Chapter 837 Copy

The feeling of comfort and tranquility made him feel like he was in a pure world. As time went by, he could clearly feel that his body was gradually regaining strength.

"This feeling..." Genesis muttered.

"It seems like he's really recovering."

Dante looked at the surprised expression on his face and said with a smile: "Yes, exposure to divine light can indeed give you new vitality. However, it should be noted that this recovery is not permanent. It is only temporarily suppressed. The activity of the Jenova cells is maintained so that you can maintain a normal state for a period of time. Therefore, you need to continue to receive our treatment and observation after the mission is completed."

Genesis nodded, understanding. He knows that this mission is the key to regaining his freedom and power. He will go all out to complete it, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead.

With the help of divine light, Genesis's physical condition gradually improved. He began to conduct various trainings to prepare for the upcoming mission.

Then, Genesis went to Wutai without hesitation.

On the other hand, Shinra Company also learned about Genesis's disappearance and judged it as a betrayal of Shinra Company.

However, Shinra Company no longer cares about Genesis's betrayal.

Because they have someone better, whether it's Chang Wei or Sephiroth, or Zack, Cloud, or Angel, no one is better than Genesis.

More importantly, Dr. Hojo also showed them a copy of Genesis.

Those Genesises lying in the culture tank one by one made the executives of Shinra Company very satisfied.

They have already mastered such force, so there is really no need to care about the life and whereabouts of a mere Genesis.

Only Angel, a good friend of Genesis, was very worried about his friend.

Although he knew that Genesis had gone to the Imperial Company.

But Angel will also worry about whether Genesis is doing well in the Imperial Company, whether he sleeps well, how he eats, and whether the Imperial Company will accept him?

Is the Imperial Company capable of curing him?

At this time, "a large number of missing Shinra soldiers" occurred in Wutai.

The Wutai mentioned here is a remote country located in the northwest of Midgar. It is the hometown of the female ninja and Yufei in the game.

Chang Wei has no interest in Yuffie Kisaragi. The female ninja is only interested in red leaves, so naturally he has no idea of ​​​​encountering Yuffie Kisaragi. In this world, one Tifa is enough. Others can only be said to be okay, but there is no Ideas for developing relationships.

After all, Chang Wei's demand in this area is not high. It was like this before, let alone now.

After a thoughtful meeting, the executives of Shinra Corporation came up with a bold plan.

They decided to send a special group of clones to perform the mission. This group included clones of Genesis, clones of Zack, and clones of Angel and Cloud.

Their purpose was to witness with their own eyes the combat power contained in these clones in order to evaluate their potential as a combat force.

Dr. Hojo expressed great interest in this plan and readily accepted it.

Although the clone project was originally led by Dr. Holland, Dr. Hojo has now taken over his position and is the actual person in charge of the project.

In the original plot, the reason why Dr. Hojo is not interested in the clone project is because he is powerful enough.

Now, Shinra Corporation is facing unprecedented challenges.

The Imperial Company, a powerful competitor, has posed a serious threat to the position of Shinra Company.

In this case, Shinra Company urgently needs to improve its combat effectiveness to deal with possible conflicts. The clone technology is a new trump card in their hands.

However, for Dr. Hojo, the clone project is only one part of his many research plans. His real goal is to create a transcendent body.

This is a more powerful organism with powers and abilities beyond those of ordinary humans.

If we can successfully create a transcendent body that surpasses Sephiroth or Chang Wei, then the Shinra Company will not be afraid of any challenges, and the Imperial Company will no longer be a threat.

the other side.

Once Genesis arrived at her destination, she took action without hesitation.

He destroyed the local Mako Reactor, an important facility that provides energy to the Shinra Corporation.

His actions resulted in the death of a large number of Shinra soldiers and put the Shinra Company under unprecedented pressure.

Genesis did not feel any pleasure or satisfaction from killing, he only had deep hatred for Shinra Corporation in his heart.

The reason why he became such a monster was because of the experiments of those hateful scientists from Shinra Corporation. They implanted the cells of alien creatures into their bodies, turning themselves into alien creatures in ignorance.

However, Genesis was unwilling to accept such a fate.

He wants to be a real person, not a monster to be manipulated and controlled.

He chose to cooperate with the Imperial Corporation, hoping to use their power to fight against the Shinra Corporation and seek justice for himself and other victims.

He longs to break free from this bondage and rediscover his humanity.

From the Imperial Company, he learned the truth about the Shinra Company and saw the possibility of his future.

Genesis plans to bring Angel into the Imperial Company to help the Imperial Company completely eliminate the Shinra Company.

Otherwise, what if there is a problem with the Jenova cells in Angel's body one day?
He probably can't accept such heavy facts and truth, right?

Genesis soon saw Angel, but he didn't know that Angel was a clone.

So when he went up to say hello, he was judged as an enemy by Angel's clone, and other clones also appeared.

"How is this going?"

Genesis looked at his other self across from him in disbelief.

"Hello, my true body."

Genesis' clone said hello.

After the clone appeared, Chang Wei also received a reminder from the Lord God about the number of reward points and side plots for killing the clone.

For other reincarnations, this task may be difficult and it is their only chance to make money.

Otherwise, are we going to attack Genesis and Angel's bodies?

Except for the Shinra Special Forces, the other targets are not very valuable.

But Chang Wei naturally doesn't care about this kind of thing, and he can't hunt clones just for reward points and side plots.

"I see, did Shinra Company copy me and Angel?"

Genesis understood.

(End of this chapter)

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