Chapter 176 Raton divides the sea!

After being slapped in the face, Chang Wei felt that it was not enough.

Having done so many big scenes, I don’t mind doing another more classic scene.

"A more classic scene...a scene full of divinity..."

Chang Wei was thoughtful.

He could only think of King Aguru.

Raton was hit so hard by the millions of tons of blows that he almost wanted to pretend to be dead.

But at this moment, it felt the pulling force from the top of its head, which was so strong that it seemed to pull its head off!
"Ocean Current·Over the Shoulder!!!"

Chang Wei grabbed the horns on Laton's head with one hand. After all, this was the strongest place. Other places would probably break if a little force was applied.

This time Chang Wei's movements were too big, and humans were involuntarily attracted to him.

They saw Chang Wei smash Raton to the sea level, and Raton's body surface even melted due to rapid friction with the air from high altitude!
The moment Raton touches the sea level!

The vortex ripples constantly stirred up and down the sea level. Under this terrifying force, tens of millions of tons of seawater were stirred up, higher than the sky, as if it was about to slap into the sky. Terrifying roars and loud explosions erupted from the bottom of the sea. The deafening, deafening roar shook the clouds and tore the sky apart!
The sea as far as the eye could see and the ear could hear was stirring at this moment, and ocean currents over a thousand meters high were rising, almost threatening to break through the sky.

The next moment, at the end of the sea level, a white line spread from the horizon in the blink of an eye, spreading wildly, and the huge waves were divided into two, all the way to the end of the sight.

"The divided!!!"

It took so long for the incident to happen, enough for humans to send out high-altitude reconnaissance planes, but now the scenes captured by unmanned reconnaissance planes and reconnaissance satellites are only found in magical blockbusters, making everyone's minds buzz.

Moses parted the sea!

All they could think of was this fitting movie scene.

"Incredible, this goes against common sense in physics!"

Raton's volume and mass are very large, and the force exerted by Chang Wei is also very powerful, but it is impossible to achieve such a powerful force to separate the sea.

This is separated by hundreds of kilometers in length, and the width in the middle even reaches an incredible number of kilometers, and even the seabed of the seabed is exposed.

At this time, Raton was smashed onto the seabed.

After such a big scene, Chang Wei was finally satisfied. After all, if he continued, it would be too much. It seemed that he had to use all his methods to deal with a small Ratton.

It’s no fun if you overdo it, not to mention that fear and shock have a certain freshness. If you go too far, there will be no freshness. You need to slow down and then stimulate it again to bring more shock and fear.

Raton was dying. Even if Chang Wei saved his life, he almost died.

Then Chang Wei performed another miracle-like scene. The sunlight seemed to be gathered by him, forming a beam of light that shone on Raton's body, while other places dimmed visibly to the naked eye.

"Is this, the sunlight is concentrated?"

“But isn’t sunlight heat and light radiation?”

They saw that Laton, who looked like he was about to die, recovered like this, but this time Laton no longer dared to have any small thoughts. He lowered his head and prostrated in front of Chang Wei. Chang Wei strode towards it. head on.

Then Raton took off.Chang Wei, standing on the head of Raton, looks more like a "god". Even if he doesn't have special effects of colorful lights and brilliant lights, Raton under his feet is the best special effect!


"Gentlemen, I think we have to discuss the matter of "gods" and Titan beasts."

Chang Wei made a big scene, patted his butt and left, but the humans couldn't calm down for a long time.

It can even be said that the pot exploded.

The faction that advocates Chang Wei as a "god" is rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find information about the other party.

All mankind was temporarily unified at this moment, and began to search for Chang Wei's information.

This is not surprising, after so many years of Titan beasts raging, this is the first time to see the "Savior".

So first of all, they naturally have to figure out the identity of this "savior". Is the conflict between him and the Titans a "war between gods" or is it for "protecting mankind"?
If there are factions that advocate "gods", then naturally there will also be factions that advocate "not gods" but people with super powers.

There are many fantasy works such as science fiction movies and super power movies, but the conjecture of super powers has been recognized by more rational people.

They believe that Chang Wei is the world's first superpower. It is very likely that according to the theory of evolution, threats bring about evolution. Under the threat of the Titan beast, the long-stagnant evolution of mankind finally started again!

After all, Titans are a bigger and more difficult threat than nuclear bombs. The huge base of human beings today is incomparable to the ancient apes and primitive humans at that time. The order of magnitude difference may have taken at least hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to start. Will it be much shorter?
When technology fails, superpowers are the direction of human evolution. In the future, humans will have more superpowers!
It's a nice thought, but science has proven that this conjecture is unrealistic, and the fantasies of people with super powers are just fantasies.

"The guy codenamed [God] couldn't find a matching sample among the human data in the world."

The speed at which the whole world unites is still very impressive, especially when they don't go against the will and go against the will, but it's a pity that no matter which country it is, no information about Chang Wei can be found.

As for the low-level pariahs like India?
How is it possible? If those people had become such "gods", they would have killed all the so-called noble surnames long ago.

"Could it be that he changed his appearance, like turning into a witch..."

"Watch less superpower movies. He can't be a superpower. He has too many superpowers. Even if superpowers really exist through genetic mutation and evolution, there won't be so many gene expressions."

"It seems that the speculation about "gods" is very likely to be true. Not only the Titans have awakened, but also the ancient "gods" who have left behind legends."

"Why does "God" wake up so late?"

"Maybe He woke up a long time ago, but only showed up today?"

"I always thought the Titans were the only gods."

Professor Serizawa's current state is very different.

The scientific researchers looked at various data and analyzed them non-stop.

And soon, they made a new discovery.

"Wait, I made a new discovery!"

(End of this chapter)

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