Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 608 Heading to the Road of the Dead

Chapter 608 Heading to the Road of the Dead
  However, as a member of the Maiar, Saruman does not truly die, but his soul loses form, just like Sauron after the fall of Númenor and his overthrow by the Last Alliance.

Although he would theoretically return to Mandos, he was prohibited from returning to the West.

"Everyone standing nearby was shocked at this time, because a gray mist gathered around Saruman's body, slowly rising to the sky like smoke from a fire, like a pale figure wearing a shroud, vaguely enveloped in the water. The car. It swayed for a moment, looking to the west, but a gust of cold wind blew from the west, it bent and turned, and with a sigh, it disappeared without a trace."

Aragorn and the others were shocked, almost thinking that Saruman had risen from the dead.

"What was that just now?"

Legolas said in surprise.

"The soul of Saruman, it seems he is banished."

Chang Wei clicked his tongue and said.

Gandalf felt a little bit offended by his own kind. After all, compared to his fallen kin like the Balrog, Saruman could be said to be his friend. Although the two often fought and cursed, before Saruman fell, The relationship between them is still good, similar to that of happy enemies.

It's just that the big leader doesn't like Saruman's betrayal and corruption.

In this case, his soul can only wander powerlessly in Middle-earth, just like Sauron after the Supreme Ring was destroyed.

"This black tower will be mine from now on, and Essinger is also my territory!"

After beating the landlords, Chang Wei began to divide the land.

He spoke directly to the people of the Fellowship of the Ring and King Théoden.

No one knew what to say.

"Chang Wei, Essinger has been destroyed like this, and there are still a lot of floods and corpses. How do you plan to deal with it?"

Aragorn and the others could only say that they neither opposed nor approved of Chang Wei's occupation of Isengard.

"Find someone to handle it. It's not like there isn't anyone."

Chang Wei said.

"Wizard Chang Wei, Rohan is willing to rebuild Isengard for you."

King Théoden immediately said that Rohan has money and people!

Treebeard and the Ent tree people had something to say. They saw that Essinger had fertile soil and abundant water, and they originally planned to settle in Essinger.

"Wizard, Isengard does not belong to you, and we also want to settle here."

Treebeard said to Chang Wei.

"Yes, as long as you surrender to me, I will let you settle here."

Chang Wei said immediately.

"This is impossible!"

How could Treebeard surrender to Chang Wei, even if Chang Wei was very powerful.

At worst, they'll just move to another place.

It is impossible to fight. They have all seen how outrageous Chang Wei is. He can freeze the earth, freeze floods and so on. I heard that he can kill an army of more than [-] strong orcs with flames to collapse. Such a powerful one Wizard, after Saruman's death, I'm afraid even Gandalf is no match for him!
  In this case, Treebeard and the others can only leave.

If there was a fight, I'm afraid Chang Wei would chop him into a pile of firewood.

Changwei played with the true crystal ball on Saruman, and Gandalf was shocked when he saw it. “Chang Wei, give me that thing quickly, you can’t touch it!”

Gandalf quickly said to Chang Wei.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a crystal ball of true knowledge. Sauron has just communicated with me."

Chang Wei said with a smile.


Everyone was immediately anxious. Has Chang Wei communicated with Sauron?
  "I know that Sauron's next target is Gandalf in Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor."

Chang Wei crushed the true knowledge crystal ball in his hand, and the Hobbit Pico suddenly shouted. He had just fallen in love with this true knowledge crystal ball, but because it was in Chang Wei's hand, he didn't dare to do anything. Thoughts, but he will definitely take a look at it if he gets the chance.

Now, watching Chang Wei destroy the True Knowledge Crystal Ball, Gandalf and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but Pico was as sad as if his wife had died.

"Sauron's next target is Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor?"

Gandalf immediately looked solemn, and then he planned to ask King Théoden to send troops to support Gondor, because it was impossible for Gondor to resist the army of Mordor alone.

King Théoden refused. He had not received reinforcements from Gondor before, so he would not send troops for Gondor.

"Gandalf, if it is Gondor led by the blood of Numenor, then Rohan will definitely not forget the oath of Io!"

However, King Théoden did not say anything. He directly stated that he was very unhappy with Denethor II as the regent, so if he was still in power, Rohan's cavalry would not cross the White Mountains.

Aragorn immediately stated that he would become the king of Gondor and shoulder his responsibilities, and then the two agreed to use the beacon as a sign to re-fulfill the oath of Io.

Then everyone divided their forces and acted.

Gandalf and the son of the regent were going back to Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor. Aragorn originally wanted to go back with him, but Gandalf refused. After all, who knows what Denethor II can do, that is a power control.

So Aragorn was sent to the ways of the dead and to fend off Sauron's elite Umbar pirates.

"Chang Wei, why did Gandalf ask me to go to the Path of the Dead? There is nothing there, only horrible legends."

Aragorn was puzzled as to why Gandalf wanted to go to that place by himself, and said that he would receive reinforcements there.

He felt that if he was looking for reinforcements, he shouldn't go there.

But Gandalf kept mumbling that he would know it if he went there.

"Devi Moberg, or Ghost Mountain, is a cold mountain in the White Mountains. Gloomy pine trees grow on the slopes of Devi Moberg, and at the foot of it is a land called Dimholt The dark forest. There is an ancient road with huge boulders on both sides in Dimholt Forest. At the end of the road is a dark door opened on the wall of Devi Moberg. It is the entrance to the Road of the Dead.

The so-called Road of the Dead refers to a tunnel through the mountain that is occupied by the undead spirits of the people in the mountain. For breaking their oath, these humans were cursed by Isildur to wander forever in the mountains of Dvi Morberg, hence the mountain's name. "

Chang Wei briefly explained.

"People of the mountains? Why did my ancestors curse them?"

Aragorn was even more confused. Oath? What oath?

"The people of the mountain belong to the former Númenóreans, who are relatives of the Dunlions. The people of the mountain were originally the former Númenóreans who lived in the region of Aenaid, but during the reign of Aldarion, due to the Númenor The people cut down the forest, and the former Númenóreans became hostile to the Númenóreans. After the war between the Elves and Sauron, because the region of Aenaid was destroyed, these former Númenóreans fled to the White Mountains and became the people of the mountains. .”

Chang Wei said.

(End of this chapter)

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