I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 102: Killing chickens to scare monkeys is to establish prestige!

Chapter 102: Killing chickens to scare monkeys is to establish prestige!

Song Yi took out his cell phone and saw an unknown number, "Don't try to trick Xin Yu." Song Yi knew that this was a text message from Chen Fuzhen, so he felt a little baffled and deleted the text message.

During this period of time, Song Yi could definitely be said to be very proud of himself.He got to know Hikvision’s founding team through IDG Capital.

New Asia Investment completed an angel round investment in Hikvision. New Asia Investment spent 200 million yuan to buy 40% of Hikvision’s equity. Gong Hongjia spent 45 yuan to acquire 9% of Hikvision’s equity. Become the largest individual shareholder.

Song Yi promised Hikvision’s founder team that equity incentives will be gradually realized based on the company’s development, and New Asia Investment can transfer a portion of the equity to the founder team based on time progress.

New Asia Investment also continued to buy NetEase shares in the U.S. stock market, with its shareholding ratio reaching 6%. NetEase nominated Song Yi, a representative of New Asia Investment, to obtain a board director seat.The two major mainland Internet companies, NetEase and Penguin, and New Asia have become important shareholders.

At the beginning of November, Xinya made a small modification to "Legend of Hot Blood". The properties of the platinum ring were changed to 11-2 defense and 2-0 Taoism.This revision also corrected some minor bugs in the game, such as game characters standing in the same position and being pushed offline by other players.

The official website of "Legend of Hot Blood" and the 17173 game forum were simultaneously notified of this modification.More and more game players have noticed Song Yi's account "Xin Yasong" on the 17173 website, because he can get first-hand information about "Legend of Hot Blood" every time. Players suspect that "Xin Yasong" is the account of "Legend of Hot Blood". Executives.

However, this update also has the first large-scale bug in the history of "Legend of Blood". As long as the player kills any monster, a prayer helmet will explode.Some game studios have noticed this bug and are frantically spawning monsters, praying that the price of the helmet will come down soon.However, Song Yi noticed it quickly and fixed the bug within two days.

At this stage, the best equipment in "Legend of Hot Blood" is the Half-Moon Scimitar, which costs 120 million.The equipment of warriors is much more expensive than that of mages and Taoists. Death costs more than 10, Coral costs more than 20, Purgatory costs 40, and Dragon Ring costs 40.

If you want to get high-end equipment such as Jing Zhongyue, Judgment, and Wuji, you can only challenge monsters like Zuma. However, the players' levels have not yet been raised, so these high-end equipment are priceless and have no market. Some guilds have begun to sell equipment. Make money.

In mid-November, the first plug-in "wax-free plug-in" of "Legend of Legend" appeared, and it was popularized in all server groups of "Grand Legend" in just three days.New Asia's official website issued an announcement to promote "fair competition" through server refresh.

Coincidentally, just two days after "plug-ins" became popular, the official version of "Legend of Blood" was released and officially charged.Xinya also launched the first batch of client game CDs, with an official price of 29.9 yuan, and also gave players 60 hours of point cards.

The number of users of "Legend of Blood" increased rapidly, and the first batch of CDs was in short supply.Many people ran out of it and couldn't find a new one, so they went to buy a CD to recharge.

Li Yu and Guo Haibin reported to Song Yi the popularity of "Legend of Hot Blood". In their words, "It feels like these players are almost crazy. They are really making money now. I just don't know how long they can make money?"

However, Song Yi had already anticipated this situation, "Don't worry, there will still be many more years of good times like this."

Li Yu looked at Song Yi who was calm and admired Song Yi. She knew that Song Yi spent a lot of money to win "Legend of Hot Blood", but Song Yi did make the right bet this time. "Legend of Hot Blood" will definitely become New Asia Network's cash cow in the next few years, and it will also be the main project of the company's revenue.

However, Song Yi summoned Li Yu and Guo Haibin to a meeting today not to announce the good news, but to issue a warning in advance.

"Hu Jiyong from the Operations Department proposed a plan to promote "Legend of Blood" online. We will place advertisements on Baidu, Sina, NetEase and Sohu and charge based on user clicks."

"Guo Haibin, you agreed to Hu Jiyong's plan and the company's advertising and marketing expenses have been spent. Do you think this plan is effective?" Song Yi asked Guo Haibin.

Guo Haibin felt a little uneasy and said bravely: "In the past two weeks, the number of registrations of legendary players has increased significantly. It should be effective, right?"

Song Yi put the water glass on the desk, and there was a loud bang, which was startling.Song Yi stood up and looked directly at Guo Haibin, "Should? This is the answer you gave me? Are you curious why Hu Jiyong didn't come to work today? He has been terminated from the labor contract!"

"After I got the Legend agent rights, I specifically studied Legend's promotion methods. We cooperated with Internet cafe owners through ground promotion. Our company authorized Internet cafe owners to sell point cards, and the bosses can get commissions from it. Internet cafes can retain customers. , we can also get commission from our company, and of course the Internet cafe is willing to take the initiative to help us promote the game online."

"Do you know that the household computer penetration rate in China is less than 10 points, and the third- and fourth-tier cities are not even 5 points. They have no other channels except going to Internet cafes to play games. Your operations department spends money to go to Baidu , NetEase, Sohu and Sina are placing advertisements, isn’t it selling combs to monks?” Song Yi said something very serious today, while Guo Haibin was dejected and had no excuse.

"I originally planned to wait until the end of the year to conduct an internal review, because the company's business and the company's manpower are growing rapidly, and I don't want to heal the wounds at this time."

"But last time I had dinner with Mr. Ding from NetEase, Mr. Ding reminded me that your Xinya team is making a lot of money now. A small supervisor in the operations department has already worn Cartier Pasha. I asked about it, and this The supervisor’s surname is Hu.”

"Later, I asked someone to investigate, and it turned out that Director Hu asked NetEase for a bribe when they were discussing advertising promotion. I strengthened the internal review this month and found that the problems are basically in the purchase business, and some small groups think about it every day. It doesn’t make sense to earn a lot of money from the company and then help my company do some business.”

"The company gave Hu Chengqi a budget of 100 million to place ads. He asked a third-party company to quote 80, and then reported it to New Asia at 100 million. The company paid 100 million to the advertising company, and he kept the remaining 20 in his pocket. .”

"Our manager Hu is so high-profile. He found a girlfriend from Yanjing Film Academy and often took her to Oriental Plaza for shopping. He spent a lot of money. The shopping mall points alone are over [-]."

"I have already called the police. This is an economic crime, a crime of job embezzlement, and the amount is huge. It started three years ago. Remember to copy the cases of Li Yu and Hu Chengqi to all employees, so that they should always remember, 'Don't reach out, otherwise you will be arrested.'" catch.'"

Li Yu didn't say much, "Okay, boss."

Guo Haibin said to Song Yi: "Boss, I am responsible for Hu Chengqi's matter. It was my lack of supervision and I should bear the leadership responsibility."

"Li Yu, you go out first, Haibin stays." Song Yi ordered Li Yu.Critics should criticize alone to save some face for subordinates, while praisers should be praised in public, so as to have a motivating effect.

"During this period, you and Li Yu have been working very hard and often work overtime. I have noticed it. I was originally planning to promote you and Li Yu to deputy general managers of the company. But now that Hu Chengqi has happened, we will start this year." Take it easy." Song Yi said.

When Guo Haibin heard what Song Yi said, he felt annoyed and wanted to scold Hu Chengqi a hundred times.Guo Haibin is now the manager of the operations department. If he is promoted to deputy general manager, the annual salary difference will be at least 10 yuan, and he can buy a Santana in two years.

Song Yi was also a little lucky. If Song Yi had not increased his holdings of NetEase shares and became a director of NetEase's board of directors, NetEase's Ding Sanshi would not have had the opportunity to remind him in person.Hu Chengqi's corruption problem will have to be hidden for longer, causing greater economic losses to Xinya.

"Except for Hu Chengqi, most of the company's employees have withstood the test. When I heard that there was a problem with the employees in the operations department, I was very anxious. I was not worried about how much money the company had lost, but worried about whether you would be involved. Fortunately, you You have lived up to my trust." Song Yi said sincerely.

Guo Haibin choked up, "Boss, this is really my fault. The reason why I agreed to Hu Chengqi's online promotion plan was mainly to see if I could find new performance growth points for the company. I didn't expect that this guy would take advantage of me." .”

Song Yi patted Guo Haibin on the shoulder, "Okay, you and Li Yu are both old people in the company. Naturally, my relationship with you is different from other employees." "The company will issue a punishment announcement later. The company will Your salary will be deducted and fined 1 yuan. As your direct leader, I will also bear the corresponding joint and several responsibilities and deduct a fine of 4 yuan. Don't feel that you have lost face, and don't have any thoughts in your heart." Song Yi said in advance. .

Guo Haibin was more honest, "Don't worry, boss, I understand that you are killing the chicken to scare the monkey. I am willing to be the chicken."

Song Yi felt strange. He suddenly remembered the line in "The Mermaid", "You think making chicken is easy?"

However, he knew that Guo Haibin was showing his loyalty, so it was not easy to attack him, "You just have to know what you are doing. Work hard, and as long as you maintain this momentum, everyone will have year-end bonuses this year. I will definitely let everyone have a good year and go home in glory." .You should do your work first, I will play games in the office for a while."

On November 11, New Asia Network issued an internal penalty announcement:

"After the company's internal review, Hu Chengqi, an employee of the game operations department, demanded bribes from partners and embezzled the company's finances through third-party partners. The amount involved was huge. The judicial authorities have intervened in the investigation, and Hu Chengqi will definitely face legal sanctions."

"New Asia Network General Manager Song Yi and Operations Department Manager Guo Haibin bear leadership responsibility for failing to supervise the Hu Chengqi corruption case. General Manager Song Yi was fined 4 yuan in salary in the fourth quarter, and Manager Guo Haibin was fined 1 yuan in salary in the fourth quarter. Guo Haibin will not be able to participate in promotions and company evaluations in the next year. I hope all employees of New Asia Network will take this as a warning."

When New Asia Network's internal punishment announcement was released, New Asia Network's undisciplined work style was instantly reversed.Guo Haibin was one of the earliest executives of New Asia Network, and Song Yi showed no mercy this time.

Being fined 1 yuan from salary is a trivial matter, but not being able to participate in promotion and merit evaluation in the next year is the key.

New Asia Network is recruiting people almost every day, and Song Yi is already preparing to rent a separate two-story office building in the Guomao Phase II office building as New Asia Network's office space.This year Guo Haibin can still compete with Li Yu in the company. By 02, there may be twenty manager-level executives. What can Guo Haibin do to compete with Li Yu?

The internal corruption case of New Asia Network has also shocked the mainland's Internet industry. This is an Internet company employee who was sentenced for embezzlement of duties by non-state staff.Because the case was clear and the evidence was conclusive, the prisoner Hu Moumou had a good attitude in pleading guilty and was later sentenced to three years.

Song Yi's killing of chickens and monkeys this time was actually intended to establish his authority.Song Yi works in both South Korea and China. He is often away from the company, so he must beat up old employees like Li Yu and Guo Haibin to prevent them from getting together in the company and trying to oust him as the boss.It happened that Guo Haibin was in trouble this time, and the Hu Chengqi case was just an inducement.

After the internal punishment of New Asia Network was completed, New Asia also made a major change to "Legend of Hot Blood".

"Legend of Hot Blood" has opened multiple maps such as Stone Tomb Formation, Pig 6, Pig 7, Unknown Dark Palace, Corpse King Palace, Connecting Channel (Skeleton Tower-Zombie), Connecting Channel (Valley-Centipede), Fragrant Stone Tomb, etc. at one time .The game also adds Dark Palace missions, Destiny missions and Old Man Liu missions.

The game also adds psychic bracers, ghost necklaces, ghost gloves, knight bracelets, dragon bracers, ghost suits, war god armor, demon robes and other equipment, cancels the defensive properties of ruby ​​rings, and adds evil snakes, Touch dragon gods and other monsters.

These newly added characters and equipment have greatly enhanced the playability of "Legend of Blood" and also reduced the resistance of game players to Xinya's charging.

In late November, the most talked about mission among Legend game players was the quest of the Corpse King’s Palace. Players had no idea how to enter the Corpse King’s Palace.

The 17173 game forum has produced many exclusive secrets to pass the level, such as the Buddhist amulet method, the introduction letter method, the dice method, and all kinds of strange customs clearance strategies. Song Yi also read them with gusto in the forum. The earliest online game players were indeed very creative. There are some gameplays that even Park Guanhao, the producer of "Legend of Blood", had not thought of.

In addition, the conditions for entering the Corpse King's Palace in the game are relatively strict - there must be a Corpse King inside before you can enter, otherwise you will be teleported back to the south of the mining area, so the method of entering the Corpse King's Palace is even more complicated and confusing. After all, there are only a few advanced players who share in the 17173 game forum.

Because the corpse kings in the game now all have 8*8 explosions. In addition to the must-explode level 35 practice book, almost every corpse king boss will explode an advanced book, allowing players to gain a lot.Gradually, the ID "Xin Yasong" has reached the point where everyone knows and knows about it in the 17173 game forum.

November 11nd was Song Hye Kyo’s birthday, and Song Hye Kyo flew to Yanjing to go on a date with Song Yi. "My Naughty Girlfriend" was released in the mainland last month, and posters of Jun Ji-hyun can be seen in movie theaters in major shopping malls in Yanjing.

Song Hye Kyo did not stay in a hotel this time. Song Yi bought a single-family villa in Yanjing Lijing Garden Community to entertain friends. He usually spends more time in Everbright Garden.

Lijing Garden is the first high-end foreign-related villa and residential area in Yanjing City. It was developed by Hong Kong businessmen Liu Luanxiong and Poly. It is worth mentioning that the state-owned land certificate number is 0001. Song Yi’s single-family villa and mainland actress Gong There is only one row between Li's villas.

The community covers an area of ​​22.7 square meters, with a green area of ​​nearly 10 square meters. It has complete entertainment, fitness, and early childhood education. Many international friends live there, making it a veritable "international village."

Song Hye Kyo quite liked the environment of Lijing Garden, and suddenly she asked, "OPPA, how about I buy a house here and be your neighbor?"

"Do you want to buy a house by yourself, or do you want me to give you a house?" Song Hye Kyo was wearing pajamas, sitting on Song Yi's lap, and the two of them looked at the scenery outside the window.A villa in Lijing Garden costs millions of yuan, and Song Yi can't just give it away.

Song Hye Kyo put her arms around Song Yi's neck and coquettishly said to him, "OPPA, I do want to be your neighbor, but I just bought a Mercedes-Benz AMG sports car, so I may not have that much money-"

"Foreigners can buy up to one self-occupied house in their own name in Yanjing. If you really plan to buy it, I won't object. But the dust in Yanjing is too serious. How about I buy two houses in Puhai?" With a flat floor, you can overlook the Huangpu River from the bedroom. Then we can be neighbors again, what do you think?" Song Yi suggested.

Song Yi made a total profit of US$5 million from shorting US stocks. US$1 million of the 2000 million principal was his own funds, and the US$8000 million loan was taken out in the name of New Asia Media.Song Yi still has hundreds of millions of dollars in his personal account, so he might as well stock up on more houses in Puhai City and Pengcheng City. Song Yi even considered buying two units, so that he would not feel bad about giving one to Song Hye Kyo or Jun Ji Hyun.

Song Hye Kyo is a person who is very perceptive. She understood Song Yi's meaning, "Okay, if OPPA is going to buy a house in Puhai, please be sure to take me with you. I am 'if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog.'"

Song Yi was amused by Song Hye Kyo, "Where did you learn Chinese? You said 'if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog'. Not to mention, you learned it quite authentically."

Song Hye Kyo feigned resentment, "I don't have someone's long legs, and no one gave me a Porsche 911. In order to perform better in front of OPPA, I have to spend more time on Chinese. OPPA, I learned it through movies recently." Some new knowledge, how about we try it later?" Song Hye Kyo's eyes were full of spring.

Song Yi didn't know whether Song Hye Kyo was talking about knowledge or posture. Koreans' Chinese is always a bit strange. What Song Hye Kyo watched was definitely not an ordinary popular movie.

If you compare the women around you, Song Hye Kyo is the most proactive and the most willing to please Song Yi. The two sisters Kim Hee Won are highly respected in the company. Apart from being a bit worshipper of money, they have almost no shortcomings as lovers.Of course, for lovers, worshiping money is actually an advantage.

For Song Hye Kyo, who is so sensible, Song Yi must reward her in time, "If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. Who do you think is the dog?" Song Hye Kyo smiled at the corner of her mouth, took Song Yi's hand and put it on her, "OPPA is A man among men belongs to the king of the forest, just like a lion, I am the little poodle next to the lion." After saying this, Song Hye Kyo also "barked" twice.

Song Yi was ignited by the supple Song Hye Kyo, and the two were entangled again. It took a long time before they separated. He couldn't remember how many times he took a bath in the bathtub today. Song Hye Kyo finally raised the white flag to Song Yi.
Song Yi touched Song Hye Kyo's hair, "Since you bought the car, I won't give it away. I plan to set up a real estate company in the mainland to develop apartments and office buildings. When the time comes, I will give you two sets so that you can work as a gift in the mainland. As a renter, even if you want to quit the entertainment industry in the future, these two houses alone can allow you to maintain your current living standard."

Song Hye Kyo happily lay in Song Yi's arms, "Thank you OPPA, I know you are the best to me!" Song Hye Kyo felt happy in her heart. Fortunately, she came to Yanjing to celebrate her birthday this time, and finally lived up to her hard work. The sponsor Dad still has to take good care of me.
 This is the first update, there should be more in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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