I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 132 Xu Zhuxian’s teammates (6000 words long chapter)

Chapter 132 Xu Zhuxian’s teammates (6000 words long chapter)
On April 4, Song Yi watched the "KBS 19 o'clock news" on TV intently. The program's outbound reporter Li Xianzhen informed the audience of the pre-election results of the New Millennium Democratic Party in the Seoul metropolitan area:


Zheng Eunxuan came to Song Yi's renovated office for the first time. She looked at Li Xianzhen talking eloquently on the show.Li Xianzhen was wearing a blue suit and his long black hair was tied into a single ponytail. He looked extremely capable and elegant.

"Not to mention, this KBS news reporter is quite beautiful. He can directly participate in the Miss Korea contest." Zheng Eunxuan commented on Li Xianzhen's outstanding appearance.

Song Yi's answer was meaningful, "The average Korean lady cannot be a news reporter for KBS. You should be familiar with this beautiful reporter. Her father is Lee Sang-dae, the chief prosecutor of the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office."

Zheng Enxuan was a little surprised. She walked to the TV screen, looked at Li Xianzhen carefully, and sighed, "It's a pity that Mingxuan hasn't graduated yet, otherwise he would be a suitable candidate for his daughter-in-law."

The social status of Korean KBS TV hosts is very high. Compared with Korean female artists, they are more favored by chaebol families.For example, Zhou Daxuan, the youngest son of Zhou Mengyu, the fourth son of the Hyundai family, married the beautiful KBS reporter Noh Hyun Jung.

Among the three major TV stations, KBS has the most beautiful reporters, but KBS also has the strictest admission requirements.Lee Hyun Jin was an intern at SBS TV station before. After completing his internship, he was able to join KBS and was simply a legend in the station.

Li Xianzhen's image is that of a typical daughter-in-law of a wealthy family. It would be perfect if she represented her husband's family at corporate public events.This kind of occasion requires elegant and elegant clothing to suit her status.

Song Yi found it a bit strange. Li Xiangda arrested your husband and sent him to the prosecutor's office, but you still want to make Li Xiangda's eldest daughter your daughter-in-law?

"It's okay. As the saying goes, a female junior is worth a fortune. Li Xianzhen is not much older than Mingxuan. If you want, I can introduce her to you. And Li Xianzhen is Taixi's best friend in college, and our two families are also It’s a close kiss.” Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan joked.

"Li Xianzhen was Taixi's best friend in college? So you have known each other for a long time? Forget it." Zheng Enxuan lost interest instantly. If Li Xianzhen married Zhou Mingxuan, and the two families moved around frequently, she was afraid that her son would There is a green light on the head.The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have committed themselves to Song Yi one after another, which will become a scandal for the wealthy family.

Song Yi guessed Zheng Enxuan's thoughts and motioned for Zheng Enxuan to sit on his lap. He put his hands around Zheng Enxuan's abdomen.

Zheng Enxuan held down Song Yi's mischievous hand and said, "Don't move, just leave it like this. It's not like you don't know that I'm ticklish."

Song Yi smiled ambiguously, "Really? Uncle Meng Xian will be released from the prosecutor's office next month. Shouldn't you thank me?"

Zheng Enxuan's breathing began to become shaky, and he suppressed his composure, "How else can you thank me? All my people belong to you. You don't want to take advantage of the Asan Group, do you? If you do this, you will become the public enemy of the entire modern family. .”

From the perspective of the modern family, Zheng Enxuan was just helping Zhou Mengxian manage the Ashan Group.Sooner or later, the Ashan Group will be passed to Zhou Mengxian's only son, Zhou Mingxuan.Ashan Group cannot be named Zheng, let alone Song. It can only be named Zhou.Modern family members can fight among themselves, but they cannot take advantage of people with other surnames.

It seems that the rapid expansion of the new Asian series has aroused Zheng Enxuan's vigilance. Song Yi reflected in his heart, could it be that he has been too high-profile in recent times?Past experiences told him that he must be patient and persistent. Only after enduring for a long time can he enjoy the ultimate joy of tasting the fruits of final victory.

Now that the subsidiaries of the New Asia Department are undergoing integration, Ashan Group is the second largest shareholder of the related companies of the New Asia Department, and Song Yi still needs Zheng Enxuan's unconditional support.

Once the seeds of suspicion are planted in their hearts, there will be a crack in the trust between Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan.Song Yi decided to appease Zheng Enxuan first. Now that it was the critical period for Xinya's backdoor listing, Chen Zaican, Song Suying and Zheng Enxuan must not make any mistakes.

Song Yi said to Zheng Enxuan: "There is a special lounge in my office with a SPA bed. Aren't you tired from work recently? I will go to the lounge to press it for you and let you try it later. What it’s like to be a rider.”

At 09:30 in the evening, Zheng Eunxuan, wearing a mask, left the Xinya Building and prepared to drive home.Zheng Enxuan sat in the car, took out the makeup mirror and lipstick from his bag, and first applied lipstick to his lips.

Zheng Enxuan found that his face in the mirror was rosy, and there was a sense of spring after satisfaction on his face.As the saying goes, a break is better than a new marriage. She and Song Yi hadn't dated for more than two months, but she didn't expect that Song Yi was still so familiar with her body.

She patted her hot face, trying to wake herself up more.Zheng Enxuan couldn't help scolding himself, "It's late at night, don't be so arrogant, your husband will be released from prison soon! Let's break up with Song Yi as long as we can!"

After she finished talking to herself, Zheng Enxuan began to feel entangled again. She knew that she was actually playing with fire, but she was always greedy for the happiness Song Yi gave her.

Like most middle-aged couples, Zheng Eunxuan and Zhou Mengxian have long been the same bedfellows.Zhou Mengxian used to be the chairman of Hyundai Group. After get off work, he would rather sleep in the study alone than go back to the bedroom and sleep on the same bed as Zheng Enxuan.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhou Mengxian and Zheng Enxuan are a loving couple. Only Zheng Enxuan's eldest daughter Zhou Zhiyi realizes that her parents' marriage is in name only, and her mother Zheng Enxuan rarely smiles on her face.

However, things took a turn for the better after Zheng Enxuan became the chairman of Asan Group. Zhou Zhiyi found that his mother Zheng Enxuan looked younger and looked better.No matter how busy he is at work every day, Jung Eun-suan still exercises through swimming and yoga, and goes to a beauty salon every week for body care.Zheng Eunxuan, who is in her early forties, looks like a charming young woman in her early thirties.

Zheng Eunxuan certainly knows who her change comes from. Compared with Song Yi's other young lovers, such as Jun Jixian and Song Hye Kyo, her figure and appearance are not superior, but she gives outsiders an awe-inspiring desire to conquer.

Just imagine, Ashan Group has tens of thousands of employees, and every employee in the group treats you with respect.The male subordinates of the group did not even dare to look at Zheng Enxuan in the company, let alone treat Zheng Enxuan as an ordinary woman and glance at Zheng Enxuan's plump figure.How arrogant Zheng Enxuan was in front of outsiders, but how deferential she was in front of Song Yi. This contrast in status made her win Song Yi's favor.

Zheng Enxuan knows her position very well, and she also knows her value to Song Yi.As long as she serves as the president of Ashan Group for one day, Song Yi will win over her for one day.If one day she loses the value of being used by Song Yi, Song Yi will treat her as an ordinary elder without mercy.

When Zheng Enxuan drove out of the underground parking lot of Xinya Building, Liu Huiying also happened to drive into the parking lot.Zheng Eunxuan and Liu Huiying drove the same black Equus, and the two cars happened to meet in the underground parking lot as they entered and exited.

Liu Huiying did not recognize Zheng Enxuan in the car. She felt a little strange, "Logically speaking, the employees of New Asia Media should have left work long ago. Why is there still someone who has just returned so late? Could it be that she just left Song Yi's office?"

Xu Zhuxian has participated in a training course from SM Entertainment, and she is preparing to drive to pick up her daughter home.After Song Yi heard that Liu Huiying was going to SM Entertainment, he asked her to meet him at Xinya Building, and the two of them went to SM Building together.

Liu Huiying subconsciously felt that this graceful and luxurious woman knew Song Yi. She guessed in her mind, "Did this woman come here specially to have a private meeting with Song Yi? But she obviously looks like a married woman. It turns out that Song Yi really has the legacy of Wei Wu .”

Liu Huiying knew that the dedicated elevator in the parking lot could directly reach the top floor of Xinya Building.But when she guessed that Song Yi had an affair with Zheng Enxuan in the office, she suddenly didn't dare to go upstairs to see Song Yi alone.

She stayed in the parking lot for a quarter of an hour, and then called Song Yi, "I'm already downstairs. How about I wait for you downstairs?"

It was so late, and it was impossible for Song Yi to ask Liu Huiying to come up and wait for him. He took the elevator directly to the parking lot.Song Yi told bodyguard Cha Taizhi, "I have to go to SM Entertainment. Today I will take Principal Liu's car. You can follow us in the car."

Cha Tae-sik replied, "Okay, President."

Song Yi sat in the passenger seat of Liu Huiying. Liu Huiying did not expect that Song Yi would choose to take her Equus tonight. Normally, only Xu Zhuxian or her husband would sit in the passenger seat of her car.

"This seat is a bit too far forward. You are taller. If you feel uncomfortable, you can adjust it back. Forget it, let me adjust it for you." Liu Huiying turned sideways to help Song Yi adjust the height of the seat. Feeling that the two people's posture was a bit ambiguous, she almost lay on Song Yi's chest. Her ears quickly turned red, and then she sat back down unnaturally.

"Okay, we can set off." Liu Huiying started to find a topic.Today she wore a pair of black slim-leg nine-point pants, a gray off-shoulder sweater on her upper body, and a black coat on the outside, giving her a fashionable beauty feel.

Song Yi leaned comfortably on the seat and praised Liu Huiying's dress, "Sister Huiying, I suggest you not to go out in such beautiful clothes at night, otherwise others may think you are single and ask you for your mobile phone number."

Liu Huiying was very happy to hear this. She didn't know why she changed her clothes temporarily before going out. Could it be that a woman wanted to please her own appearance?

She was delighted, but she didn't forget to retort, "What? Don't us married women have the right to pursue beauty? Don't worry, when they see the wedding ring on my hand, they will immediately give up the idea of ​​striking up a conversation."

Song Yi asked Liu Huiying, "By the way, Xu Zhuxian and her future teammates are taking vocal lessons today. Do you want to say hello to her teammates? They will train together in the next few years and get along day and night, just like middle school classmates." Liu Huiying replied, "Let's go over and take a look first. If they haven't gone home yet, then I'll go over and say hello."

When Yoo Hye Young arrived at the SM building, it was SM Entertainment manager Zhuo Youngjun who came out to receive her visit.

Zhuo Yingjun was very surprised when he saw Song Yi next to Liu Huiying. He ran all the way to Song Yi and bowed to Song Yi and said hello, "Hello, President Song! I am Zhuo Yingjun, the manager of SM Entertainment's management team, and Seo Zhuxian and the others." Vocal lessons will be over soon."

Song Yi glanced at Zhuo Yingjun and shook hands with Zhuo Yingjun, "Hello, Team Leader Zhuo. Let's go up and get to know Xu Zhuxian's teammates. Zhuxian's mother brought them fruits."

"Okay, then I'll take you there. President Song, do you want them to introduce you?" Zhuo Yingjun asked tentatively.

"No need, today I am just a friend of Zhuxian's mother." Song Yi ordered.Thinking of this, Song Yi specially put on a mask.

SM Entertainment is divided into the 1.0 era, the 2.0 era and the 3.0 era. The 1.0 era refers to HOT, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls’ Generation, and SHINee.
The 2.0 era refers to EXO, Red Velvet, NCT, aespa, etc.With Lee Soo Man stepping down as the chief producer of SM Entertainment, SM Entertainment officially entered the 23 era in 3.0. In the 3.0 era, Lee Soo Man's nephews Lee Sung Soo and Tak Young Joon serve as co-representative directors of SM Entertainment, that is, co-CEOs.
Zhuo Yingjun is an old man of SM Entertainment. He has served as the general manager of TVXQ, Super Junior, and Girls’ Generation.No one could have imagined that 20 years later, Tak Young Joon and Lee Sung Soo would team up with 208 employees of SM Entertainment to kick Lee Soo Man out of SM Entertainment.

For Song Yi, it is not a bad thing for Zhuo Yingjun to be ambitious.As long as you are determined to climb up and are willing to be used by Song Yi, then Zhuo Yingjun is a good subordinate.

Zhuo Yingjun took Liu Huiying and the others into the vocal classroom, where the vocal teacher Zheng Chunyuan had just finished teaching.Zhuo Yingjun stepped forward, nodded and said a few words to Zheng Chunyuan. Zheng Chunyuan nodded and left the classroom first.

After Zheng Chunyuan left the classroom, the six little girls in the classroom seemed to be out of school, talking non-stop.

Zhuo Yingjun clapped his hands, and Xu Xian and the others immediately fell silent and sat down in their seats.Only then did Xu Zhuxian see Liu Huiying and Song Yi, with a cute smile on his face.

"Mother Xu Zhuxian came to pick her up and take her home. Mother Xu also brought fruits to everyone. Jessica, please help share the fruits. Mother Xu doesn't know you guys yet, so please introduce yourself briefly according to your age."

There are a total of six female trainees in the classroom, namely Lee Yeon Hee, Jung Soo Yeon, Kim Hyo Yeon, Kwon Yoo Ri, Choi Soo Young and Seo Joo Hyun.

Li Yongxi stood up first. She saluted Mother Xu, "Hello, Mother Xu. I am Li Yongxi. I was born in Seoul. I am 15 years old this year." In South Korea, the age is fictitious, but Li Yongxi is actually 14 years old.

Next was Jessica, "Hello, Mama Xu, I am Jessica. I am 14 years old and was born in the United States. You can call me Jessica. My specialty is singing."

Liu Huiying looked at Li Yeonxi and Zheng Xiuyan, and she didn't expect that among the six people, there were already two girls whose looks were as good as her daughter Xu Zhuxian.

When Jin Xiaoyuan began to introduce himself, Song Yi took a look at Jin Xiaoyuan. Among the six girl group members, Jin Xiaoyuan had the most average appearance.When Zhuo Yingjun saw Song Yi's actions, his heart suddenly trembled. He wondered if Song Yi was dissatisfied with Jin Xiaoyuan.

Kwon Yuri and Cui Xiuying also completed their self-introductions in turn. Liu Huiying knew that Kwon Yuri's English name was Yuri and she was good at dancing, while Cui Xiuying looked like a rich girl.

Xu's mother smiled with a kind face, "Hello, I am Xu Zhuxian's mother. After listening to the introduction, our Xu Zhuxian seems to be the maknae of your team. She is a bit too strict and serious in doing things, so sometimes she may She seems not to be easy to get along with, I hope you can forgive her and tolerate her."

"If she does anything wrong, please tell me in time and I will criticize and educate her. Xu Zhuxian, you entered the company later than these sisters. You must learn from their strengths with an open mind and treat them as classmates. Live in harmony and don't have conflicts, understand?" Liu Huiying asked her daughter.

Xu Zhuxian quickly nodded in agreement. She was actually very curious why brother Song Yi came to visit her today wearing a mask.She remembered what director Nan Zhaoying said to her. If you don't want your teammates to exclude you, try not to let your teammates know that you know Song Yi.

Ryu Hye-young and her teammates Seo Joo-hyun chatted for a while, and soon the families of Choi Soo-young, Lee Yeon-hee, and Jung Soo-yeon came to take them home. Kim Hyo-yeon and Kwon Yu-ri lived in the trainee dormitory provided by SM Entertainment.

Liu Huiying felt a little sorry for Kim Hyoyeon and Kwon Yuri who lived in the dormitory at such a young age, so she brought them some more fruits.Quan Youli was about to refuse when Song Yi spoke, "It's a gift from the elders, so I dare not refuse. You can't refuse the gifts given by the elders. Okay, go back to the dormitory and rest early!"

Quan Yuli and Jin Xiaoyuan looked at Zhuo Yingjun. Zhuo Yingjun's attitude was very kind, "Uncle is right, go back early! Don't forget the training class tomorrow morning." Tomorrow is Saturday, and there is only half a day of training.

Xu Zhuxian happily held Liu Huiying's hand and prepared to go home with her mother.Zhuo Yingjun and Song Yi walked behind together.

Zhuo Yingjun asked cautiously: "President Song, I saw that you just glanced at Jin Xiaoyuan. Do you think that Jin Xiaoyuan's appearance advantages are not outstanding enough? In fact, our company is preparing to help Jin Xiaoyuan contact the hospital for plastic surgery."

"Kim Hyo-yeon has very solid dancing skills and trains very hard. Her dancing ability is only inferior to that of Jung Yun-ho. If Jung Yun-ho debuts, he will be the third-generation king of dance at the Gayo Festival." Zhuo Yingjun said.

Song Yi understands what Zhuo Youngjun means. Kim Hyoyeon is a seed trainee that Lee Soo Man is optimistic about, and is also one of the designated members to debut in Girls' Generation.

Although Kim Hyoyeon is not very popular in Asia, he is very popular in Europe and the United States.Her dance style actually leans towards the European and American hippop style, while Girls' Generation's dance has always been a cute style.If Kim Hyo-yeon had joined YG in the first place, Kim Hyo-yeon's achievements would definitely not be lower than those of Gong Minji in 2NE1.

New Asia Media currently only holds 4.8% of SM Entertainment shares, and Song Yi does not think he can adjust Girls' Generation's member lineup.Kim Taeyeon, Lim Yoona, Hwang Mi-young, and Sunny have not yet joined SM Entertainment, so there is no point in adjusting Girls' Generation's lineup too early.

Song Yi remembered that Jin Xiaoyuan's plastic surgery was relatively unsuccessful, so he asked Zhuo Yingjun which hospital he planned to send Jin Xiaoyuan to for plastic surgery.

Zhuo Yingjun was a little embarrassed. Logically speaking, this was a company secret and should not be told to Song Yi.Fans of girl groups are actually very concerned about whether the idols they support have had plastic surgery. They will even take out childhood photos of girl group members for comparison.Many brokerage companies will also use natural beauties as publicity gimmicks.

SM Entertainment has designated cooperative plastic surgery hospitals, and the hospitals have signed corresponding confidentiality agreements and will strictly keep surgery-related information confidential.

Song Yigao glanced at Zhuo Yingjun. Although Zhuo Yingjun wanted to hug Song Yi's lap, he still insisted on keeping the company's secrets, so he was a good employee.

"Okay, let me put it another way. There is always a template for plastic surgery, right? Which female star is Kim Hyo-yeon planning to follow for plastic surgery? This can be revealed, right?" Song Yi said.

Zhuo Yingjun knew that he could not offend Song Yi, so he quickly replied, "Kim Hyo-yeon's bone age and height are about 1.6 meters. Judging from her height, we are going to have plastic surgery on her according to Song Hye Kyo's face shape. We at SM Entertainment are going to use her as 'Little Song Hye Kyo' To promote her.”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.He suddenly remembered that Song Hye Kyo was an artist signed by New Asia Media, and it was said that she was Song Yi's underground lover.Now you are saying in front of the boss that SM Entertainment is planning to create a mini-Song Hye Kyo. What does Song Hye Kyo's boss Song Yi think?
Song Yi was immediately happy. SM Entertainment actually wanted to make Kim Hyo-yeon into a little Song Hye-kyo?Song Hye Kyo, who dances gracefully in the movie, is not good at dancing in reality, which is very different from Kim Hyo Yeon.However, although Song Hye Kyo cannot dance, her body flexibility is still very good, and she can be said to be a perfect dancer.

Song Yi remembers that Park Ji-yeon in the group Tara was called "Little Kim Tae-hee." Now that "Little Song Hye-kyo" has appeared, maybe in a few years there will be an endless stream of "Little Jeon Ji-hyuns."

Since SM Entertainment plans to plastic surgery Kim Hyo-yeon according to Song Hye-kyo's face shape, Song Yi cannot ignore it.Since Song Yi plans to create a combination of Girls' Generation and Tara with more outstanding looks, Kim Hyoyeon's plastic surgery cannot fail.

In fact, after Kim Hyo-yeon's plastic surgery failed, she underwent multiple minor plastic surgeries.Even though Girls' Generation has already debuted, Kim Hyo-yeon still has to go under the knife on her face.It can be seen from Girls' Generation's MV that Kim Hyoyeon's face shape has changed from 07 to 15.

"You talk to President Lee Soo-man. I suggest Kim Hyo-yeon go to Asan Hospital for plastic surgery. Confidentiality will definitely not be a problem. I can arrange for Song Hye-kyo to go to the hospital and let the doctor collect data on her face shape. With a one-to-one real-person profile, , Jin Xiaoyuan's plastic surgery effect will definitely exceed your expectations." Song Yi made suggestions.

When Zhuo Yingjun heard what Song Yi said, his heart suddenly moved.He believed that Li Xiuman would definitely agree to Song Yi's surgical plan. For the first time, Zhuo Yingjun felt that it was not a bad thing for SM Entertainment to have Song Yi as a shareholder.
He didn't know why Song Yi wanted to help Jin Xiaoyuan. Maybe he just liked the title "Little Song Hye Kyo"?After all, it is rumored that Song Yi likes Song Hye Kyo very much and bought her a high-end apartment in Hannam-dong.

Zhuo Yingjun knew what he wanted to do when Jin Xiaoyuan came of age.He will tell Jin Xiaoyuan who is the noble person who helped her career, and how "Little Song Hye Kyo" wants to repay Song Yi. That is a matter between Jin Xiaoyuan and Song Yi and has nothing to do with him.Maybe "Little Song Hye Kyo" really climbed up a high branch and became a phoenix all of a sudden, but what Zhuo Yingjun didn't expect was that Song Yi's ambition for Girls' Generation was much greater than he imagined.
 Thank you all for your monthly support, see you tomorrow.Because I have to work during the day, updating 5000 words every day is already a bit strenuous.If I have some free time at work, I will update more.

(End of this chapter)

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