Chapter 48 Uncle Tang

The fat man glanced sideways at Chen Jin, said nothing, and went back to the back room to catch a white mouse.

It was said to be a little white mouse, but it was actually as big as a cat. The boss, who looked like a mountain of meat, was holding it by its neck and carrying it in his hand. This scene was really weird.

But when the boss pinched the mouse's mouth gently, he fed the pill with ease.

"Xiao Bai has been with me for almost three years. If there is something wrong with your medicine, I will never spare you." The fat man said with an indifferent expression.

Chen Jin didn't say anything, but he was disdainful in his heart. There were still three years left. This mutated white mouse would be considered lucky if it stayed with the Roshan boss for three months. It was nothing more than preparations for extorting money later.

Under the gaze of the two men, the white rat that swallowed the elixir quickly became restless, making a "squeaking" sound in the boss's hands and struggling with all its limbs, but Roshan's five fingers were like iron pliers, making it The white rat couldn't move.


Suddenly, the boss let out a soft cry, grabbed the white rat and put it in front of his eyes. He looked at it carefully and his eyes were a little solemn: "My strength has become a lot stronger, and my blood is also increasing. The potency of your elixir should be ordinary." Three times as much as the elixir.”

"Boss, you have good eyesight," Chen Jin praised, and then said with a smile, "But the effect of this elixir does not end there."

The boss glanced at him sideways, said nothing, and carried the mouse into the back room.

Not long after, a shrill scream sounded, followed by the heart-stopping sound of a machete hitting the chopping board. Poor Xiao Bai seemed to have been dismembered.

Chen Jin waited patiently for about ten minutes before the boss walked out of the back room with a faint smell of blood.

The smell was very light, but Chen Jin, who had been strengthened many times before, could still smell it.

"It does have some other effects, and it seems to be able to improve your physical fitness in all aspects, but the effect is just that. How much do you plan to sell it for?"

The boss asked with a smile while wiping his hands.

"Twenty thousand." Chen Jin still said.

"Stop talking nonsense! It's definitely not worth [-] yuan." Roshan's thick arm slammed on the counter. "If you raise the price randomly again, please take it back."

Chen Jin was not frightened by his momentum and remained calm: "Why don't you make a price, boss?"

"two thousand."

Roshan squinted at Chen Jin: "The market price of Yiqi Pills is 1500. If you buy it wholesale, it can be sold for 1300. Your medicine is three times more effective. Even if it's [-], it still has some extra effects. If it's [-], the black medicine is cheaper." Half, I still have to earn some myself, so the price is very suitable.”

Chen Jin remained silent and looked at his boss with a smile.

The Roushan was stared at by him and said angrily: "What do you think I'm going to do? Boy, if you don't sell it, I'll hurry up!"

Chen Jin did not answer, but said leisurely: "Boss, I still have a lot of these pills. I want to do long-term business. Your store is the largest and the business is the best, but this does not mean that I only have you." This is a choice.”

Hearing Chen Jin's words, Roshan paused, thought for a long time, and then said in a low voice: "I will add five hundred more."

Chen Jin smiled and said: "You just dissected the white rat, you should know the value of this elixir, and as the holder of the elixir, I know even better. In short, there is no difference between you and me. There’s no information gap.”

Roshan was helpless: "How much do you want?"

"Ten thousand."

"Impossible! Three thousand!"

"Nine thousand five."

"Three thousand three!"

"." Chen Jin stopped talking and turned around to leave.

Just when he was about to cross the threshold, Roshan's voice sounded again.

"Please come back soon and we can have a good talk."

After some intense bargaining, the price of the enhanced Yiqi Pills was finally set at 5600 yuan.This price is far from the actual price of the enhanced elixir, but firstly, he does not have a production license, and secondly, he has no reputation. The consignment owner still has to make another profit. After many times, this price is already the limit.

If Chen Jin is certified by the Food and Drug Administration, it won't be a problem to sell it for seven to eight thousand, or even tens of thousands!
But even so, his profits more than tripled!Even including the consumption of energy points, it is more than twice as much!

Marx said: "If there is 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, it will become active; if there is 50% profit, it will take desperate risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample All human laws; with 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime and even risk being hanged."

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Chen Jin's elixir trade was a huge profit.

After finalizing the deal with his boss, Chen Jin got on the bus back, and he also learned the name of Roshan’s boss - Mr. Tang
The reason why I became so fat was not because of eating, but because I practiced some kind of secret method from the Middle Ages.

In the evening, Chen Jin's family gathered around the dining table and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

"Dad, I have something to give you."

"Oh?" Chen Fangguo was a little surprised, "What is it?"

Chen Jin took out a small bottle and opened it. Inside was a pill that exuded a faint medicinal fragrance.

Of the three pills in the ancient world, Chen Jin took the cheapest one to test the effect. The middle one was given to Uncle Tang for future business dealings. The remaining one was the most valuable, and he wanted to leave it to his father.

"Elixir?" After seeing the items in Chen Jin's hand, Chen's father looked surprised, then waved his hand and said with a smile: "I am already at this age, why should I take the elixir? Ah Jin, you can take it yourself."

Chen Jin shook his head and said: "Dad, I got this medicine by chance. It won't help me at this stage, but it will be useful for you."

"Is there such a medicine?" Chen Fangguo frowned and said hesitantly, "The price shouldn't be cheap, right?"

Chen Jin knew what Chen Fangguo was thinking. He must have felt that his martial arts path had come to an end. Instead of wasting the pills, it would be better to sell them and replace them with other resources.

Thinking of this, Chen Jin smiled and said: "Dad, this medicine is my wish, just accept it. Besides, if you can break through the innateness, our family's life will not be better, right?"

"Xiantian." Chen Fangguo sighed with a trace of bitterness on his lips: "The Xiantian realm is a threshold. When I was young, I couldn't cross it, but now I have given up on this idea! Ajin, I understand what you mean, but you still put it Sell ​​this medicine and exchange it for cultivation resources!"

Chen Jin did not answer, but suddenly said: "Dad, haven't you felt that your physical condition has improved recently? I think you seem to be more energetic than before."

Hearing this, Chen Fangguo was stunned for a moment, then touched his chin and said to himself: "I don't know why, but my energy and blood seem to be more abundant recently."

Chen Jin continued: "Yes, I read the latest research on the Internet that as long as they train properly, middle-aged men still have a chance to regain their second youth. Dad, if you work hard now, you might be able to reach the peak of genius!"

"Is there such a research? Is it true?" Chen Fangguo didn't believe it.

I've only heard that people get older, but never heard of a second spring?It's not a flashback.

Of course it's fake.

Chen Jin thought to himself.

But in order to get his father to accept the elixir, he kept his expression unchanged and said: "It's true, how could I lie to you? Besides, dad, don't you know your own body well?"

Chen Fangguo thought about it and felt that this seemed to be the case.

Chen Jin struck while the iron was hot: "Besides, I don't have a pharmaceutical license and I sell drugs privately. Who will I sell to? Who will believe me? If I sell it to a drugstore owner, I will definitely get a huge cut! Why don't you take it yourself, dad?" !”

After hearing this, Chen Fangguo stopped insisting and accepted the elixir with a smile.

Li Ping smiled and said: "A Jin has really grown up and thinks about his parents."

Chen Wei finished her meal and said sadly: "Haha, I'm afraid there is some other intention."

Li Ping patted Chen Wei on the head: "Why are you talking about your brother like that?"

Chen Jin laughed guiltily and glared at Chen Wei viciously.

Damn it, this little girl is the roundworm in his belly!

(End of this chapter)

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