The myth revives, I can enter the apocalypse

Chapter 135 Attempt to break through

Chapter 135 Attempt to break through
Chen Jin's words made Uncle Tang's expression become uncertain again.

When Chen Jin saw this, he was secretly vigilant and prepared for the other party to turn against him at any time.

Although the inner market of Luofu Mountain Market is much more stable, several big bosses have jointly established rules and no fighting is allowed, but as long as your hands and feet are clean enough, no one will come to check you.

At this time, there were only two of them in the elixir store, and there was a possibility that the other party would get violent and hurt someone.

But Chen Jin was not afraid, and even vaguely expected the other party to take action.

Chen Jin had long hidden a pinhole camera in his chest. As long as Tang Gongbo dared to take action, he could kill the opponent without any scruples and avoid future troubles. He could even seize the property in the store, even if he was discovered later.

Chen Jin is not a murderous person, but if the other party is really ungrateful, he will never show mercy.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally, Mr. Tang let out a sigh of relief.

"Your condition, I agree."

Hearing this, Chen Jin's tense nerves relaxed slightly.

To be honest, after working with Mr. Tang for a year, he still hopes to have a good time together.

At this time, Uncle Tang said again: "But I have a better proposal."


"You asked me to help you promote the opening of the store. Even if I agreed, you must still be worried about whether I would make some small moves. Am I right?" Uncle Tang said with a smile.

He seemed to have made up his mind, his whole body felt much more relaxed, and the fierce light in his eyes disappeared.

Chen Jin nodded. The 100 million yuan was originally meant to appease Uncle Tang. If the other party was resentful, did not work hard, or even resorted to small tricks, then Chen Jin had nothing to do.

"What do you think, Boss Tang?" Chen Jin asked.

Mr. Tang smiled and said: "Since you want to open a store and you are worried that I will do something wrong, why not just buy my store."

"This way you have a store and no conflict of interest with me. Naturally, you no longer have to worry about me using tricks behind your back."

Uncle Tang's words made Chen Jin stunned for a moment. He never expected that the other party would say such a sentence.

Mr. Tang chuckled and said, "What? Don't you look down on my small store? My store is not small. It has been in business for almost 20 years and has accumulated many old customers. It also has monitoring equipment, anti-theft equipment, safes for storing cash, All kinds of instruments for drug testing are available.”

"If you start these things from scratch, it will cost hundreds of thousands at least. If you buy my store, I will give you all these things."

"And I know you have doubts. I don't want you to pay a lump sum. Just give me a certain monthly rent. If anything goes wrong, you can move out at any time!"

"This" Mr. Tang's words made Chen Jin completely confused. He couldn't figure out what the fat man in front of him was thinking.

Can there be such a good thing?
If what Mr. Tang said is true, it would undoubtedly bring great convenience to Chen Jin. Opening a store requires a lot of initial investment, and Mr. Tang's proposal almost allowed Chen Jin to take over the business without any cost.

Moreover, Uncle Tang's store is indeed very good. Whether it is the number of customers or store decoration, it ranks among the top in the Luofu Mountain Market. Otherwise, Chen Jin would not have chosen to cooperate with him at that time.

Chen Jin couldn't figure out why the other party did this.

After a long silence, Chen Jin slowly said: "Why did Boss Tang say this? I don't think you and I can have such a friendship."

Mr. Tang snorted softly and complained: "Why else? Do you think my elixir business is easy to do?"

"Unlike you, I have the ability to produce elixirs by myself. The elixirs in my store are all purchased, which is a great test of my eyesight and experience. If I come back with a 'waste elixir', not only will I lose money, but it will also affect my reputation! "

"This means that I have to personally check every pill. I have to stay in this shabby shop every day. I can't even make a lot of money. I'm bored to death!"

"I used to make money, so I just tolerated it. Now the market is expanding, the competition is getting more and more fierce, and my store's income is also declining. If you squeeze in again and want a piece of meat, then I'm still kidding!" "

Uncle Tang cursed.

Chen Jin also understood. This was because the fat man knew the superiority of his elixirs and knew that he couldn't compete with him. Without the fat to supplement the true power elixirs, his income would drop a lot, so he might as well simply Just transfer it as soon as possible.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Chen Jin would still have doubts, Mr. Tang continued: "Don't worry, I won't use any tricks behind your back, and there is no conspiracy hidden in this proposal."

"Although I, Mr. Tang, love money, I cherish life even more!"

"I'm just a commoner. How can I have sex with you 'nobles' when I'm full?"

Seeing Uncle Tang's promise, Chen Jin was still a little worried, but he nodded and said, "If this is really possible, then I have no reason to refuse."

Next, the two began to discuss the specific details.

Uncle Tang put forward two conditions. One is that the monthly rent of the store is 100 yuan. If there is no problem after one year, a one-time transfer fee of [-] million yuan will be paid.

The second is that the elixirs in his shop must be kept and sold. He does not have the time to deal with them, and all the income will belong to him.

These two conditions are very reasonable, and Chen Jin naturally has no objections.

Although he was still a little worried whether Mr. Tang would let go so easily, at least Chen Jin didn't see any problems so far, so he agreed. Anyway, if there was a problem, he could just stop renewing the lease at any time.

In the next two days, Chen Jin hired a marketing specialist as the store manager. He would report to him every month the elixirs needed for the next month and make adjustments that best suited the market at any time to maximize profits. .

In addition, a graduate of a famous university majoring in elixirs was hired as a pharmacist, and some key facilities such as door locks and safes were replaced.

In this way, his store will be officially opened.

On the first day of business, a large number of customers came and ordered more than 200 Qi-enhancing pills. This made Chen Jin understand why Mr. Tang called him every now and then to urge him. He also roughly understood why the other party listened to When it came time for him to open a store, he might as well not even have his own store.

This strengthening Qi pill is really effective.

Chen Jin left the store to his staff, and he was ready to continue practicing.

At this moment, he received news from Xia Duoduo.

[Xia Duoduo: "Let's meet the day before school starts, at the museum in the city center."]

[Xia Duoduo: "Don't pretend you can't see it! I'll make an appointment with you half a month in advance. You must come! Let's discuss the 'Four Schools Joint Entrance Examination'."]

Looking at the information in front of him, Chen Jin felt a little funny, wondering if he was so difficult to date?As for coming half a month in advance?

But then he thought of something, scratched his head and said to himself: "There are only half a month left before school, time flies so fast."

During this time, he had been immersed in the pleasure brought by the continuous improvement of his life potential, and he did not realize that school was about to start.

This forced him to face a problem.What should we do to improve our life potential after school starts?
Lighting up the acupoints requires the help of Hongmeng Qi, which is not available on Blue Star.

What he brought back with the blank spiritual crystal was not enough for him to strengthen.

After some thought, Chen Jin made a decision.

"In the next half month, try your best to increase your life potential, and then stock up on more strengthening elixirs. When the forging speed slows down, you can then take a long vacation to go to the ancient world to use up the elixirs at once."

After making a plan, Chen Jin entered the wilderness and began to use the remaining resources without any frugality, using the last half month to fully enhance his life potential.

Ten days later, he had swept away all the elixirs, which allowed him to light up nineteen more acupoints.

“It seems it’s time to try to break through the bottleneck of 15.0.”

Feeling the majestic vitality in his body, Chen Jin thought to himself.

He was going to go to the golden corpse and get the Yin Ming Pill that had been strengthening for use.

Before leaving the blood pool, Chen Jin made a small container with a nearby stone and filled it with some blood. He wanted to experiment whether this blood pool could be used as an energy source to drive the flesh and blood altar. If it could be used, then he would have access to the blood pool. The problem of the Supervisory Sky Tower will be solved.

"Blood and water should be considered flesh and blood, right? I just don't know if it has passed its shelf life after being kept for so long."

Chen Jin was thinking as he scooped up blood from the edge of the blood pool.

When I squatted down at a close distance, the already fishy smell of blood and water became more pungent and had a strange smell, as if the feces and urine of uncastrated pigs were being slaughtered and mixed with the blood. .

Moreover, Chen Jin always had a very strange feeling, as if there was a line of sight staring at him under the dark red and sticky blood pool. This feeling made his hair stand on end.

But then he thought about how nothing had happened to him after staying here peacefully for more than half a month. Chen Jin didn't think much about it and got on the spirit boat with blood and water.

This spirit boat has been strengthened for so long in the wilderness, and its power is no longer what it used to be. Now it can be operated without any hindrance, and its power is several times stronger.

Of course, there is an upper limit to the strength of the ancient world, just like the human body. Chen Jin has already felt that the strength of the spirit boat is almost saturated.

Driving the spirit boat and flying out of the giant bronze door, the Golden Crow that was originally lying in front of the door had disappeared.

After continuing to fly out of the deep stream, Chen Jin opened the insulation bag and looked outside.

There were red fireballs hanging in the air above the head, and there were hundreds of them visible to the naked eye.

"The golden crow that was in front of the giant gate before must have become one of these hundreds." Chen Jin thought to himself.

However, although the number of Golden Crows has increased a lot, the light they emit is far less than before.

There was no intense white light that made it hard to even open one's eyes. Instead, it was as red as the sunset, and the size was much smaller, like fiery red lychees.

As for the temperature, it was even worse. Chen Jin felt that the current ground temperature was only a dozen degrees Celsius. Not only was it not hot, it was even a little cool.

"It seems that the giant hand before killed all the powerful Golden Crows. Those who survived should be just the 'babies' in the Golden Crows, including those in front of the giant gate."

"I don't know what level this young Golden Crow is. Unfortunately, the detection ability of the auxiliary terminal is linked to my perception ability. Otherwise, I can have a rough estimate of the strength of the creatures in the ancient world."

"However, it seems that after reaching the eighth level of mortal level, which is the middle stage of Ming's state of mind, the perception ability will be greatly improved."

When he was looking at the sun on the blue star before, the auxiliary terminal reminded him that he could start observing after reaching the eighth level of mortal level.

Shaking his head, Chen Jin didn't dwell on this. He had another idea in his mind.

After the surface temperature returns to normal, his spirit boat no longer needs to be insulated. Does this mean that he is able to hunt the other two creatures found on the rooftop thousands of miles away?
"The spirit boat has been strengthened for so long. If the heavy insulation equipment is removed, the speed should be able to reach 23 kilometers per hour. Then the distance of [-] miles will only take [-] hours, which is acceptable!"

Not to mention that his spirit boat is only the most basic model and can be further upgraded later.

Keeping this in mind, Chen Jin continued to move forward, and soon drove the spirit boat to the vicinity of the golden corpse.

He first tested whether the blood water could be absorbed by the Flesh Altar, but what was very regrettable was that when the formation spirits saw the blood water, they ran away screaming as if they had seen something terrifying, without any intention of absorbing it. No.

"It seems that if you want to go to the Tower of Supervision, you still have to continue collecting flesh and blood."

"However, this blood water is indeed miraculous. It can actually scare these formation spirits into this state. Could it be that it has a miraculous effect on restraining the ghosts?"

Chen Jin lowered his head and looked at the blood in front of his eyes, feeling nothing but smell.

However, this thing does seem to have a strange corrosive ability. Chen Jin once threw a reinforced alloy sword into it, and it was corroded and broken after a while. Only rocks in the wild can hold it.

He actually wanted to find a specialized research institution to study it to see if this thing could be used.

If he can sell it for money, then Chen Jin will really make a fortune directly.

But he was a little afraid to bring this thing back to Blue Star for fear of something unexpected happening. After all, the blood was too weird and didn't look like a normal thing.

It doesn't matter what went wrong in the prehistoric times, but Blue Star is different.

In the end, Chen Jin decided not to worry about the blood for now and study it slowly for a while.

Afterwards, he teleported the Qisha Meteor Iron Shield back to Blue Star. It was too heavy to transport, so he could only wait for Chen Jin to return to the blood pool and then use the ancient mirror to teleport it back.

Taking the Yinming Pill with him, Chen Jin returned to the blood pool all the way.

After resting for a while to adjust his condition, Chen Jin couldn't wait to take the Yin Ming Pill.

Not long after, a force of darkness surged out from his Dantian and flowed along his limbs. With Chen Jin's powerful energy and blood, he felt as if his body had fallen into a glacier. Like, I shuddered involuntarily!
"After this Yinming Pill was strengthened by Honghuang, the coldness became so much stronger!"

Chen Jin was secretly shocked, but he could also feel that under the influence of the cold air, his body's potential seemed to be stimulated and fell into a strange state. Moreover, there was some kind of power in the cold air that was constantly penetrating into the Dantian, helping True energy condenses.

He quickly ran his Golden Cicada Technique and began to condense the true energy in his body.

Under the stimulation of the cold air, the true energy began to condense as if under invisible pressure, and it quickly condensed to a limit.

Chen Jin knew that this was the bottleneck of 15.0.

Breaking through the 10.0 forging bottleneck is a basic requirement for upper-class students, and breaking through the 12.0 bottleneck can be regarded as a genius.

As for the 15.0 bottleneck, if it breaks through, it will be the top among small cities, and only one will appear in three or four years!
After that, there are only a few 18.0 bottlenecks in the country every year!
It can be said that if Chen Jin gets over this bottleneck, then the quality of his true energy will already reach the level of domestic front-end geniuses.

At this time, Chen Jin could feel that with the help of Yin Ming Pill, the integration of true energy was unexpectedly smooth!

(End of this chapter)

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