I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 171 Song Miao’s new friend Zheng Xiujing

Chapter 171 Song Miao’s new friend Zheng Xiujing

Li Honey originally thought that Song Yi's parents were wealthy people from the Mainland, so they were able to raise Song Yi, a billionaire.Unexpectedly, Song Yi's mother was just a bank employee and his father was a university professor. Although his social status was very high, it did not help Song Yi much in starting his own business.

Zhou Shulan obviously put a lot of thought into entertaining Kim Tae Hee's family. She specially prepared traditional Korean barbecue.Various cuts of beef, pork, and chicken are available, as well as a variety of vegetables, kimchi, and Korean desserts.

In addition to Korean barbecue, Zhou Shulan also prepared authentic Northeastern food, and Song Yi actually saw Bingcheng red sausage on the dining table.

Song Yi was a little funny, "Mom, where did you buy this red sausage? Could it have been brought from China?"

"Yes, I brought it from home. Later I learned that it is also sold in Chinatown in Los Angeles, but it doesn't feel as authentic as in China." Zhou Shulan said.

It was also the first time for Jin’s mother to meet Song Yi’s mother, Zhou Shulan. Zhou Shulan had a cheerful personality and was eloquent, making people feel like old friends at first sight.

"My mother-in-law, I came to Seoul last year to attend my uncle's funeral, and I just wanted to take the time to meet you. At that time, Xiaoyi and Taixi had not been in love for a long time. It was a bit early to think about it, so I am embarrassed to disturb you. Now the two of us have not been in love for long. This child has reached the stage of marriage, and as a mother, I have just met the girl’s parents for the first time, which is really rude.” Zhou Shulan said.

Mother Kim knew that Zhou Shulan was the niece of Zhou Zhengyong, the founder of Hyundai Group, and Zhou Shulan’s mother was Zhou Zhengyong’s sister who had been exiled to North Korea.

Mother Jin observed Zhou Shulan. Although Song Yi would definitely stay in Seoul after marriage, and Kim Tae Hee did not have to live with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, whether her mother-in-law was easy to get along with or not determined the quality of Kim Tae Hee's post-marital life, and she had to treat it carefully.

"It doesn't matter. After all, Tae Hee will graduate next year, and the marriage will not be announced until then. In fact, when many Korean families get married, the children will not notify their parents to meet each other before they get married," said Kim's mother.

There is no need to prepare betrothal gifts for marriage in South Korea. Some families of the woman may even prepare dowry or expensive gifts for the man.

Koreans tend to favor sons over daughters. They are afraid that their daughters will not get married, so they keep giving money to the men.On the other hand, because many Korean women become full-time housewives after marrying their husbands, they will need their men to support them for the rest of their lives. In order to make their daughters live a better life with their husbands, they will give them dowry as a subsidy.

Because Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee received their certificates in advance this time and will hold a large wedding in Seoul next year, Jin Yuwen is planning to prepare a large dowry for Kim Tae Hee next year.At least it won't be a problem for Kim Tae Hee and her couple to buy another apartment in Seoul.

Dinner officially entered. When Kim Tae Hee and the others entered the spacious restaurant, they saw a long marble dining table for 20 people. The dining table and dining chairs were all Fendi. The oversized crystal chandelier above the dining table made Song Yi Reminds me of the Hogwarts opening party.

Zhou Shulan first expressed her apology, "My mother-in-law, I am very sorry. Due to time constraints, I did not buy authentic Korean beef today. I apologize for the poor hospitality."

Li Heni testified on behalf of Zhou Shulan and said to Jin's mother: "Aunt, Aunt Zhou traveled to many places today just to buy authentic Korean beef. In the end, she went to Koreatown in Los Angeles, but she still couldn't buy it."

Mother Jin knew that after Li Honey saw the luxury of the manor, she couldn't help but want to please Zhou Shulan, and she felt a little unhappy.

Kim Tae Hee is quite busy with work this year. After receiving some advertising endorsements, Kim Tae Hee, who has no time, will recommend Lee Honey to merchants.Li Honey has also taken on two or three small commercials, and is considered a somewhat famous advertising model.

If Lee Honey wants to enter the entertainment industry in the future, her biggest connection will be Kim Tae Hee.If Li Honey wants to get into a relationship with Song Yi or Zhou Shulan through Kim Tae Hee, then Kim Tae Hee's best friend will be in vain.

Kim’s mother knew that although her daughter Kim Tae Hee was very popular in college, she only had a handful of close friends, including senior sister Lee Hyun Jin and junior sister Lee Honey.

Compared to Lee Honey, Kim's mother still likes Lee Hyun-jin more. She feels that Lee Hyun-jin is not so scheming, and she really interacts with Kim Tae-hee with the mentality of making friends.Li Honey's purpose was obviously not that simple, but fortunately, Li Honey was a better person, so she didn't arouse Jin's mother's resentment.

The atmosphere of the dinner was quite pleasant. Jin's mother and Zhou Shulan both chatted about interesting things about Jin Taixi and Song Yi's childhood.

"My mother-in-law, don't look at Tae Hee who is very ladylike now. She was so naughty when she was a child. At that time, Hengzhu and Tae Hee were joking and closed the balcony door. Who knew that Tae Hee actually broke the balcony door with a fist, and then Entering the house. At that time, Hyung-soo was so frightened that he never dared to challenge his sister's authority again," said Kim's mother.

Song Yi heard about this for the first time and whispered to his girlfriend, "You still have such a violent side. If I had known you would be cast in "My Naughty Girlfriend", you are the real Sassy Girl!"

"Hmph! Are you afraid now? If you dare to do anything wrong to me, I will give you a slap!" Kim Tae Hee said proudly.

Jin Hyung-soo couldn't help but ask about the price of the manor, "Brother-in-law, how much does your manor cost? It feels like your manor is the largest private manor in the entire PV Island."

"It is not easy to buy an entire piece of land on PV Island. The building and the land together cost a total of about 2000 million U.S. dollars." Compared with the luxury homes in Yanjing and Puhai City that easily cost over [-] million, Song Yi I still think this private estate on PV Island is more livable.

The property rights of this estate were originally registered under the name of Blue Ocean Capital Foundation. After Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee get married, Song Yi will register the estate under Kim Tae Hee's name.Although the current price of US$2000 million seems very expensive, in a dozen years, a large number of Internet tycoons will gather on PV Island, and the price of such super luxury homes will be at least more than US$5000 million.

It was also the first time that Zhou Shulan knew the price of this manor. She originally wanted to scold her son for being a prodigal.But she couldn't deny that this mansion was a higher level than Lijing Garden in Yanjing.After Song Mingzhe retires, she can bring Song Mingzhe and Miaomiao to live here for a period of time every year.

After dinner, Kim Tae Hee and Lee Honey were ready to experience the infinity pool.Although there is a private swimming pool in the courtyard of the Seongbukdong villa, the area of ​​that swimming pool is obviously not comparable to the infinity pool in the current manor.

Kim Tae Hee and Lee Honey both put on one-piece swimsuits, one white and one black, like two mermaids.Song Miao was obviously more interested in the horse and took her grandma to feed the horse.

Kim Hyung-soo returned to the room and played "Pro Evolution Soccer 2002". Although the World Cup has ended, Kim Hyung-soo's passion for football has not diminished. He has led the South Korean team to win the World Cup many times in the game, and Park Ji-sung won the FIFA Golden Ball. prize.

Song Yi was lying on the lounge chair next to the swimming pool with his eyes closed and concentrating. Jin's mother brought a plate of washed fruits, "Xiao Yi, there are washed fruits here, remember to take them and eat them."

Hearing Jin's mother's voice, Song Yi quickly sat up, "Thank you, auntie, I can do it. Taehee, Ha Ni, auntie brought some fruit. When you are tired from swimming, remember to come up and eat the fruit."

Jin Taexi nodded to Song Yi, indicating that he heard it, and then continued swimming.She and Li Honey swam to the opposite side of the swimming pool, where the two best friends were whispering.Their topic seemed to be related to Song Yi, and Kim Tae Hee was overjoyed.

Song Yi noticed that Jin's mother was sitting next to him and did not return to the villa. He realized that Jin's mother might have something to talk to him about, "Auntie, do you want to ask me something?"

Jin's mother was a little cautious, but it was related to her daughter's happiness and she couldn't be careless. "Xiao Yi, I know you are a good boy and you will never hide anything from your aunt. You and Xiyuan are together every day. Have you noticed that she has a boyfriend?" Are you friends?"

Song Yi's heart tightened. He knew that he would have to pass this test sooner or later.Obviously, the mother-in-law had noticed some clues, so she came to Song Yi for confirmation.

Song Yi had no choice but to pretend to be deaf and dumb, "Really? No, right? If Sister Xiyuan has a boyfriend, she will definitely tell Taixi immediately and let us help her check it."

Mother Jin paid attention to Song Yi's expression, hoping to find evidence that Song Yi was lying, but Song Yi's eyes did not dodge. Could it be that she had guessed wrong?
"Although I have never been to the apartment Xiyuan bought in Seocho District, I heard Tae Hee describe it as a new community with mature commercial facilities and a large area. The price is definitely not cheap."

"I know that your New Asia Media Real Estate Group is developing very fast, but Xiyuan can't afford that apartment just with her salary and dividends in the past two years. This child Xiyuan is very careful and has things hidden in her heart. Don’t want to talk to me.”

"She suddenly quit the Catholic Church last year and almost made her father half angry to death. If I didn't believe in Xiyuan's character, I almost thought she was being taken care of by some big shot and became the secret lover of a powerful man." Jin's mother sighed. He took a breath and said worriedly.

Song Yi coughed and almost choked. Strictly speaking, Song Yi did support Jin Xiyuan.

"Auntie, don't worry. Sister Xiyuan is not a vain woman. If she wanted to marry into a wealthy family, she would not have refused the pursuit of those second-generation chaebols when she was working at Korean Air."

"Although Xiyuan looks weak in front of you, she is a well-known business woman in the Korean entertainment industry. No matter how big-name an actor sees her, she must be polite. She is not short of money now. If you don't lack social status, why would you want to be the lover of a big shot?" Song Yi comforted Jin's mother.

Jin's mother was even more worried, "According to what you said, then Xiyuan's love for him stems from true love? If so, wouldn't it be more difficult for Xiyuan to get rid of this relationship? If one day her man doesn't want her, If so, wouldn’t she be trapped by love?”

Song Yi braced himself. He felt that every word of Jin's mother meant something. Now Jin's mother believed that Jin Xiyuan had a boyfriend outside, and she hid her boyfriend's identity and refused to tell him. The family revealed nothing.

"Auntie, I really didn't find that Xiyuan is dating anyone. Let's do this. After I return to Seoul this time, I will pay close attention to it. If I find any bad signs, I will consult Taixi for his opinion and intervene in time. Do you think it's okay to deal with it so that they don't make a big mistake?" Song Yi was shouting to catch the thief.

Jin's mother understood what Song Yi meant and became even more worried. It turned out that Taixi really knew about Song Yi and Xiyuan's relationship.

She felt that Kim Tae Hee's thinking was too simple. Maybe Kim Hee Won would not compete with Kim Tae Hee for the title of wife.But if Jin Xiyuan and Song Yi have their own children, it is not impossible for the sisters to turn against each other or even break up in order for their children to inherit more family property.When the time comes, which daughter will she support?
Jin's mother felt that Song Yi was the culprit. She didn't know what sweet words Song Yi used to confuse the Jin Xiyuan sisters and make them follow Song Yi willingly.If possible, she would rather Kim Tae Hee not marry Song Yi now.

Song Yi didn't know that Jin's mother had already regarded him as the scumbag of the century who had two things to do.Kim's mother knew that her objections were of no avail. Kim Yu-moon also counted on Sohan.com's logistics business to help the company grow and develop. Kim Hyung-soo obviously admired his capable brother-in-law who had a lot of money.Kim Tae Hee is a contracted artist of New Asia Media, and Kim Hee Won is the president of New Asia Agency.Unknowingly, almost everyone in Kim Tae Hee's family was bribed by Song Yi.Mother Jin was shocked. Could it be that Song Yi had planned it when he visited her home for the first time?

Kim Tae Hee swam for a while and walked ashore. There was an outdoor fireplace next to the lounge chair area of ​​the swimming pool. Kim Tae Hee did not feel cold.

She pricked a piece of dragon fruit and put it in her mouth, not forgetting to thank her, "Thank you, Mom, for the fruit."

Mother Jin is obviously still angry that Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi worked together to conceal Jin Xiyuan's affairs, "I just borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha. Your mother-in-law bought these fruits. If you want to thank me, thank your future mother-in-law more."

Kim Tae Hee grasped Mama Jin's emotions, walked forward, and hugged Mama Jin's neck affectionately, "Mom Ou, did Song Yi make you angry just now? Tell me, and I will help you teach him a lesson and beat him to death. Butt blossoms.”

Song Yi probably guessed what Jin's mother was thinking, and begged for mercy again and again, "Don't talk nonsense, how dare I make Auntie angry? What if Auntie gets angry and doesn't marry her daughter to me?"

Mother Jin snorted and suddenly said, "Song Yi, please make it clear first, which of my daughters do you want to marry?"

Song Yi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. As expected, no mother-in-law is easy to get along with.Although Song Yi was not married in his previous life, he was always urged to get married by his girlfriend's mothers in various ways.

Jin Taixi also heard what Jin's mother meant, and quickly tried to persuade her, "Mom Ou, are you confused? I am Song Yi's girlfriend, and Song Yi can only marry your youngest daughter. Why, are you cooperating with me?" Seeing that Song Yi is getting rich, are you going to marry your eldest daughter to him? Even if I am willing, my sister won’t!"

Kim’s mother was immediately disturbed by Kim Tae Hee’s gag, “What nonsense are you talking about! Even if you are willing to do it! Do you think this is the Lee Dynasty’s Joseon Dynasty? A man can marry three wives and four concubines? How can I have you? Such a confused daughter!”

Song Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the hurdle before him was finally passed.He didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he planned to go back to the house first and let Kim Tae Hee take Li Ha Ni and Kim's mother to experience the villa's SPA room. The manor was equipped with two female therapists to provide SPA services to guests after swimming.

The next afternoon, Song Yi took Jin Taixi and Song Miao to go horse riding. Jin Taixi sat on the horse, holding Song Miao in front, and the groom led the horse to walk on the wide grassland next to the cliff.

Song Yi suggested to his girlfriend, "Taixi, there is a glass church nearby. The church is made of stones piled on the cliff. Except for the wooden supports, the exterior walls of the church are almost entirely made of glass. You can have a panoramic view of the mountains and sea. . Many Hollywood movies have been filmed in this church, and we can also hold a small wedding in this church. I happen to be free today, how about we go and see it together?"

Kim Tae Hee naturally followed Song Yi's advice, and two tall brown horses walked slowly towards the glass church.

The Glass Church is indeed a well-known attraction on PV Island, and many tourists come here to check in and take photos.Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee, who were sitting on the horses, attracted a lot of attention. They thought for a while that a crew was filming nearby.

Song Miao, who was sitting on the horse, suddenly heard a little girl's surprised voice, "Mom, Dad, look, there are two horses over there. Is there a horse rental company nearby? Can I ride a horse?"

Song Miao glanced at the little girl and saw that the little girl had a pair of ponytails and overalls. She seemed to be about the same age as her, but she had a little baby fat and a pair of big black and bright eyes.

Song Miao sounded very proud, "There are no horses for rent around here. These are our own horses. We take them out for a ride."

The little girl heard Song Miao's words clearly and looked at Song Miao with some envy. She knew that the family that could raise horses nearby must be rich or noble, and she was sensible and didn't want to cause trouble to her parents.

The little girl's father quickly comforted his daughter, "Er Mao, when we return to San Francisco, I will take you to the ranch. There are also horses in the ranch. How about I let you ride for a day?"

Song Yi glanced at the little girl and felt that she looked familiar. He turned over and dismounted, "It's okay. Although our horses are not rented out, it's okay to lend them to guests for riding."

The little girl's father was a little embarrassed when he heard what Song Yi said, "Thank you so much. I am Zheng Chaodong, and this is my daughter Zheng Xiujing. Are you Korean or Chinese?"

Song Yi smiled, and it turned out that he was really an "acquaintance." He took the initiative to reach out and said, "Hello, I am Song Yi, coming from Seoul."

After obtaining her father's permission, Jung Soo-jing climbed onto the horse happily. Jung Soo-jing's mother, Li Jingshu, sat on the horse and hugged Jung Soo-jing from behind.

Song Miao looked at Zheng Xiujing, full of curiosity about this child of the same age, "Hello, my name is Song Miao, you can call me Miaomiao. What is your name?"

Jessica Jung is not a shy person, "Hello, my name is Jessica Jung, you can also call me Krystal."

Zheng Chaodong was very surprised when he heard that Song Yi and the others were from Seoul, and he quickly switched to Korean to talk to Song Yi.Zheng Chaodong said that he is a Korean American. He used to be a boxer and now runs a small business. Because his eldest daughter is a trainee in Seoul, he now splits his time between Seoul and San Francisco.

Song Yi secretly smiled inwardly, but asked Zheng Chaodong seriously, "Really? Is the entertainment agency your eldest daughter signed with a big company? I also have a media company under my name, so I might have heard of her company's name."

Zheng Chaodong looked proud, "Xiuyan is a trainee of SM Entertainment. She has been a trainee of SM Entertainment for two years."

Song Yi pretended to be surprised, "Really? That's such a coincidence. My good friend's daughter Xu Zhuxian is also a trainee of SM Entertainment. She joined SM Entertainment this year. I have been to SM Entertainment several times, so it should be I’ve met your eldest daughter, is her English name Jessica?”

When Zheng Chaodong heard what Song Yi said, he felt a little unbelievable. He was just traveling to PV Island, but he could actually meet someone who knew his eldest daughter Zheng Xiuyan?
But he knew that there was no need for Song Yi to lie. This lie could be easily exposed. When he returned to Seoul, he would ask his daughter Jessica to find out if SM Entertainment had Seo Joo Hyun as a trainee.

Moreover, he had heard of Seo Joo Hyun's name at the end of June. Seo Joo Hyun is considered to be the trainee with the most background in SM Entertainment.

When Seo Joo Hyun celebrated her birthday, all the trainees of SM Entertainment came out to help her celebrate, and even Lee Soo Man showed up later.Seo Joo Hyun has since been nicknamed the little princess of SM Entertainment.

Zheng Chaodong saw Song Yi's pomp today, with bodyguards accompanying him and professional grooms responsible for training the horses. In addition, Song Miao said, "These horses are raised by our family."Zheng Chaodong realized in his heart that maybe Xu Zhuxian's background actually came from the mysterious young man in front of him.

Zheng Chaodong was going to search Song Yi's information on Naver at night. It was obvious that a Korean rich man who could buy such a large property in the United States could not be an unknown person.

Song Yi guessed Zheng Chaodong's little thoughts, but he didn't care, "It's rare for Miaomiao to meet such a close friend of the same age here. Are you going back today, or do you plan to stay at PV Island for a few more days?"

Zheng Chaodong was overjoyed when he heard Song Yi's words. If Zheng Xiujing really made friends with the little princess of the Song family, then Zheng Xiuyan's treatment in SM Entertainment would be much better.

"We are going to stay on PV Island for one day today and go to Catalina Island opposite for vacation tomorrow." Zheng Chaodong explained their arrangements.

Song Yi glanced at the two little ones riding side by side under the sunset, and said to Zheng Chaodong: "Really? That's quite a coincidence. We also plan to go to Catalina Island. Our yacht is docked in Cabo Lilo Pier, we plan to go out to sea tomorrow, would you like to be our companions?"

When Zheng Chaodong heard Song Yi's invitation, he felt a little embarrassed. Although he had a small fortune, he was still insignificant compared to Song Yi who owned a private yacht.If two families become friends and only make one-sided contributions, then the friendship is destined to not last long.By then he will most likely become a follower of billionaire Song Yi.
Song Yi knew that his proposal might hurt Zheng Chaodong's self-esteem. Korean men have the highest self-esteem in the world, so most of the time they will use the spiritual victory method to comfort themselves.

He pretended not to notice, exchanged contact information with Zheng Chaodong, and agreed to meet again in Seoul.When Zheng Chaodong learned that Song Yi lived in Chengbeidong, he finally understood Song Yi's identity, a proper chaebol.

When Zheng Xiujing came back from riding, Zheng Chaodong and his wife Li Jingshu mentioned that Song Yi invited them to go to sea together. After hearing this, Li Jingshu and Zheng Xiujing's eyes suddenly lit up, and they quickly persuaded Zheng Chaodong to agree.

Zheng Chaodong also talked about the relationship between Song Yi and them. Li Jingshu quickly advised her husband to seize the opportunity, "Song Yi can specifically mention Xu Zhuxian. He obviously attaches great importance to his friend's daughter. Now Jessica and Xu Zhuxian are trainees of the same group in SM Entertainment, Krystal I became friends with Song Miao again, why don’t you seize such a good opportunity?”

"Do you know who the beautiful woman who led Song Miao on horseback is?" Li Jingshu asked Zheng Chaodong.

"Who?" Zheng Chaodong rarely pays attention to Korean entertainment news, so it's normal that he doesn't know Kim Tae Hee.

"She is Song Yi's fiancée Kim Tae Hee, who is also a very well-known advertising actress in South Korea. Song Miao is Song Yi's biological niece. Song Yi has always raised Song Miao as her own daughter. Chaodong, give up your ridiculous self-esteem, mostly for Da Mao and Er Mao should think about it." Li Jingshu advised her husband.

Zheng Chaodong heard what Li Jingshu said and finally made up his mind, "Okay, Song Yi told me their departure time. If we are going to go to sea together, we can meet their family at the dock then."

"By the way, we are going to make friends with Song Yi and others for the future of Da Mao and Er Mao. Don't see Song Yi as a handsome young man and join him yourself." Zheng Chaodong reminded in a low voice.Li Jingshu used to be a gymnast. Although she has two daughters, she maintains a very good figure.

"What are you talking about? Someone else has such a beautiful girlfriend, and they still like me, a married woman?" When Li Jingshu came back on horseback, she noticed that Song Yi had quietly looked at the curves behind her, and she retorted without confidence.

 Thank you for your votes, see you all tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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