Chapter 50 The First Lesson
"Classmates, I haven't seen you for a whole summer, do you still remember me?"

The next day, in the classroom of martial arts class three.

Charlene stood on the podium. Today she wore a formal suit, black stockings and high heels. Her amber pupils under gold-rimmed glasses glanced downwards, with a smile on her lips.

"Very good, I haven't seen you for a month, and I can feel that everyone's strength has improved a lot! This shows that you haven't slacked off during the holidays!"

"I know that you all have a lot of longing and curiosity for the new semester! You can't wait to start practicing!"

"But before that, I have one more lesson to teach you! This is also an extremely important lesson! I hope everyone can listen carefully."

After he finished speaking, Chen Jin also looked curious, wondering what the first lesson of this martial arts class would be.

Just as he was secretly guessing, Charlene turned on the projection, and a line of large characters appeared on the screen.

[Code of Conduct for Warriors]

Seeing these big characters, the students below were all in a daze.

Chen Jin suddenly realized that this first class was probably an "ideological and moral education class."

"This first lesson is the law that we as warriors should abide by!"

"Everyone knows that the destructive power of warriors is extremely terrifying! Warriors with extraordinary power can easily take away the lives of ordinary people with one punch or one kick! Warriors in the magical realm can mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and their destructive power is comparable to that of missiles !”

"However, the more powerful the power, the more restraint it needs!"

"Everyone must not think that if they have mastered extraordinary power, they can do whatever they want and be lawless!"

"In China, no matter how powerful a warrior is, he must abide by the law! Even the 'Ji' is no exception! If he kills innocent people, he will still be arrested and judged by the law!"

Charlene said loudly, with a serious expression.

However, there were people below who didn't take it seriously, and only heard a small chuckle: "Who dares to catch Ji? It sounds nice. If Ji really commits crimes, we can just wipe the butt."

His voice was not loud, with a sense of pride that everyone in the class was drunk and I was alone in waking up. But since all the people in the class were warriors, at least most of them heard it.

Charlene raised her eyebrows, strode off the podium, and walked toward the classmate aggressively.

The man was obviously panicked and quickly waved his hands and said: "Teacher, I'm joking."

Before she finished speaking, Xia Lin suddenly punched the wall near the student. There was a loud noise like a bomb detonating, and a large hole half a man's height was blasted out of the entire wall!

Through the hole, you can also see the shocked eyes of the students in the next class.

The classmate who spoke before turned pale with fright and his body was shaking. If Charlene's fist had hit him just now, it would have beaten him into a pulp!
However, the teacher in the next class seemed to be used to it, and calmly moved the projection screen to block the hole.

Charlene's face was gloomy, and she sneered at the classmate: "I think you are right, so if I beat you to death now, do you think the school will protect you as a loser with ordinary qualifications, or will you protect me?" A psychic, a warrior who may enter the magical realm at any time?"

The classmate lowered his head and did not dare to take a breath.

Charlene snorted coldly and shouted to the others: "I know there are many people here who think the same as this classmate, but they didn't say it out loud!"

"I don't want to deny this classmate's thoughts, and I even want to tell you that he is right!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was a little shocked. Even Chen Jin was quite surprised. He thought that the teacher would regard the student as a model and criticize him severely.Charlene continued: "If 'extreme' people break the law and kill people, the governments of various countries will most likely turn a blind eye. I don't want to deny this fact!"

"But does it mean that if someone is above the rules, we don't need to follow the rules?"

Xia Lin's words made the students below slightly stunned.

This sentence seems to be nonsense. If other people can override the rules, then we still follow them foolishly. Doesn't this mean "I am a fool, come and exploit me" written on our foreheads?

At least Chen Jin is not willing to suffer the disadvantage of being dumb. If you don't abide by it, then no one else should abide by it.

There are not a few people who think the same as him.

However, as if she knew what her classmates were thinking, Charlene continued:
"I know what many students think is, if others have privileges, then I should have them too. Why should I be inferior?"

"But what I want to tell you is that reality is not a fairy tale! Reality is not just reasonable!"

"If this world really loses its laws and becomes an animal world where the weak eat the strong, then everyone here will definitely not be the one standing at the top of the food chain and dominate the world, but will be the food to be oppressed and bullied by the strong!"

"The fact that you are sitting here now, enjoying school education and the country's welfare resources is not something you should take for granted, but is the result of countless strong people voluntarily maintaining order and balancing society!"

"I hope that no matter where you go in the martial arts in the future, you will always remember that the reason why human society can flourish depends on the passing of the fire from generation to generation! It relies on the accumulation of heritage of the entire human race! Not just It’s the warriors at the top!”

"Humanity's current crisis is far from over! The tide of beasts in the northwest plateau, the giant beasts lurking in the Pacific, and the newly discovered alien beasts on Mars. Under the surface of the flourishing human society, there is a danger of being overturned at any time!"

"Extraordinary power does not require you to bully the weak, but it requires you to create a peaceful and prosperous age for China and our human race!"

As Xia Lin's high-pitched voice fell, all the students showed excitement. The student who had spoken earlier also lowered his head and remained silent, not knowing whether it was shame or dissatisfaction.

Charlene did not continue to embarrass him, but took a deep breath and walked up to the podium and began to explain the detailed rules.

Including the "Special Laws for Warriors", "The Management of Warriors' Weapons", "Regulations on Regular Reporting for Warriors" and so on.

At the end of the class, everyone also signed a "Commitment Form Not to Abuse Force."

The destructive power of warriors is too strong, so the state monitors and restricts warriors much more strictly than ordinary people.

But even so, a large number of "criminal warriors" appear every year. This is a group of warriors who use any means to increase their strength and have no human morality. These "criminal warriors" consume a lot of the country's energy and greatly damage the social order. Stablize.

A group of "criminal warriors" came to Jiangcheng a while ago. Fortunately, they were defeated by the police and the main people involved were also arrested. Only a few gangsters are still absconding.

After the "Ideological and Moral Education Class" ended, everyone finally officially started their campus life and began to practice martial arts!
For students in the martial arts class, the curriculum is similar to that of a university, divided into compulsory and elective courses, giving students great autonomy.

Only the daily "Spiritual Power Room Training Class", "Martial Arts Theory Class" and "Modern Weapon Usage Class" are compulsory, and the others are elective.

The elective courses are also diverse, including practical "boxing introductory courses", "knife skills detailed explanation courses, firearms mastery", as well as theoretical knowledge "monster explanation courses", "wild survival courses" and so on.

This is to allow students to choose their favorite weapons and fighting methods. Of course, martial arts teachers will guide them and help them choose the most suitable development route.

"So, what weapon should I choose?"

Looking at the various courses in front of him, Chen Jin fell into thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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