The myth revives, I can enter the apocalypse

Chapter 111 Golden Crow Bloodline

Chapter 111 Golden Crow Bloodline

Ten minutes later, Chen Jin stepped off the spirit boat.

When he left, he already had a piece of protective general-level soft armor on his body, a bracelet-shaped storage weapon and a monitoring device attached to his chest.

This small device can continuously send a beam of spiritual power to Chen Jin's body. As long as there is any damage to his body, the beam of spiritual power transmitted back will change, thereby monitoring Chen Jin's physical condition in real time.

The three family heads assured him that as long as his body was harmed, even if the whereabouts of the missing bloodline awakener had not yet been found, the ambushing supernatural power realm warriors would take action.

At the same time, this compact monitoring device also has positioning and sound transmission functions.

"Can you hear me?" A vague voice sounded in Chen Jin's mind.

This is a sound transmission principle similar to that of bone conduction headphones. Sound is formed in his ears through vibration, making it difficult for outsiders to hear.

Chen Jin nodded.

"Very good, I am Zhao Lei, the commander in charge of this operation. If you have any questions or suggestions about this plan, you can communicate with me at any time."

Chen Jin nodded again.

In fact, it is a plan, which can be summed up in four words: adapt to changes.

The three major bloodline families believe that since the Sun God Sect has begun to contact Chen Jin, they will never give up easily. They hope that Chen Jin can cooperate to find the whereabouts of other kidnapped bloodline awakeners.

There was nothing wrong with the plan, but when Chen Jin recalled the conversation he had just had with the three masters, he still felt a strange sense of violation.

But what exactly it was, he couldn't tell.

When he reached the door of his house, Chen Jin was still thinking about it.

"Ajin, why did you come back? I heard from Aunt Dong next door that I saw you being taken away by the police? What's going on?"

As soon as he opened the door, Chen Jin met his mother's worried eyes.

I didn’t expect that someone would see it.

Then he warned Chen Jin: "It seems to be getting more and more chaotic recently. I saw on the news that there have been several kidnapping cases in our city. I wonder if there is another group of criminal warriors coming over. Xiaowei, I haven't been thinking about it lately." Even if you let her go out, Ajin should be careful."

Chen Jin quickly nodded in agreement.

When he returned to his room, he suddenly realized where the inconsistent feeling just now came from.

Did An Yingzhou react too blandly to his daughter's kidnapping?

When he heard that An Liang had been kidnapped, even Chen Jin was shocked beyond measure, but An Yingzhou didn't seem too concerned. Even in the process of negotiating terms, the other two family heads were more active than him.

"I don't know if it's because the head of the big family is more calm, or because the relationship between father and daughter is special."

Chen Jin couldn't help but think of the previous final exam. An Liang was originally unwilling to tie, but when Chen Jin mentioned the possibility of being blamed by his family, the other party honestly agreed.

Without thinking any more, he returned to his room and prepared to contact Song Peng.

Before he could think of how to speak, the other party sent a message first.

[Song Peng]: "Ajin, did you go to the afternoon lecture event?"

Chen Jin's fingers paused as he prepared to type. After thinking for a while, he replied:

[Chen Jin]: "I'm sorry, I had something to do in the afternoon so I didn't go."

Song Peng replied quickly.

[Song Peng]: "It's okay, it's okay. By the way, our church's special envoy heard about your intention to join and wants to talk to you. Are you free now?"

Chen Jin raised his eyebrows, wondering if the other party couldn't wait any longer?He just happened to be following the trend.

[Chen Jin]: "Set a time."

[Song Peng]: "We are already at your door."

Seeing this reply, Chen Jin suddenly stood up.

He actually came to the door directly?

"Are you trying to threaten me with your family?"

Chen Jin's eyes flashed with murderous intent rarely seen.

"Don't worry, our people are already guarding the area." Zhao Tianlei's voice came to his ears.

Chen Jin nodded slightly, feeling somewhat fortunate that he had reached cooperation with the Bloodline Family in advance.

He quietly got up and walked to the living room and opened the door.

Outside the door, there stood Song Peng and a middle-aged man wearing a black gold robe and a gentle face.

Chen Jin directly ignored Song Peng and focused his attention on the man.

【Race】Human branch

[Evolution level] Mortal level 7

Chen Jin's heart skipped a beat. At level 7, he was a master of understanding his state of mind!
Now Chen Jin's physique and strength are already at the level of a mid-level warrior in the Xiantian realm. Coupled with the bronze war weapon and mental power, it is difficult for a warrior in the Xiantian realm to pose a threat to him.

But it's hard to say what Ming's state of mind is. Chen Jin doesn't know much about this state, and he doesn't know how his combat power will increase.

In schools, martial arts teachers generally do not explain in detail the realms that are too advanced, and there are only general descriptions of these realms on the Internet, because different cultivation methods, and even different schools in ancient times, perform differently in these realms. Very complex.

But Chen Jin is not ignorant.

"The so-called clear mind means knowing one's own mind and seeing one's own nature. It seems to be a state that focuses on exploring the heart and soul. The combat power will be improved, but it will not undergo essential changes like the innate state."

"If I use a bronze war weapon or mental power to attack in a sneak attack, I should be pretty sure I can win!"

Chen Jin secretly calculated in his heart.

These thoughts flashed through him in just a moment, with no expression on his face as he waved hello.

"Hi Ajin, long time no see," Song Peng greeted a little awkwardly, "Isn't it too presumptuous for us to come to your door like this? But the special envoy is very busy and happens to be near your home, so I will. "

Before he finished speaking, Chen Jin waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "It's okay. Let's go out and talk if you have anything to say."

Song Peng looked hesitantly at the middle-aged man beside him, who smiled kindly and said, "Of course."

The three of them came outside the house. The middle-aged man extended his hand and introduced himself: "My name is Liu Zhenghui."

Chen Jin shook hands with him, and Liu Zhenghui got straight to the point: "Classmate Chen, I heard that you took the initiative to contact Song Peng before. I want to know why you suddenly became interested in our religion?"

He knew that the other party would definitely be suspicious of this question, so he prepared his words in advance and said with a smile: "Song Peng and I have been classmates for half a year, and I can't get to know him better. After seeing him at the club's open day, I felt like He seemed to have a completely new look, and he was a little curious."

This reason made Liu Zhenghui nodded lightly and said with a smile: "It seems that our Song Peng has made great achievements. Since you, Mr. Chen, are interested, that's the best thing. We happen to have an initiation ceremony today. Are you interested in going over to visit?" one time?"

"It's too late today, let's forget it." Chen Jin showed hesitation at the right time.

Liu Zhenghui looked at him and was silent for a moment, then said to Song Peng who was standing aside: "You go to the car and wait for me. I have something to discuss with Classmate Chen in private."

Song Peng didn't hesitate, turned around and left obediently.

After Song Peng's figure disappeared around the corner, Liu Zhenghui turned to look at Chen Jin, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he said calmly: "You will be here this afternoon."

Chen Jin did not deny it, but just narrowed his eyes slightly: "Not only that, I also chatted with the police uncle for almost half an hour."

The other party even discovered that he was among the crowd in the afternoon, which meant that someone had sent someone to pay special attention to him. Naturally, he couldn't hide the fact that he was involved in the situation, so he spoke out frankly.

Liu Zhenghui chuckled and said, "Then do you believe it?" Chen Jin did not answer, but secretly glanced around, pretending to be looking for a way out.

His appearance naturally caught Liu Zhenghui's eyes. Chen Jin could feel that after he made this move, the other party seemed to relax a little, and he was less wary of him and more contemptuous of him.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just say what you think." Liu Zhenghui smiled calmly.

Chen Jin pretended to be nervous and said, "I don't think there is any need for the police to lie to me."

Liu Zhenghui nodded: "You are a smart man. I don't intend to hide it from you, nor do I intend to brainwash you with those religious words. I will just tell you frankly."

“The propaganda of our church is real and the coming of God is real.”

"But I know that you geniuses don't care about this and won't believe it."

"The other thing I want to say is-"

"Our church has the ability to increase blood concentration!"

As the words fell, Chen Jin couldn't help but be slightly startled.

The ability to increase blood concentration?

Zhao Lei's disdainful voice rang in Chen Jin's ears: "Increase bloodline concentration? Tsk, tsk, tsk, this person even made up such nonsense to deceive you. If there is such a good thing, high-level bloodline awakeners will not be so rare. ”

Chen Jin also had the general idea that even if there is such a method, it must be hidden as a treasure by the top bloodline inheritance family, and it will never be known by a small religion with no corners.

Just as Chen Jin was thinking secretly, Liu Zhenghui once again said something shocking: "Not only can we increase the blood concentration, we can also transform the original blood into Golden Crow blood, and even give blood to ordinary people!"

The moment he finished speaking, Zhao Lei couldn't hold himself any longer and laughed "hahaha" in Chen Jin's ear.

Even Chen Jin was speechless for a while. Did the person in front of him think he was a fool?Bloodline transformation?Can ordinary people become bloodline awakeners?He said such outrageous things.

The worst part is that in order to infiltrate the other party, he has to find a way to logically believe the other party's lies. Chen Jin feels that this is probably the biggest challenge he has ever encountered in his acting career.

The corner of Chen Jin's mouth twitched and he laughed dryly: "I have never heard of such a thing."

"This is natural," Liu Zhenghui said proudly: "Because this is an ability that only gods have. How could a mortal warrior know about it?"

"Look at Song Peng, he was appreciated by the gods and given a meager Golden Crow bloodline, so he looks like a different person."

"And those so-called 'kidnapping cases' are actually not kidnappings at all, but those who have awakened their bloodline voluntarily followed us! In order to increase their bloodline concentration! But this kind of thing is too shocking, they dare not publicize it, outside It looks like a 'kidnapping' to humans, but in fact, it's all the power of gods!"

A fanatical look flashed across Liu Zhenghui's face, but Zhao Lei sneered: "What nonsense? It's really shameless. My second brother suddenly disappeared. If such a thing really happened, there was no way he wouldn't tell me. He must have suffered this." The murderous hand that hangs people!"

Chen Jin thought to himself, of course I know this, but I still have to find a way to be "persuaded" naturally.

After a pause, Chen Jin said: "But this is just your own opinion. There is no evidence at all."

He left a hook, and Zhao Zhenghui also followed him and said: "Little brother, why don't you follow me to the 'Promotion Ceremony' and see how it goes. Recently, the piety of three brothers has been recognized by the gods. They will be in Be given divine power tonight.”

A worried look flashed across Chen Jin's face at the right time, and he hesitated: "It's too late now."

Liu Zhenghui said hurriedly: "You can leave a message to your family in advance and report it every half hour. If something happens to you, we will definitely be arrested by the police, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Jin no longer played hard to get, and hesitantly agreed to Liu Zhenghui's invitation. The latter immediately beamed with joy and quickly took him into the car.

Soon, the three of them arrived at a secluded small villa.

When Chen Jin entered, dozens of people had gathered inside. In the center of the first-floor hall, there was a five-meter-high bronze tree. Three people wearing golden robes were kneeling near the statue, their heads on the ground motionless. It seems to be worshiping.

Others were surrounding him in a circle. Although they were not kneeling on the ground, their faces were solemn and they were mumbling something.

Chen Jin glanced over, and found that most of them were ordinary people, and there were mostly middle-aged and elderly people. Even the guards in charge of maintaining order were not strong enough. Looking at them, there was not a single innate talent.

As Liu Zhenghui pushed open the door and walked in, these believers spontaneously made way for him, and all of them looked very respectful.

He let Chen Jin do as he pleased, and then told Song Peng to take good care of Chen Jin. After that, he walked up to the high platform in front of the bronze tree and said loudly to the believers below:

"Brothers and sisters, just today, there are three family members whose piety has been noticed by the gods, and they will receive divine power from the gods!"

Warm cheers suddenly sounded from below, and the three people lying on the ground were so excited that their bodies were shaking.

"Then, the ceremony begins!"

Following Liu Zhenghui's order, two believers came up carrying a rooster that was half the size of a man and had a fiery red body. Liu Zhenghui stretched out his hand to grab it, and immediately broke the neck of the chicken, then raised it aside and advanced The clean bronze knife cut open the belly cleanly, and red chicken blood spurted out.

Then, Liu Zhenghui pulled out the intestines, and someone else took out a bowl of unknown paste and started pouring it into the chicken's belly.

"What are you doing?" Chen Jin whispered.

Song Peng on the side replied: "This is a demon beast with the blood of a fire-feathered bird. It is the favorite food of the gods. We are removing the filth, coating it with spices, and sacrificing it to the gods."

"The god refers to the Golden Crow?"


"How did you know to do this? Your god sent an oracle?"

"Of course not. How could a great god mention such a thing? This is a method that the chief priest has spent most of his life searching for to please the gods in ancient books. In the Shang Dynasty, some people used this method to offer sacrifices."

"Oh" Chen Jin responded, looking at the disemboweled monster in the distance with a thoughtful look on his face.

As the spices coated the chicken's body, Liu Zhenghui placed it in front of the bronze tree. Suddenly a wisp of flames rose from the ground and swallowed up the chicken in a short time.

At the same time, three drops of pale golden liquid flowed out from the roots of the bronze tree.

The three people who were lying on the ground suddenly showed a look of fanaticism on their faces. They stuck out their tongues and carefully licked the golden liquid on the ground like three insects.

As these three drops of liquid were swallowed, amazing changes took place on their bodies. One of them, a white-haired old man, grew black hair at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body also glowed with amazing vitality.

Seeing this scene, the people around them cheered immediately. They knelt on the ground together and kept chanting the name of the Sun God.

Even Chen Jin's eyes widened in surprise. He originally thought it was just some deceptive trick, but he never saw the flaw. The three people seemed to be completely transformed, and their whole beings were completely different.

The most precious thing in the world is the elixir that can prolong life. It is incredible that this golden liquid can make a dying old man full of vitality again.

"I wonder if it's some kind of secret medicine for overdraft potential." Chen Jin thought to himself.

As if he could see what Chen Jin was thinking, Liu Zhenghui walked through the crowd of people praying fervently and came to Chen Jin. He smiled and said: "Classmate Chen, have you seen that these three people were given a meager amount of Golden Crow blood by the gods, so There will be such amazing changes, which no secret medicine can do."

"If they continue to worship the gods devoutly in the future, the Golden Crow bloodline in their bodies will become stronger and stronger, and they may even gain eternal life! They will live as long as heaven and earth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was obvious that Song Peng's face next to him was filled with anticipation.

Liu Zhenghui winked at him, and the latter said repeatedly: "Ajin, the special envoy did not lie to you. The divine power given by the gods has no side effects. Look at me, am I fine now? Not only am I full of energy, but I am also practicing martial arts. Extremely fast! The barrier is even about to be broken!"

Liu Zhenghui's expectant eyes fell on Chen Jin: "Classmate Chen, your talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people. If you are willing to join our church, I can immediately arrange a promotion ceremony for you and use the power of the gods to enhance the energy in your body. Bloodline concentration!”

"How do you feel?"

"Ask him about the whereabouts of the others." Zhao Lei's voice rang in his ears.

Chen Jin paused and said, "Didn't you say that there are other bloodline awakeners who voluntarily increased their bloodline concentration? I want to see how they are doing."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenghui frowned, with a troubled look on his face.

 Yesterday's chapter was criticized by many book friends and has been revised. Book friends who subscribed before three o'clock in the morning can read it again.

  Today, we have made a lot of adjustments to the subsequent plot and re-edited the outline, so there is only one chapter. I hope all book friends will pay attention.

  Recently, many book lovers do not like to read this plot, but it is actually a very important foreshadowing of the plot. I will try to shorten the chapter content as much as possible to adjust the reading experience for all readers.

(End of this chapter)

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