I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 111 Song Yi’s 2-for-1 trading plan

Chapter 111 Song Yi’s two-for-one trading plan
The CJ Entertainment Building is located at No. 66, Sangamsan-ro, Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu. Not far from it is the MBC headquarters building. The CJ Entertainment and Media Department was renamed CJ E&M in 11, and the building was immediately renamed CJ E&M Center Building. .

There are restaurants and cafes on the first floor and basement of the building.The popular music chart show "M!" The recording studio of "Countdown" is located on the second floor of the building. Many K-POP fans specially come to this building to check in.

Mnet TV station, OCN TV station and TvN cable TV station established in 11 years ago all work in this building. In the future, many TV stations such as JTBC and YTN will be added next to the CJ Entertainment Building, and Sangam-dong has also become the base camp of cable television stations.

Chen Meijing usually works in this building. She is the vice president of CJ Group and the president of CJ Entertainment. She rarely goes to the CJ Group headquarters building if she has nothing to do.

Kim Jong Kook looked at the building in front of him. This was his first time visiting the CJ Entertainment Building since his contract with Star Music was terminated.

Song Yi and Jin Zhongguo came to the second floor together, and the lady at the front desk called to confirm the reservation information.The young lady took Song Yi and the two of them to the special elevator, "Hello, President Song, our president is waiting for you upstairs."

When the elevator reached the top floor, Song Yi and Jin Jongguo were about to walk into Chen Meijing's president's office. Song Yi's bodyguard, Che Taizhi, was stopped by two security guards at the door of the president's office.

Song Yi complained in his heart, and Chen Meijing didn't know who to show off. No matter how powerful the CJ Group was, it was just a side branch of the Samsung family. The security at the door seemed to be a threat to Song Yi. It seemed that things with Kim Jong Kook were not going to be easy. .
Song Yi and Jin Zhongguo walked into the office, and Chen Meijing sat at the desk without raising his head.Song Yi was not in a hurry to say hello and sat down on the sofa.Your Samsung official eldest princess, Chen Fuzhen, has become pregnant because of me. Why are you pretending to be a senior in front of me?

Some people say that Chen Meijing is the eldest princess of Samsung. She is the eldest daughter of Chen Mengxi, the eldest son of Samsung founder Chen Bingzhe, and the cousin of Chen Fuzhen.

The Prince Rebellion also broke out in the Samsung family. Chen Byung-cheol's second son, Chen Changxi, reported to the then South Korean President Jung Pu-seo that his father, Chen Byung-cheol, had secretly set up a secret treasury.The dramatic result was that Zheng Puxi said that his son was suing his father, which was not allowed by nature.Inform Chen Bingzhe of this matter and let Chen Bingzhe take care of it in his own way.

So the furious Chen Bingzhe exiled Chen Changxi to the United States. Chen Bingzhe believed that his eldest son Chen Mengxi was also involved, so he also abolished the inheritance rights of his eldest son Chen Mengxi. Only then did the youngest son of the Samsung family, Chen Jianxi, take over the throne and take over the huge Samsung Group.

Although Chen Mengxi is not very good, he has a very capable wife, Fu Nansun, who is very good at pleasing his father-in-law Chen Bingzhe.Even though Chen Mengxi was deposed as heir, she still lived in Chen Bingzhe's mansion with her two children.

After Chen Byung-cheol's death, although Chen Mengxi did not make anything, Fu Nansun inherited part of the shares of CheilJedang and Samsung Marine Fire Insurance from Chen Byung-cheol. CheilJedang was the predecessor of CJ Group.

In 94, sister-in-law Fu Nansun made a deal with Samsung head Chen Jianxi.She exchanged the shares of Samsung Marine Fire Insurance for the CheilJedang shares held by Chen Kunxi.CheilJedang separated from Samsung and established its own company, CJ Group.

Currently, CJ Group has Chen Zaixian as the president, Chen Meijing as the vice president, and Chen Zaixian’s uncle Fu Jingzhi as the honorary president.Fu Jingzhi and Fu Nansun were the souls of CJ Group. Chen Zaixian was later arrested, and Fu Jingzhi became the chairman of CJ Group.

Song Yi sat on the sofa and was not in a hurry to speak. He looked at Chen Meijing's office leisurely.A portrait of her grandfather Chen Bingzhe hangs in Chen Meijing's office. She obviously regards Chen Bingzhe as the goal of her efforts.

There was an eerie silence in the office now. Jin Zhongguo, who was sandwiched between Song Yi and Chen Meijing, could neither stand nor sit.

He first glanced at Chen Meijing and then at Song Yi. The 1.7-meter-eight-meter-old Kim Jong-guo was in tears. You two big guys are fighting, so don't embarrass a little person like me.

Chen Meijing looked at the daring Song Yi and cursed in his heart, why is this guy so thick-skinned?I didn't even ask him to sit down, so he sat down directly.Isn’t it said that China is a country of etiquette?Song Yi's approach is similar to that of Wall Street financial tycoons.

She couldn't do anything about Song Yi, so she had to vent her anger on Jin Zhongguo.Chen Meijing raised her head and spoke in a cold tone, "Oh, isn't this Turbo's lead singer Kim Jong Kook? What brought you here today? I remember that our CJ Entertainment didn't invite you to sing on "M! Countdown"?"

When Kim Jong Kook heard what Chen Meijing said, he bent down and said, "President Chen, I am solo singer Kim Jong Kook. In 98, I participated in the Asia Super Concert. Because I was young and ignorant, I chose to lip-sync and did not bow to the audience. This gave the organizer Mnet It has caused a lot of trouble, and I am here to apologize to you today! I’m sorry!”

Kim Jong Kook bent his waist almost 90 degrees and didn't get up for a long time. Because his back injury had not healed yet, Kim Jong Kook's forehead was so painful that he was sweating.

Chen Meijing didn't speak, and Song Yi couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay, Zhong Guo, you still have an injury on your waist. Don't bend down for a long time, otherwise you will get sick as you get older and it will be a problem to walk."

"President Chen, you can only kill people with a nod. Kim Jong Kook has also paid a heavy price for the mistakes he made when he was young. If possible, I hope that Chairman Chen will be more generous and let Kim Jong Kook go. I also appreciate Zhong Guo." His musical talent, I don’t want him to be buried.”

Chen Meijing glanced at Song Yi, her eyes full of contempt, "President Song, as a senior, I would like to remind you in a friendly way. Don't think that just because you have made some money in the stock market, you don't know how high the world is. You really think of yourself as Korea's investment genius."

"When I bought DreamWorks for $3 million, you hadn't even graduated from Yonsei University! If I had gotten married early, I could have given birth to a son as old as you. Are you teaching me how to do things now? This is your modern family. Tutor?" Chen Meijing was knocking Song Yi.

Chen Meijing was born in 58 and Song Yi was born in 76. Strictly speaking, Chen Meijing, Zheng Enxuan and Song Suying belong to the same generation.Now she started to lecture Song Yi, but Song Yi really could only endure it.

Of course, Song Yi immediately pulled Jin Zhongguo and left immediately, but this could only be a temporary success, but it could not solve the actual problem.

"President Chen, I have heard of you. You are of course my senior in the entertainment industry. But I am here to visit you today as the president of New Asia Media. Although CJ Entertainment is much larger than New Asia Media, Our identities are equal and our respect is mutual. You don’t want to be said that you are bullying the younger and relying on your elders, right? After all, when I communicated and cooperated with Chairman Jae-hyun, it was quite pleasant." Song Yi is neither humble nor overbearing. to answer.

Chen Meijing smiled and said, "I agreed to meet you just to give Jaehyun face. If Kim Jong Kook came to CJ Entertainment on his own, he wouldn't even be qualified to meet me. He's just a low-level little singer. How dare he do it? They lip-synced at Mnet’s awards ceremony and provoked us, CJ Entertainment, how brave they are!”

Kim Jong-guo, who was standing nearby and being scolded, was like a primary school student. He was so frightened by Chen Meijing that he did not dare to speak. He kept his head down and looked very pitiful.

"President Chen, when you were studying at Harvard, 'promoting Korean culture to the world' became your life mission."

"You once revealed in an interview with the media that your dream world is a world where people all over the world eat Korean food once a week, listen to Korean music often, and watch two Korean movies a year."

“Now CJ Group’s official introduction on the website also states: We believe that people all over the world watch two or three Korean movies every year, eat Korean food once or twice a week, watch one or two episodes of Korean TV series every two weeks, and listen to two or three Korean movies every day. A Korean song.”

"I believe that this introduction was written by you, and it is also the goal you are diligently pursuing. I also believe that you will be a contributor to the rise of Korean pop culture in the next 20 years." Song Yi first gave Chen Meijing a series of high hats, and Chen Meijing's face suddenly became brighter. .

"You Xinya are not bad either. I made a special trip to watch the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend" produced last year in the theater. This role was tailor-made for Jun Ji-hyun."

"I met Shin Cine's representative Shin Cheol in Los Angeles. When he saw that "My Naughty Girlfriend" had more than 800 million box office attendances, his intestines almost turned green. It was also from him that I heard your name. "Chen Meijing said.

Sure enough, the entertainment industry is so small and you can always meet people you know.Shin Cheol sold Shin Cine Film Company and settled in the United States.

As long as he still wants to make a living in the film industry, he will inevitably be unable to avoid Chen Meijing, the big boss of the Korean film industry. CJ Entertainment also rented a separate floor on the 22nd floor of the Century City Building as the U.S. headquarters of CJ Entertainment.

Chen Meijing herself bought a mansion with a swimming pool in Auckland. She and her ex-husband often lived in Auckland after their divorce.Chen Meijing’s ex-husband Yeo Suk-ki is also a financial tycoon. He previously served as the governor of the Bank of Korea and resigned as governor after the financial crisis.

"Good music can always touch the soul. As Korean culture goes global, it naturally needs outstanding musicians like Kim Jong Kook."

"In order to express his apology, Kim Jong Kook is willing to hand over the distribution rights of his new album "Renaissance" to Synara Music, and CJ Entertainment will be responsible for the commercial promotion of the entire album to make up for CJ Entertainment's losses. Chairman Chen, look at the clock. He is really sincere in reaching a settlement with CJ Entertainment." Song Yi said.

"Oh, CJ Entertainment has obtained the distribution rights for Kim Jong Kook's album, so what do you, New Asia Media, want? I don't believe you will just do good deeds without any intention of getting anything in return." Chen Meijing said.

"If you are willing to forgive Kim Jong Kook, then our New Asia Media will sign Kim Jong Kook, and New Asia Music will help Kim Jong Kook produce his second and third album after his solo career. The male solo singer of New Asia Music is Kim Jong Kook, and the female solo singer is Lee Hyori." Yi told him his plan.

When Chen Meijing heard the name Lee Hyori, her eyes flashed. CJ Mnet Media wanted to acquire DSP Entertainment, but Song Yi stopped her. Fin.KL group, Sia Asia renewed their contracts with Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri, CJ Mnet Media only signed Lee Jin and Ok Joo Hyun, but the most important one, Lee Hyori, missed out. Of course she was not satisfied.She pondered for a moment and made a decision, "New Asia Music and Synara Music co-produced Kim Jong Kook's new album "Renaissance". Similarly, New Asia Music and CJ Mnet Media co-produced Fin.KL's fourth album "Forever". New Asia Media and Li Zhen , Ok Joo-hyun terminates the contract early without paying liquidated damages. The album profits of "Renaissance" and "Forever" will be shared equally by the production company."

Jin Zhongguo looked at Song Yi nervously. As long as Song Yi nodded in agreement, he could continue to release films and participate in TV singing competitions.After Kim Jong Kook terminated his contract with Star Music, he finally had an income and no longer had to rely on donations from his friends.

Song Yi knew that Korean entertainment companies included a lot of commission income from albums to artists.

It is a common tactic for production companies to fabricate album production costs, expand album promotion costs, and conceal income from overseas channels. SM Entertainment is one of the best companies.

Not only has SM Entertainment signed long-term contracts with its artists for more than ten years, but it has also refused to provide EXO members with copies of income calculation materials and calculation basis for 23 years.

SM Entertainment’s artist revenue and expenditure includes sensitive information such as each artist’s activity details, payment rate, method and contract down payment. These are SM Entertainment’s confidential information and cannot be disclosed to third parties to prevent rival companies from knowing. .

Let's put it this way, the settlement commission paid by SM Entertainment to artists is equivalent to the artist's salary.Now Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chen in EXO felt that their wages were wrong and asked to see the settlement details, that is, pay stubs. SM Entertainment told you that the pay stubs were company secrets and could not be shown to you. Isn't this acting like a hooligan?

The price of an album in South Korea ranges from 12000 won to 14000 won, which is equivalent to about 70 yuan. A million-selling album has an income of 7000 million.

The two albums "Renaissance" and "Forever" can bring at least 5000 million yuan in income to New Asia Music. If Chen Meijing plays tricks, the loss will start at least one million yuan.

"Let's see, Chairman Chen, Kim Jong Kook's "Renaissance" is almost finished, and the remaining workload is relatively small. This album will be produced by Synara Music."

"Fin.KL's fourth album "Foerver" has been produced for more than half of the time. If people are added temporarily, it may affect the final effect of the album. "Forever" is also the last album of Fin.KL. I also want to give Lee Hyori and the others To leave a perfect ending, this album is still solely responsible for our New Asia Music."

"Of course, we Xinya and CJ Entertainment should share the profits from these two albums equally as you said, okay? As for the contracts between Li Zhen and Ok Joo Hyun, they can be terminated in advance later. Lee Jin and Ok Joo Hyun tomorrow Then you can participate in Mnet's program, do you think it's okay?" Song Yi said very nicely.

Of the two albums, one company, New Asia and CJ Entertainment, is responsible for one, and the revenue from the album is still a [-]-[-] split.If you play tricks, then I will play tricks.If you cooperate sincerely, Song Yi will not let Chen Meijing suffer.

Chen Meijing understood Song Yi's little thoughts, but Song Yi still gave her enough face today. The relationship between Xinya and Samsung was not good, and she still needed Xinya as a temporary ally.

She turned to Kim Jong Kook, "Well, next Thursday you come over to record "M! Countdown" and promote the title song of "Renaissance" by the way."

Seeing that Chen Meijing finally let go, Kim Jong Kook almost cried with joy. He nodded repeatedly, "Thank you, Chairman Chen. I will definitely sing well and give the fans a wonderful performance."

After thanking Chen Meijing, Jin Jongguo bowed to Song Yi again and again, "President, don't worry, I will definitely work hard, participate in more activities, and help the company earn back half of the album money as soon as possible!"

Song Yi waved his hand, "No, your main task now is the album "Renaissance". This is also your first album after solo, so there is no room for failure. Making money is important, but health is more important. We at Xinya are not sweatshops. Make profits by squeezing artists. Okay, please talk to Taixian, report the situation, and come back to the company with me later to sign a management contract."

When Song Yi returned to Xinya Media, he found that Jin Xiyuan had returned from Ulsan.Song Yi called over Ji Zhonghua, the president of New Asia Music. When he learned that New Asia Media had signed Kim Jong Kook, he almost smiled crookedly.

The three most influential groups in the 90s were GOD, Crystal Boys and Turbo. As the lead singer of Turbo, Kim Jong Kook was actually more popular than Lee Hyori.New Asia Music will produce a second, third and fourth album for Kim Jong Kook in the future, plus the music copyright of Kim Jong Kook's album, this will be a steady stream of mobile gold mines.

Ji Jonghwa took Kim Jongkook to Xinya Music downstairs, and first greeted his future colleagues Lee Hyori and Sung Yuri.

Similarly, New Asia Media will terminate the contract with Li Zhen and Ok Joo Hyun in advance today. Li Zhen and Ok Joo Hyun will cooperate with New Asia Music to produce the fourth album "Forever" before May 5 this year, and participate in the album's follow-up promotion activities.

New Asia Media will not announce the disintegration of Fin.KL to the public. Lee Hyori, Sung Yuri, Lee Jin and Ok Joo Hyun can still appear on programs together under the name Fin.KL.

If Fin.KL wants to hold a concert or produce a commemorative album in the future, New Asia Media and CJ Mnet Meida will need to negotiate.For the current Fin.KL, this is the best ending.

At this time, there was no one else in Song Yi's office. Jin Xiyuan sat across from Song Yi's desk, holding her chin in her hands, "Ignoring others, Li Zhen is also a beauty born in the 80s. Fans rated her as Fin. KL is responsible for the beauty. Don’t you feel bad when you watch such a beautiful woman go to another company?”

Song Yi found it funny, "The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is beauties. Could it be that I collected them all and put them all under my nose? If Taixi knew about it, she would probably not let me go to bed at night."

Jin Xiyuan snorted, "I know you too well. The reason why you are willing to let Li Zhen go is because Li Zhen is not beautiful enough. If Li Zhen was a beauty on the level of Song Hye Kyo or Jun Ji Hyun, you would not be willing to let the fat flow. Where is the outsider field?”

Song Yi found that Jin Xiyuan immediately saw the essence of the problem. Of course he would not admit it, "Don't talk nonsense. Also, don't be such a fool next time. Why have you developed a habit of listening to the bed now? If the phone recording is exposed , It doesn’t matter that Taixi and I are lovers, how will you behave then?”

Jin Xiyuan glared at this serious man and said no, but Song Yi on the other end of the phone was particularly energetic.Jin Xiyuan did not have the beauty of Kim Tae Hee, so she used other methods to satisfy Song Yi's little thoughts.

"Okay, OPPA, I was wrong. I won't do it next time. How about you prepare a voice recorder and record it quietly, so you don't have to worry about privacy leaks?" Jin Xiyuan came up with an idea.

Song Yi didn't dare to continue chatting with Jin Xiyuan because he was afraid that Jin Xiyuan would come up with more tricks. "By the way, didn't you say you would report back to work? Did you bring back the work materials?"

Jin Xiyuan deliberately teased Song Yi, "Huh? Did you assign work to me? Why don't I remember? Wait, I'll go look for it and see if I left it in the bathroom?"

After a while, Jin Xiyuan changed into a black stewardess uniform, a silk scarf with a Tai Chi pattern tied around her neck, her hair tied up, and flesh-colored stockings on her legs.

Kim Hee-won put her hands on her chest and stood tall, "Dear Korean Air passengers, hello, I am Kim Hee-won, the flight attendant on this flight. I am very happy to serve you. Do you need any help?"

Song Yi knew that Jiang Xiuna was guarding outside and no one dared to break into his president's office. He hugged Jin Xiyuan and asked her to sit on him, "Steward Jin, I'm a little airsick now and I need you to help me with artificial respiration."

Jin Xiyuan knew that she could not escape Song Yi after all, so she temporarily put Taixi in the back of her mind and enjoyed the pleasure in front of her. "Passenger, our flight attendants have no problem sitting on you. If you sit on the flight attendants, you are suspected of breaking the law. According to air safety regulations, I have the right to call the safety officer and inform the ground police——"

Jin Xiyuan just returned to the company today and told Song Yi that she had gone to the Catholic Church in Ulsan City and officially left the church.Song Yi also understood Jin Xiyuan's hint.

Song Yi has been teased by Jin Xiyuan several times before, and he will definitely accept the little fairy Jin Xiyuan today. "Really? Flight Attendant Jin, you have let me take off today, so you are naturally responsible for my safe landing."

Before Song Yi finished speaking, Jin Xiyuan had already taken the initiative to sit on Song Yi. Although she had no actual combat experience, she still tried to seize the opportunity.

While Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan were fighting fiercely in the office, Jiang Xiuna in the secretary's office was a little restless.

She was secretly cursing the couple in the office. It was still broad daylight, couldn't they just wait until after get off work to start a fight again?Besides, is playing games in the office so interesting?Damn it, Song Yi, she hasn't had a boyfriend in several years.
 The two changes are over, see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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