Chapter 801 Vigil
Mr. Bryan didn't say anything after seeing the abandoned child sneaking away.

However, giving up before even walking 500 meters, this is the only limit of this kid's willpower.

He sighed secretly in his heart, children are still children after all, so we can't have too high expectations for them.

Their willpower may not be strong enough to face difficulties firmly, which is human nature.

However, Mr. Bryan also understood that this child's abandonment was not an isolated case.

Soon, the second straggler appeared. The child persisted longer, but when his feet blistered, he cried loudly in pain, and then refused to continue walking without saying anything.

Chang Wei and the others discussed it and decided to let go of the child whose feet were blistered.

After all, it's not far from the village and he can go back by himself. They can't put the entire team in trouble just because one person gives up.

Mr. Bryan also decided to take the child back to the village himself.

After returning to the village, Mr. Bryan handed the child over to his family and told them to take good care of him.

She knew that he must be in a very low mood at the moment, but she had no better way.

Listening to Chang Wei's words, little Tifa was a little shaken.

Little Claude has been silently helping to set up the tent and collect firewood.

Chang Wei said to Little Tifa and Little Cloud.

Chang Wei has been observing them silently.

The third child finally broke down.

However, she knew she couldn't give up and she had to persevere.

He didn't complain or grumble, he just paid silently.

The reason why he asked them to carry heavy objects on their backs was to limit their movement speed and prevent them from reaching the dangerous edge of the cliff like in the original plot. It now appears that his plan worked.

Their current itinerary may not even have completed one-third of the original plot. At best, it is just a simple camping trip, and it may not even be considered this.

Chang Wei had already seen through the mind of the third child. He knew that this child would sneak away in the middle of the night, but he did not expose it directly, and just observed silently.

Then, he hurriedly said goodbye and set out on the road to catch up with Chang Wei and the others again.

When he finally caught up with Chang Wei and the others, it was already evening.

His hands and feet had blisters and the pain was unbearable.

"Bonfires can not only provide lighting, but also drive away wild beasts. Most wild beasts and poisonous snakes are afraid of flames, so we need to prepare enough firewood. We cannot burn them all at once. We need to arrange for people to keep vigil and take turns adding firewood to keep the bonfire burning."

She originally thought it was just a casual adventure, but she didn't expect it to be so complicated and difficult.

Seeing how tired the third child was, little Tifa walked over to comfort him.

He saw Chang Wei and the others setting up a tent in a safe place, preparing to spend the night.

She was so exhausted that she just wanted to fall asleep.

"We're going to prepare a bonfire,"

He had been walking for a day with a heavy bag on his back. He originally thought he would be able to take a rest at night, but unexpectedly, he still had to set up a tent in a hurry.

Little Claude also seemed a little at a loss, but he didn't say anything and just silently followed Chang Wei's instructions.

When you don't know what to do, it's right to listen to Chang Wei's words.

"Let's go back,"

said the third child suddenly.

"There is no way we can reach the other side of Mount Niebuhr."

His voice was full of exhaustion and desperation.

He seemed to be trying to evade his responsibilities by convincing everyone to give up. However, Chang Wei did not respond to him and just continued to eat silently.

Little Tifa and Little Cloud didn't speak either, they were both thinking about their choices.

At this time, Little Tifa finally spoke.

She looked at Chang Wei, hoping to get an answer from him.

"Chang Wei..."

"Should I keep going?"

She asked, after all, Chang Wei is the smartest person here, and the experience during this period has made Tifa dependent on Chang Wei.

Chang Wei looked at her, was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know. I only know that if you want to persist, I will always be by your side."

His words made little Tifa feel a sense of warmth and courage.

She knew that she was not alone and that Chang Wei was by her side to support her.

Little Claude also nodded and said dryly: "Me too."

Although his words were simple, they were full of firmness and determination.

"Thank you, Chang Wei, Claude, and Reid."

Little Tifa said gratefully.

"I will definitely stick to it."

Chang Wei looked at her with a smile and said, "This is what I should do."

They quickly agreed upon the order of the vigil.

Little Tifa volunteered to be the first to stay vigil. She felt that this was her own business and she must bear it bravely and not escape. Chang Wei and Little Claude also expressed support for her decision.

As night falls, the bonfire sways in the darkness.

Little Tifa sat by the campfire, watching her surroundings warily. Although she felt a little scared and alone, she knew she had to persevere. She thought of Chang Wei's words and felt a surge of courage in her heart.

Time passed quickly, and it was midnight in a blink of an eye. Little Tifa felt a little sleepy, but she persisted. She told herself that she could not give up or let everyone down.

Just then, she suddenly heard a slight noise.

She immediately stood up alertly and looked around. She saw the third child quietly leave the tent and walk away.

Little Tifa was shocked. Chang Wei had anticipated this situation, and Chang Wei secretly told her not to stop the other party from leaving.

She hesitated for a moment, then decided to follow him and take a look. She followed the third child quietly, keeping a certain distance.

The third child didn't seem to know that he was being followed. He walked forward as if he was looking for something. Little Tifa secretly guessed that he might want to sneak away and go back to his original place.

However, little Tifa didn't stop him.

She understands that everyone has their own choices and decisions. She just hopes that the third child can leave safely and not encounter any danger again.

She quietly returned to camp and continued her vigil.

She knows that no matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, she will persevere.

Because she has Chang Wei by her side.

Then little Claude got up to take over. He was a little sleepy, and then he realized that one person was missing.

But he understood what was going on, so he didn't say anything and remained silent.

Chang Wei took over in the second half of the night.

Brian appeared at this moment and sat next to the campfire.

(End of this chapter)

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