I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 180 Lively Night (Let’s talk about the update schedule in September)

Chapter 180 Lively Night (Let’s talk about the update schedule in September)

When Chen Fuzhen saw that the serious talk was over, he stood up and prepared to leave.She was wearing a beige dress today, paired with a white shawl, and flesh-colored stockings that made her legs extremely slender.

Song Yi followed Chen Fuzhen to the study door. When Chen Fuzhen was about to open the door, Song Yi stopped Chen Fuzhen from behind.

Chen Fuzhen turned around and came face to face with Song Yi. He looked at Song Yi with a half-smile, "President Song looked tired when he just came home. Now he is full of energy after eating a bowl of rice noodles? He has the strength to bully me again?" Is this weak woman okay?"

Song Yi pressed Chen Fuzhen against the door, and the two bodies were close to each other. Song Yi looked at Chen Fuzhen with burning eyes, "The main reason is that I haven't seen Sister Fuzhen for a long time, so I miss her very much."

Chen Fuzhen felt the changes in Song Yi's body, and his expression became colder, "Really? If you really miss me, you won't find a reason to date me. The last time we met, I was sending Xinyu to work in Xinya Building .”

"President Song, don't you really enjoy the feeling of women taking the initiative? Isn't there a woman in the whole of Korea that you can't pick up? So it gave you an illusion that you really thought that you were the king of North Korea, and all your women should be waiting for you. Come to favor me? Not today, my good days are coming." Chen Fuzhen declined.

Song Yi originally wanted to give up, but when he heard Chen Fuzhen say this, he suddenly laughed. Chen Fuzhen was like a little woman fighting wits with him at this moment. "you are lying."

After Chen Fuzhen heard Song Yi accurately report her good life cycle, Chen Fuzhen couldn't help but screamed, "Are you a pervert? You even have to remember this date of a woman. Huh, you have so many women, you should be very secretive." Is it hard?"

Seeing that Chen Fuzhen's expression improved, Song Yi knew that she was only half-hearted now. After all, the two of them hadn't been together for two months.

He didn't want to be rude to the beauty, so he pulled Chen Fuzhen into the bathroom in the study, "I have been interrogated like a prisoner for a whole day today. My back is sore. As my wife, do you have the obligation to rub my lower back?"

Chen Fuzhen knew that no one would come into Song Yi's study, and wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with Song Yi, but she still said arrogantly, "Who is your wife? Your wife, Miss Jin Taixi, is waiting for you downstairs. Well, be careful I squeeze you dry today so that you can’t pay the public food.”

To be on the safe side, Song Yi locked the door of the study room while Chen Fuzheng was helping Song Yi find a razor.Song Yi was a little strange, "Why do you need a razor? Can you use it?"

Chen Fuzhen saw the evil smile on Song Yi's face and knew that he was thinking wrongly. He rolled his eyes at her very charmingly and said, "Even if I can use it, I don't need your help. I originally wanted to help you shave. If you don't appreciate it, forget it. You If you don’t shave, you won’t be able to kiss me later.”

Song Yi quickly surrendered, "I'll shave, I'll shave myself, I don't need you to do it."

Chen Fuzhen looked at the toiletries in the bathroom and nodded with satisfaction, "I didn't expect you have quite good taste. The ones I usually use are from the same brand."

Song Yi took a look and said, "I don't know about this. Taixi bought these. Maybe you women have similar tastes?"

Chen Fuzhen was taking off her clothes. Although they were already an old couple, she still turned her back to Song Yi and was unwilling to meet Song Yi frankly. Not only that, Chen Fuzhen also didn't forget to put a big bath towel around herself and wrap her head around it. Put on a towel, and then carefully sit in the bathtub, just like soaking in a hot spring.

Fortunately, the bathtub in the study room is big enough. Song Yi had tried taking a bath with three people before and it didn't feel crowded.When Chen Fuzhen saw Song Yi sitting naked in front of her, she felt it was a bit annoying and patted Song Yi, "Turn around, why don't you ask me to rub your back? Why are you rubbing it against me?"

Song Yi felt a little aggrieved, "Didn't you say you would help me shave? My back is to you, how can you help me shave."

Chen Fuzhen was annoyed, "Shave it yourself! Do you really treat me like your wife? In the past few years since you came to Korea, have you learned the stinky habits of Korean men's machismo?"

Song Yi sat in the bathtub, enjoying Chen Fuzhen's bathing service.Chen Fuzhen made bubbles with his little hand, and then scraped Song Yi's back, making the tired Song Yi moan in comfort.

Chen Fuzhen's face turned red and he slapped Song Yi on the buttocks. "Can you be more serious? People who don't know may think I'm doing something bad."

Song Yi was satisfied. He felt that his years of business in South Korea were not in vain. The dream girl of many Koreans, the always proud Princess Sanxing, docilely gave him a bath.Song Yi suddenly thought of Chen Xinyu, who had a pure face and a hot figure. If the three-star eldest princess and the little princess served him together, then what else would he want from a husband in this life?
Chen Fuzhen definitely didn't expect that Song Yi, who was with her, would still miss her sister. If she knew what Song Yi was thinking, she would probably not be able to help but break Song Yi's third leg.

While Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen were enjoying a good time in the bathroom, Kim Tae Hee was leaving Cui Shan Hee to spend the night at home downstairs.

"Sister Shan Ji, it's already so late now. By the time you drive home, take a shower and go to bed, it will probably be delayed until twelve o'clock. Tomorrow you have to go to the company early to prepare materials to deal with the media reporters who come to interview. . How about you give Brother Zai Chan a call and tell him that I want to keep you overnight. Then I will drive Song Yi to the guest bedroom and we can chat for a while." Kim Tae Hee hugged Cui Shan Ji's arm and said, Don't let her leave.

Ever since Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee came back from the United States, Song Yi had slept with Kim Tae Hee basically every night. The young couple were indeed newlyweds and very loving.If Kim Tae Hee hadn't consciously taken some contraceptive measures, she would have been pregnant long ago.

Jin Xiyuan happened to stay in Chengbei Cave for the night tonight, and Jin Taexi also wanted to create a chance for her sister and Song Yi.Jin Xiyuan understood Kim Tae Hee's hint and was embarrassed to say whether she agreed or disagreed.

Cui Shanji saw that Kim Taehee was sincere in keeping her, so she agreed. "I don't need to call, just send a text message to Zai Can later. Since I'm staying the night, I'll go to the study to talk to Song Yi first."

She checked the time and felt that Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen should have almost finished talking. She first took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Chen Zaican, "It's late to get off work today. I will stay at Song Yi's house for one night. Remember tomorrow morning." Send my daughter to school.”

Chen Zaican's reply was quick, "I understand, wife. Have a good rest tonight, thank you for your hard work."

Cui Shanji felt a little embarrassed after reading the text message, and complained to Chen Zaican, "What do you mean by having a good rest tonight? Could it be a misunderstanding on Zaican's part?" She walked to the door of Song Yi's study and knocked on the door, but no one responded.

She was a little strange, "President, are you still in the study?" Perhaps it was because Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen stayed in the bathroom and played, neither of them heard Cui Shanji's call to the door.

Cui Shanji's heart moved and she secretly turned the study door lock. She found that the study door had been locked.

Cui Shanji guessed that Chen Fuzhen hadn't left yet. She couldn't help but admire Song Yi's courage and dared to lock Chen Fuzhen in the study.She pressed her ear to the door, trying hard to hear something, but she heard nothing except a slight laugh.

She secretly speculated in her heart that this guy Song Yi must have slept with Chen Fuzhen, right?By the way, aren't Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen difficult to deal with?Are these two people deliberately pretending to be at odds?
As the daughter-in-law of the Samsung family, Cui Shanji had always had a normal relationship with Chen Fuzhen. Chen Fuzhen looked down on her as a cousin at all, even though she was also from a famous family.If Song Yi really sleeps with Chen Fuzhen, Cui Shanji will definitely support it with both hands. No matter how powerful you Chen Fuzhen is, you are just one of Song Yi's lovers. Everyone is half-hearted, so what is there to be proud of?

She found that Song Yi seemed to specifically pick on rich ladies, first her, then Gao Xianzhen, and now Chen Fuzhen. She felt that all the women in the Samsung family had been harmed by Song Yi.Not only that, Cui Shanji felt that the relationship between Song Yi, Song Suying and Zheng Eunxuan was not so innocent.

Cui Shanji already knows Song Yi's preference for women. He either likes to conquer wealthy ladies with status, status and figure, or he likes young and beautiful celebrities.

Cui Shanji, who had suspicions in her mind, quietly went downstairs. Kim Taehee asked her, "Have you finished talking about Oppa?"

Cui Shanji's expression remained unchanged, "No, Song Yi asked us to rest first. Taixi, the bathtub in your master bedroom is so big, why don't we both take a bath together?" Cui Shanji suddenly suggested.

When Kim Tae Hee heard what Cui Shan Ji said, she looked a little nervous, "Sister Sun Ji, do you like women? I can't do anything to displease Oppa." Cui Shan Ji had a black line on her face, "You girl, you have random thoughts. What, my daughter is so old, how can she like women? You go to the United States this time, have you changed from a girl to a woman? Sister, I want to tell you some tips to help you retain a man faster In your heart, there are countless little goblins in the entertainment industry who want to eat Song Yi, a piece of Tang Monk meat. You have to feed Song Yi at home, so he doesn’t have time to eat it outside."

Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen stayed in the bathroom for nearly an hour. When Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen walked out of the bathroom, Song Yi looked refreshed and exhausted, while Chen Fuzhen's face was rosy and as beautiful as a flower.

In fact, at first, Chen Fuzhen helped Song Yi rub his back, and then Song Yi took the initiative to help Chen Fuzhen take a bath. Later, it became Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen doing spa treatments for each other. If they weren't worried about someone bumping in, Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen would be like mandarin ducks taking a bath. I think it can take an hour or two to wash.

Chen Fuzhen changed his clothes and looked up at his watch, "Oh no, it's almost eleven o'clock. Yuan Zhong must have woken up by now. He is probably crying at home."

Song Yi was also embarrassed to continue to force Chen Fuzhen to stay, and hugged Chen Fuzhen affectionately, "Now even if there are some rumors from the outside world, I can handle it. Samsung Everland has already made plans to introduce giant pandas. It will be announced on October [-]st In the future, two giant pandas will be sent over, and I will also attend the celebrations of the Chinese Embassy in South Korea."

In fact, the reason why China agreed to rent two giant pandas to South Korea has a lot to do with Park Donghao being elected mayor of Seoul. 2002 marks the tenth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea. The new mayor of Seoul is also pro-China, so China is naturally willing to add to the friendly relations between China and South Korea.

Chen Fuzhen thoughtfully helped Song Yi adjust the collar of his shirt, and kissed Song Yi on the cheek, "I know, thank you, husband." The matter of renting pandas finally came to fruition, which added a powerful weight to Chen Fuzhen's competition for the president of Samsung Everland. With such a reliable man to rely on, Chen Fuzhen rarely showed the tenderness of a little woman.

Song Yi sent Chen Fuzhen to the underground garage. The driver opened the door for Chen Fuzhen, and Chen Fuzhen waved goodbye to Song Yi.Because outsiders were present, Chen Fuzhen instantly became aloof again.Song Yi left the garage. In the elevator, he recalled Chen Fuzhen's passionate appearance in the bathroom and shook his head, "He is really a fickle little goblin!"

When Song Yi returned to the villa, he found that the door of the master bedroom had been locked. Song Yi didn't know that Cui Shanji stayed in the villa overnight, "Taixi, why did you lock the door?"

At this time, Cui Shanji's proud laughter came from the master bedroom, "Song Yi, Taixi wants to sleep with me tonight. You can sleep alone today."

Song Yi didn't expect Cui Shanji to stay the night, and he couldn't help but feel regretful.If Cui Shanji and Jin Xiyuan slept in the same bed, he might just squeeze into the bed shamelessly.Tae Hee is too thin-skinned, and she will definitely not want to accompany him in his mischief.

He then remembered that Jin Xiyuan also stayed in Chengbeidong tonight, so he eagerly went to Jin Xiyuan's bedroom, but unexpectedly Jin Xiyuan also locked the door.

Song Yi was rejected twice in a row and suddenly became confused, "Xiyuan, I'm Song Yi. I was kicked out by Taixi tonight, and you won't take me in either?"

Jin Xiyuan in the room covered her head with the quilt and barely suppressed her laughter. "President Song, did you do something to be sorry for Taixi, so you were shut out by her? Did you and Chen Fuzhen talk about things in the study for too long, making Taixi jealous?"

When Song Yi heard this, he felt that what Jin Xiyuan said made sense. He asked tentatively, "What I talked about with Chen Fuzhen today were all relatively important matters, which involved many people and many transactions. Chen Fuzhen was considered a middleman. By the way, Did any of you go to the study again later? I was probably concentrating on business at the time, so I didn’t hear the knock on the door."

Jin Xiyuan didn't know that Song Yi was deceiving her, "Didn't Sister Shan Ji say she wanted to stay the night? She said she would go up and say hello to you. Didn't you say we would talk very late tonight? Let Taixi and the others rest first." Sister Shan Ji is pretending to pass on the imperial edict?"

When Song Yi heard what Jin Xiyuan said, he already wanted to rush into the master bedroom, pull Cui Shanji out of bed, and then spank her.No, according to Cui Shanji's personality, she might think that she is rewarding her.

He was actually worried that Kim Tae Hee would later go to the study and find that the door was locked. If Kim Hee Won and Cui Shan Ji found out that he had locked the study door, even if they knew that Song Yi and Chen Fuzhen were hanging out in the study, Kim Hee Won would tolerate her.Although Kim Tae Hee is the empress of the main palace on the surface, in fact Kim Hee Won is more imposing as the master of the harem.

"Xiyuan, the very important thing that Chen Fuzhen and I discussed is related to the subsequent listing plan of New Asia Media Real Estate. Xiyuan, please open the door first, and we will discuss it first. There are many things you need to do when you arrive at the company tomorrow. Deal with it urgently." Song Yi lied seriously.

Jin Xiyuan knew Song Yi's personality, so she opened the bedroom door doubtfully, "Let's make an agreement first. After we finish talking about things, you can go back to the guest bedroom and go to sleep. Don't stay in my room."

As soon as Song Yi entered the bedroom, he immediately locked the bedroom door, then hugged Jin Xiyuan and walked to the bed.

Jin Xiyuan was held on Song Yi's shoulders, and she slapped Song Yi's back unwillingly, "Song Yi, you bastard, I trust you so much, you actually attacked me sneakily."

"This is not a sneak attack, this is a night attack. This is a war that never tires of deceit. Chen Fuzhen and I have already reached an agreement. From now on, we just have to cooperate with those big guys." Song Yi said.

"What about Li Enzhu?" Jin Xiyuan asked her most concerned question.

"Kim Sung-hoon and her manager will be severely punished by the law. Except for the first vice president of SK Telecom who forced her, other customers who have received sexual services will apologize to her and give her a compensation. She will immigrate to Germany, then find a small city to settle down and become an ordinary office worker," Song Yi said.

When Jin Xiyuan heard what Song Yi said, although she felt a little aggrieved for Li Enzhu, she also knew that this was the best result Song Yi could get for Li Enzhu. "Being an ordinary office worker in Germany is much happier than being a famous actor in the Korean entertainment industry. South Korea is really a country that makes ordinary people feel suffocated."

"Young people in South Korea seem to have no tomorrow. Young people in the company can work ten hours a day and still have the energy to go to nightclubs at night. When they get home at one or two in the morning, they can still get up and take the subway to work in the company in the morning." Jin Xiyuan was deeply touched.

Song Yi suddenly revealed the truth, "It's not that they have no tomorrow, but they don't have a partner. If they go home like me and can sleep with beautiful women in their arms, why do they need to go to nightclubs to release their energy?"

Jin Xiyuan laughed at Song Yi, "The male-to-female ratio in South Korea is 0.99 to 1. Everyone should only have one partner, but you bastard has taken over several beauties by yourself. How can they find a partner? Is this what you said before? If you live alone, if you are rich, you will have many wives and concubines'?"

Song Yi felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat, "When did I ever say this to you? Don't slander me. If Taixi hears it, I will probably have to sleep in the study for a month."

Jin Xiyuan felt that Song Yi's hand had penetrated into her pajamas. She was a little ticklish, "President, didn't you say you want to talk about work with me? Is this how you talk about work with your subordinates every day?"

Maybe it was because Li Enzhu's matter was resolved, Song Yi was really in a good mood today. It was almost early in the morning, but he didn't feel sleepy at all. "This matter is relatively confidential. You have to get closer so that I can whisper to you."

There are a total of three bedrooms on the second floor where Song Yi lives, all of which are suite designs, one master bedroom, two secondary bedrooms, and an additional dressing room in the master bedroom.In the past, there was Song Yi's room, Kim Hee Won's room, and Kim Tae Hee's room.After Kim Tae Hee moved to the master bedroom, Kim Tae Hee's room became vacant.If Song Yi comes back late, Song Yi will not go back to the master bedroom so as not to disturb Kim Tae Hee's rest.

Because he was so familiar with the layout of the room, he didn't bother to turn on the light and just got into the quilt and started to sleep.As a result, when he got under the quilt and was about to rest, a soft and plump woman hugged him from behind. The woman smiled slightly and said, "President Song, I have been waiting on your bed for so long. You haven't returned to your room to sleep for a long time. Where are you going?" Did you steal someone?"

Song Yi turned over and pressed the woman under him, "Sister Shanji, you came into my room in the middle of the night, aren't you afraid that Brother Zaican will know?"

Cui Shanji put her arms around Song Yi's back and deliberately teased Song Yi, "I'll stay at your house tonight, but I've already informed Zaican."

This is really a lively and tiring night.
 If you have something to do tonight, please update in advance.Thank you all for your support this month.

  A total of 15 words were updated in August, which can only be said to be unsatisfactory, after all, I took several days off.

  I plan to update 20 words in September, and the progress of the novel will be further accelerated. Before the National Day, the timeline of the novel will almost reach the release of the Galaxy S1 smartphone, and the novel will officially enter the middle and late stages.
(End of this chapter)

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