I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 119 The studious and motivated Jun Ji-hyun

Chapter 119 The studious and motivated Jun Ji-hyun
Although Song Yi was not interested in Xu Jinglei, the movie version of "Love" was indeed a good project, so he agreed to attend the party organized by Li Ming after the holiday.There are many directors, screenwriters and actors in the Beijing circle who want to get to know Song Yi. After all, Song Yi has been in South Korea all year round, and he can be said to be a dragon that never comes to an end.

The annual conference of New Asia Advertising was held very successfully and left a deep impression on the advertising brands that New Asia has cooperated with.As a representative of commercial actors, Kim Tae Hee sang the Korean version of the theme song "I believe" of "My Naughty Girlfriend".
And Song Yi generously held Kim Tae Hee's hand and sang the Mandarin version of "I Believe". The original singer of the Mandarin version of "I Believe" was Fan Yichen. When "My Naughty Girlfriend" was released in Taiwan, China, Fan Yichen was He officially entered the public eye by singing this song.

Kim Tae Hee also posted her latest news on the inschool homepage, "I am attending the annual meeting of New Asia Advertising. The song "I Believe" is really nice."

After inschool's Valentine's Day commercial is played, inschool will open registration to graduates from all universities in South Korea. As an internal beta user, Kim Hee-won has already seen the latest updates about her younger sister Kim Tae-hee.

Currently, the three people with the most fans on the inschool website are all from New Asia Media, followed in order by Jun Ji-hyun, Kim Tae-hee and Song Hye-kyo.Although Kim Tae Hee posted this post at night, Jun Ji Hyun still liked and forwarded it immediately.The two goddesses' joint promotion attracted students from major universities to comment on Kim Tae Hee's posts.

"Is this advertising company so powerful? It actually holds an annual meeting in such a luxurious hotel. Isn't it too rich?" 1L netizen's comment was very Korean.

"This is the Huaguo Advertising Company that invited Song Hye Kyo and Kim Tae Hee to shoot commercials. New Asia Advertising is also a subsidiary of New Asia Media. Kim Tae Hee attended the annual meeting celebration of the same company. New Asia is already very rich." 2L netizen Looks like he knows something inside.

"Did Kim Tae Hee sing "I Believe" at the annual meeting? Ahhh, is there a video of this annual meeting? I want to hear Tae Hee sing!" 3L netizen is a true fan of Kim Tae Hee.

"I heard that Jun Ji-hyun went to China to promote "My Naughty Girlfriend" and also sang "I Believe". Damn it, why didn't she sing in South Korea? This kind of artist who is pro-China and insults South Korea should be banned as soon as possible!" 4L netizens should be Jun Ji Hyun's anti fan.
5L netizens are laughing at 4L netizens, "Kim Tae Hee has gone to China to attend an event now and also sang "I Believe". Do you want to ban Kim Tae Hee too?"

6L netizen commented, "Kim Tae Hee is now a chaebol woman, and there has been no negative news since her debut, not even scandals. She has always been a representative of both good character and academic excellence. Through hard work, she became the spokesperson of the year at the Advertising Awards last year. Why do you block her?"

Jun Ji-hyun, who is far away in Seoul, was very angry when she saw the comments from netizens at home, "Tae-hee obviously did it too, why should you only boycott me and not Kim Tae-hee? I am also a chaebol woman!"

Quan Zhixian decided to go for a drive in the Porsche 911 given to her by Song Yi in the past two days, and then accept an interview in the newly purchased luxury apartment. Quan Zhixian was going to show off to the media how much Song Yi dotes on her.

Kim Tae Hee also saw 4L's comments. She felt sorry for Jun Ji Hyun, "Don't your platform delete comments like this from black fans?"

Song Yi said: "Now that inshcool has just been created, as long as your comments do not rise to the level of personal attacks and violate the inshcool community management regulations, the platform will not delete the comments. After all, freedom of speech is a concern."

"But you can express your personal opinions, and we also have the right not to hire you. All inschool websites are registered with real names. We will definitely find out the real identities of 4L netizens. In the future, all companies under Xinya and Ashan will not hire you. He, let's put it this way, as long as his resume is submitted to the company's talent pool, he will be passed immediately." Song Yi said.

It is not easy to find a high-paying job in South Korea. If a 4L netizen knew that he lost a good job because of his bad talk in college, I wonder if he would regret it in the future.

After Jun Ji-hyun saw netizens treating her and Kim Tae-hee differently, she had an idea.Jun Ji-hyun plans to use the past two or three years to consolidate herself, further her studies at Dongguk University, and then try to get a master's degree in directing. After all, the character of the beautiful schoolmaster is quite popular.

Song Yi has a clear division of labor between Song Hye Kyo and Jun Ji Hyun. Jun Ji Hyun focuses on movies and Song Hye Kyo focuses on TV series. Although the two have a competitive relationship in terms of advertising endorsements, their film and TV drama resources are almost the same.

Quan Ji-hyun immediately called Song Yi in China and said that when she wanted to take a break and study at Dongguk University, Song Yi also supported her very much.

"In this way, the company will not arrange any work for you in [-], and you will just shoot a few commercials. This year, the company will fully help you run the Grand Bell Awards Best Actress, and you will not lack topicality and exposure."

"'Memories of Murder' is a major annual production that attracts tens of millions of viewers. Director Bong Joon-ho and I will discuss it and let you play a guest role in it. If there is no good movie script in the past two years, we will not accept it." Song Yi helped Quan Zhixian plan it.

"Thank you, Dad!" Quan Zhixian was very grateful.Korean management companies are eager to let artists work 24 hours a day to earn commissions from artists' salaries. Song Yi is willing to let Jun Jixian stop working for a period of time. She is definitely making long-term plans for Jun Jixian.

Song Yi coughed and said, "Don't scream, it won't be good if your family hears it."

Jun Ji-hyun over there was very proud. Song Yi really liked the feeling of being a father, "OPPA, I have bought an apartment in Cheongdam-dong and now I live alone. When will you return to Seoul and come to my house as a guest, I will cook for you." Eat."

Song Yi found it funny, "With your three-legged cat cooking skills, you can't even cut cucumbers, but you still cook for me? Will I cook for you, or will you cook for me?"

Jun Ji-hyun seemed to really miss Song Yi, and she spoke in a charming voice, "OPPA, it doesn't matter who cooks the food. The worst is that I will eat the food you cooked, and you will eat me again."

Seeing that Quan Zhixian was talking more and more outrageously, Song Yi quickly changed the subject, "I can also cook. I recently learned how to make noodles with soybean paste in Yanjing. I'll give it to you later. But after finally taking a break, you should talk to your mother Learn how to cook.”

Jun Ji-hyun's answer was very funny, "I have been studying hard. Otherwise, how would I have the courage to invite you to my house for dinner? I have learned how to make kimchi soup and can cut things into edible shapes. But now I still have the courage to ask you to come to my house for dinner." It’s unstable, even if it’s the same dish, sometimes it tastes good and sometimes it doesn’t, it’s really going crazy.”

"It's okay, practice makes perfect. Taixi's mother didn't know how to cook before she got married, but she has developed good cooking skills since she got married." Song Yi comforted Quan Zhixian.

Quan Ji-hyun said pitifully, "OPPA, it will probably take a long time for me to get married. By the way, my parents asked me to invite you to our home last time. My parents want to thank you in person."

"Thank me? Why?" Song Yi felt a little strange and inexplicably guilty.He slept with someone else's daughter and was a little afraid that Quan Zhixian's parents would settle the score with him and make him responsible.

"The reason why my parents want to treat you to dinner is because of what happened to Zheng Shuotuo. My parents knew that Zheng Shuotuo was monitoring me. OPPA helped me get rid of Zheng Shuotuo and protected me very well, so My parents are very grateful to OPPA," said Jun Ji-hyun.

After "My Naughty Girlfriend" was released in Hong Kong, a gossip tabloid in Hong Kong revealed the inside story of Jun Ji-hyun's move from SidusHQ to New Asia Media.

This newspaper said that Quan Ji-hyun and Zheng Shuok-tao had been in love for several years. Zheng Shuo-tuo was very controlling and monitored every move of his girlfriend Quan Ji-hyun.Jun Ji-hyun was not willing to be manipulated by her agency, so she sought help from a new boss in the Korean film industry. In the end, the boss took pity on her and helped Jun Ji-hyun successfully terminate her contract.The Hong Kong media reports gradually fermented and were finally reprinted by the Korean media. The Korean media did not dare to name the actress and only dared to mention the actress surnamed J. However, those who know the inside story of the entertainment industry will know at a glance that the person they are talking about is Jun Ji-hyun.

After reading the report, Jun Ji-hyun's parents asked their daughter Jun Ji-hyun whether the report was true.Quan Zhixian told her parents the inside story of the contract termination, including that Zheng Shuotuo sent people to install bugs in the hotel in Yanjing to monitor Quan Zhixian's every move.

When Quan Zhixian's parents learned about what Zheng Shuoktu had done, they were so angry that they almost called the police to arrest Zheng Shuoktu.Zheng Shuotuo is very familiar with Quan Zhixian's parents, and they have known each other in the name of her boyfriend. They are polite to Quan Zhixian's parents. Quan Zhixian's parents never expected that their daughter's ex-boyfriend Zheng Shuotuo is such a well-informed person. Scum.

Quan Zhixian stopped her parents' actions. She told her parents that the reason why Song Yi called the police in Yanjing was to protect Quan Zhixian's reputation.

Song Yi took Quan Zhixian to make a record at the Yanjing police, and also left records and relevant evidence of Zheng Shuotuo's surveillance of Quan Zhi. In order to protect the company's reputation, SidusHQ's Cha Seungjae could only agree to Jun Jihyun joining New Asia Media with zero penalty.

The public opinion environment in South Korea is very unfriendly to female stars. There is a bad culture of victim guilt. Even Jun Ji-hyun, who became popular in half of South Korea in [-], is no exception.

If Zheng Shuotuo's spying on Quan Jixian is exposed, Zheng Shuotuo will certainly be scolded by everyone, but Quan Jixian will not get any favors either.

A small number of people in South Korea will wonder why Zheng Suk-tao spied on his girlfriend Jun Ji-hyun, and whether Jun Ji-hyun did something sorry for her behind his back.Was she flirting with the actor or director she was cooperating with, so Zheng Shuotuo had no choice but to make this move.They will also use the strange saying "If you don't do anything bad at ordinary times, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night."

Female celebrities cannot escape scandals in the entertainment industry, and ordinary people do not think highly of the status of celebrities.They don't even understand why celebrities can make so much money so easily, so they can't stand them.

Generally speaking, most Korean artists who encounter crazy Anti have several characteristics:

1. My acting or singing skills are average, I am very popular, and I have no outstanding works.

2. I have crazy fans (commonly known as crazy fans). I feel that crazy fans regard their idols as more important than their parents. Fans still think it is an honor for idols to sleep with fans.

3. Having bad conduct or being rude to seniors and relying on power.Koreans have always valued the order of seniority and inferiority.

4. Relying on interpersonal relationships or scandals to make your debut will only create hype.

5. Lack of sincerity and no need to treat fans sincerely.

6. He is hypocritical, relies on plagiarized works to make his debut, and has questionable character.

7. When it comes to politics or national interests, Koreans have relatively strong self-esteem. Long live the Republic of Korea Smecta.

Jun Ji-hyun has become popular in Asia with the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend". The Korean entertainment industry is so big and there are so many cakes.If Jun Ji-hyun earns more, it means that others will earn less.New Asia's artists are extremely strong in advertising endorsements. Other entertainment companies have long disliked New Asia. The Hong Kong media's revelation that Jun Ji-hyun was being monitored was actually a test.

If New Asia Media lets it go, Hong Kong media will continue to reveal dirty information about other artists under New Asia Media, half-truths and half-false stories, such as Song Yi playing doubles with Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye Kyo, and Song Yi and all New Asia Media artists Actresses having wild parties on yachts or something like that.Coupled with other Korean media that are fishing in troubled waters, New Asia Media will also be unable to defend itself.

Song Yi felt that the Hong Kong media reports did not seem to be groundless, and felt that someone was behind it.It is certainly impossible for Xinya and sidusHQ to reveal the inside story of Jun Ji-hyun's surveillance case foolishly.

So now there are only two possibilities, either Song Yi's business rival has a good eye and found out the inside story of the surveillance case in Yanjing, or someone used money to bribe the staff of sidusHQ, such as a female assistant who knew the case.

New Asia Media and New Korea Media are now in an in-depth cooperation. Artists contracted by New Asia Media have appeared in advertisements for the four major consortiums: SK, LG, Hyundai, and Asan.

If Xinya artists reveal negative information, causing the advertising of these four major consortiums to be boycotted, then the huge advertising contracts signed by Xinhan Media and SK, LG, Hyundai, and Asan may change, and Xinhan Media’s road to listing will also be affected. The broken halberd.
So when Quan Ji-hyun said that she wanted to study at Dongguk University, Song Yi was indeed very satisfied. He and Quan Ji-hyun had a good understanding.A popular actress gave up the fame and fortune that was readily available to her, returned to school, mingled with teachers and students, studied with an open mind, and constantly improved her acting skills. Do you still have the heart to continue to criticize a national treasure-level actress who is so studious and motivated?
Thinking of this, Song Yi said to Quan Zhixian: "There is no need to eat. Let's relax for a while. I feel that there are paparazzi watching our every move. As a boss, it is natural to protect the company's artists. There is nothing to say. After all, I still make money from you.”

"If I were to be a guest at your home, tomorrow the entertainment media would say that Jun Ji-hyun took a mysterious man to meet her parents, and the two have already discussed marriage. Before Shinhan Media goes public, we must keep a low profile as much as possible. Even if we have to meet, we must I'll make the arrangements. If news breaks that I stayed in your apartment before Xinhan went public, it might even affect Xinhan's stock price," Song Yi said.

When Jun Ji-hyun heard this, she felt a little resentful in her heart, "OPPA, there are still three months until Shinhan goes on sale. Don't you miss me at all? I have downloaded a lot of Japanese drama movies recently and learned a lot of Japanese. I want you to check them out. What’s my study progress?”

When Song Yi heard what Quan Zhixian said, he felt itchy in his heart. He felt that the women around him all loved studying in order to compete for favor.From Song Hye Kyo to Jun Ji Hyun and Kim Hee Won, almost without exception, they gradually figured out Song Yi's preferences.

Song Yi's expression was serious, "It is a good thing to love learning. When you go to work after the Spring Festival, I will check the progress of your study in the company. Don't relax during this period. Learn to study by yourself first. Then we will study together." Make progress together.”

Jun Ji-hyun snorted. It seemed that Song Yi was determined to spend the Chinese New Year with Kim Tae-hee in the mainland this year. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the favor from Kim Tae-hee.

Jun Ji-hyun said mischievously: "OPPA, it's okay if you don't go to my parents' house. I was actually afraid to call me daddy, but you responded naturally."

 Thank you all for your monthly votes. "Chaebol" is about business + entertainment. I hope you won't skip reading because it is easy to miss some details. See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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