Chapter 845 Immortal Torture

Genesis opened his eyes and felt as if his body was being torn apart.

This feeling is not a simple psychological illusion, but a real physiological reaction.

His flesh and blood tissue is undergoing deformation. This is due to the cell-level regeneration ability brought by the Emperor Virus, which is frantically regenerating and repairing necrotic cells and body tissues.

At the same time, Jenova cells were doing the same job, and the two started a fierce battle in Genesis's body.

Monarch virus and Jenova cells are highly complex organisms, each with unique genetic sequences and biological properties.

Within Genesis, the two organisms competed with each other, trying to dominate.

This competition resulted in chaos at the cellular level, causing Genesis's body to repeatedly shed and regenerate flesh.

Applying knowledge of biology and chemistry to explain, this process involves complex biochemical reactions and cell signaling.

The proliferation and repair process of the Emperor Virus and Jenova cells require a large amount of energy and material support, which causes Genesis's body to have an abnormally strong metabolism and produce a large amount of heat and metabolic waste.

At the same time, disordered cell signals also lead to severe twitching and pain in the body.

If Genesis's body is viewed as a complex biological system, then the conflict between the Monarch virus and the Jenova cells is like a malfunction or anomaly within the system.

This conflict caused his body to seem to be trapped in a never-ending cycle, constantly repeating the process of shedding and regeneration.

Every regeneration is accompanied by severe pain and endless torture.

After all, Genesis's pain-sensing nerves have not yet died, and because his metabolism is too fast, even anesthetics cannot be used. It is no different from hell to him.

From the perspective of genetic technology and biotechnology, Genesis's body is like a battlefield, and the Emperor Virus and Jenova cells are like two armies, constantly engaged in fierce battles.

This kind of fighting not only caused cell damage and necrosis, but also caused Genesis's immune system to fall into chaos, unable to effectively fight this internal conflict.

On the operating table, time seemed to slow down extremely slowly.

Every second is filled with endless waiting and anxiety.

The medical team nervously observed Genesis's vital signs, their faces full of worry and helplessness.

Genesis's face was covered with sweat, and his body began to shake uncontrollably. He struggled to stay awake, but the scene in front of him began to blur.

Suddenly, a sharp pain spread throughout his body.

He couldn't help but let out a scream. The medical team immediately gathered around nervously, and Dante and Nero also rushed to the operating table.

They looked at Genesis's painful expression, and their hearts were filled with helplessness and anxiety.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Dante asked anxiously.

"It's a rejection reaction!"

The chief doctor of the medical team replied with a pale face.

"Genesis's body has strongly rejected the Emperor virus! We need to take measures immediately!"

From a biological perspective, this rejection reaction can be understood as an attack by the immune system on foreign matter.

Although the Emperor Virus has strong regenerative capabilities, it is a foreign substance after all and is a threat to Genesis's body.

Therefore, the immune system activates defense mechanisms to try to clear the virus out. However, this rejection also increases physical pain and damage.

The medical team acted quickly. They began to adjust the dose and speed of virus injection in an attempt to ease Genesis's pain. However, the situation has not improved.

Genesis's body began to undergo abnormal changes. His skin became pale and transparent, and his blood vessels seemed to burst.

His heartbeat became weaker and weaker, and his breathing became shorter and shorter.

"No! He will die if this continues!"

Nero said anxiously.

"We must stop the experiment!"

Dante also realized the seriousness of the situation. He understood that if it continued, Genesis would probably not be able to survive this.

However, the chief doctor shook his head.

"It's too late to stop now."

He said in a deep voice.

"The conflict between the Emperor Virus and the Jenova Cells has reached its peak. We must persist, otherwise Genesis will have no hope."

He explained that from the perspective of applied biology and chemistry, the conflict between Monarch virus and Jenova cells is a complex biochemical process.

These two forces interacted within Genesis's body, producing a large number of biochemical reactions.

These reactions not only led to cell damage and necrosis, but also produced a large amount of toxins and waste products, further exacerbating Genesis's condition.

The medical team continued to increase the amount of virus injected and took various measures to stabilize Genesis's vital signs.

They used principles of applied biology to try to balance the conflict between the two forces by adjusting the pH, temperature and nutrient concentration of the cell environment.

At the same time, they also used chemical and engineering methods to design devices that can accurately control the amount and speed of virus injection.

"The good news is that with the Emperor Virus and Jenova cells, it will be difficult for Genesis to die."

"The bad news is that Genesis is probably worse off than dead right now."

After a heated discussion between the scientific researchers and the medical team, the body tissue that Genesis lost was enough to make up five or six Genesis.

This can't continue like this. Even if there is a life support system, the rate of energy replenishment can no longer keep up with the rate of consumption.

And if the divine light is irradiated at this time... the emperor virus and Jenova cells will become active again.

At this critical moment, the chief doctor suddenly thought of a possible solution.

He quickly convened team members to discuss using a new bioengineering technology to stabilize the symbiotic state of the two cells.

"We can try to use gene editing technology to adjust the gene expression of the Monarch virus and Jenova cells so that they can reach a balanced state in Genesis's body."

The chief doctor offered his thoughts.

The medical team took action immediately. They used the latest gene editing technology to start finely adjusting the genes of the two cells.

This is a complex and dangerous process, and a little carelessness may lead to Genesis's death. However, they have no other choice.

After several hours of hard work, the medical team finally succeeded in stabilizing the symbiotic state of the two cells. Genesis's body gradually stopped twitching and shaking, and his breathing and heartbeat returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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