Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 81 Magic Wing Tool

Chapter 81 Magic Wing Tool


Hearing this, Ding Yumian hugged Ye Baiqiu, cried loudly, and confided in him at the same time...

She has kept her emotions closed for a long time because her emotions will affect others and even allow others to be controlled by her emotions.

The long period of closed emotions made her feel extremely painful.

Emotions are a way of expression for people. Without emotions, the person will no longer be complete...

Ding Yumian told his story, and Ye Baiqiu felt very familiar after hearing it.

Because when he was very young, he had closed off all his emotions, and he has never opened them up even now.

But at least she still has relatives. If she were like her, without her little sister, father, mother, Mo Fan, and Mo Jiaxing, she would be lost.

Because he had similar experiences, Ye Baiqiu also opened up his chat box and began to share his story.

After chatting until dawn, Ding Yumian's mood gradually stabilized.

"I'm going back first, senior sister." Ye Baiqiu stood up and said goodbye.

From some unknown moment on, his heartbeat accelerated several times, and this feeling made him a little uneasy.

"Don't call me senior next time, just call me Yumian." Ding Yumian said slightly angrily.

"Is this okay?" Ye Baiqiu felt that this was not good, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"It's fine if I say yes. By the way, can I just call you Bai Qiu?" She then asked.

"It's up to you." Ye Baiqiu didn't care much about titles.

He didn't know what it meant, so it didn't matter.

Ye Baiqiu turned around and walked towards the door, rubbing his eyes with a hint of sleepiness in his eyes.

I didn’t sleep all night and consumed so much mental energy. It was really tiring!

When I got back to the room, I took a hot bath first, and then I lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

During the following period, the two of them would go together every time they went out. Although most of the time they would read and study in the library of Pearl Academy, and sometimes they would go out on the street to taste some sweets.

Because of Ding Yumian, Ye Baiqiu has not carried out the commission recently. He usually either consolidates his cultivation in the library or reads books to supplement his knowledge.

Ye Baiqiu didn't recognize many friends, including Ding Yumian, there were only three in total.

That's why Ye Baiqiu was willing to stay with her for a short period of time to stabilize Ding Yumian's situation.

If he wasn't around and she lost control again, a lot of innocent people would be killed.

Then she would definitely leave in self-blame. This was Ye Baiqiu's true inner thought.

In addition, the food at Pearl Academy is average, neither delicious nor unpalatable, so Ye Baiqiu rarely goes to school to eat on weekdays. He always buys food and cooks it at home.

Now there is one more person in the family. Usually when the two of them come home from the library, they go to the vegetable market to buy food. Then Ye Baiqiu cooks and the two of them eat together.

Both of them are students in the inner courtyard. For mages of their level, Pearl Academy usually allows them to practice on their own in a free-range way.

The top resources of Bingyuan will be distributed to Ye Baiqiu's account every month.

Spirit seed fragments, ice magic stones, magic weapons, three-step tower training opportunities...

It was probably worth around 1000 million, but for Ye Baiqiu today, it really wasn't much.

Now his cultivation level is the first level of advanced level of ice system, the first level of advanced level of music system, and the first level of intermediate level of space system.

After this period of accumulation, Ye Baiqiu has mastered the high-level magic of ice and music.

It is no longer the tortoise-like drawing speed, but as skillful and high-speed as outlining a star map.Inside the Qingtian Hunting House.

"Why do you have this thing?" Old Man Bao looked at Ye Baiqiu in surprise.

There is a transparent hexagonal gemstone placed on the front desk. It is the same gemstone that Ye Baiqiu obtained when he killed two men in blue.

"We killed two men in blue clothes some time ago and found them from their bodies." Ye Baiqiu said calmly.

The Inquisition issued a wanted reward for the Black Church.

Gray Yi: Two million corpses, twice as many alive ones.

Black: 1000 million corpses, twice as many lives.

Lan Yi: 2.2 million corpses, [-] times the number alive.

I just remembered this when I had some free time recently, so I took the body in exchange for money.

However, the savings were still not enough to buy a combat-type magic wing tool, so he had to turn his attention to the gem of unknown value.

"This gem can create a barrier, but I don't need this magic weapon, so I want to sell it and exchange it for a combat-type wing magic weapon." Ye Baiqiu said.

"In this way." Old Man Bao stroked his beard, then looked at this special magic weapon carefully before asking:

"Yes, it is indeed a space magic weapon. It should be worth at least a billion. Are you sure you want to change it?"

Ye Baiqiu nodded seriously, expressing his affirmation.

"Okay, when the time comes when I have the suitable wing magic equipment, I will let Lingling notify you, and you can just come and get it." Old Man Bao said slowly.

This matter is not difficult for him. If he finds an old friend who wants to collect or needs space magic weapons, he can probably pay a higher price.

However, combat-type winged demons are a bit rare, so it will take a while to get them.

"Okay." Ye Baiqiu said.

Combat-type wing magic tools are all high-end products. Such things are generally expensive and unmarketable. If you just rely on your own imagination to get one, it will undoubtedly be very difficult.

But Old Man Bao is different. He has an extremely wide network of contacts. Maybe any of his friends is a super mage.

The two are naturally incomparable.

"But Ye Baiqiu, don't you plan to get a soul-level ice seed first?" Lingling said.

She listened for a while, and although she didn't quite understand why the gemstone was so valuable, what she didn't understand even more was why Ye Baiqiu didn't fuse the soul seed first, but chose to buy a luxury product first.

"Heh, girl, you don't know enough about the mage market." Ye Baiqiu chuckled, reached out and stroked Lingling's little head, and said.

"Hmph╭(╯^╰)╮, don't touch my head, I won't grow taller." Lingling snorted and avoided the hand that was stroking her head.

"Most of the soul seeds sold on the market now are artificially synthesized. The power contained in them can only increase the power of magic. But the natural soul seeds are different. They absorb naturally existing soul seeds and can temper the body of the magician, and It allows mages to have a certain chance of understanding their own domain, and the price of natural soul seeds is priceless and unmarketable, which is even more outrageous than luxury items such as winged magic tools." Ye Baiqiu explained lazily.

He had also considered this matter before, but after a quick investigation, it was found that the soul seeds sold in the Imperial Capital, Demon City and other areas were all artificially synthesized. Even if they were available, they were worth more than one billion, and they were not ice-type.

So he didn't consider fusing the soul seed first, after all, it was too artificially synthesized.

"Oh, that's it." Lingling had no choice but to curl her lips, and then went to play on the computer with her twin tails waving.

Ye Baiqiu didn't pay much attention and continued to chat with Old Man Bao.

He said that he would not leave Magic City for a short time and could let Dashan do other things first.

 If I'm not busy, there should be another update.

(End of this chapter)

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