robe looked coldly at Xu Zhaoting who was lying on the ground covered in blood, then stepped on his head and said angrily: "You bastard, you are ruining our business!!!"

"Master Deacon asked us to take him away and evacuate here quickly to avoid being exposed prematurely!" Hei Si said hurriedly.

"I'll take this kid away, you kill that woman, clean this place as soon as possible, don't leave any traces!" Hei Yi said angrily.

Originally, they were ambushing here to encircle and suppress the target, but an irrelevant boy ran over and ruined their plan.

Counting the time, the real target may also appear, and they can't let the target know that they are ambushing him here.

Zhang Lulu knelt on the ground in despair, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, thinking she was doomed.

The man they called Lord Deacon wore a mask, and they didn't know who he was.

"Oh~ Everything is here." Suddenly a joking voice came from above.

Several ice walls appeared in front of Zhang Lulu and Xu Zhaoting to separate these black beasts.


"Attack me and knock him down!!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, Lan Yi asked his men to use magic to knock him down.

Now that it has been exposed, the target mission must be killed.


(End of this chapter)

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