Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 86 Rescue Mission

Chapter 86 Rescue Mission

Qingyun Community, No. 2, 202nd Floor.

Ye Baiqiu woke up from meditation, stood up and looked around the room, feeling suddenly desolate.

Unknowingly, I had gotten used to her presence, which I really shouldn't have.

She won't stay by her side all the time, because everyone has their own things to do

At this moment, the door was opened by the key.

A little loli came in. She was wearing light blue clothes. She was holding a cup of milk tea in her hand. Her lower cheeks were bulging. She was so cute that you wanted to go up and squeeze her.

However, her eyes were not pure and clear, but shrewd and sharp.

"Lingling." Ye Baiqiu looked up and was suddenly surprised.

Although she was given a key, she didn't expect Lingling to come to the door so quickly.

The little girl most likely came here for a commission. After all, she would go crazy if she went to elementary school all day long.

"I paid attention to a rescue request. The target location is the Blackpool Mountains on the southern border. According to the news from the trail, soul seeds may appear there." Lingling said.

"What is the entrusted bounty?" Ye Baiqiu's pupils moved slightly, and then he asked.

Although he wanted to get a soul seed, southern Xinjiang was not that easy to get into.

There are many commander-level monsters inside, and a high-level mage may die inside if you are not careful.

There are not enough chips, and just a piece of gossip is not enough to take the risk to save people.

"It's a pulse of the galaxy." Lingling said.

When she first saw the bounty, she couldn't help but secretly smack her tongue. This client was so generous that he even used a Galaxy Vein as a bounty.

"Let's go and get it." Ye Baiqiu no longer hesitated, stood up and walked outside.

I don’t know how many years it will take to encounter someone like this who has been taken advantage of. Now that I have encountered one, I can’t miss it.

The two came downstairs, took a taxi, and headed directly to the Hunter Alliance.

Arriving at the Hunter Building, Lingling took the lead and Ye Baiqiu followed closely behind.

Soon the little girl came to the computer where she received the task.

"Hey, little sister, this mission is of interest to our Huang General Chapter, so don't join in the fun."

A strong man looked down at Lingling.

I thought to myself, why should such a girl compete with our Huang Jiang group for commissions? You must know that we are the middle-level team.

"I took it first." Lingling looked at the strong man without showing any signs of cowardice.

"Get out of the way, don't force me to do it."

Ye Baiqiu came over from behind and said to those strong men in a cold tone.

"Heh, can you give it a try?" The big man looked at the frail man in front of him and said sarcastically.

"Hmph!" Ye Baiqiu snorted coldly with an expressionless face.

A biting cold current swept through them, and the several big men in front of them were covered with a layer of frost.

But the cold current didn't touch Lingling at all.

"I want this mission." Ye Baiqiu took out the hunter badge from his pocket and threw it to the front desk.

The receptionist took the badge and looked at it. He was shocked for a moment, and then said respectfully.

"Master Baimian, the reception has been successful."

After everything was settled, Ye Baiqiu and Lingling walked past the Imperial Generals' battle group that had just broken through the ice.

The burly man had cold sweat pouring out layer by layer from his back.

This person turned out to be Bai Mian, the pervert who became a master hunter in less than a year.

It's over, I can't stay in the devil anymore, hurry up and change places.Ye Baiqiu and Lingling walked out of the hunter hall soon.

"Lingling, the level of this commission is a bit high, why don't you go?" Ye Baiqiu said tactfully.

"No, if you don't let me go, I won't give you any news, hum!" Lingling said angrily.

I really don’t want to go to school with those little brats, I want to go exploring and hunting monsters! !

"Okay, let's go tomorrow and prepare some necessary things." Ye Baiqiu said helplessly.

If you want to take Lingling, you have to ask Old Man Bao if he agrees. If you don't agree, you can't do anything.

After all, Old Man Bao is Lingling's relative, and he can't make the decision.

"Okay, we agreed to go tomorrow, don't lie to me." Lingling said.

In the afternoon, Ye Baiqiu came to Qingtian Hunting House alone.

When he pushed the door open, he saw Old Man Bao smoking, seemingly melancholy about something.

"Old man Bao, what should we do about this? Do we really want to take Lingling to the Blackpool Mountains?" Ye Baiqiu was very distressed.

He didn't want to take it with him, but he couldn't stand the spirit's persistence.

"Lingling, this girl, has been smart since she was a child. She doesn't like to read, but she likes to explore and hunt monsters. In the past, she didn't make any noise because of Mo Fan. But now that Mo Fan is missing, she can only make trouble for you. ." Old Man Bao smoked a cigarette and said that he had already persuaded him.

There was really no way to stop her, so the girl said she didn't want to go to school anymore, she just wanted to go on a monster hunting adventure in the wild.

"Okay, I will take good care of her." Ye Baiqiu said with firm eyes.

Since he was taken out, he should naturally bring him back safe and sound, unless he died outside.

"Boy, you have to have more confidence. Here, this is your magic wing tool." Old Man Bao pulled out a huge box from under the wooden table cabinet and threw it out.

Ye Baiqiu reached out to catch it, and when his palm touched it, a snowflake appeared on it.

"You can merge here. There is a lot of commotion outside. I have to leave first." After saying that, Old Man Bao turned around and left the teahouse.

At this time, only Ye Baiqiu was left in the teahouse.

He opened the huge box with both hands, and a white-blue light floated out of it.

The light ball floated to his back and gradually turned into wings.

The white-blue light shone brighter and brighter until it completely enveloped Ye Baiqiu.

The fusion process was not easy. When the energy fused with his bones, it was like a steel needle piercing the bone marrow. The pain that penetrated the bones was unbearable.

But even with this kind of pain, Ye Baiqiu just frowned. This magical wing tool was not as easy to integrate as imagined.

The biting pain did not make him lose his composure, his waist remained straight and his expression remained unchanged.

Suddenly a white-blue light flashed, and then turned into an ice-blue ice tattoo, like the center of his eyebrows.

Time passed bit by bit, and the process of absorbing the wing magic tool did not take too long.

Five hours later, Ye Baiqiu completed the absorption.

The icy cold air surged, and a piece of ice-white diamond-shaped ice appeared on the pale skin of his back.

On the diamond-shaped ice, strands of ice-white silk threads emerged from both sides of the spine. In a moment, a pair of ice-white wings appeared on both sides.

Unlike the supple feathers, these two pairs of wings look as if they are completely made of ice crystals, swaying in the wind, lifelike.

"Is this the wing magic tool?"

Ye Baiqiu felt the pair of feathers on his back and reached out to touch the ice-white wings.


 To pave the way for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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