I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 150: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 150 Two birds with one stone

The first game after the opening ceremony of the 02 World Cup was not the host team South Korea, but France VS Senegal.

It is worth mentioning that Senegal was included in French Africa in 1909 and was once a French colony.To this day, Senegalese architecture and culture are still heavily influenced by France.

It was Kim Tae-hee's first time watching the World Cup live, and she couldn't understand why there were so many black players on the French team.

Song Yi gave Kim Tae Hee a brief explanation of France's colonial history in Africa. If Senegalese players land in the five major European leagues, they will definitely give priority to joining Ligue [-].

He joked that tonight's World Cup opening match is actually a contest between the French first team and the French second team. The players in the two teams also have teammates from the French Ligue 0 team.But what was embarrassing was that the French team eventually lost to Senegal 1-[-].

As a football fan, Kim Jong-kook couldn't accept this result at all. He was muttering to himself, "Isn't the French team the defending champion of this World Cup? The French team also won the championship in 98. Isn't it possible that the powerful French team failed to qualify in the group? "

When Song Yi heard what Kim Jong-guo said, he tried to recall the French team's group stage experience in the 02 World Cup.The French team seemed to have not won a single game, with 1 draw and 2 losses and 1 point. They were at the bottom of the group and were upset.The French team eventually became the first defending champion in World Cup history to be eliminated from the group without scoring a goal.The French team's defeat destined the 02 World Cup to be an upset.

After the game, Song Yi returned to the Seongbukdong villa with Liao Yu, Kim Tae Hee and Kim Hyung Soo.Liao Yu originally wanted to stay in a hotel instead of staying at Song Yi's house, but Kim Tae Hee strongly invited Liao Yu to stay at home.

On the way home, Kim Hyung-soo was still complaining about the inability of the French team. Today's opening game was very boring and boring. The French team members seemed to lack fighting spirit.

Song Yi suddenly became happy, "Hengzhu, don't look at the French team losing today, France's cultural influence is everywhere."

"Originally, the official name of this World Cup was '2002 FIFA World Cup Janpan/Korea'. Translated, it means the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup. Because according to the English initials, J is before K."

"As a result, Uncle Meng Zhun took a different approach and said that the word FIFA originated from French. French is the official language of FIFA. The founder of the World Cup, Remit, is also French. He suggested that FIFA sort according to French. The spelling of South Korea in French is 'Coree', Japan is 'Japon'. In this way, South Korea ranked ahead of Japan, and this World Cup was eventually named the Korea-Japan World Cup." Song Yi and Kim Hyung-soo talked about Zhou Mengzhun's small thoughts on bidding for the World Cup.

When Kim Hyung-soo heard what Song Yi said, he admired Zhou Mengzhun in his heart, "Chairman Zhou Mengzhun is really an amazing Korean man. He has won national dignity for our 5000 million Koreans in front of the Japanese."

When Song Yi heard what Jin Hyungsu said, he didn't know who to talk to.Is the ranking of a name related to South Korea’s national dignity?No wonder after the South Korean team reached the semi-finals of the World Cup in this tournament, the Korean people were collectively high mentally and felt that South Korea had instantly become the most powerful country in the universe.

If the South Korean team can really reach the World Cup finals and risk the world's disapproval to defeat Brazil's champion, Zhou Mong, the leader of the Korean Football Association, might actually be able to fight his way to win this year's South Korean presidential election.

However, Song Yi also expressed his understanding that the Korean Peninsula had been occupied by Japan since 1910 and had been colonized by Japan for 35 years.

The Koreans cannot defeat Japan, nor can they defeat North Korea, nor can they defeat China.The flag of the White Tigers, the first president of South Korea, is still in the military museum in China.

Looking at the countries surrounding South Korea, no Korean can beat them.Without the U.S. landing in Incheon, North Korea would have driven the South Korean army into the sea and would have reunified the Korean Peninsula.

Zhou Mengzhun was able to take advantage of Japan through his scheming, which would be a diplomatic victory.Many Koreans already regard Zhou Mengzhun as a national hero.

Both the Chinese team and the South Korean team will make their first appearances in this World Cup on June 6. The Chinese team will face the first opponent in the group stage, Costa Rica. The game time is 4:13 Seoul time.

The first opponent of the Korean team is the Polish team. The game time is 18:30 Seoul time.Liao Yu plans to return to China after watching the first Chinese national team game.

It was the first time for Jin Hyung-soo to be a guest at Song Yi's house. He liked the lawn courtyard outside the villa very much. "If I had known better, I would have brought the golf clubs given to me by my brother-in-law, and I could have putted two strokes on this lawn if I had nothing to do." Kim Hyung-soo said with regret.

Song Yi was quite nice to his brother-in-law Jin Hyung-soo, but who asked him to abduct Jin Hyung-soo's two sisters?

"What's the matter? There are several sets of golf clubs in the villa. Let Taixi take you over to try them out later. If you think that set of golf clubs is more comfortable, I will give you another set." Song Yi was very generous.

Liao Yu compared the villa in Lijing Garden with the villa in Chengbeidong. The garden areas of the two villas are actually about the same, but the privacy and security of Songyi's villa in Chengbeidong are better than those in Lijing Garden. .

Below the villa's lawn and courtyard is the parking lot. In addition to the fence of the courtyard itself, the villa fence is almost six or seven meters above the road. Thieves cannot climb in at all without borrowing special tools.

As an investor in Hikvision, Song Yi has installed strict security monitoring systems in every corner of the villa. Once a stranger enters by mistake, the alarm system will notify the security personnel immediately.The security level of Song Yi's Seongbukdong villa is comparable to the official embassy residences of some small countries in Seongbukdong.

"It's a pity that Miaomiao didn't make many friends in Seoul, otherwise she would definitely be willing to come and live here for a while. She just likes to run around on the lawn and is very energetic." Liao Yu said.

"How could it be? Brother Chan's daughter is not much older than our Miaomiao, and Miaomiao can still play with sister Xu Zhuxian." Song Yi also hasn't seen his niece Song Miao for half a year, and he misses her very much.

"Who is Xu Zhuxian?" Liao Yu heard this name for the first time and was a little confused.

"Seo Joo Hyun is a child that OPPA made in Korea. She is now a trainee of SM Entertainment, so she can be regarded as OPPA's old friend." Kim Tae Hee introduced to Liao Yu the origin of Song Yi's acquaintance with Seo Joo Hyun.

Liao Yu didn't understand Song Yi's approach, "Since you are so optimistic about Xu Zhuxian, why don't you sign Xu Zhuxian to Xinya?"

Song Yi smiled and did not answer Liao Yu's question directly.As a reborn person, he has an inexplicable obsession with Girls' Generation and Tara.When all Girls' Generation members come of age, he is going to say the classic saying, "I want to fight nine" to all Girls' Generation members.Of course, it was impossible for him to reveal the truth to Liao Yu, otherwise he would be easily beaten in bed.
As time entered June, sisters Jin Xiyuan and Liao Yu formed a sister group, and the three of them visited major stores in Seoul.In the later stage, Chen Zaechan's Cui Shanhui and Cha Taehyun's girlfriend Cui Xien also joined in.

Choi Xi-en, who joined last, joked with the other members of the sister group, "Every time in the World Cup, I feel like I've suddenly fallen out of love. I really don't understand what's so interesting about football. There are 22 men on the field trying to grab a ball, and there are two of us." There was no need to grab the ball, but they still didn’t like it.”

Cui Shanji originally wanted to invite Song Yi to watch football at her home, and then also dribble her ball. Who knew that Song Yi suddenly turned into a gentleman, which made her very uncomfortable.

And Chen Zaican, a spineless guy, heard that Song Yi had prepared several large-screen monitors in the office to broadcast World Cup matches, so he rushed to Xinya Building every day to report.

"Xian, you are quite good. At least after the World Cup, Taixian will come back to you and end his single career. Unlike us, whether there is a World Cup or not, having a husband is the same as not having one." Cui Shanji couldn't bear it. Keep complaining.

Luo Xi'en envied Cui Shanji very much, "Sister Shanji, how comfortable your life is now. You can buy whatever you want, whether it's clothes or bags, and you don't have to consider the price. You can go wherever you want to go, and you don't have to report your itinerary. , and there is still a lot of free time for entertainment. The children are older, so you don’t have to worry about it. You can live a retired life at a young age, which is simply my dream in life." Liao Yu listened to the conversation between Luo Xien and Cui Shanji , thinking thoughtfully.Marriage is like a besieged city. People inside want to get out and people outside want to get in.

Na Xian and Cha Tae-hyun are still working hard to buy their first apartment in Seoul, while Chen Zai-chan and his wife have achieved financial freedom ahead of schedule in their thirties.

Even though her boyfriend Cha Tae-hyun is a popular Korean actor, Luo Xi-en is the poorest one in the five-member sister group.If Cui Shanji is mainly shopping and supplemented by shopping, then she is mainly shopping and supplemented by shopping.However, Luo Xian has a good aesthetic sense and has been helping Cui Shanji and others as consultants.

Luo Xien entertained Song Yi at home, when Cha Taehyun asked Song Yi for help about Kim Jong Kook.Before Song Yi exerted much force, Jin Guangzhu wisely stopped embarrassing Song Yi.

Through this incident, Luo Xi'en directly felt Song Yi's energy in the Korean entertainment industry. She also kept reminding Cha Tae Hyun and Song Yi to maintain a good relationship.

Cha Taixian and Song Yi are the same age, but there is a huge gap in status between them, and Cha Taixian doesn't know how to make friends with Song Yi.

Song Yi asked Cha Tae-hyun to play golf. Cha Tae-hyun's golf skills were average, and he couldn't afford the huge expense of frequent golf courses.The annual membership fee for a top golf club in Seoul costs hundreds of millions of won, not including the purchase of golf equipment and tips for caddies.

The Dragon Year Club composed of Cha Tae Hyun, Kim Jong Kook, Jang Hyuk and others also invited Song Yi to play football together, but Song Yi often flew back and forth between China and South Korea, and it was difficult to find a suitable time.

However, this World Cup has brought new ideas to Cha Tae-hyun. He has set his sights on Kim Tae-hee's younger brother Kim Hyung-soo.Kim Hyung-soo will come to Seoul to study at university next year. If Kim Hyung-soo takes Song Yi's place to participate in the Dragon Year Club's football match, then Cha Tae-hyun and Kim Jong-kook can maintain this kind of personal relationship with Song Yi.

Of course Cui Xien agreed with her boyfriend's decision. For the sake of her boyfriend's career, she bravely joined the sisters' shopping group organized by the two sisters Kim Hee-won.The lady route works pretty well any time.

While the sister group was busy shopping, Song Yi and the others were busy watching football in the office.All Korean companies under New Asia have issued an administrative notice. As long as there is a Korean team match that day, all employees in the company can leave work two hours before the start of the game, so that they can rush to the stadium or watch the game at home.

Not only that, TV screens are installed in restaurants and cafes on the first floor of New Asia Building to facilitate fans to watch the World Cup.

Xinya employees posted this administrative notice to inschool. Male employees from other companies in Seoul collectively broke their guard and forwarded this administrative notice to inschool’s personal homepage, and then @their company’s boss, hoping they would learn more. Meet Song Yi, a good boss.

Liao Yu couldn't help but ridiculed that Song Yi was just putting on a show. Otherwise, why didn't Song Yi treat everyone equally and give employees of the New Asia mainland company a half-day holiday and let them go home to watch the game? After all, this was the first time the Chinese team played Enter the World Cup.

"As the host, the South Korean team's games are usually scheduled in the evening for the sake of ratings. The game time is basically 18:30 Seoul time. Even if I let them off work two hours early, it won't actually delay anything. Work."

"But the Chinese national team's games are all scheduled at 13:30 in the afternoon. If I let them go home to watch the game, basically the whole afternoon will be wasted. I am an entrepreneur, not a philanthropist. At most, they take time off to watch. In the competition, I count them as perfect attendance." Song Yi counted well.

"No wonder others may make a small profit when evaluating employees, but capitalists never lose money. You use employees to build a good boss's personality, and at the same time, you make employees be grateful to you. You always like to play this trick of killing two birds with one stone." Liao Yu secretly said. refers to.

Song Yi was immediately on guard. He didn't know whether Liao Yu's words were unintentional or targeted.Liao Yu had only been in contact with Kim Tae Hee before, and she might have guessed that Kim Hee Won and Cui Sun Hee had an ambiguous relationship with him through daily contacts in the past two days.So when Liao Yu talks about killing two birds with one stone, is he referring to the sisters Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee, or is he referring to Kim Hee-won and Cui Shanhui?
As a man, Song Yi actually doesn't like his women to be too close to each other, because it is easy for women to form an offensive and defensive alliance when they are together to deal with him as a man.For example, Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo will compete for favor in front of Song Yi, but in order to fight against the Kim Tae-hee sisters, they will occasionally serve Song Yi together.

For the vast majority of Korean men, whether it is Jun Ji-hyun or Song Hye-kyo, dating even one of them is already a blessing.And for Song Yi to be able to play games with Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo at the same time, it is simply the ultimate dream of Korean men.

Song Yi felt a little guilty. He knew that Liao Yu had been somewhat neglected in the first half of the year, and the two of them met very rarely.If Liao Yu hadn't focused on her daughter Song Miao, Liao Yu might have kicked Song Yi away long ago.

The reason why he asked Liao Yu to come to Seoul was because he wanted to have some intimacy with Liao Yu.Who knows that Liao Yu has been sleeping with Kim Tae Hee these days.Liao Yu also taught Jin Taixi many ways to restrain Song Yi. Jin Taixi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately regarded Liao Yu as a confidant.

Song Yi didn't buy any games in the past two days. In the first three days of June, he only remembered Germany's 8-0 victory over Saudi Arabia, so he started betting on the first game of the World Cup.

He did not bet on the score. If Song Yi really spent millions of dollars to buy the score of 8-0, the bookmaker would definitely take action to affect the final result of the game in order not to compensate Song Yi for his bet.Either the score is fixed at 7-0, or the score becomes 6-1 or something like that.

What Song Yi bought was that the German team could beat the Saudi team by more than 5 goals. The odds were not particularly high.Song Yi tried his best and bought 50 US dollars to test the waters. In the end, the score was fixed at 8 to 0. Obviously, the bookmaker did not look down on the millions of dollars that Song Yi earned.

Of course, a few million dollars is actually not much for Song Yi, who has a net worth of one billion US dollars. However, Song Yi, who made money, still generously distributed shopping funds to Liao Yu, Kim Tae Hee and Kim Hee Won.

Song Yi also assigned the three of them a task, asking them to consider from the perspective of consumers, in addition to the price advantage, how Sohan.com, as a shopping website, can defeat offline physical retail stores.Moreover, Liao Yu and others often visit some luxury brand stores, and it is easy to buy fake goods when shopping online.

As Song Yi's woman, Liao Yu certainly had no pressure to spend Song Yi's money. She also bought many gifts for her parents-in-law and daughter to take back to Yanjing.

Song Yi knew that Liao Yu had bought a flight back to China on the morning of the [-]th, and she could stay in Seoul for two nights.

"Liao Yu, why don't you and Taixi sleep in the same room tonight? After Taixi falls asleep, I will go to your room." Song Yi took the initiative.

Liao Yu snorted, "President Song, haven't you been able to sleep peacefully holding a football in your arms these days? Taixi and Hengzhu are both in the villa, and you still dare to touch my room. If we are discovered by Taixi, , should I jump into the Han River to prove my innocence?"

Song Yi then thought about it and said, "It's okay. I'll call Xiyuan over and ask her to accompany Taixi for a while. With Xiyuan helping me cover, Taixi will definitely not notice it."

Liao Yu found that she still underestimated Song Yi's shamelessness, "Since you only plan to avoid Taixi, Xiyuan will not pretend at all. So what will you do if Xiyuan finds out?"

Song Yi thought that Xiyuan and Liao Yu were both his women now. Xiyuan had previously expressed her intention to serve Song Yi with her sister Jin Taexi.Taixi's side is currently out of action, so is it possible for Xiyuan to accept playing three-person Landlords with Liao Yu and Song Yi?

"Liao Yu, in fact, Taixi has praised you a lot in the past two days, saying that you are like another sister to her. If Xiyuan finds out about us, I will drag her into the water and let Xiyuan learn from it. It's called killing two birds with one stone." Song Yi said.

 Thank you for your monthly votes. Is there any book friend who knows the pre-match odds of the 02 World Cup? I feel that the information I checked is not accurate enough.

(End of this chapter)

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