Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 799 Conspiracy with father-in-law

Chapter 799 Conspiracy with father-in-law

Chang Wei has been different since he was a child.

He became sensible early and was always able to handle things by himself without requiring adults to worry too much.

His sensibleness and maturity always make his parents, Rhinedia and Chang Zheng, both happy and worried.

His character is calm and reserved, not as lively and active as other children, and he is always observing everything around him silently.

That reserved but firm temperament, although reassuring, also made her worry that he might be lacking in interacting with others.

She worried that he would be like Claude, unable to make real friends.

However, when Rhinedia heard that Chang Wei was eating at another child's house, and that she was a beautiful and cute little girl like Tifa, she suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

She seemed to see her child growing up slowly, starting to have his own social circle, and starting to understand how to get along with others.

Chang Zheng also looked at his son with a surprised look on his face, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "This boy actually knows how to pick up girls? Could it be that he has enlightened himself?"

He started playing alone and stopped trying to fit in with the boys.

He feels that he does not need their approval, he has his own world and ideas. However, when he saw little Chang Wei playing with Tifa and the others, he couldn't help but feel a sense of envy and jealousy in his heart.

Chang Wei didn't want to be their enemy, he just wanted to enjoy this simple happiness with Tifa.

Although he didn't know if the main god would change the plot, for example, Sephiroth suddenly appeared here and started killing people, or Alice saw the short-term future and came here.

Chang Wei has no idea about Alice. He only likes Tifa. Yuffie and other female characters have no interest in her, so he is relatively single-minded.

He feels that friendship between children is natural and does not require excessive interference from adults.

Alice should leave it to Claude. Anyway, he will cover his memory with Zack's things from now on.

She suggested, hoping that through communication, the relationship between Chang Wei and Tifa would become stronger.

Rhinedia looked at Chang Wei's back, smiled and said to Chang Zheng: "Dear, do you think we should find an opportunity to have a good chat with Brian and Ms. Tia?"

The other boys were dissatisfied with the addition of an opponent like Chang Wei at the tea party who could crush them, but even if they unite, they cannot be Chang Wei's opponent.

However, Chang Wei ignored their thoughts and walked straight back to his room, as if it had nothing to do with him.

After hearing this, Chang Zheng shook his head and said with a smile, "How old is this?"

The days in Niflheim Village were very ordinary, but Chang Wei felt very good recently.

He felt that Chang Wei was not much better than him, so why could he have so much fun with Tifa?

Their hearts were full of surprises and expectations, hoping that Chang Wei could truly integrate into the world and make real friends.

It's as if he only likes Esdeath.

This strengthened his belief: he didn't need the approval of those boys, he just needed to be himself and wait for his own opportunity.

He has his own world and his own ideas, and he doesn't care what others think of him or evaluate him.

Over time, the lonely and stubborn little Claude planted a barrier of self-protection in his heart: They didn't play with me just because they were too naive.

He couldn't be bothered to argue with a bunch of brats.

Little Cloud also wanted to play with Tifa, but for some reason he was always ostracized by the other boys. He tried to get close to Tifa, but was always pushed away by the boys.

The days passed until Tifa's mother Tia passed away.

The news was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Tifa, who had never lost a loved one, cried for her mother at home. She could not accept this cruel reality.

The boys surrounding her were helpless. They didn't know how to comfort the heartbroken little girl.

Chang Wei then came to comfort Tifa.

This time Brian did not stop Chang Wei. He felt that perhaps only Chang Wei could comfort Tifa at this time. Tifa raised her head and looked at Chang Wei with tearful eyes. Her voice trembled and she asked: "Chang Wei, where do you think my mother went?"

She continued: "Dad said that mother went to a place far, far away. Could it be on the other side of Mount Niebuhr?"

"Do you want to go?"

Chang Wei asked.

Tifa nodded, with a determined light in her eyes: "I want to take a look. I want to find my mother. Maybe my mother is waiting for me there."

Chang Wei took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll go with you. Let's go over Mount Niebuhr together and see the world over there."

A long-lost smile appeared on Tifa's face, and she looked at Chang Wei gratefully: "Thank you, Chang Wei. I feel much better with you by my side."

Not to be outdone, the other boys also expressed their intention to accompany Tifa.

However, Chang Wei found Brian and told him about it.

After Brian heard this, his brows furrowed and a worried look appeared on his face.

"Why are you telling me?"

Brian looked at Chang Wei in surprise, and then asked.

"Because we are all children and are very dangerous, so we need the protection of adults. Moreover, I think you have the right to know, Mr. Bryan."

Chang Wei said.

Brian was silent for a while, and then said: "You shouldn't take risks, it's too dangerous."

"So I came to tell Mr. Bryan."

Chang Wei said.

Brian looked at Chang Wei steadily.

"You should know that I might stop you."

Brian said.

"I know, so the decision lies with you, Mr. Bryan, but I think it's better to let Tifa go. This may be cruel and dangerous, but it's better than letting her see the truth. ”

Chang Wei replied.

Brian held his forehead, he didn't know what he should do. In theory, from a father's point of view, he should stop his daughter and a group of children from acting so recklessly, but he hesitated.

Because he knew very well that Chang Wei was right.

"You are really excellent, Chang Wei..."

Brian sighed.

"I will follow behind to protect you. Can you protect Tifa?"

Then he asked seriously.

"I don't know, Mr. Bryan. When the time comes, I can only see whether it is my instinctive decision or my will."

Chang Wei said with a smile.

Brian looked at Chang Wei, this kid is really outstanding beyond imagination!

"You must be careful not to make any impulsive decisions."

He sighed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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