Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 70 Bad News

Chapter 70 Bad News


A long time passed.

Magic City, in an apartment.

In the living room, Ye Baiqiu felt the new energy that had been tempered within him and clenched his fists.

A silver light flashed in his eyes.

Ye Baiqiu still looked as usual, dressed in white clothes, with cold silver eyes and a cold feeling exuding from his body.

He is still very satisfied with the capabilities provided by the space system.

His speed is indeed extremely fast, and he can even reach the speed of sound at full blast.

But so what? ?

No matter how fast you are, if you want to teleport, you still need a place to stay.

Even if he can fly on water and walk in the air like Qinggong, there are limitations after all.

It is precisely for this reason that Ye Baiqiu has great demand for Winged Demon.

But now that we have the space system, we can barely walk in the air...


The phone's ringtone suddenly rang, instantly waking up Ye Baiqiu who was thinking about it.

Get off the sofa and reach for your phone.

"Hello, who's there?" Ye Baiqiu asked.

"It's me, Zhan Kong!" A quick voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong? Instructor." Ye Baiqiu became even more confused after hearing this.

He didn't understand why Zhan Kong contacted him.

"It's like this. The military commander who developed the demon system learned that Mo Fan was born with two systems, and wanted Mo Fan to be a test subject, but the superiors vetoed it..."

Zhan Kong explained it in a short and long way.

"So, the military commander named Lu Nian plans to disobey military orders and conduct forced experiments?" Ye Baiqiu asked the question in his heart.

"That's right." Zhan Kong said seriously.

"Okay, I'm going to save people now." Ye Baiqiu said.

After speaking, Ye Baiqiu hung up the phone.

Picking up the coat on the sofa, he walked outside, his destination - Imperial College.


A Black Church stronghold somewhere.

"Is the information true?"

A man in dark blue robes was looking at the man in black robes who was kneeling on the ground below.

"Sir, the information came from the only remaining informant in the magic city. I'm sure there is no problem." The leading man in black robe said.

"Okay, then this trip to the imperial capital must make it possible for Bai Mian to never come back." The man in blue robe said in a cold tone.

"Understood." The man in black robe said respectfully.

"By the way, let them also work together to use that thing to kill people. This time they will kill without mercy."

After the last voice fell, the man in blue robe left here.Just after Lan Yi left, the men in black robes who had kneeled on the ground began to take action.


Two hours later, he arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport by plane.

When you walk out of the airport, you will see the endless mountains in the distance. Looking at the Great Wall built of mountain soil, you can't help but feel a magnificent artistic conception in your heart.

If he hadn't run out of time, he would definitely have gone to the Great Wall to see it.

But the most important thing now is to figure out where Mo Fan and the others are going, and then go rescue them.

Soon, Ye Baiqiu arrived at the Imperial Capital Academy. Without too much hesitation, he entered the academy and went straight to the teacher from Pearl Academy.


The sky has long been darkened, and the sound of insects can be heard in the forest.

Ye Baiqiu, who was standing quietly on the branches of the green tree, was looking at the sky above his head that was completely shrouded in darkness. The moon had also disappeared and he murmured. "Troubled times."

His feet tapped lightly on the branches, and his figure had already floated down several ten meters away. After a few jumps, his figure had disappeared.

Jinlin City, a city that has been wiped off the world map.

Fifteen years ago, a demon disaster occurred in the Dongting Lake Plain. Countless demons began to attack Jinlin City, which was too remote.

Fortunately, a hunter noticed this and immediately notified the government to evacuate the people. On the second day of the evacuation, Jinlin City was completely destroyed.

However, a hunter went to investigate ten years ago, and the news that came back later seemed that the situation had improved a lot.

That's why the two universities let students go to the deserted city of Jinlin City to practice.

Dongting Lake is known as the three most dangerous tides in the world. It is so huge that there are countless monsters living in it.

Ye Baiqiu was very close to Jinlin City at this time, looking at the abandoned city not far away and muttering to himself.

"It should be around here."

Thinking of this, Ye Baiqiu's pace accelerated a bit. In the blink of an eye, there were only afterimages left on the spot, and the white figure was no longer there.

Ye Baiqiu rushed to Jinlin City quickly. Under the night, the white figure was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I don’t know how long it took, but the bright moon in the sky gradually set and the sky gradually became brighter.

After a night of climbing over mountains and ridges, Ye Baiqiu finally entered the deserted city.

What we entered was a city that had long been in ruins and overgrown with weeds.

"This is it." Ye Baiqiu said to himself as he looked at this deserted city.

He did not stop, but continued walking towards the city.

As I walked, I came to a gray building rising from the ground in this area. However, this building had been destroyed by demons, and the surrounding walls were in tatters.

Looking at the building, Ye Baiqiu's silver eyes flashed with solemnity.

Unexpectedly, there is a leader demon here in Jinlin City. It will be difficult to deal with it if we encounter it later.

After all, this is still the territory of the giant lizard-skull monster. If I confront it head-on, although I am not afraid, it will be extremely troublesome.

What's more, bringing Mo Fan back is equivalent to bringing a burden, so this operation needs to be steady and avoid causing too many troubles.


 Sorry, I don’t have much time to write recently. I have to go to work, so I can only make up for you a little bit at night. I’ll write more next time I’m on vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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