I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 87 The stumbling Chen Zai-rong

Chapter 87 The stumbling Chen Zai-rong

Chen Tianqiao saw that Actoz's attitude had not relaxed. He had no way to raise more funds for the time being, so he was ready to go home.

Unexpectedly, before Chen Tianqiao returned to China, he actually received a call from Chen Zaiyong, wanting to talk to him about the agency rights issue for "Legend 2".

When Chen Tianqiao inquired, he found out that Chen Zai-rong was actually the crown prince of Samsung. He couldn't help but expect more from Chen Zai-rong.

Chen Zaiyong and Chen Tianqiao made an appointment to meet at a bar in Itaewon. When Chen Tianqiao came to the bar, Chen Zaiyong was enjoying the dancing of the beauties in the bar.

Chen Zaiyong greeted Chen Tianqiao, "Mr. Chen, right? Please sit down." Chen Tianqiao sat up, "I feel that Itaewon is more lively than our Xintiandi in Puhai."

"Really? There is always no shortage of beauties in places where rich people gather. Mr. Chen, what would you like to drink? I'm treating you today." Chen Zaiyong was not in a hurry and first observed Chen Tianqiao.If Chen Tianqiao is not capable enough and cannot cause trouble to Song Yi, there is no need for him to take action.

"Water will do, thank you." Chen Tianqiao greeted the bartender calmly. The agency rights for "Legend 2" had not yet been confirmed, and he was not in the mood for fun, nor was he afraid of the disdainful look from the waiter.

Chen Zaiyong nodded, "Samsung is also a shareholder of Actoz. I heard that Mr. Chen's company wants to represent Actoz's online game "Legend 2". Are you having some trouble?"

Chen Tianqiao nodded, "To tell you the truth, Representative Cui has rejected our company. He is not satisfied with our agency fee."

Chen Zaiyong understood clearly, "Xinya Network proposed an agency plan of US$2 million over two years. Your company's US$100 per year is indeed a bit low."

Chen Tianqiao knew it well, and he also inquired about the background of New Asia Network.Behind New Asia Network is a medium-sized media group that is involved in advertising, music, movies, the Internet, and investment. It is indeed not something that the current Shanda Network can compete with.

Chen Tianqiao doesn't mind exposing his shortcomings, "I can think of another way to finance it, but what I'm worried about is that if I increase the agency fee to 50, or even 60 US dollars a year, if New Asia Network raises the quotation again, our Shanda won't have it." There’s a way.”

Chen Zaiyong picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Chen Tianqiao, "Mr. Chen seems to be very optimistic about the game "Legend 2"?"

Chen Tianqiao took a sip of water, "The mainland's Internet market is developing rapidly. Now almost every county has at least one Internet cafe. The users of Internet cafes and the users of online games are highly overlapping, and they also have purchasing power and are willing to pay for games."

"I can also play online games at home. When I was working at China.com, I was quite optimistic about the development prospects of online games in the mainland market. Before coming to Korea, I played all the online games on the market in Korean Internet cafes, and finally selected " "Legend 2". For this online game, I have a complete set of operation and promotion plans." Chen Tianqiao talked about it.

Chen Zaiyong has a good impression of Chen Tianqiao. He is at least a very pragmatic person.

"Therefore, the method of using military force is to encircle it at ten points and attack at five points. According to my estimate, if you want to offer a price that New Asia Network cannot match, unless it is ten times their quoted price, that is, US$500 million a year. ." Chen Zaiyong expressed his thoughts.

Chen Tianqiao smiled bitterly, "I can still think of a way to get $50, but $500 million is too difficult for me."

"According to the information I have inquired about, New Asia Network seems to be only willing to increase the agency fee quotation and is not willing to share it with Actoz. This is your company's opportunity." Chen Zaiyong said.

"Mr. Zai Rong, do you want me to significantly increase the share ratio?" Chen Tianqiao said with one click.

"Yes, Shanda can propose a stepped sharing plan. We can use US$200 million as the dividing line." "If the annual revenue is less than US$200 million, Actoz's sharing ratio is 90%. From 200 million to 400 million, 80%, 400 From 600 to 70 million, 600%, from 800 million to 60 million, 800%, from 1000 million to 50 million, [-]%.”

"That is to say, for amounts below US$1000 million, Actoz's share ratio is higher than Shanda's. After it exceeds US$1000 million, Shanda's share ratio is higher than Actoz's. I believe this plan can impress Representative Cui. Because as long as Shanda represents "Legend 2" The annual revenue of Actoz is more than 1000 million US dollars, and Actoz’s income is far more than 500 million US dollars." Chen Zaiyong drank a glass of wine and said calmly.

Chen Tianqiao was hesitant. With this sharing plan, Shanda Network will undoubtedly bear great risks, but Actoz can sit back and enjoy the benefits.

If the annual revenue of "Legend 2" is less than 1000 million US dollars, Actoz has nothing to lose and can still get the bulk.Chen Tianqiao cursed in his heart, these Koreans really eat people without spitting out their bones.

"Mr. Zai Rong, even if our company wins the agency rights of "Legend 2", we may not have the funds to promote "Legend 2". After all, renting servers and employee salaries all require costs, and we can't lose money." Make money and shout out." Chen Tianqiao said.

Chen Zaiyong nodded, "That's right. Let's do this. If Mr. Chen is willing, Samsung C&T can inject US$20 into Shanda Network in exchange for part of your company's equity. I can help you communicate with Actoz every six months. After settling the share, Shanda will have 6 months to operate "Legend 2", so that after the public beta is over, it can go online and charge players immediately, what do you think?"

Chen Tianqiao heard Chen Zaiyong say that if Samsung C&T injects capital into Shanda Network, with Samsung’s endorsement, it will be easier for Shanda Network to obtain financing from investment institutions such as IDG.

If the revenue sharing is settled every six months, including the two months of public testing of the game, Shanda Network still has four months to charge players.For Shanda Network and Chen Tianqiao now, he can only fight against the odds.

Chen Tianqiao said: "If Samsung can inject capital and share the settlement in half a year, we at Shanda can accept the sharing plan proposed by Mr. Zai Rong."

Chen Zaiyong was very happy, "If you give up, you will get something. Mr. Chen is indeed an excellent CEO. Then I will tell Representative Cui about your intention. If Actoz is optimistic about the revenue prospects of "Legend 2" in the mainland, this plan It should be able to impress Representative Choi.”

Chen Tianqiao couldn't help but ask Chen Zaiyong, "Mr. Zaiyong, I have no connection with you or Samsung before. Why are you willing to help me?"

Chen Zaiyong took a sip of wine and said with a steady expression, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. There are some people I don't like very much."

Chen Tianqiao now understood that there seemed to be some dispute between Chen Zaiyong and Song Yi, the founder of Xinya Entertainment.He now somewhat admires Song Yi for being able to survive the hostility of the Samsung Crown Prince. Song Yi is indeed quite capable.

Shanda revised the plan, and with Chen Zaiyong’s endorsement, Actoz had to reconsider Shanda’s share plan.

Wemade's Park Guanhao was somewhat moved by Shanda's plan and suggested that Cui Xiong accept Shanda's plan, but Cui Xiong was not convinced by Shanda's plan.

"It seems that Shanda's share plan can help us get more revenue, but if Shanda doesn't operate well, we can still only get an agency fee of US$30. What's the point of having a higher share ratio?" Cui Xiong complained. .

Actoz is preparing to go public in August. Cui Xiong hopes that "Legend 8" can bring more revenue to Actoz and make the company's financial statements look better.Cui Xiong would rather Actoz get $2 million now than $200 million in the future.

The current situation is that Park Guanhao of Wemade is leaning towards Shanda, while Cui Xiong of Actoz is leaning towards Xinya, hoping that Song Yi can increase the agency fee quotation.Cui Xiong and Park Guanhao had differences again, and neither of them could convince the other.

Actoz holds 40% of Wemade's shares and the game copyright of "Legend 2".It was impossible for Park Guanhao to directly cooperate with Shanda without Cui Xiong's consent, so the matter reached a deadlock.
 One update first, there will be more later

(End of this chapter)

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