I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 153 The $8000 Million Gamble

Chapter 153 The $8000 Million Gamble
Chen Fuzhen was shocked when she heard what Chen Xinyu said. Although she had thought about bringing Song Yi and Chen Xinyu together, she could not let Song Yi bully Chen Xinyu.If Song Yi really did something outrageous to Chen Xinyu, she would definitely side with her sister without hesitation.

She glanced at Chen Xinyu and found that Chen Xinyu was fully clothed and there were no traces of close contact on her body. She knew it was probably a false alarm.

"Xinyu, what you said is meaningless. I understand this guy Song Yi. Although he is a bit lecherous, he definitely does not dare to touch our Samsung family. If he is so reckless, he will not be able to work hard to become such a big player in Korea. company." Chen Fuzhen said.

"Ouni, then you don't believe me? I'm your biological sister, and Song Yi is just an outsider. Do you believe me, or do you believe Song Yi?" Chen Xinyu felt even more annoyed when she heard that Chen Fuzhen was excusing Song Yi. .

Chen Fuzhen knew that Chen Xinyu was indeed angry, so he quickly comforted his sister, "Okay, don't be angry. I am your sister, and I will definitely stand by your side. You know me, I have always been a helper or not. reason."

"What? It sounds like I'm being unreasonable." Chen Xinyu complained that Song Yi was an antique and actually stipulated in the "Employee Handbook" that female employees cannot wear hot pants.

When Chen Fuzhen heard what Chen Xinyu said, he almost laughed out loud.In fact, Chen Jianxi also dislikes Chen Xinyu's dress. He thinks that her dress is fine at home or on vacation abroad, but it is a bit immodest to dress like this in Korea and does not suit the status of a well-known lady like Chen Xinyu.

However, although Chen Jianxi couldn't stand it, he had nothing to do with Chen Xinyu who went his own way. Who knew that Chen Xinyu was actually scolded by Song Yi in the company.For the first time, Chen Fuzhen thought it was a good thing to send Chen Xinyu to Xinya for internship.

"Really? Then Song Yi did something wrong. Was this employee handbook just released recently?" Chen Fuzhen asked Chen Xinyu.

"That's not true. As soon as Song Yi founded New Asia Network Co., Ltd., he issued an employee handbook. He also discussed the terms of the employee handbook with members of the company's labor union, and the union also agreed with Song Yi's approach." Chen Xinyu curled her lips and said gloomily .

"Huh? Does Xinya actually have a trade union?" Chen Fuzhen was surprised. As a Korean company with a foreign background, she thought Song Yi was opposed to the establishment of a trade union within the company.

There are two major trade unions in South Korea, namely the Korean Federation of Democratic Trade Unions (referred to as the Democratic Federation of Trade Unions) and the right-wing trade union federation Korea Federation of Trade Unions (referred to as the Korean Federation of Trade Unions).

These two unions stand side by side and are equally powerful. Almost all Korean companies have joined these two unions.For example, the LG Trade Union joined the Korean Federation of Trade Unions, while the Hyundai Trade Union joined the Democratic Federation of Trade Unions.South Korea's two major labor unions have an important influence on South Korea's politics and economy, and strikes have become a common occurrence.

South Korea has learned this from the United States. South Korea’s Trade Union Law clearly prohibits trade unions from organizing activities for the purpose of political movements.

"The New Asia Trade Union has not joined the Korean Federation of Trade Unions or the Democratic Federation of Trade Unions. It is more like an administrative department of the company, providing some benefits to the company's female employees and families with children. After all, New Asia's salary benefits are far higher than those of companies in the same industry. "Chen Xinyu explained.

Chen Fuzhen thought this was right. How could Song Yi tolerate the Democratic Federation of Labor or the Korean Federation of Labor reaching out to Xinya Enterprises to point fingers at Song Yi.

Samsung Electronics has always been known for its generous wages and benefits in South Korea, and has always had a tough attitude towards labor unions.Samsung Electronics has never faced the threat of a strike since its founding in 1969.

Chen Jianxi told Samsung's labor union leaders that anyone who delays Samsung Electronics' production will be Samsung's sinner.If anyone organizes a strike by Samsung Electronics workers, all union leaders participating in the strike will be expelled from Samsung and banned from employment for life.

In Chen Jianxi’s words, “A few of these union leaders in South Korea are really seeking benefits for the workers. They use the blind obedience of the bottom workers to extort benefits from the company management. After they are full of food, They will be satisfied and stop, but they don’t care about the life and death of the workers at the bottom.”

Chen Fuzhen found that Song Yi and Chen Jianxi still had a lot in common in managing enterprises.When the idea came to her, her father Chen Jianxi was known as the god of Korean business and regarded as a symbol of the Korean economy. How could she think Song Yi could compare to Chen Jianxi?
"Since Song Yi is not alone in embarrassing you, forget it. There is no need to be acquainted with him." Chen Fuzhen explained to Chen Xinyu.

"I was angry not because Song Yi criticized me, but because my colleagues in the company treated me differently. After I studied the employee handbook at the company today, I discovered that I had dressed inconsistently with the company's regulations many times, but my supervisor, My colleagues in the same group all turned a blind eye to me and no one reminded me. I suspect they did it on purpose just to see my jokes." Chen Xinyu looked aggrieved.

Chen Fuzhen understood now. Chen Xinyu had high expectations for work.Although Chen Xinyu didn't expect to make a few friends in the company, her colleagues knew that she violated company regulations but were unwilling to remind her, making her embarrassed in front of Song Yi, which really made Chen Xinyu feel a little chilled.

Chen Fuzhen knew that it was Song Yi who had greeted the executives of New Asia Network, so the employees of New Asia Network's attitude towards Chen Xinyu was that they couldn't afford to offend but could hide away, and the matter had nothing to do with them.

If Chen Xinyu only goes to New Asia Network to get gold plating and cannot learn truly useful knowledge in depth, then what is the point of her internship?Chen Fuzhen felt very worried.

"By the way, what are you responsible for in the company?" Chen Fuzhen asked.

"I am now part of the game production team, developing an online game for the company, and am a planner." Chen Xinyu answered.

Chen Fuzhen is interested. Has New Asia started to develop a new online game by itself? "What type of game?"

"Racing——" Before Chen Xinyu could finish her words, she quickly changed her words, "Onie, I can't tell you, I signed a confidentiality agreement with the company. Before the game is officially released, our game development team members cannot disclose it to the outside world. Game content.”

Chen Fuzhen heard what Chen Xinyu said, "I am in the hotel, cultural and travel industry, and it has nothing to do with the Internet. Are you still worried that Ernie will steal your company's projects? Xinyu, do you need to keep this a secret from me?"

Chen Xinyu looked apologetic, "Onie, this game is the first online game of our Xinya Network, and the chief producer of the game is Song Yi. This shows how much the company attaches importance to this game project, please don't embarrass me, okay? Okay?" Chen Xinyu acted coquettishly at her sister.

Chen Fuzhen was relieved when he heard what Chen Xinyu said. If it was a game project that Song Yi was personally responsible for, Chen Xinyu joined the game production team and was also responsible for planning.

According to Chen Fuzhen's understanding of Song Yi, Song Yi would definitely not give Chen Xinyu a free salary and support Chen Xinyu in the company.Then Song Yi will definitely make full use of his talents and let Chen Xinyu participate in the whole process of game production as much as possible. Every penny of Xinya's salary will not be in vain.

Racing game?Chen Fuzhen thought that New Asia Network was preparing to launch a AAA masterpiece similar to "Need for Speed".Chen Fuzhen knows that Chen Xinyu likes racing. When she travels to Europe, she often goes to F3 venues to watch races. She has always hoped that the F1 Grand Prix can be settled in South Korea.

If New Asia Network is really planning to launch a racing online game, it would be perfect to transfer Chen Xinyu to the game production team.

Chen Fuzhen and Chen Xinyu also chatted about New Asia Network's retail business, but Chen Xinyu had no knowledge of the retail business.Chen Fuzhen sighed. The eldest brother still expected Xinyu to go to Xinya Network to obtain some business information. According to Xinyu's character, I'm afraid Song Yi sold her and she would have to help count the money, right?
On June 6, the Chinese team faced Turkey, its last opponent in the group stage. At the end of the game, the Chinese team lost to Turkey 13-0.In the first two games, the Chinese team lost to Costa Rica 3-0 and Brazil 2-0, and there was no chance of qualifying for the group.The reason why everyone is paying so much attention to this game is to see if it is possible for the Chinese team to achieve a breakthrough of zero goals and whether any player can win the US$4 million goal award provided by Song Yi.

Now there are no fans to criticize Song Yi. Others, Song Yi, made it very clear in inschool.Regardless of whether the Chinese national team players score in any future World Cup, they will receive a US$100 million goal prize sponsored by Song Yi personally.

Song Yi's conditions have been relaxed. You can't say that the Chinese team will not be able to enter the World Cup in the next 20 years, right?
On June 6, the World Cup group stage ushered in the last day of competition. The South Korean team, ranked first in the group, faced the Portuguese team, ranked second in the group.

Although the South Korean team ranks first in the group, facing the Portuguese team led by Figo, the outside world is generally more optimistic about the Portuguese team, and the odds before the start of the game are also more inclined to the Portuguese team to win by a small score.

However, the game did not go as the Portuguese expected. In the 27th minute, Joao Pinto tackled Park Ji-sung and was sent off with a red card. In the 65th minute, Lee Yong-pyo was pushed down by Beto. Two yellow cards turned into a red card and he was sent off.The Portuguese players found that the situation was not good, and the numerical disadvantage of 9 to 11 made them passive.

Because the Polish team in the same group already leads the United States 3-0, as long as Portugal maintains a tie, it can qualify as second in the group, but the Koreans obviously want to prove themselves against Portugal.

In the 70th minute, Park Ji-sung received a pass from his teammate in the penalty area, stopped the ball with his chest, volleyed the ball with his right foot, and shot with his left foot. He eliminated Portugal with a very ornamental goal, and the United States in the same group. The team worked together to advance to the top 16 of the World Cup.

Just after the game, Kim Hyung-soo was ecstatic. He ran wildly on the lawn outside Song Yi's villa wearing Park Ji-sung's signed jersey.

Kim Tae Hee looked at his younger brother and tilted his head helplessly, "Hyung Soo seems to be stupid."

Song Yi watched Kim Hyung-soo imitate Park Ji-sung's goal-scoring action with a football, and envied the young Kim Hyung-soo for being able to enjoy the pure fun of football. "I have to say, it's great to be young!"

Kim Tae Hee snorted, "OPPA, you are only 26 years old this year, please don't talk like you are so old, okay?"

Jin Hyung-soo sprinted with the ball on the lawn a few times, and then ran to Song Yi with a look of anticipation, "Brother-in-law, can you take me to meet Park Ji-sung? I want to take a photo with him to commemorate it. I think Park Ji-sung must Will become the number one star in Asia."

Song Yi remembers that after the World Cup, Park Ji-sung joined Hiddink to coach PSV Eindhoven. Park Ji-sung's transfer fee also set a record for Asian players.After the contract with PSV ended, Park Ji-sung joined the European giants Manchester United.

The signing between Park Ji-sung and Eindhoven seems to have gone through some twists and turns. It was put on hold for a few months. Maybe New Asia Agency can win Park Ji-sung's management contract?

"No problem. When the Korean team's World Cup match is completely over, I will take you to see Park Ji-sung. Even if it is the signatures of all the Korean team players, it will not be a problem." Song Yi has everything covered, and with Zhou Mengquan here, these are not a problem.

During the group stage, Song Yi invested almost tens of millions of dollars in football betting. His current profit is almost 8000 to 550 million US dollars, and he still has enough left to buy a Gulfstream G[-].The next knockout stage is the highlight.


The odds of South Korea's 1-1 victory over Italy in regular time are 13.5, with a bet of US$8000 million, and the bookmaker will pay a compensation of US$10 billion.Although Song Yi diversified his bets and used overseas accounts to place bets, gaming companies will definitely notice that there is a large amount of foreign exchange funds flowing in and out of South Korea.

For gaming companies, the compensation of US$10 billion is enough to break their muscles, and Song Yi has no intention of just picking up the wool of one gaming company.

It's fine if Song Yi doesn't get along and continues to bet on the match between South Korea and Spain. Maybe South Korea and Spain can survive until the penalty shootout.

In April 02, in the winning odds issued by European betting companies, France and Argentina were the favorites, with odds of 4.
Italy has the second-highest odds of winning, with odds of 6.0, second only to defending champion France.Although the South Korean team qualified strongly with two wins and one draw, fans are still overwhelmingly optimistic about Italy's qualification.Otherwise, the South Korean team's odds of beating Italy 2-1 would not be as high as 13.5.

On the afternoon of the 15th, Song Yi was a little uneasy.Although he knew that it was a game with results first and then the process, he was still worried about what accidents might happen during the game.

Song Yi had no intention of staying in the company to watch the game. Today was Saturday and it was the Dragon Boat Festival, and there was no one else in the huge company.Kim Hyung-soo, Kim Jong-kook, and Cha Tae-hyun went to watch the game together.

Song Yi wanted to find someone to watch the game with and relieve the huge pressure in his heart.He also didn't want to return to Chengbeidong early. The sisters Jin Xiyuan and Jin Taexi knew Song Yi too well, and he didn't want to pass on this nervousness to them.

Song Yi suddenly remembered Chen Zaican and his wife who invited him to watch football at home. It seemed that he had no other more suitable place to go in Seoul.

Song Yi called Chen Zaican and explained the purpose of his visit. Chen Zaican was slightly stunned. He originally thought that Song Yi and Jin Jongguo went to watch the game together.

"Is it inconvenient? It's okay. I just don't want to stay in the company to watch the game alone. I bet on the South Korean team to win, so I'm a little nervous." Song Yi asked.

Chen Zaican laughed and couldn't help but tease Song Yi, "What is there to be nervous about? I also spent 200 million won to buy the Korean team to win. How much did you buy to make you so nervous?"

Song Yi didn't elaborate, "Forget it, I'll go over and meet you first. Do you have any beer at home?"

"Yes, there is food and drink, just come over." Chen Zaican reminded Song Yi.

When Cui Shanji learned that Song Yi came to watch football at home, she couldn't help but think about it.She didn't know if Song Yi understood her hint of inviting Song Yi to come over to watch the game. Moreover, today was the weekend and she happened to send her daughter to her parents' house for vacation. Now she and Chen Zaican were the only ones at home.

Last time Chen Zaican went to Busan to watch football, she asked Song Yi to come to her home to watch football together, but Song Yi politely declined.Now that Chen Zaican was at home at night, he came over to watch football again. She was a little confused now. Is Song Yi interested in her or not?Song Yi didn't expect that his impromptu idea would actually make Cui Shanji more nervous than him.
 The storyline of the World Cup will be over tomorrow. I relived the game again. The referee is really bad.
(End of this chapter)

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