Chapter 136
Cui Shanji was very efficient and soon made an appointment with Gao Xianzhen.Because Gao Xianzhen was about to divorce her husband Zhou Yongzhen, she had no patience to serve the family like before, so she decisively went out to do body care with Cui Shanji.

Song Yi originally considered asking Gao Xianzhen to meet at Song Suying's beauty salon, but he gave up the idea after thinking about it.

Gao Xianzhen is now divorcing Zhou Rongzhen. If Zhou Rongzhen learns that Gao Xianzhen and Song Yi met privately in the beauty salon, the reputation of Song Suying's beauty salon will be ruined.Because this kind of high-end beauty salon for Korean upper-class ladies focuses on privacy, men are strictly prohibited from entering.

Cui Shanji and Gao Xianzhen told Song Yi that she wanted to meet to discuss the script. Gao Xianzhen agreed when she heard that the meeting place was Cui Shanji's home. She is really unwilling to appear in public now.

Song Yi received a text message from Cui Shanji and immediately set off from Xinya Building.In order to keep a low profile, Song Yi asked Jin Xiyuan to borrow her Elantra.

Song Yi's current cars are a Rolls-Royce Silver Angel, a [-]-series BMW and his first car, a Mercedes-Benz. These cars are all too eye-catching.

He also owns a Hyundai Elantra, but Song Yi seldom drives this car. When he goes to Song Suying's beauty salon to meet Chen Fuzhen, he drives his Elantra.

Jin Xiyuan didn't understand. Song Yi looked so mysterious. Could it be that he wanted to borrow her car to go on a date with a lover?
After Song Yi said that he was going to Cui Shanji's house to discuss things, Jin Xiyuan remembered the long hair she found when she picked up Song Yi last time, so she insisted on going there with Song Yi.

She is now Song Yi's woman, and of course she cannot leave other women the chance to be alone with Song Yi, not even the married Cui Shanji.

Song Yi felt that going with Jin Xiyuan could also reduce Gao Xianzhen's wariness, and Jin Xiyuan could also help persuade Gao Xianzhen.Jin Xiyuan is the president of Xinya Agency, and her appearance together also reflects Song Yi's sincerity.

"Let's go, but don't be surprised no matter who you see later. Then remember to look at my eyes and act." Song Yi reminded Jin Xiyuan.

When Jin Xiyuan heard that Song Yi agreed so simply, she knew that Song Yi was going to talk about business this time, and suddenly she didn't want to go there.

Jin Xiyuan was sitting in the passenger seat. She tested Song Yi who was driving on the road, "OPPA, if I go to Sister Shan Ji's house with you this time, I won't spoil your good deeds, right?"

Song Yi was annoyed, "What are you thinking about in your head? I made a special trip this time to deliver World Cup opening ceremony tickets to Brother Zaican's house, and then signed an actor along the way."

"Sign an actor?" Jin Xiyuan became even more confused, "Sister Sun Hee's daughter is no more than two years older than Seo Joo Hyun, right? Does she want to decide to debut as an artist so early?"

Song Yi denied, "What nonsense? Brother Can and his family's companies are listed on the market, and his daughter will be the daughter of the chaebol family in the future. How could Brother Can and the others allow their daughter to debut as an artist?"

Jin Xiyuan snorted, what did Song Yi mean by this? Is he implying that Kim Tae Hee's family is not as rich as Chen Zaican's family?
"There are also many super-rich second generations in the Korean entertainment industry, such as singer PSY, whose grandfather is the president of a semiconductor company. There is also actor Lee Seo-jin, whose grandfather also served as the president of Seoul Bank and First Bank." Kim Hee-won retorted.

"Xiyuan, you have to understand that grandpa's money and dad's money are completely different things. Even if your grandpa is rich, he may not get much money from you. In Brother Chan's grandfather, Chen Bingzhe was the richest man in South Korea. , his company almost went bankrupt." Song Yi said slowly.

Song Yi found that Koreans have a strong comparison mentality. Artists actually want to enter the entertainment industry to make money, but they prefer to create a persona whose family is rich.Have you ever seen a child from a chaebol family enter the entertainment industry and become an artist?

The more typical ones here are Bae Doona and Choi Siwon. Bae Doona's father is the vice president of a large Korean food and health company, with annual revenue of 70 billion yuan. It sounds very powerful, but in fact it is just a corporate executive.

The same goes for Choi Siwon, saying that his father is the chairman of a well-known Korean supermarket chain and his mother has also been a diplomat.

SJ's teammates often said that the money from Choi Siwon's family could be used to buy SM Entertainment. Lee Soo Man probably felt like hehe when he saw such reports.However, among the trainees who debuted from SM Entertainment, Choi Siwon’s family is considered to be the richest.

The logistics company of my girlfriend Kim Tae-hee’s family has an annual revenue of tens of billions of won, which is only 6000-3 million yuan when converted into RMB. Generally speaking, the net profit of a logistics company is only 10% to [-]%. So the actual annual income of Kim Tae-hee’s family is about With over a million yuan, one can be considered rich, but the word chaebol has nothing to do with it.

The only real chaebol in the entertainment industry is Chen Meijing, but he is the president of CJ Entertainment, the largest media company in South Korea. His status is many times higher than that of these Korean artists.

Song Yi has come up with a special issue to burst the bubble halo of these super-rich second generations in South Korea.Some female fans in the Mainland are very fond of this. Our brother is so rich in his family, and he is willing to put aside his status to become an artist. If he doesn't do well as an artist, he will have to go home and inherit a fortune worth tens of billions.Can this 100 billion won and 100 billion yuan be the same thing?
These female fans wear wedding dresses to watch their idol's concerts, while imagining that they can marry into a wealthy family, and they also emphasize that this is a two-way relationship with their idol.They also emphasized to their boyfriends that wedding dresses have no specific meaning. They have the freedom to dress, and they just want to leave no regrets in their youth.

Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan appeared at the door of Cui Shanji's house. Cui Shanji, dressed in cool clothes, came to open the door for Song Yi.It's late May, and the weather in Seoul is already starting to get hotter.

Cui Shanji welcomed Song Yi and Song Yi into the house. Song Yi didn't know that the scene of him and Cui Shanji talking at the door had been captured by two paparazzi with a telephoto lens.

The two paparazzi were very excited. They were entrusted to keep an eye on Cui Shanji's activities, and today they finally captured some substantive content.

Cui Shanji's husband and children were not at home, and Song Yi came to Cui Shanji's home alone to meet her. Looking at the content of the photo, it is easy to make people think about it.

Paparazzi A was a little strange, "If Song Yi came to Cui Shanji's house to have an affair with her, why did he bring a female assistant with him? Isn't it the less people know about this kind of thing, the better?"

Paparazzi B replied carelessly, "What's so strange about this? Rich men like this won't avoid their female assistants when they play with women outside. Some rich men are having sex with women upstairs, while their female assistants are watching downstairs."

Paparazzi A gave what he thought was the most reasonable explanation, "Maybe the son-in-law assistant will serve Song Yi together with Cui Shanji. Who wouldn't want to play with one king and two queens? Moreover, this female assistant is quite beautiful."

Jin Xiyuan was wearing sunglasses when she got out of the car, but the two paparazzi did not recognize Jin Xiyuan's identity.After the paparazzi developed the photos, they immediately reported to Chen Zaiyong behind the scenes.

Chen Zaiyong heard that the paparazzi had achieved results and immediately rushed to the vicinity of the shooting scene.Chen Zaiyong asked the paparazzi, "Did Song Yi just go in?"

Paparazzi A answered very respectfully, "Yes, not long after he entered, Cui Shanji came to open the door for him in pajamas. The pajamas are very sexy."

Chen Zaiyong looked at the photos and hesitated, "These two photos can't explain anything. It would be nice if we could capture Song Yi and Cui Shanji moving around in the house."

Paparazzi B quickly replied, "We actually want to take pictures of what's going on inside the house, but Song Yi and the others seem to be afraid that outsiders will see it. The curtains are drawn on all the windows in the house, for fear that outsiders will see what's going on inside the house. This is not a bad thing. , not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If Song Yi and Cui Shanji were not having an affair in the house, why did they deliberately close the curtains? "

Chen Zaiyong thought that the paparazzi's judgment was reasonable. He took the photos and left first. He had to call Chen Zaican back to catch the rapist.

"You didn't keep any negatives of these photos, right?" Chen Zaiyong asked the paparazzi.

He just wanted to instigate a cooperative relationship between Song Yi and Chen Zaican, but he didn't want the news of Cui Shanji's theft to appear in the newspapers.After all, Cui Shanji is the daughter-in-law of the Samsung family. If the media knew that Song Yi slept with Cui Shanji, the Samsung family would feel embarrassed, and even his wife Lin Chiling would be implicated.

"No, no!" Paparazzi A waved his hands repeatedly. He had done a lot of private work for Chen Zai-rong before. Of course he knew the taboos of the chaebol family.

If this matter is revealed by the media, Chen Zaiyong will definitely suspect them immediately, and Song Yi may also track them down.Without Chen Zai-rong's protection, they would not be able to bear the wrath of Song Yi's revenge, and he might have to go into exile overseas.
Chen Zaiyong handed the prepared cash to the two paparazzi, "You guys stay here and watch for a while, I will come back later. If Song Yi leaves the villa early, you also give me a call to let me know."

"Don't say what you shouldn't say, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask. When the matter is completed, I will give you another bonus. If the outside world knows about the secret filming, you two will be prepared to sink into the Han River!" Chen Zaiyong's tone was cold.

After Chen Zaiyong finished his explanation, he quickly drove to the Seoul Plaza Building.Chen Zaican should be handling official business in the company now. I wonder how Chen Zaican felt when his cousin Chen Zaican saw his wife Cui Shanji wearing pajamas and dating Song Yi at his house?
Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi entered the villa together. She saw Cui Shanji wearing pajamas and apologized quickly, "Did you disturb Sister Shanji's rest?"

Cui Shanji didn't expect that Song Yi would bring Jin Xiyuan as a guest, so her pajamas would be in vain. "It's okay. I just came back from the beauty salon. I felt sticky because of the body care, so I took a shower. Because the weather is relatively hot, I'm used to wearing pajamas at home."

After Cui Shanji explained, she said to Song Yi: "Xianzhen is waiting for you in the study. Since Xiyuan came here with you, I won't go to the study later, so as not to affect your discussion."

If Jin Xiyuan does not accompany Song Yi, then Cui Shanji, as the host, must accompany her. Song Yi and Gao Xianzhen cannot be alone in the room. This is also to protect the reputations of Gao Xianzhen and Song Yi to prevent scandals from accidentally spreading.

Now that Jin Xiyuan is here, Cui Shanji can go back to the bedroom to rest for a while. When she wakes up later, she will get up and go to school to pick up her daughter from school.

Cui Shanji led Song Yi to the study room and knocked on the door, "Xianzhen, President Song and Executive Jin are here together."

Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan entered the study room. Gao Xianzhen was sitting on her knees next to the coffee table, reading a novel.

Gao Xianzhen obviously didn't wear makeup today and looked bare-faced.She stood up and greeted Song Yi and Song Yi in turn.

Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi sat down together, and she saw clearly that the novel in Gao Xianzhen's hand was "Mrs. Chatterley's Lover".

She glanced at Song Yi strangely. Song Yi and Gao Xianzhen secretly met in private.Gao Xianzhen is reading this novel again, and it's hard not to make Jin Xiyuan think too much.

Gao Xianzhen naturally put the novel aside. Today was a rare moment for her to relax.She didn't actually choose this novel deliberately, but she saw it happened to be placed next to the coffee table in the study room, so she picked it up and read a few pages.Not to mention, the content of the novel quite attracted her.

"President Song, I heard that you are planning to invite me to star in a TV series. Could you please let me read the script?" Gao Xianzhen spoke in a soft tone that made people feel comfortable.

Although Song Yi plans to film "Queen of Seondeok", screenwriter Kim Young-hyun has not yet started writing the script, and the so-called script has not yet been written.

Currently, New Asia Media is focusing on filming "Dae Jang Geum" in the second half of the year, and it is impossible to produce another historical drama.By then, the two dramas "Dae Jang Geum" and "Queen Seon Deok" will easily collide, and the audience will also be tired of it.Song Yi remembers that the drama "Queen Seondeok" collected more than 400 billion won in advertising fees, setting a record for Korean drama advertising revenue.There is no need for him to make "Queen Seondeok" so quickly.

"The script has not yet been perfected. The main content of this TV series is to tell the story of Queen Seondeok, the first queen of Silla. We would like to invite you to play the role of Queen Seondeok." Song Yi said.

In the 09 version of "Queen Seondeok", Ko Hyun Jung played the role of King Jin Heung's concubine Mi Shi. Ko Hyun Jung was already 38 years old at that time.It would not be appropriate for her to play the role of Queen Seondeok. Now that Ko Hyun Jung is in her early thirties, it would be just right to play Queen Seondeok.

After Gao Xianzhen gave birth to her two children, she wanted to come back to film many times but was rejected by her mother-in-law Chen Mingxi.After all, as the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, it would be difficult for her mother-in-law to accept her having an intimate scene with a male star in the drama.

"Although I am very interested in President Song's script, my mother-in-law may not agree to let me appear in the TV series." Gao Xianzhen looked apologetic.

Cui Shanji came in at this time and served Song Yi and the others a pot of tea. Cui Shanji poured tea for Song Yi, Jin Xiyuan and Gao Xianzhen in order, "Please use it slowly. If you need anything, please say hello."

When Cui Shanji bent down to pour tea for Song Yi, Song Yi accidentally saw Cui Shanji's chest, and he quickly lowered his head.

Gao Xianzhen also noticed Song Yi's action and guessed in her heart, "It turns out that Chairman Song is not as romantic as the outside world said. But Sister Shanji can wear pajamas to entertain Song Yi and the two of them. It seems that Song Yi and their family are really Good for all families.”

When she first arrived at Cui Shanji's house, she was actually a little nervous. She was worried that Cui Shanji would act as a middleman and introduce her to a date with Song Yi.

"Chen Mingxi is your mother-in-law this year, but she may not be your mother-in-law next year. I just want to form a good relationship with you in advance. If you consider coming back, Xinya Media will be your first choice." Song Yi persuaded.

Gao Xianzhen understood what Song Yi meant and felt a little uncomfortable. Her expression became a little lighter, "President Song still likes to inquire about my family affairs? President Song is really well-informed."

"I know a lot more than you think. As long as you promise to join New Asia Agency after your comeback. When you have a conflict with your husband's family, the agency can provide you with support." Song Yi said.

Gao Xianzhen was immediately moved when she heard Song Yi's hint.She is having a headache over her child's custody and visitation rights.

For the long-term consideration of her children, she will definitely not fight for their custody rights.If her children are awarded to her by the court, she will automatically lose the right to inherit New World Group shares.At that time, the huge family property in Zhou Rong Town will also be cheaper for the wives and their children who came to Zhou Rong Town later.

However, Gao Xianzhen knew how difficult her mother-in-law Chen Mingxi was. If she divorced Zhou Rongzhen, her mother-in-law Chen Mingxi would not even allow her to visit her children.

Working alone and having the support of a management company are two different things, and Song Yi doesn't seem to be afraid of offending Zhou Rongzhen.After all, Song Yi has offended the eldest princess of Samsung Chen Fuzhen and the prince of Samsung Chen Zaiyong at the same time. He is not so carefree every day.

Even though Zhou Rongzhen is a high-minded person at home, he still keeps a low profile in front of Chen Zairong and his sister.If Song Yi provides Gao Xianzhen with connections or legal support, she can at least get several billion more won in child support from Zhou Rongzhen, and she can also win visitation rights for her children.

"Chairman Song is so optimistic that I can perform well in the drama "Queen Seondeok"? If it is just to invite me to appear in the TV series, he will not hesitate to offend New World Group. Chairman Song's efforts and rewards are obviously not proportional."

Gao Xianzhen now has some doubts about wanting to get her.Since Gao Xianzhen became popular, many wealthy businessmen have expressed their affection for Gao Xianzhen.

Kim Hee-won also agrees with Ko Hyun-jung's words. There are countless good actresses in Korea, and there is really no need to offend Shinsegae Group for a mere Ko Hyun-jung.

Song Yi looked at Jin Xiyuan and motioned for her to persuade Gao Xianzhen.Jin Xiyuan was quick to respond, "Mrs. Zhou, our president is actually a loyal fan of yours. Our president liked the TV series "Hourglass" that you starred in before your retirement."

"He is just like the bodyguard played by Lee Jung-jae in "Hourglass". He likes you in one direction and without asking for anything in return. When you need help most now, our president is willing to lend a helping hand to you." Kim Hee-won emphasized. .

Gao Xianzhen felt unbelievable when she heard what Jin Xiyuan said. President Song Dae of New Asia Media is actually a fan of mine and has been secretly in love with me for so many years?
Song Yi knew that Jin Xiyuan definitely did it on purpose. This woman was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.In the drama "Hourglass", Lee Jung-jae plays a bodyguard who has a crush on the rich girl Hye-rin (Ko Hyun-jung).

Because the heroine Hye Rim is sandwiched between the two male protagonists Choi Min Soo and Park Sang Won, Lee Jung Jae only likes Hye Rin unilaterally. Because he does not pursue rewards, he has won the sympathy and love of many viewers.The bodyguard played by Lee Jung Jae later ended up thinking that the heroine Hyerin died at the expense of others.The character Lee Jung Jae can be called the originator of dog licking in Korean dramas.

However, after Chen Jae-yong and Lin Chi-ling divorced, former Samsung Crown Princess Lin Chi-ling became Lee Jung-jae's girlfriend. Lee Jung-jae also became the Korean actor, turning from a dog licker into a winner in life.

Song Yi was helpless, "I am indeed a loyal fan of Ms. Go Hyun Jung. "Hourglass" was also the first Korean TV series I watched. When I first saw your role as Ms. Hyerin, I fell in love with it. That's also true. Because of this TV series, I went to learn more about the cause of the Gwangju Incident.”

The TV series "Hourglass" is based on the Gwangju incident and tells the lives of three young people from different family backgrounds in an era of political turmoil.

Jin Xiyuan was stunned for a moment when she heard what Song Yi said. Is it really because of this incident that Song Yi learned about the Gwangju incident and fully supported the progressive congressman Song Woo-seok's candidacy for the president of South Korea?
While Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan were persuading Gao Xianzhen, Chen Zaican was rushing home anxiously.

He knew that Chen Zaiyong had no good intentions and deliberately used photos to stir up trouble.However, he also knew in his heart that his wife Cui Shanji had a good impression of Song Yi. She often praised Song Yi in front of him for his ability, and often asked him to invite Song Yi to his home for dinner.

But being friends with Song Yi is one thing, and being brother-in-law with Song Yi is another thing entirely. "Axi! Doesn't Song Yi know the principle of 'a friend's wife should not be bullied'? Shan Ji's appearance is far different from Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo. Are you just pursuing excitement?" Chen Zaican cursed in his heart.

Chen Zaican hated Chen Zaiyong so much that he would rather Chen Zaiyong not show him the photos.In this way, he can at least pretend to be deaf and mute, pretending that nothing happened, and it will not affect his friendship with Song Yi, nor will it affect the overall situation of Xinya Media's backdoor listing.

He is also very confused now and doesn't know how to deal with it.What would he do if he came home and caught Song Yi and Cui Shanji having an affair at home?It was impossible for him to beat Song Yi to vent his anger, so he could only agree to divorce Cui Shanji.

Without Song Yi's support, the advertising agreements between SK, Hyundai, LG and Asan Group will be invalidated next year, and Song Yi will not be able to continue to serve as the creative director of Shinhan Media.Shinhan Media's revenue will definitely decline significantly, and it may be delisted from KOSPI in less than two years.

However, since Chen Zaiyong gave him the photo, it is definitely impossible for Chen Zaican to do nothing. Then he would be too cowardly.There was no way he could have told Chen Jae-yong that he had known about the ambiguous relationship between Song Yi and Cui Shanji for a long time, just for the sake of earning hundreds of billions of won from the backdoor listing, and he had tacitly approved of them dating at home, right?
When Chen Zaican returned home, he first went straight to the bedroom. He found that the bedroom door was locked.He was furious now, his face was red, and he kept knocking on the bedroom door.

Cui Shanji was woken up by Chen Zaican. She was a little unhappy. She opened the door and found Chen Zaican standing at the door of the room looking at her angrily.

Chen Zaican looked at Cui Shanji in pajamas. He felt that his suspicion had been confirmed, and his heart was as painful as an ant eating his heart.He was a little frustrated for a moment, "Where is Song Yi?"

Cui Shanji felt a little baffled. Why did Chen Zaican suddenly come home from get off work early and asked where Song Yi was?She suddenly realized that her husband had come back to catch her having an affair with Song Yi!
She was not afraid of Chen Zaican. When Chen Zaican's company was about to go bankrupt, she took her daughter to live in her parents' house.If it hadn't been for the improvement of New Korea Media, she would not have been able to reconcile with Chen Zaican.Speaking of which, Song Yi also contributed a lot to the fact that she was able to reunite with Chen Zaican.

"Chen Zaican, what do you mean? You suspect that I stole someone at home and came here to catch him? Even if I raise a man at home, it's none of your business. If you don't plant your own land, you don't want others to come over to help fertilize and move it. Breaking ground? You don't believe me, do you? Okay, let's get divorced tomorrow!" Cui Shanji was furious.

The quarrel between Chen Zaican and Cui Shanji alerted the three people talking in the study. Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan quickly walked out of the study, ready to persuade Chen Zaican and his wife.

When Chen Zaican saw Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan, who were neatly dressed, his mind was a little short-circuited, "Song Yi, why are you downstairs?"

Song Yi was speechless now. Your wife was sleeping in the bedroom upstairs, and I was talking to someone in the study. I wasn't downstairs, could I be upstairs?Do you really expect me to give you a hat to keep you warm?
Jin Xiyuan suddenly understood and quickly explained, "President Chen, the president and I came here to discuss the matter. We are going to persuade Miss Gao Xianzhen to sign with our New Asia Agency."

"We have been talking about things in the study this afternoon, and now we have almost finished talking. Because Miss Gao Xianzhen doesn't want to meet outside, and she and Sister Shan Ji are good friends, we made an appointment to meet in your study."

"It's my fault for borrowing your study room and not saying hello to you in advance. Did you hear some gossip over there and misunderstood it?" Jin Xiyuan said tactfully.

Gao Xianzhen also showed up at this time. She first said hello to Chen Zaican, "I'm really sorry for disturbing your home today."

Chen Zaican now understands that Song Yi came here today not to have a date with his wife Cui Shanji, but to have a private appointment with actor Gao Xianzhen.

If Jin Xiyuan had not come, Chen Zaican might still have doubts.Kim Hee-won is the sister of Song Yi’s girlfriend Kim Tae-hee and the president of New Asia Agency.With Jin Xiyuan watching from the side, it is impossible for Song Yi to have anything happen to Cui Shanji.

Gao Xianzhen had no intention of getting involved in Chen Zaican and Cui Shanji's family affairs, and was ready to say goodbye and leave.Cui Shanji said that she wanted to go downstairs to take her home, but Gao Xianzhen refused.

Chen Zaican was embarrassed now. He originally wanted to go home to catch the rapist, but he ended up alone. Such a ridiculous incident happened. He doesn't know how to end it now.

Chen Zaiyong was sitting in the car, watching what was going on in Chen Zaican's house. He hoped in his heart that Chen Zaican and Song Yi would fight, the harder the fight, the better. Then he would act as a middleman to help mediate.Song Yi must compensate Chen Zaican for mental damages.

Not long after Chen Zaican entered, a woman suddenly drove away from the villa.Chen Zaiyong thought this woman looked familiar, eh?Isn't this Zhou Rongzhen's wife Gao Xianzhen?Why did she suddenly appear at Chen Zaican's house? Was she also present when Song Yi and Cui Shanji had an affair?
After Gao Xianzhen left, Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan also walked out of the villa. Chen Zaiyong found that Song Yi was neatly dressed and there was no trace of a fight on his body.Chen Zaiyong felt a little strange, "Did this guy Zaichan actually give up and just let Song Yi go? Then he is too useless. You deserve to be cheated on!"

Chen Zaiyong originally wanted to see Chen Zaican and Song Yi making fools of themselves, but when he saw Jin Xiyuan next to Song Yi, he knew that things were not what he expected.No matter how lustful Song Yi is, there is no way he would bring his girlfriend's sister to have an affair with Cui Shanji.

If Song Yi didn't come to Chen Zaican's house to have a private meeting with Cui Shanji, then his real purpose was to have a private meeting with Gao Xianzhen?

 A big chapter of 7000 words. Thank you all for your votes and recommendations. See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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